The Rotary Club of Evergreen

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The Rotary Club of Evergreen

The Rotary Club of Evergreen District 5450

Evergreen Rotary

Red Badge Program


4/8/2018 1/21 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. Rotary International

2. New and Prospective Members

3. Membership in Rotary

4. Four Avenues of Service

5. Committee Involvement Request

6. Evergreen Club History

7. Red Badge Program Requirements

8. Rotary Clubs in District 5450

9. Evergreen Club Leadership 2009-10

Be sure to visit our website at to learn more about the club’s projects, news, and upcoming events.

© Copyright 2007-2008, Rotary Club of Evergreen. All rights reserved.

4/8/2018 2/21 Rotary International

1.2 million Rotary members worldwide

75% of those 1.2 million are in the U.S. and Canada

Three quarters of service is local

49 Rotarians helped to draft the United Nations Bylaws

Founded in Chicago in 1905

Now headquartered in Evanston, Illinois.

THE 4-WAY TEST Of Things We Think, Say, or Do… 1. Is it the Truth? 2. Is it Fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? 4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

4/8/2018 3/21 The Rotary Club Evergreen, Colorado

New and Prospective Member Information

This document introduces new and prospective members to Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Evergreen, Colorado USA. This is not an official Rotary document, but it is patterned after similar ones from other Rotary clubs.

The purpose of this Rotary information is: To help give you a bird’s eye view of Rotary To let you know what you may expect of your membership To let you know what our club will expect of you as a member To answer any questions that you might have about our club and Rotary in general

This document contains some helpful information about Rotary. An International Organization How You Were Chosen Privileges of Membership Obligations of Membership Attendance Rules Rotary Club Objective Types of Membership Financial Commitment of Rotary Membership Our Rotary Foundation Rotary International Foundation

Rotary Is an International Organization

Paul P. Harris, our founder, organized the first Rotary Club in Chicago in 1905. This club met in rotation at the offices of the members, thus the name Rotary. There are now more than 30,000 Rotary Clubs internationally with a total membership of over 1.2 million men and women.

Worldwide there are 527 districts in 159 countries. The free world is divided into territories known as Rotary Districts with which the clubs are associated. The Evergreen club is in District 5450, which is comprised of 53 clubs that span an area from Northern Colorado to the town of Parker, Colorado. Total district membership is over 3,000 Rotarians. A President governs Rotary International with a board of directors elected from all over the world. Annually, each District elects a District Governor and each club elects its officers and directors.

How You Were Chosen

1. A member of this Rotary club sponsored your membership.

2. Our classification committee verified your occupation and agreed that: ● You hold an important position in your firm. ● You are an outstanding leader in your vocation. ● The classification being loaned to you was open. 4/8/2018 4/21 Privileges of Rotary Membership

Rotary membership provides:  The privilege of friendship with leaders in your community, in neighboring cities across the USA, and around the world.  The privilege of giving service to your community.  The privilege of developing international goodwill and understanding.  The privilege of helping build higher ethical standards within your vocation.

Obligations of Rotary Membership

Participation To be a Rotarian, you must give your time, talents, and sometimes financial support to the following:  Community work  Social functions  Club and District activities

Attendance 100% attendance is urged and honored in Rotary. To achieve this goal:  Attend each weekly meeting of our club.  Make up meetings you miss at another Rotary Club or on-line within 14 days before or after a missed meeting of our club.  Attend a District Institute, Assembly, or Conference or a Rotary International Convention.

Strive to attend 100% of our meetings and stay for 100% of each meeting.

Each year we elect our officers and a fifteen member Board of Directors. These officers and directors conduct the general business of our club. Our president, with the approval of the board of directors, makes committee appointments based upon the four avenues of service: Club Service, Community Service, Vocational Service, and International Service. Each Rotarian is expected to participate in one of the avenues of service.

