Pupil Premium at Marden High 2016-17

Purpose of the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is government funding allocated to schools according to the number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) now or at any time in the past six years, those who are in armed forces (AF) families and those who are Children Looked After (CLA). This additional funding is allocated to students who need it most and focuses on the progress and attainment of these students. The government has allocated this money to schools, as they believe that head teachers and school leaders should decide how to use the pupil premium within their school to ‘close the gap’ in attainment between these students and their peers.

How much does Marden High receive?

2015-16 2016-17 Total Pupils on role 717 713 Number of PP eligible pupils 165 (23%) 162 (22.7%) Funding per pupil £935 (FSM), £300 AF up to £935 (FSM), £300 AF up to £1900 (CLA) £1900 (CLA) Total PP budget £139,023k £136,500 Year 7 Catch up premium ? £5,500


The Government states that head teachers and school leaders should decide how to use the Pupil Premium. They are held accountable for its positive impact on progress of eligible pupils through

● Performance tables which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers (Narrowing the Gap)

● Ofsted inspection framework, under which inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, in particular those who attract the Pupil Premium

● Reports for parents that schools publish online

What does Marden do with Pupil Premium funding?

Marden is well known as a highly inclusive school and we have responded to the welcome introduction of the Pupil Premium by developing our services for learning support and inclusion. This means that we use the funding to ensure that we have sufficient staff, resources and facilities available to support groups of students who might otherwise get left behind. Included in this would be any student who exhibits signs of underachievement due to vulnerability of whatever type. The Pupil Premium enables us to take the following action:

● Appointment of staff on a temporary basis to intervene with individual and small group tuition, especially in English and maths. ● We operate a policy of ensuring that class sizes for vulnerable pupils are kept small ● Those who are below expectations in literacy and numeracy in years 7-9 receive extra lessons in English and maths so that they can receive additional help from specialist teachers. ● We deploy a Special Educational Needs team, led by the SEN co-ordinator. This team consists of six Special Support Assistants who support SEND students SEND staff also provide lunchtime clubs for vulnerable students. ● All pupil premium students who are identified as having poor attendance are tracked carefully by the attendance clerk, who also runs attendance intervention sessions. ● There is a team of pastoral staff responsible for identifying individual needs and ensuring that appropriate intervention takes place. The progress of students who are CLA is monitored by an assistant head teacher who ensures that they have the support of a learning mentor where necessary and assesses how their learning might be helped by personalised support. This includes, for example, bringing in maths and English specialists to deliver one to one tuition.

PP funding for 2015-16

Staffing of student support centre (on % basis) £74.4K Student Support centre costs £4K Intervention teacher(s) £15k Holiday revision sessions £5K Counselling services £1.4K Attendance Intervention £1 K Motivational speaker, revision resources, parental support events £5K Music lessons, IT resources, uniform and other subsidies £10K Rewards and external visits/trips £10K Remaining funds for ongoing intervention £12K

Summer 2016 GCSE data

Measure Pupil Premium Non PP pupils National National Nat average students at at Marden average data average data overall Marden High for PP for non-PP students (2015 students figures) (2015 figures) No of students 33 137 % of cohort 19.4% 80.6% 5+ GCSE’s A*- C 55% 87.6% 45% 72% 65% 5+GCSE’s A*- C inc. 48.5% 79.6% 36.7% 64% 58.7% E&M Expected or better 69.7% 83.2% 57% 74% 69% progress in English Expected or better 54.5% 83.2% 49% 72% 66% progress in Maths % students entering 24.2% 43.4% 36.6% EBacc % achieving EBacc 21.2% 38% 11.2% 29.1% 22.8% Progress 8 -0.1 0.41 0.36 0.45 0.0 (0.04)* Av Attainment 8 4.53 5.88 5.15 5.15 4.82

*North Tyneside figure

● In 2015-16 the overall attendance of disadvantaged students was 91.8% as compared non disadvantaged at 96.2%. There will be continued emphasis on closing this gap.

Pupil Premium Strategy Our approach is centred round having a detailed knowledge of the specific needs of each student as an individual and being able to track their progress and the impact of each intervention. This is achieved through a combination of formal data tracking for subject attainment, progress and attitude to learning; and tracking of each intervention or opportunity each student is offered. As well as the data tracking, it is of critical importance that we explore any barriers to learning on an individual level, hence the creation of regular meetings for the Core Team (Year leader, Inclusion leader and Deputy Headteacher) who will meet regularly with students to support and challenge them, always communicating with other key staff.

