Building and Expanding Gorenje Through the Years
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1 • Building and expanding Gorenje through the years
1950 Blacksmith's workshop, Gorenje, 1969 Refrigerator factory, Velenje, Gorenje enters the Ukrainian Slovenia. Slovenia. market.
Gorenje enters the Slovenian, 1970 New stove plant, Velenje, 1971 Interior Equipment factory, Serbian, Bosnian and Slovenia. Velenje, Slovenia. Herzegovian, Croatian and Electronics factory (1970-1991), Gorenje enters the markets of Macedonian market. Velenje, Slovenia. Czech Republic, Denmark, 1958 Solid fuel stove plant, Gorenje, France, and Italy. Chrommetal plant (today Slovenia. Toolmaking Plant and 1972 Freezer plant, Velenje, Slovenia. 1960 Electric and gas stove plant, Procurement), Velenje, Slovenia. Central warehouse, Velenje, Velenje, Slovenia. Small appliances factory (1970- Slovenia. 1961 Gorenje enters the German 1994), Nazarje, Slovenia. Process equipment plant (today market. Integration of Lesna (1970- Toolmaking Plant), Velenje, 1964 Stove plant, Velenje, Slovenia. 1976), Šoštanj, Slovenia. Slovenia.
1965 Gorenje enters the Austrian Electromotors and aggregate Tools and farming equipment market. plant Gorenje Sever (1970- plant Gorenje Muta (1971- 1978), Subotica, Serbia. 1989), Muta, Slovenia. 1967 Washing machine factory, Velenje, Slovenia.
2 Gorenje enters the Czech Welding machines factory Aluminium radiator factory Republik, Denmark, French and Gorenje Varstroj (1974-1991), Gorenje Mural (1976-1990), Italian market. Lendava, Slovenia. Mursko Središče, Slovenia.
1972 Freezers plant, Velenje, Slovenia. Plastics, sanitary equipment, Gorenje enters the markets of galvanization and metallization Great Britain and USA. Central storehouse, Velenje, factory Gorenje Metalplast Slovenia. 1977 Freezer chest plant, Velenje, (1974-1993), Ruše, Slovenia. Slovenia. Procesna oprema (‘Process Heating appliances factory equipment’) plant, Velenje, New small appliances plant (1974-1984), Sombor, Serbia. Slovenia. (1977-1994), Nazarje, Slovenia. Kitchen furniture factory Metal products factory Gorenje Assortment warehouse, Velenje, Gorenje Petar Drapšin (1974- Fecro (1972-1991), Slovenj Slovenia. 1986), Kikinda, Serbia. Gradec, Slovenia. Electronics plant (1977-1992), 1975 Galvanization plant and waste 1973 Aerial and high frequency Ptuj, Slovenia. water treatment plant, Velenje, instruments factory Gorenje Slovenia. 1978 Integration of Tiki, Ljubljana, Elrad (1973-1989), Gornja Slovenia. Radgona, Slovenia. Gorenje enters the Slovakian market. Acquisition of Körting (1978- 1974 Ceramic tile factory, Gorenje, 1983), Bavaria, Germany. Slovenia. 1976 Condenser plant, Rogatec, Slovenia. Kitchen equipment plant (1978- Gorenje Servis (Service) unit, 2007), Freistadt, Austria. Velenje, Slovenia.
3 Agricultural machinery plant 1984 Plastics plant, Velenje, Slovenia. 1988 Gorenje enters the Swedish (1978-1979), Lagos, Nigeria. market. 1985 Sheet metal cutting plant with Gorenje Hellas (1978-1983), warehouse, Velenje, Slovenia. 1989 Hall for sanding and lacquer Athens, Greece. removal from hangers, Velenje, Electromotors factory Gorenje Slovenia. Wood industry Gorenje Glin Elektromotori (1985-1993), (1978-1993), Nazarje, Slovenia. Djakovica, Serbia. 1990 Gorenje enters the markets of Albania and Egypt. 1979 Compressor factory (1979- Gorenje enters the markets of 1992), Črnomelj, Slovenia. Cyprus, Malta, and Hong Kong. 1991 Gorenje enters the market of Poland. Gorenje enters the Greek 1986 Gorenje enters the market of market. Netherlands. 1992 Prototype workshops, Velenje, Slovenia. 1980 Gorenje enters the markets of 1987 Compressor factory, Bistrica ob Bulgaria, Romania, Algeria, Iraq, Sotli, Slovenia. 1993 Gorenje enters the Swiss and Iran. market. Programming unit factory (1987- 1981 Machine industry Gorenje MIV 1997), Slovenska Bistrica, 1994 Kitchen equipment plant, (1981-1989), Vranje, Slovenia. Slovenia. Prague, Czech Republic.