Attendance Rules  You must attend or make up at least 50% of the regular meetings of the club, with a minimum of 25% attendance at the Evergreen club.  Failure to attend or make up four consecutive meetings can automatically terminate your membership.  Attendance percentages are calculated on a six-month period ending December 31 and June 30.

Making-Up Meetings

You can make up a missed meeting any time two weeks prior or two weeks after the missed meeting. Doing any of the following can also make us a missed meeting.  Attending at least 50% of the regular meetings of another club or provisional club.  Attending, at the direction of the club, a regular meeting of an Interact Club or provisional Interact Club.

4/8/2018 5/21  Attending a Rotary International Convention or a select International, Regional, or District Conference or Assembly.  On line eClub  The Evergreen Rotary Club is very liberal in what it will accept as a make-up. Any two full hours spent on Rotary business, whether it’s a committee meeting, volunteering outside of the club, or attending Rotary functions, counts as a make-up. Any piece of paper or an email to the Club Secretary to record the event, with your name, date of service, and name of club or event attended will work to receive a make-up.

Rotary Club Objective in Four Avenues of Service

Our objective is based on the ideal that service is a worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage, foster, and implement this within the four avenues of service listed below.

1. Club Service – The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.

2. Community Service – The use of high ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying, by each Rotarian, of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

3. Vocational Service – The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

4. International Service – The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.

Club Service The following areas of club operation are directed toward the internal functioning of the club to maintain its health and vigor Attendance Membership retention Classification Program Club newsletter Public Relations Fellowship activities Treasurer Membership Rotary information Membership development Sergeant-at-Arms

Community Service Promote a club effort to improve the quality of life within the community. Community development Community projects Community grants Environmental protection

Vocational Service Adhere to and promote the highest ethical standards in all occupations. Recognize the worthiness to society in all reputable occupations. Contribute one’s own talents to the problems and needs of society today. Career development Vocational awareness Vocations in the workplace Vocation awards Interact Club Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

4/8/2018 6/21 International Service Promote efforts to advance understanding, goodwill, and the quality of life throughout the world. International youth projects The Rotary Foundation World fellowship activities World Community Service

Types of membership

There are three types of membership in the Evergreen Rotary Club. 1. Active-Ordinary Members selected for their leadership in the business or profession in which they are classified. Member pays all dues, expenses, and meal fees at quarterly invoicing. 2. Active-Exempt Senior Members that have been a part of Rotary for more than 20 years. These members can voluntarily petition the Board for Exempt status, and if granted, meal fees can be paid at the door. Members pay all dues and expenses at quarterly invoicing. 3. Honorary Non-voting members elected because of distinguished service in furthering Rotary as an organization. They must be re-elected annually for membership. Honorary membership follows the current board term and must be reinstated by the successor Board of Directors. Honorary members pay no dues or meal fees.

Spouses of existing Evergreen Rotary Club members that become Rotary members themselves do not pay monthly dues. The Club picks up that expense.

Your Financial Commitment of Rotary Membership (invoiced quarterly)

Initiation Fee $100.00 (one time fee) Quarterly Dues $75.00 ($25 per month) Quarterly Breakfast Fees $120.00 (approximately 12 @ $10.00 each) Social Events (extra per year)* $100.00 Special Events* $100.00 – $200.00 Rotary Foundation Annual Giving* $100.00 ($25 per quarter) Bright Lights Rotary Nights Fundraiser $150.00 (2 tickets @ $75.00)

*-- Indicates optional

You are provided a financial credit for make-up meetings at another Rotary club where a meal fee was charged. The Rotary fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30.

A typical Evergreen Rotarian spends approximately $1000 over the course of a year for membership.

4/8/2018 7/21 Our Rotary Foundation

The Evergreen Rotary Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable foundation incorporated for the purpose of collecting and administering donations and funds raised by and through the Evergreen Rotary Club exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, or scientific purposes. All donations made to the Evergreen Rotary Foundation are tax deductible as provided by law.

