Glendale Town Board Meeting
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Glendale Town Board Meeting Glendale Town Corp
November 15, 2016
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at: 6:59 pm by Mayor Spencer. Mayor Spencer thanked folks for coming and introduced the Mayor and Council elect in the audience.
Present: those attending were: Mayor Spencer, Jarad Brinkerhoff, Lorraine Chamberlain, Deone Baird, Don Davis, Mike Chamberlain, Ellen Lamb, Lance Brinkerhoff, Candice Brinkerhoff, Jim Brick, Dee Dee Brick, Lois Corson, David Maxwell and Kelly Lamb.
Minutes: The minutes from Regular Board Meeting: October 26, 2017 were reviewed. Deone Baird made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Don Davis. All voted YES. Motion PASSED.
Bills: The bills were presented for payment. One item was corrected. Donald Davis made a motion to approve bills. Motion seconded by Deone Baird. All voted YES. Motion PASSED.
Mayor Spencer recapped the Water project 2017 phase 1 preconstruction meeting held Nov14, 2017. Attending were representatives from USDA, Jones & DeMIlle engineering and the contractor: Jackson Excavating, as well as Glendale representatives and newly elected officials. Of concern to Mayor Spencer is the fact that the contractor does not want to start project until February or March. Weather is a bigger concern in those months. It was stated that the water levels and river runoff will be a detriment at that time of year. Snow and cold are concerns also. Mayor Spencer explained there is a penalty if the contractor does not have project finished in 75 days from starting. He encouraged the new Mayor to impose penalty if needed. The river crossing would be best done now, but no one could sway the contractor. Floor opened for discussion. Opinions and discussion reflected the Mayor’s comments.
Christmas Decorations: Lorraine Chamberlain presented size options and pricing for new bigger Christmas decorations. Lorraine also stated that by waiting to purchase in mid January all decorations will be 40 % off. This will be a substantial savings. The lights will be LED and she is looking at 4’ to 7’ decorations. There are a variety from candy canes, snowflakes etc. to choose from. Don Davis asked about storing decorations. Ms Chamberlain stated the town could also purchase a steel storage box to ship and store them in. It will be approximately $600 for the box. The Mayor and Mike discussed storing the box in the maintenance shed at ballpark. The Mayor suggested buying the steel box. Lorraine Chamberlain made a motion to purchase Christmas Decorations using Apple Festival funds not to exceed $7000.00, including the steel storage box. Motion seconded by Don Davis. Roll call VOTE: Jarad Brinkerhoff: YES, Lorraine Chamberlain: YES, Dan Spencer: YES, Deone Baird: YES, Don Davis: YES. Motion PASSED.
Jim Brick expressed concern over lack of a city- wide communication system to alert or inform every resident including Lydia’s Canyon of emergencies, meeting or info. Many residents feel they are left out of the loop. Mike stated citizens want to know if there is a contact plan in place. Mike explained the Church notification rooster includes all residents, NOT just church members. Jarad Brinkerhoff explained Everbridge. It is used by Kane County, and Glendale residents may sign up for it using the web site. Discussion of options ensued. Clerk was directed to put Everbridge sign up info on water bills. Clerk needs updated phone info for many utility users. The Mayor expressed his concerns regarding confusion etc.
Jarad Brinkerhoff: nothing further on water but stated the porch light needs to be repaired. Streets & Roads: Mayor Spencer would like to meet with Mayor elect to discuss project he has been working on. Lorraine said Larry Rose has torn road up when he walked heavy equipment on it. Residents have complained about it and Lorraine feels Mr. Rose should repair it. Mayor Spencer is not concerned that the road is damaged but he agreed to speak to Larry and tell him to quit walking equipment on city streets. Flooding: Jarad is concerned about flooding on the corner by Maxwell shop. That is a project Mayor Spencer has been working on. A brief explanation followed. Fire Department: Don stated the new LED lights are installed in the fire station and boy do they make a difference. He is working with Earl Levanger on a grant for more radios. Apple Festival: nothing further. Lorraine will submit application for a grant after January. Lorraine Chamberlain stated she will not be in charge of apple festival next year. Parks, cemeteries: Deone Baird had nothing to discuss. Jarad asked if the data input was being done and Clerk said no, Deone has a few things to tweak on the map. Deone displayed map and a discussion followed. Jarad is anxious to get a KIOSK and map placed at cemetery. Mayor Spencer stated he is working with the Local American Legion to provide or help with Cemetery flagpoles.
ADJOURN: 7:50 pm 12/21/17 Motion to approve minutes: Deone Baird Second: Donald Davis All voted YES. Motion Passed