Application Instructions

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Application Instructions

Center for Clinical and Translational Research Research Scholars Program


1. Complete all required application materials as per the Clinical Research Scholars Program application checklist.

2. Before submission, contact the Center for Clinical and Translational Research Business Office for assistance with the development of your budget and guidance through the internal sign-off process for grant submission at Seattle Children’s Research Institute.

3. To request a biostatistics study design consultation, applicants must contact the Children’s Center for Biomedical Statistics (CCBS), at least 3 weeks in advance of the application deadline.

4. The CCTR has several core infrastructure services that Scholars may wish to use. Selected core services are offered to CRSP scholars at a subsidized rate. More information can be found on the Seattle Children’s Cores web page.

5. Format specifications: a. Font: Arial 11 pt regular b. Margins: Use at least one-half inch margins on all sides c. The application must be single-spaced d. Page limit: follow guidelines for each section (see Application Checklist)

6. Email final application materials (PDF or Word document) to Kelsey Heriot, CRSP Program Coordinator

Submissions must be received by April 1, 2012.

To view examples ofcareer development plans and research plans from past CRSP scholars, contact Kelsey Heriot at [email protected]. Submissions will be reviewed and applicants notified of award status by May 15, 2012. Funding will begin July 1, 2012.

Unsuccessful applicants may resubmit their applications for review one additional time; unless the reviewers determine that the application does not meet the intent of the program. If the application is a resubmission of a previously unfunded CRSP application, please include a description of how the application has been modified in response to the previous review.

2012 CCTR Research Scholars Program Center for Clinical and Translational Research Research Scholars Program

APPLICATION CHECKLIST Cover page (use form provided)  Current applicant information  Documentation of current Seattle Children’s/University of Washington School of Medicine faculty appointment. If not yet appointed as a faculty member, a letter from the division head/department chair should be supplied stating that such appointment will commence at the time that CRSP funding begins.  Name and contact information of primary mentor  Title of proposed research project  Abstract of proposed research project (limit 15 lines)  Applicant’s signature (electronic signature is acceptable)

For resubmissions only, description of how the application has been modified in response to the previous review

Budget and Budget Justification (use form provided, limit 2 pages)

Career Development Plan (use form provided, limit 3 pages)  This should be developed in concert with the applicant’s Division Head/Department Chair or primary mentor.  Describe a systematic plan that: a. Shows a logical progression from prior research and training experiences to the training and research experiences that will occur during the CRSP award period and then to future research projects; b. Specifies how participation in the CRSP will help the applicant to achieve his/her career goals c. Utilizes the relevant research and educational resources of Seattle Children’s and the University of Washington.  The didactic aspects of the plan must be designed to develop the necessary knowledge and research skills in scientific areas relevant to the candidate's career goals.  Include a proposed timeline  The Career Development Plan will be assessed on the likelihood that the plan will contribute substantially to the academic development of the candidate in research, including: a. Appropriateness and clarity of the content and duration of the proposed didactic research activities during the proposed award period. b. Appropriateness of the goals and scope of the plan when considered in the context of prior training/research experience and the stated training and research objectives.

2012 CCTR Research Scholars Program Center for Clinical and Translational Research Research Scholars Program

Research Plan for Standard Path Applicants (limit 2 pages) Standard path applicants are expected to have a feasible research idea at the time of application that can be successfully developed into a successful research proposal during participation in CRSP.  General research focus  Research question to be studied  Specific aims  Possible study design and methods

Research Plan for Intensive Path Applicants (limit 5 pages)

Intensive path applicants are expected to have a well developed research proposal at the time of application.  Research question to be studied  Specific aims  Background and significance  Study design and methods

Letter of Support from Primary Mentor The letter should describe how long and in what capacity the mentor has known the applicant, how the mentor has assisted the applicant in the development of the application, and how the mentor will supervise the applicant in successfully completing the requirements of CRSP.

If the applicant is not able to identify a research mentor, please contact Dr. Margaret Rosenfeld to assist in identification of an appropriate individual.