Gorenje enters the markets of Refrigerator-freezer high-bay 1995 Gorenje enters the markets of Finland, Hungary, Russia, and warehouse, Velenje, Slovenia. Ireland and Lithuania. Australia. Refrigerator factory Gorenje Bira 1996 Gorenje enters the market of 1982 Gorenje enters the Canadian (1987-1993), Bihač, Bosnia and Iceland. market. Herzegovina. 4 1997 Gorenje enters the markets of Gorenje enters the market of Gorenje enters the market of Norway and Spain. Latvia. Kazakhstan.
1998 Gorenje enters the Belgian 2003 Navis high-bay warehouse, 2005 Exhibition and sales centre, market. Velenje, Slovenia. Velenje, Slovenia.
2000 Gorenje enters the market of Commercial-distribution centre, Acquisition of cooking appliance Israel and the Palestinian Zagreb, Croatia. factory Mora Moravia, Territories. Marianske Udoli, Czech Acquisition of Glin Nazarje, Republic. 2001 New refrigerator factory, Nazarje, Slovenia. Velenje, Slovenia. Gorenje enters the Chinese Gorenje enters the markets of market. New hall housing the Chile, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, galvanization plant and and South Korea. 2006 Refrigerator-freezer factory, mechanical component Valjevo, Serbia. 2004 MEKOM plant at Gorenje I.P.C., manufacturing, Velenje, Šoštanj, Slovenia. Gorenje enters the markets of Slovenia. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Sales-distribution centre, Gorenje enters the Estonian United Arab Emirates, Budapest, Hungary. market. Singapore, Turkmenistan, and Business-distribution centre, Uzbekistan. 2002 Styrofoam packaging plant Podgorica, Montenegro. Gorenje I.P.C., Velenje, Slovenia. 2007 Gorenje Indop plant, Šoštanj, Trade-distribution centre, Slovenia. Kitchen furniture plant, Sarajevo Ljubljana, Slovenia. (2002-2005), Bosnia and Gorenje interior equipment Herzegovina. factory, Maribor, Slovenia. 5 Gorenje Tiki factory, Stara Business-distribution centre cooking appliances and ironing Pazova, Serbia. Belgrade, Serbia. systems factory Asko, Lahti, Finland. Gorenje enters the market of Kitchen furniture plant (2008- Turkey. 2009), Kiev, Ukraine. Gorenje enters the markets of Brazil, Angola and Moldova. 2008 Major appliance and Gorenje enters the markets of complementary program Bahrain, Kirghizstan, and warehouse, Velenje, Slovenia. Tajikistan.
Acquisition of Atag, Duiven, 2009 Gorenje enters the markets of Netherlands. Qatar, Mongolia, Taiwan, and Thailand. Business-distribution centre Stožok, Slovakia. 2010 Acquisition of washing, drying and dishwashing machines Business-distribution centre factory Asko, Vara, Sweden and Warsaw, Poland. • Milestones in technological development and professional awards for innovation
1958 Production of solid fuel stoves Introduction of 515 mm wide 1967 Introduction of 4.5 kilogram launched. cookers. load, 400/500 rpm, and enamel- coated washing machine tub. 1960 First electric and gas cookers / 1965 Washing machine production stoves. launched.