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

The goal of the Foundation is to foster understanding and friendly relations among the world’s people by funding educational and humanitarian programs. Some of these are:  Ambassadorial scholarships  Matching grants  Group Study Exchange  Health, hunger, and humanitarian (3-H) grants  Rotary grants for university teachers to serve in developing countries  Grants for Rotary volunteers  Polio Plus program  Rotary peace programs, including Rotary Peace Scholarships

Several of these programs send scholars and volunteer workers abroad to study, learn about other cultures, and offer assistance and promote goodwill within a host country.

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is supported by the financial contributions of Rotarians throughout the world. Each member of the Rotary Club of Evergreen is encouraged to become a member and maintain a sustaining membership in the Rotary Foundation through an annual contribution of $100. Once you have contributed $1,000 to the Foundation, you are made a Paul Harris Fellow in honor of Rotary’s founder.

4/8/2018 8/21 Membership in Rotary

Who is a Rotarian?

Rotarians are business and professional leaders who take an active role in their communities while greatly enriching their personal and professional lives. A Rotary club contains a diverse group of professional leaders from the community that the club serves.

Benefits of Rotary

Membership in a Rotary club offers a number of benefits, including: • Effecting change within the community • Advancing business and professional contacts • Developing leadership skills • Gaining an understanding of, and having an impact on, international humanitarian issues

Through Rotary International's service programs, a Rotary club can have a significant effect on the quality of life in its community. Rotary Foundation programs offer opportunities to form international partnerships that help people in. need worldwide. Some 1.2 million Rotarians in 30,000 autonomous clubs in more than 160 countries make significant contributions to the quality of life at home and around the globe.

Rotary International is one of the world's largest service organizations. The goal for a club's membership is an up-to-date and progressive representation of the community's business, vocational, and professional interests.

An important distinction between Rotary and other organizations is that membership in Rotary is by invitation. Rotary clubs invite individuals to join and become members.

Membership is vital to a Rotary club's operations and community service activities. A primary goal of the club is to continually expand the club with committed members who have the interest and ability to get involved in service and humanitarian projects.

Membership Requirements

Members must: • Hold or be retired from a professional, proprietary, executive, or managerial position • Have the capacity to meet the club's weekly attendance or community project participation requirements • Live or work within the locality or the surrounding area of the club

Often a person being considered for membership is invited by a member/sponsor to attend one or more club meetings to learn more about Rotary. The sponsor may then submit the name of the candidate to the club's membership committee. An individual who is interested in membership but doesn't know any Rotarians may contact the local club directly.

4/8/2018 9/21 Rotary uses a classification system to establish and maintain a vibrant cross-section or representation of the community's business, vocational, and professional interests among members and to develop a pool of resources and expertise to successfully implement service projects. This system is based on the founders' paradigm of choosing cross-representation of each business, profession, and institution within a community.

A classification describes either the principal business or the professional service of the organization that the Rotarian works for or the Rotarian's own activity within the organization. Some examples of classifications include high schools, universities, eye surgery, banking, pharmaceutical-retailing, petroleum-distribution, and insurance agency.

OBJECT OF ROTARY The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

4/8/2018 10/21 Four Avenues of Service

Club Service – Brenda Hagerman – [email protected] (h) 303-697-5708 Attendance Club Newsletter Fellowship, Club events Programs Public Relations and Publicity

Community Service – Phil Miller - [email protected] (h) 303-670-7234 Community Development Environmental Awareness/Education Preserve Planet Earth Literacy

Vocational Service – Pat Martin – [email protected] (h) 303-674-0513 Promotion of ethical standards in all occupations Recognition of worthiness of all occupations to society Contribution of one's vocational talents to problems and needs of society Vocational talks by Rotary members Career Development Interact Club RYLA

International Service – Curt Harris – [email protected] (h) 303-670-9778 Rotary International Foundation World Community Service (Russian Open University, Sister City Program, Mt. Kilimanjaro Africa Project, Friendship Bridge in Guatemala) Youth Exchange Programs Group Study Exchange Ambassadorial Scholarship World Community Service (Centennial Twin Club w/ Tver, Russia) Water projects in Mexico, Thailand, Africa and Haiti Direct Support (Bootstrap Africa)

4/8/2018 11/21 Committee Involvement Request Rotary Club of Evergreen

This is your opportunity to become an active participant in the Rotary Club of Evergreen and in the programs we support. Whatever your choice, get involved! YOU can have an impact in our Club and the Evergreen Community that we serve. Indicate your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices or as many as you would like to be involved in. Please return this form to your mentor as soon as possible.

