Board for Non-Campus Contries and Distance Education

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Board for Non-Campus Contries and Distance Education

BNCCDE P. 11a 2004-2005


Outreach activities to NCCs 2004/5

This report derives from a web-page maintained by the Office ( which should be consulted for future updates,1 for material for previous years, and for some remarks on the following entities with special responsibilities or projects that impinge significantly on the non- campus countries:

 CARDI  Centre for Marine Sciences, Mona  Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES), Cave Hill  The Office of Administration and Special Initiatives  Seismic Research Unit.

Among regionally focussed activities at the campuses, we may mention that the Centre for Management Development (Cave Hill) is planning to hold a regional five- day workshop on Capital Markets and Securities Evaluation. The workshop will be targeted to finance professional in Barbados and throughout the OECS and is currently being planned to take place in Barbados around late February 2005.


 The Centre for Management Development (Cave Hill) is planning to launch its Alumni Network in Antigua during the first half of 2005.

The Bahamas:

 The Board for NCCDE met here, November 24th.  Professor Eudine Barriteau (Gender Studies, Cave Hill) gave a talk on 'Examining the Shift from "Women" to "Gender": Implications for Development in the Caribbean' November 24th.  Dr Justin Robinson (Social Sciences, Cave Hill) is undertaking research on financial management practices.  Dr Don Marshall (SALISES, Cave Hill) is conducting fieldwork for a research project, “Offshore Financial Centres in the Caribbean: Politics, Money and Re- regulation Trends in the World Economy.”

1 Given a “culture” that disdains reporting, much information is received long after the events it reports. Thus Departmental Reports for 2003-2004 more than doubled the data reported at last year’s Board meeting. Belize:

 The Socio-Economic Development Unit (St Augustine) is working on a DFID funded research project: Feasibility of Alternative Sustainable Coastal Resource-Based Enhanced Livelihood Strategies. (For details of an earlier workshop, see here.)

British Virgin Islands:

 A Country Conference is held here May 26-27.

The Cayman Islands:

 Seismologist Dr Margaret Wiggins-Grandison from the Mona campus visited Grand Cayman to loan a seismograph to record earthquake activity. Seismographs are due to be installed in all three islands in 2005.


 For a literacy project, please see under St Vincent.  The Centre for Management Development (Cave Hill) conducted a workshop on the Training of Trainers on behalf of the Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre - CARTAC.


 For a literacy project, please see under St Vincent.  The Centre for Management Development (Cave Hill) conducted a workshop on the Training of Trainers on behalf of the Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre - CARTAC.  Profesor Eudine Barriteau (Gender Studies, Cave Hill) delivered a lecture on March 6th entitled the, "Role of Gender Analysis in Shaping Public Policy in The Reconstruction of Post Ivan Grenada". The lecture was on behalf of the Grenada National Organisation of Women and the Ministry of Social Development for their celebration of International Women's Day.  Lindsay, J.M., J.B. Shepherd (Seismic Research Unit), and D. Wilson published 'Volcanic and Scientific Activity of Kick 'em Jenny Submarine Volcano 2001- 2002: Implications for Volcanic Hazard in the Southern Grenadines, Lesser Antilles' in Natural Hazards 34: 1-25 (2005).


 The Seismic Research Unit is sponsoring a conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the Soufrere Hills volcano, 24-30th July 2005.

St Kitts:

 A student in SALISES (Cave Hill) is conducting research on factors influencing policy design and implementation of agricultural diversification.  A student in Biological and Chemical Sciences, Cave Hill, is conducting research on turtles.

2 St Lucia:

 A Country Conference was held here November 18-19th.  For a literacy project, please see under St Vincent.  The Socio-Economic Development Unit (St Augustine) is working on a DFID funded research project, see under Belize.  Asad Mohammed, the coordinator of the Graduate Diploma in Land Administration, Dept of Surveying and Land Information, Faculty of Engineering visited St Lucia in January, 2005 to assess the training needs in Land Administration. He met with public agencies involved in Land Administration, the OECS, and the Resident Tutor. The programme was reviewed in the context of St Lucia's and the OECS countries' needs. On the basis of the visit, it was decided to run the diploma there next year, through the University Centre, and the programme was adapted to that need. The course has been advertised and will be run in 2005-2006 if there is sufficient demand.  The Centre for Management Development (Cave Hill) is continuing its relationship with the Caribbean Association of Banking and Finance Institutes (CABFI). While the first cohort of the CABFI supported Diploma in Banking and Finance is continuing the CMD will be starting its second cohort in St. Lucia in early February 2005.  Professor Punnett (Management Studies, Cave Hill) assisted Oxfam with setting up a link between farmers and the tourism sector.  A lecture entitled “Global Issues and the Impact on the Caribbean” was given by Sir Shridath Ramphal at the Royal St Lucian Hotel on Tuesday, April 12, 2005.  In May 2005, the Centre for Management Development (Cave Hill) is planning to hold a Negotiating Skills Workshop.  The Board for NCCDE meets here, May 20th.  Dr Don Marshall (SALISES, Cave Hill) is conducting fieldwork for a research project, “Offshore Financial Centres in the Caribbean: Politics, Money and Re- regulation Trends in the World Economy.”

St Vincent:

 Professor Betty Jane Punnett (Management Studies, Cave Hill) made a presentation on Marketing in the Agricultural sector for an Oxfam seminar in October. She also ran a workshop on "Managing Change" for the National Commercial Bank in October. Further activities planned for 2005 include Training Workshops on Executive Development, through the Service Commissions. She also served on a poverty alleviation task force in St Vincent.  Beverley Bryan (Educational Studies, Mona) held a callback meeting with the Literacy Coordinators to see how the onsite training they conducted in schools went; a meeting with principals on the Literacy Policy and also a revision of policy meeting with the Literacy Team in December. This work is part of a wider project in 4 OECS countries (St Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia, Dominica and Grenada) to "raise levels of literacy" - part of UN Decade, Pillars for Partnership etc. So far the project has: 1. Set up National Literacy Task Force/Teams 2. Conducted national consultations 3. Written National Policy, with an implementation Plan

3 4. Trained Literacy Coordinators (one in every school) 5. Conducted study tour to Birmingham, UK.  The Centre for Management Development (Cave Hill) will be working with CARICAD to prepare a policy document for the Government of St Vincent’s Public Service Reform.

Office of the Board for Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education May 13th, 2005


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