Our 4 key areas of focus are:


 Target setting is challenging, realistic and transparent based upon a wide variety of evidence.

 Teaching and Learning delivers appropriate levels of challenge through differentiated work. All staff know who their disadvantaged students are and any high priority need.  Students will be challenged and supported to break down their individual barriers to learning through pastoral and academic mentoring.

 Students will be challenged to raise their personal aspirations.


 Our data tracking system enables student progress to be monitored rigorously with frequent analysis. Planning for Teaching and Learning takes account of this analysis.

 Individual Pupil Premium students’ progress is routinely analysed and areas for development identified. These are then prioritised by the Core Team and intervention actions agreed and reviewed. Y10 and 11 students may be part of the Mentoring Programmes.

 Staff CPD has a focus on AfL, differentiation and formative feedback, especially through our focus on the revision to the Marden Teaching and Learning framework.


 Monitoring has a clear focus on attendance and uses a variety of techniques at Year Leader level to ensure good attendance (including lowering the level of exclusions and conduct).

 The purchase of subject specific equipment and resources will enable enrichment and extension activities to be fully inclusive. This may include funding to curriculum based trips and activities.

 Further development of the Accelerated Reader scheme will continue to help those with low literacy levels to engage with the curriculum in greater depth.

Personalised Learning

 Curriculum design, options choices and setting are personalised, with students engaged and inspired through high quality Teaching and Learning.

 Alternative Learning Provision is available as an intervention to personalise learning.

 Intervention groups will often have a specific focus which will ensure that they are directed/differentiated effectively.

Pupil Premium Amount allocated to Summary of Intended Monitoring – Actual impact used for: the intervention/action intervention outcomes How will and other including detail of success be comments year groups and evidenced students involved and timescale Structural Alternative £11,940 To enable Students who Students able learning provision Alternative have access to to make (Access) Provision (Access) Alternative progress in for PP students if Provision to suitable required develop their facility personalised learning. Targeted staffing £19,087 To increase the To narrow Progress capacity for attainment and tracking supporting small progress gaps demonstrates group work and in between PP and increased class support in non PP students in rates of literacy and literacy and progress in numeracy. Also numeracy across target includes behaviour the school, as well groups. management and as to develop inclusion those students specialists. below threshold in Includes specific Y7. Increase in support for Y7 attendance and Catch-up students. progress in intervention subjects. Teaching and Learning Coaching £7495 To increase the Barriers to Feedback programme for capacity for learning for from Pupil Premium teachers to individual participants trainers identify and students are alongside eliminate barriers overcome so that feedback to learning for achievement is from class individual enhanced. teachers and students. statistical data. Pastoral Mentoring support plans Core Team £28,476 Development of Students Data analysis the Core Team to individual needs ensuring that track student clearly identified all staff are progress in detail with specific using tracking and evaluate the interventions put software for impact of specific in place diagnostic interventions intervention. Other Raising A number of Disadvantaged Following up aspirations and separate activities, students will on students’ Careers support such as university engage with intentions opportunities, higher education and support careers support and will be in a for and individual and position to apply application small group work to appropriate process. will look to courses. challenge identified students to aspire to appropriate further education. Extra-curricular £1000 To support specific Wide variety of Increased activity funding activities in-school extra-curricular uptake or which may require activities available accessibility funding to enable with good uptake to a variety of them to have of PP students. extra- resources to curricular enable the activity activities. to be offered. Department £1000 Departments can Departments will Successful funding bids bid for specific be empowered to bids will have resources that will innovate and have individual increase specific outcomes success engagement and for each bid. criteria which attainment of will be students, although evaluated at the impact the the end of initiative will have the year. on PP students will be paramount in the bid.

Literacy and Numeracy catch up funding:

In addition to the pupil premium fund, school also receives funding for year 7 Literacy and numeracy catch up. We have a designated year coordinator and a transition mentor who work closely with our feeder primary schools to ensure that early identification and planning occurs before students enter Marden High. The funding is also used to ensure that a small cohort receives an extra timetabled session each of English and maths. Reading assessments , and where required numeracy assessments are carried out in year 6 alongside feeder primary. An accelerated reader program is also in place to support our work in relation to Literacy in year 7. This is accessed by the whole of year 7. Those students who have low reading and spelling age in relation to chronological age are supported through additional reading sessions with an older student mentor.