CLUB SERVICE—Chair Brenda Hagerman

Club Service is the cornerstone of Rotary service. It is service that makes the Rotary wheel turn, assuring that all club members work well together. It seeks to promote the spirit of fellowship in which every service should be rendered inside as well as outside the club. New members are made aware, through Club Service, of what Rotary is about. These areas are in-club opportunities. ______Attendance ______Membership (Recruitment, Classifications, Red Badge retention program, Greeter) ______Club Newsletter ______Fellowship, club social events (Wines in the Woods, Changing of the Guard, Holiday Party, Evergreen/Golden BBQ, etc.) ______Programs ______Public relations and publicity ______Other


These areas are in-club opportunities. ______Vocational recognition/awards ______Vocational Talks by Rotary Members ______Career Development ______Vocation at Work ______RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award program) ______Evergreen High School Interact Club


These areas are out-of-club opportunities. ______Community Development (Arts, historical sites, adopt-a-highway, Easter Seals, Handicamp project, All Night Prom, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, Evergreen Attachment Center, Mt. Evans Hospice, Skate the Lake) ______Human Development (Urgent care medical facility, immunization program, concern for the aging, health education) ______Environmental awareness/education/Preserve Planet Earth ______Other

4/8/2018 12/21 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE—Chair Curt Harris

These areas are out-of-club opportunities. International Service projects encourage and foster the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men and women united in the ideal of service. ______Rotary International Foundation ______World Community Service (Russian Open University & Sister City program, Mt. Kilimanjaro African Project, Friendship Bridge in Guatemala) ______Youth Exchange Program ______Other

Phone #:______E-mail: ______

Rotarian: ______

Date: ______

Mentor: Please assure that the following receive a copy of this form.

CC: Casey Sacks - [email protected]

4/8/2018 13/21 Rotary Club of Evergreen Club History

The Club was chartered on April 13, 1985 with 30 members. The Lakewood Foothills Rotary Club was its sponsor.

Charter Members

Bill Brazeal Edward Hasse Terry Obrey Terry Stokes William Strait Bradford Bolton Jeffrey Hecker Richard Pricket Glen Stroeher Leon Thygesen William Bremer Ralph Hutchinson Don Quinn Jim Vaughn Byron Webb John Brown * Tom Johnson W. Glenn Roe * John Zabawa Paul Eighmey Dave Kellogg William Rourke Frank Geng * Jack Kellogg Ted Schmidt James Gobel, Jr. Doug McCrimmon Jeff Speilman Vince Mok Edward Starr

* - Denotes still active in the Evergreen Rotary Club

Past Presidents Year President 1985-1986 Ed Starr 1986-1987 Terry Stokes 1987-1988 Don Quinn 1988-1989 Jim Vaughn 1989-1990 Bob Zavodsky 1990-1991 Bob Ytterberg 1991-1992 John Zabawa 1992-1993 Wil Swart 1993-1994 Gary Matson 1994-1995 Steve Feldman 1995-1996 John Furjanic 1996-1997 Marion Patterson 1997-1998 Tom Johnson 1998-1999 Cortland Brown 1999-2000 Makey Towne 2000-2001 Curt Harris 2001-2002 Mark Williams 2002-2003 Kimra Perkins 2003-2004 Jim Davis 2004-2005 Nancy Dykeman 2005-2006 Bill Manning 2006-2007 Dick Mund 2007-2008 Mark Vickstrom 2008-2009 Diane Rising