6 1974 Introduction of dishwashing Golden Plaque RAST YU '85 for Josef Stefan Institute Plaque for appliances. integrated kitchen M – 006. development of medicine electronics and robotics. 1975 Introduction of 600 mm wide 1986 Gorenje receives commendation cookers. for successful implementation 1989 Golden plaque RAST YU '89 for and motivation of innovation. the 1037 washing machine. 1977 Introduction of built-in oven with a conventional heating 1987 Commendation for successful 1990 50 % decrease of ozone- system. implementation and motivation depleting CFC greenhouse gases of innovation. in refrigerator production. 1978 Introduction of 500 mm wide cookers with a hanging oven Golden Plaque RAST YU '87 for a Golden plaque RAST YU '90 for attached to the cooker sides. collection of three welding technology of soldering cooling machines Gorenje Varstroj. aggregates and sheet metal 1979 Introduction of super combined housings in refrigerator-freezers. 900 mm wide cookers. Silver Plaque RAST YU '87 for Gorenje Muta hay rake. Silver plaque RAST YU '90 for 1981 Introduction of fan and multi- Freon (CFC) suction device. system oven. 1988 Introduction of evacuation dryers. Boris Kidrič Award for inventions Introduction of washing machine and improvements. with 800/1000 rpm spinning Golden plaque RAST YU '88 for cycle. immobilization of waste enamel 1992 Laundry dryer production in cement. launched. 1985 Introduction of built-in refrigerator freezers. Silver plaque RAST YU '88 for 1993 Introduction of cookers with procedure of enamel coating glass ceramic hobs. with self-cleaning enamel. 7 Introduction of refrigerators Production of 600 mm wide 1999 Introduction of 1600 rpm without ozone-depleting CFC glass ceramic cooking hobs washing machines with greenhouse gases. launched. ProLogical technology.
Introduction of 600 mm wide Domexpo golden medal for the Introduction of new generation cookers with glass ceramic WA 1402 washing machine. cooking appliances with cooking hob. TouchControl operated cooker 1997 Simple&logical washing machine and oven. "Idea" golden plaque for mould with electronic touch control. for shaping refrigerator cells. Domexpo golden medal for Golden Forma Tool Medal - for Simple&logical built-in oven. "Idea" silver plaque for tact joint tools used to manufacture the transporter. mechanism for lifting car Formatool golden plaque for windows. combined tool used for 1994 Production of mini kitchens manufacturing automobile oil launched. 1998 Introduction of condenser filters. laundry dryers. 1995 Introduction of washing 2000 Technological update of washing machines with 1500 rpm Introduction of washing machine production. spinning cycle. machines with 5 kg capacity. 2001 Introduction of slide opening, 1996 Introduction of 400 mm wide Introduction of electronic floating hinges and self-closing cookers. appliance control. hinges in refrigeration Introduction of electronic Domexpo golden medal for appliances. washing machine control – Simple&logical washing 2002 Introduction of new generation FuzzyLogic. machine. built-in appliances
8 Touch the Future – connectible Innovation Award presented by Get Connected Product of the appliances. the Slovenian Chamber of Year Award - Gorenje Commerce and Industry. Pininfarina. 2003 Innovation Award by the Slovenian Chamber of 2005 Introduction of induction 2007 Introduction of SterilTub feature Commerce and Industry. cookers, SliderTouch cooker in washing machines. control, and 300 wide built-in 2004 Introduction of new generation Introduction of 540 mm wide cooking hobs. SmarTable – a washing machines with UseLogic refrigerator freezers. table with fully integrated sensor technology, lower water remotely controlled refrigerator Nomination for Le Grand Prix de consumption of 39 L, 6 and 7 concealed in the table support / l'Innovation – SmarTable. kilogram load, 2000 rpm foot. spinning speed, A+AA class, Innovation Award by the plastic tubs, TouchControl; and Silver Forma Tool Medal - for Slovenian Chamber of introduction of Slim washing tools used in manufacturing car Commerce and Industry. machines. binding elements. Golden Forma Tool Medal – tool Introduction of new generation Innovation Award by the for manufacturing the car motor refrigerator freezers, width 600 Slovenian Chamber of support. mm, with sensor-operated Commerce and Industry. temperature control, Bronze Forma Tool Medal - for 2006 Hevreka!06 Award for the best Zero'n'Fresh, No Frost, A++ the tool used for manufacturing entrepreneurial idea – technology, and TouchControl. plastic handles of RM 60 SmarTable. refrigerators.
2008 Introduction of new generation cooking appliances with 9 DirecTouch oven control and Innovation Award by the Get Connected Product of the HomeMade – innovative oven Slovenian Chamber of Year Award – fridge-freezer shape. Commerce and Industry. Retro collection.