4/8/2018 14/21 2009-2010 Dave Rommelmann

Rotarians of the Year

Year Rotarian of the Year Club Builder 1985-1986 Paul Eighmey Ralph Hutchinson 1986-1987 Ralph Hutchinson Tom Johnson 1987-1988 Bruce Harmon Bob Zavodsky 1988-1989 Paul Eighmey Roger Westman 1989-1990 Steve Feldman Reg Fleming 1990-1991 Steve Feldman Roger Westman 1991 -1992 John Stepp Tom Johnson 1992-1993 Bernie Stanton Dean Phalen 1993-1994 John Stepp Terry Stokes 1994-1995 Will Swart Terry Stokes 1995-1996 Terry Stokes Terry Stokes 1996-1997 Randy Cunningham Tom Johnson/Steve Feldman 1997-1998 Gary Matson Makey Towne 1998-1999 Carol Plumlee Tom Johnson 1999-2000 Bob Stillmock/Joan Spalding Joan Spalding 2000-2001 Bart Corfee 2001-2002 Todd Guelich Tom Johnson 2002-2003 Curt Harris Nancy Dykeman 2003-2004 Randy Sackerson Mary DeBaets 2004-2005 William Schenk Ann Bormolini/Jim Davis 2005-2006 Mereth Meade 2006-2007 Chick Dykeman Tom Johnson 2007-2008 Todd Bastian 2008-2009 Brenda and Bob Hagerman Adrian Stone 2009-2010 Gretchen Berggren

Our Story

The Rotary Club of Evergreen, Colorado, has a luminous history, starting with the Charter Night on April 13, 1985. Thirty charter members were privileged to hear Cliff Dochterman, President of the University Hills Rotary club (and later RI President) deliver the keynote speech. The Lakewood Foothills Rotary was recognized as our sponsoring club.

We met downstairs at El Rancho Restaurant for the first five years. It is ironic that 20 years and five locations later, the club began meeting once again at El Rancho in 2004.

In 1990 the club moved to Mount Vernon Country Club on Lookout Mountain. Strong leadership prevailed, and by the mid-1990s the club began to appear often and predominately on the District 5450 and RI Rotary maps. The club achieved District awards, the most prestigious being the Paul Harris Award for Excellence that recognized that the membership was heading in the right direction.

The goal was to make a wider and longer path. In 1997 the club found itself in a quandary. Club membership had not grown and was slowly declining. Growth in membership was 4/8/2018 15/21 paramount. The leadership decided that changing the location, time, and place of our meetings would be most beneficial to the club mission, "to be the premier service club in the surrounding community”.

The gauntlet was thrown and many determined members began actively recruiting new business and professional people from the local community. During the same period, the Evergreen club sponsored the Rotary Club or Conifer (1996), the Rotary Club of Clear Creek (2000), and the Mountain Foothills of Evergreen Rotary Club (2003). All of these clubs have attracted Evergreen residents. Our club has continued steady growth as well.

In 2008, the Rotary Club of Evergreen is the premier service organization in the Colorado foothills and is determined to illuminate, in high beam, the road to success within Rotary. Currently, 105 members are active at the club and district levels.

Over the past few years, our membership has produced: • A District Assistant Governor, District Governor's Aide, and a District Trainer • An overwhelming proportion of RYLA and Young RYLA staff members • Two GSE team leaders • A World Peace Scholar sponsored by our club to represent RI • An award-winning Interact Club of 40 high school youth at Evergreen High School • International grants and projects hi Russia, Haiti, Africa, Guatemala, Peru, and the Dominican Republic • An outstanding Red Badge New Member and Retention Program that has been adopted by several clubs within District 5450 • A major annual fundraising event, Wines in the Woods, that provides our local Rotary Foundation with significant funds to disperse for projects within our community, our District, and internationally • At the beginning of 2006, the club has 55 Paul Harris Fellows (PHF). RI recognizes the club with 93 PHFs and 10 Benefactors, which includes those PHFs who have left the club. • A second Paul Harris Award from District 5450 for Club Excellence

Important Dates in our Club History

November 15, 1985 The club sponsored a banner design contest. The winning entry was submitted by Kevin Bachman of Evergreen Senior High School.

February 1, 1986 Ralph Reiner was elected as Rotary Club of Evergreen's first honorary member because of his outstanding contributions: • The "Jeremiah Johnson of Mt. Evans" • Former bomber pilot • Montana actor • Served in two World Wars as a Reserve Lt Colonel • Entrusted with expensive instruments and life support equipment in the second highest altitude laboratory in Noth America, including a telescope donated by NASA, which is the fifth largest in the world

4/8/2018 16/21 • A true friend of Rotary who provided a picnic at the top of Mt. Evans in the early years and who "guarded" the Rotary International emblem emblazoned on the rock at the peak.

October 22, 1987 The first eight women were inducted as members of the Rotary Club of Pittsburgh, PA, leading the way for the first woman to be inducted as a member of the Rotary Club of Evergreen in April 1988: Ann Brady, Superintendent of the Jefferson County School System

January 25, 1989 The second community project by the club began as an "Adopt a Highway Program" through the Colorado Highway Department to take responsibility for clean-up maintenance of Highway 70 from the Buffalo Overlook to El Rancho Restaurant and from there on Highway 74 to Bergen Park. Prior to this project, the first club community project was the remodeling of part of the Senior Resource Center Yellow House and the procurement of cut wood for the stove in the house to keep residents warm hi the winter months.

August 2, 1994 The Rotary Club of Golden challenged the Rotary Club of Evergreen to a volleyball game with a large trophy to go to the winning club. The game has become an annual event and thrives as a challenge and a great social event between the two clubs.

Club Awards

Largest Percentage Membership Growth - 1994, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004 Best Membership Retention - 2004 Preserve Planet Earth- 1996, 1997, 1998 Best Website Design - Doug Turner, 2004 Scott Metcalf Award - 1991, 1995, 2004 Best Club Bulletin - Ann Schmidt, 1998 Pacesetter Award - Carolyn Alexander, 2001 World Understanding and Peace Award - 1994 Four Way Test Award - Kimra Perkins, 2004 District 5450 Rotarian of the Year - Mike and Joan Spalding, 1993 Service to Rotary by a non-Rotarian - Suzi Feldman, 1995 Paul Harris Award of Excellence -1994, 2004

This history was first compiled by Club Historian Steven Feldman, July 1, 2004.

4/8/2018 17/21 Red Badge Program Requirements

Requirements necessary for graduation, with persons to contact:

Requirement Person to Contact

• Serve as Club Greeter Mary Richards, Club Secretary • Participate in one of the "Four Avenues Brenda Hagerman, Club Service of Service" Committees Phil Miller, Community Service Pat Martin, Vocational Service Curt Harris, International Service • Attend a club board meeting Todd Bastian, President • Make-up at another club See attached Club Meetings list • Minimum 70% club meeting attendance Mary Richards, Secretary • Volunteer for one outside club activity Coordinate with your Mentor • Share an inspiration at a club meetings Todd Bastian, President • Be an inducted member for a minimum Casey Sacks, Red Badge Coordinator of three months • Edit your personal information on the club Brenda Hagerman, Webmaster website • Participate in dine around or rowdy Rotarians Coordinate with your Mentor

*Please keep your Mentor informed about activities for which you would like credit toward graduation as you complete them.

Important Information

To serve as a Club Greeter, you must arrive at a regular Friday morning meeting some time before 6:45 am, so you can greet people as they come in the door. The first person to ask the Club Secretary to be a Greeter before that time will be granted the privilege, so make sure to get there early.

The Evergreen Rotary Board of Directors meets once per month at 6:00 pm on the second Thursday of the month. The location of the meeting can vary from month, so please consult with a Board member before attending a meeting.