Introduction of interactive Get Connected Product of the technology for iPod. Year Award for the Gorenje Pure built-in oven. Introduction of new generation built-in appliances. Production of pyrolisis ovens launched in Velenje. Innovation Award by the Slovenian Chamber of 2011 Introduction of control modules Commerce and Industry. EPM2.1 – iChef modules – with advanced technology of sliding 2009 Introduction of the new touch control. induction. Production of hoods launched in Golden Forma Tool Medal – tool cooking appliances factory Mora used for manufacturing the front Moravia in Czech Republic. panel DYNAMIC NG 603. Golden Forma Tool Medal – for Innovation Award by the the transfer metal shaping tool. Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Silver Forma Tool Medal – for the washing machine door 2010 Introduction of a steam program frame injection tool. in laundry dryers.
10 • Milestones in Gorenje design, and professional awards
1963 Marjan Dvorak is the first 1980 Pursuing a vision of upgrading 1990 Cooperation with Pininfarina designer to join Gorenje. the Design Centre into an Design Studio commenced. Institute, the management of 1971 Design Centre established, 1991 Kristal '91 (Crystal '91) Award for the Centre is assumed by Janez headed by Ciril Cesar. Design – bathroom program and Smerdelj. ceramic tiles. 1979 Honorary Award at the Biennial 1986 Integrated kitchen M – 006, of Industrial Design 8 – 1996 ICOGRADA EXCELENCE AWARD, Golden Key for design and integrated bathroom fixtures for Biennial of Industrial Design 15 – innovation. Gorenje TGO bathrooms. Simple&logical washing machine. 11 1997 Birth of the vision of design- development project "Touch the Introduction of the new Gorenje mindedness with the future". Pininfarina line. Simple&logical washing 2003 Introduction of the distinctive 2006 ICSID EXCELLENCE AWARD, machine. Alux line with stainless steel Bienale of Industrial Design 20 – DIDA, Delo Industrial Design finish. Gorenje Pininfarina refrigerator Award - Simple&logical washing freezer. 2004 Introduction of new generation machine. washing machines and dryers Plus X Award TM 2006 – Gorenje 1999 Birth of distinctively designed with the distinctive design Pininfarina refrigerator freezer. Gorenje Old Timer refrigerator- featuring inward bending The Designer Manufacturer's freezers (concave) lines / side walls. Award – Gorenje Pininfarina 2000 Birth of the first high-end Plus X Award TM 2004 – line. designer line: Gorenje Premium Touch washing "Golden Link" (Zlata vez) Design Pininfarina. machine and dryer. Award – Delta Multicolor Introduction of new generation 2005 Birth of the study on the kitchen. cooking appliances with the SmarTable. Introduction of refrigerator distinctive "Smile" design. Plus X Award TM 2005 – freezers Gorenje with 2002 Study on connectible appliances Premium refrigerator freezer. CRYSTALLIZED™ - Swarovski "Touch the future". Elements. Red Dot Design Award 2005 - ICSID EXCELLENCE AWARD, Premium Touch washing Introduction of SmarTable with Biennial of Industrial Design 18 – machine and dryer. fully integrated remote
12 controlled refrigerator Introduction of Gorenje Introduction of Gorenje concealed in the table foot. Pininfarina line in black colour - Simplicity collection. Gorenje Pininfarina Black. 2007 Plus X Award TM 2007 – Introduction of cooking refrigerator freezer Gorenje with "Good Concept" (Dobra zasnova) appliances collection Gorenje CRYSTALLIZED™ - Swarovski Award, Biennial of Industrial designed by Karim Rashid. Elements. Design 21 – conceptual project 2010 Red Dot Design Award 2010 - White Qube. Observer Design 08 Public Atag Magna HG971MX gas Award – SmarTable. "Golden Link" (Zlata vez) Design cooker. Award – conceptual project Introduction of Gorenje Ora-Ïto Study of sofa with completely Compact XL kitchen. Black designer line and birth of integrated fridge - SmarSofa. the futuristic kitchen. Wallpaper Choice - Gorenje Ora- Plus X Award TM 2010 – washing Ïto Black generation. Study on White Qube and Black machine Gorenje Simplicity Qube designer lines – idea of Plus X Award TM 2008 - Gorenje Light. fully freestanding home Ora-Ïto Black oven. Introduction of the jubilee line appliances. Study of design hob Mrs. Gorenje Simplicity Moonlight 2008 Gorenje Design Centre Dalloway - Gorenje designed by launched at the Gorenje’s 60th transformed into an Nika Zupanc. anniversary. independent company Gorenje 2009 Introduction of Ora-Ïto White Introduction of Gorenje Design Studio. collection. Pininfarina line in steel appearance - Gorenje Pininfarina Plus X Award TM 2009 - Gorenje Steel. Premium BO 8750 AX oven. 13 Good Industrial Design Award – Red Dot Design Award 2011 – four Atag cooking appliances. glass ceramic gas hob Atag Magna. 2011 Introduction of new brand Gorenje+. Red Dot Design Award 2011 – three Asko Classic washing Red Dot Design Award 2011 – machines. control module iChef+.
• Milestones in Gorenje Environmental protection, and professional awards
use of hazardous refrigerants, 1996 Introduction of closed water propellant gasses and blowing circle in production. 1975 The first waste water treatment agents in production of 1997 Best Environmental Product of plant at Gorenje. refrigerator freezers. the year in Slovenia - 1987 Petroleum fuels substituted with 1994 Gorenje abandons the cyanide Simple&logical washing gas at Gorenje. galvanisation procedure. machine.
1993 Best energy efficient products in 1998 Accession to CECED (European Slovenia - washing machines Committee of Domestic Gorenje. Equipment Manufacturers), an 1995 Best Environmental Product of organization representing the Gorenje is the first manufacturer the year in Slovenia – new interests of European domestic in Europe to first reduce and generation of refrigeration- equipment manufacturers. then completely abandon the freezing appliances. 14 Best Workplace Arrangement European Business Award for Award. the Environment.
2003 Best Environmental Company in Best Environmental Product of Introduction of environment Slovenia. the year in Slovenia - washing friendly dust enamelling in machines and driers. production. Implementation of requirements of the Waste Electrical and 2005 EMAS award in the category of 1999 Launch of products rated in the Electronic Equipment (WEEE) large companies. A energy class. Directive (2002/96/EC) and the 2006 Award of the Environmental Best Environmental Product of Restriction on the Use of certain Agency of the Republic of the year in Slovenia - Gorenje Hazardous Substances in Slovenia and the Eco-Fund of the cookers. Electrical and Electronic Republic of Slovenia for Equipment (RoHS) Directive. 2000 ISO 14001 Environmental international environmental Management Systems certificate Environment Protection Report, partnership. awarded. complete with a validated EMAS TESAW Award for energy statement. 2001 Best Environmental Company in efficiency, awarded for Slovenia. 2004 The first major appliance evacuation driers in Australia. manufacturer to be entered into Waterwise Award for efficient 2002 Best Environmental Company in the EMAS register. Slovenia. use of water in Great Britain - In-house plastics and Premium Touch washing Most energy-efficient company polystyrene foam plant (waste machine. in Slovenia. material is recycled – fed back into the production process). 15 Production of appliances Gorenje in the advanced eco compliant with the RoHS houses. directive. First by energy efficiency - 2007 Obtained all currently effective Gorenje Slim washing machine. permits and reached full Nomination for ecology-oriented compliance with relevant company in Slovenia. legislation (Integrated Pollution Prevention Control – IPPS 2010 Grüner Stecker Award – Gorenje Directive) by the year 2012 with Retro refrigerator-freezer. existing technological processes. Gorenje’s Own Solar Power Best Environmental Company in Plant. Slovenia. Gorenje Surovina introduced a Award by the German institute production line for Öko-Institut E.V., presented as a manufacturing solid fuel from part of the EcoTopTen initiative, waste production line. for energy class A++ tabletop refrigerators in Germany. New European energy label for fridge-freezers, washing 2008 Federation of German Consumer machines and dishwashers. Organisations (VZBV) ranks Gorenje slim washing machine 2011 Best Eco Washing Machine – first by energy efficiency. washing machine Gorenje WA60125. Initiative Ecofamily. 16