The Evergreen Rotary Red Badge Program has an email list for all new members that haven’t graduated yet. To send a message to the group log into the Rotary website, go to the “email message center”, “compose a new message”, and select “Red Badge members” from the distribution list. This email list can be used by any Red Badger to ask questions or receive information pertinent to new members. The Red Badge Coordinators, Club Secretary, and the Membership and Club Service Chairs are also on the list. A new Club member will be automatically added to this list when inducted, then removed when graduated. If there are any questions regarding this list, please speak with the Club Secretary or a Red Badge Coordinator.

4/8/2018 18/21

Rotary Clubs in District 5450


NOON Clubs - Brighton 12:10 pm – Lone Star Restaurant, 305 Pavilion Pl, 80601 - Smoky Hill 12:10 pm – Doubletree Hotel, I-225 at 13696 E. Iliff, 80427 - Wheat Ridge 12:10 pm – Wheat Ridge Recreation Center, 4045 Kipling St, 80033


MORNING Clubs - Arvada Sunrise 7:10 am – Arvada Center for Arts & Humanities, 6901 Wadsworth, 80003 - Broomfield Crossing 7:10 am – Omni- Interlocken Hotel, 485 Interlocken Blvd, 80021 - Carbon Valley 7:00 am – D’Agostino's Mugg-&-Pye, 141 5th Street, Frederick , 80530 - Centennial 7:10 am – Embassy Suites, 10250 E Costilla Ave, Englewood, 80112 - Conifer 7:00 am – Mt. Resource Center, Hwy 285 to Kitty, Right 1/4 mile - Denver Cherry Creek 7:00 am – Inn at Cherry Creek, 233 Clayton Lane, Cherry Creek North, 80206 - Denver Metro North 7:10 am – Egg & I, 885 Thornton Pky., Thornton, 80229 - Golden 7:15 am – Rolling Hills C.C., 15707 W. 26th Avenue, 80401 - Summit County (Frisco) 7:20 am – Holiday Inn, I-70 at E. Frisco exit, 80443

NOON Clubs - Boulder Valley 12:00 pm, A Spice of Life Event Center, 5706 Arapahoe Road, 80303 - Breckenridge Mountain 12:00 pm – Fatty’s Restaurant, 106 South Ridge St., Breckenridge, 80424 - Denver Stapleton 12:00 pm – Radisson Hotel Denver Stapleton Plaza, 3333 Quebec Street, Denver, 80207 - Denver Tech Center 11:45 pm – Glenmoor C.C., Cherry Hills Village, 110 Glenmoor Dr., 80113 - Denver West Rolling Hills CC, 15707 W. 26th Ave., Golden, 80401 - Lakewood Foothills 12:00 pm – Warren Tech Center, 13300 West 2nd Place, 80228 - Littleton 12:10 pm – Columbine C.C., 17 Fairway Lane, 80123 - Longmont 12:00 pm – First Lutheran Church, 3rd and Terry Streets, 80501. - Northglenn/Thornton 12:00 pm – Radisson Graystone Hotel, 83 East 120th Ave., 80233 - Fort Morgan 12:00 pm – Elks Lodge, 430 State St., 80401 - Winter Park-Fraser Valley 12:00 pm – Beaver Village Lodge, 79303 US Hwy 40 (entrance to Winter Park)

EVENING Clubs - Denver Sky High 5:00 pm – Hampton Inn, North Speer & I-25

Wednesday 4/8/2018 19/21 MORNING Clubs - Brighton Early 7:00 am – Inglenook at Brighton, 2195 E. Egbert St. - Brighton, CO, 80601 - Boulder Flatirons 7:15 am – East Boulder Rec. Center, 8660 Sioux Drive, 80303 - Denver Mile High 7:15 am – University Club, 1673 Sherman St., 80203 - Erie 7:30 am – Erie Uptown Cafe, 554 Briggs St., Erie, 80027 - Littleton Sunrise 7:15 am – Riverfront Event Center 2852 West Bowles, 80120 - Longmont St.Vrain 7:00 am – First Lutheran Church, 3rd & Terry, 80501 - Westminster 7:10 am – Legacy Ridge GC Restaurant, 10801 Legacy Ridge Pkwy. 80031

NOON Clubs - Aurora 12:15 pm – Doubletree Hotel, 13696 E Iliff & I-225 - Commerce City 12:10 pm – Gala Gardens Restaurant, 8383 Rosemary, Commerce City, CO 80022 - Denver LoDo 12:10 pm – Rodizio Grill, 1801 Wynkoop, Denver, 80227 - Englewood 12:10 pm – Wellshire Inn, 3333 Colorado Blvd. Denver, 80222 - Granby 12:00 pm – Inn at Silver Creek, 62927 Hwy.40, 80466 - Parker Cherry Creek Valley 11:30 am – Warhorse Inn Restaurant, 19420 E. Main, 80138

EVENING Clubs - Arvada 6:30 pm – Indian Tree Golf Course Restaurant, 7555 Wadsworth Blvd., 80003 - Kremmling 6:00 pm – Shipley Community Room. W. Grand Elementary / Middle School, 80459 - Mountain Foothills of Evergreen 6:30 pm – Mount Vernon Country Club, Evergreen. (Dinner optional after meeting)


MORNING Clubs - Aurora Fitzsimmons 4:30 pm – Bioscience Park Center, Suite 100, 12635 E. Montview Blvd. Aurora (near the Anschutz Medical Campus at the Fitzsimons site) - Brush 7:00 am – Bunker Hill C.C., 2301 Main St., 80723 - Denver SE 7:15 am – Doubletree Tech Hotel, 7801 East Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, 80111 - Lakewood 7:15 am – Bowl-Ero, 5480 W. Alameda Ave., 80226 - Niwot Eye Opener, 136 2nd Ave., Niwot, 80544 - Parker 6:45 am – Black Bear Golf Club, 11400 Canteberry Parkway, 80138 - Wray 6:30 am – Sandhiller Restaurant, 411 NW Railway St. Wray 80758

NOON Clubs - Castle Rock 12:00 Noon – Phillip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox, 80104 - Coal Creek (Louisville/Lafayette) 12:00 noon – The Lodge at Balfour, 1331 Hecla Drive, Louisville, CO 80027 - Denver 11:45 – Denver Athletic Club, 1325 Glenarm Pl., 80204 - Highlands Ranch 12:10 pm – Lone Tree Country Club, 9808 Sunningdale Blvd., 80124 - Longmont Twin Peaks 12:00 pm – 1st Lutheran Church, 803 3rd Ave (3rd & Terry St.), 80501 - Peak to Peak 11:45 am – Fortune Valley Hotel, 321 Gregory St., Central City, 80427 4/8/2018 20/21 - Westminster 12:10 pm – Front Range Community College, Rocky Mt. Room, 3645 W Ave., 80031

EVENING Clubs - Broomfield 6:30 pm – Eagle Trace Country Club, Main St & 14th Ave & follow signs - Grand Lake 6:00 pm – Bears Den, 612 Grand Avenue, 80447


MORNING Clubs - Aurora Gateway 7:20 am – Doubletree Hotel, 13696 E Iliff, 80014 - Clear Creek 2000 7:30 am – Marion's of the Rockies, 2805 Colorado Blvd., Idaho Springs; South Side of Business Route, 80452 - Evergreen 7:00 am – El Rancho Restaurant., I-70 (exit 252) & Evergreen Pkwy., 80401 - Mead 7:00 am – Mead Town Hall, 441 Third St. 80542 - South Jeffco (Littleton) 7:15 am – Fox Hollow Golf Course, Morrison Road west of Kipling

NOON Clubs - Boulder 12:10 pm – A Spice of Life Events Center, 5706 Arapahoe Road, 80303 - University Hills (Denver) 12:10 pm – Glenmoor Country Club, 110 Glenmoor Dr, Cherry Hills Village, 80013

4/8/2018 21/21

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