Letter of Support from Division Head/Department Chair Committing to the following:  Minimum of 20% (standard path) or 50% (intensive path) protected time for research and training for each of the two years devoted to CRSP, including how clinical and administrative responsibilities will be shifted to provide this protected time.  Salary support to match that provided by the CCTR  Expectations of the Scholar after completion of CRSP Curriculum Vitae (UWSOM format, no page limit)

2012 CCTR Research Scholars Program Center for Clinical and Translational Research Clinical Research Scholars Program


Eligibility Criteria Faculty appointment at rank of acting instructor, acting assistant professor or assistant professor at the start date of the award period  Standard path: Clinician-educator (clinician-clinician track only if clear documentation of expectation and protected time for research by division chief)  Intensive path: physician-scientist or clinician-educator track  Applicant’s Division Chief must guarantee a minimum of 20% (standard path) or 50% (intensive path) protected time for CRSP participation, as demonstrated in a letter of support  A primary mentor must be identified, with willingness to mentor demonstrated in a letter of support  The applicant should propose career development in clinical, translational or outcomes research

Key Dates

CRSP RFA Released January 27, 2012 CRSP Application Deadline April 1, 2012 CRSP Award Announcement May 15, 2012 CRSP Program Commences July 1, 2012

Review Process Applications will be evaluated by the CRSP Application Review Committee, comprised of members of the CRSP Faculty. Prioritization will be based on:  Likelihood of career development plan to promote applicant’s success in stated research area  Likelihood of promoting the applicant’s academic status  Feasibility within a justified budget and allotted time

All unsuccessful applicants will receive a summary of reviews.

Progress Reports Semi-annual progress reports are required to be submitted by the Scholar after each Scholarship Oversight Committee meeting and should include the following components:

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 Attendance at required educational offerings  Presentation at works-in-progress  Participation in courses or other types of training  Grants in preparation, submitted, and/or received  IRB protocols in preparation, submitted, and/or approved  Presentations at local and national meetings  Manuscripts in preparation, submitted, and/or accepted for publication  Promotion activities if applicable

Award Terms & Conditions 1. Awards are non-transferable. They are intended to cultivate and support the scholarship and research of the recipient. 2. Scholars must become members of the Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR). 3. A progress report must be submitted every six months. Year 2 support is contingent upon receipt and acceptance of these progress reports. 4. It is expected that the research will be conducted within the timeline of and as outlined in the submitted proposal. Funds not expended by the end of the project date will be returned to the CCTR. 5. No-cost extensions require the approval of the CRSP Directors. All requests for a no-cost extension should be submitted to [email protected] no less than thirty days prior to the project end date. Only one no-cost extension will be granted and the funds must be expended within one year of the no-cost extension approval. 6. Payment of CCTR funded salary support will not exceed $18,000 per year for Standard track or $25,000 per year for Intensive track awardees. Payment of indirect costs is not allowed for this award. 7. The Scholar must ensure that, before the research commences and during the full award period, all the necessary national and local ethical, legal and regulatory requirements to conduct the research are met, and all the necessary licenses and approvals have been obtained. 8. Where the terms and conditions of the award have not been observed, the Clinical Research Scholar Program (CRSP) reserves the right to withdraw the remainder of the award. 9. At the conclusion of the project, a final report will be submitted to [email protected] within 60 days of project end date. 10. The following support acknowledgement should be included on all publications that result from support by Clinical Research Scholars Program funding. This publication was made possible with support from Seattle Children’s Center for Clinical and Translational

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Contact Information Margaret Rosenfeld, MD, MPH Joseph Flynn, MD CRSP Director CRSP Associate Director 206-987-6547 206-987-2524

Kelsey Heriot Children’s Core for Biostatistical Services CRSP Program Coordinator [email protected] 206-884-7469

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Applicant Information Name: Phone: Email: Mailstop: Academic Rank: Anticipated academic rank at start of award period, if different: Department/Division: Current Children’s Research

Center: Proposed CRSP Path Standard Intensive Primary Mentor Information Name: Phone: Email: Mailstop: Academic Rank: Department/Division: Children’s Research Center:

Title of Project

Abstract (limit 15 lines)

By signing and submitting this application, the applicant and the applicant’s institutions agree that they have read and understand the Research Scholar Program Terms and Conditions and that, if the project is funded, it will be conducted in accordance with those terms and conditions, as well as any applicable institutional policies and/or government regulations.

Applicant Signature: Date: Electronic signature is acceptable

Center for Clinical and Translational Research Research Scholars Program


Budget Breakdown Enter subtotal amount in appropriate row, rounded to the nearest dollar Year 1 Year 2 Cumulative

Salaries (Staff, % FTE or Hourly) $ $ $

Benefits (Fringe Benefits Based on Current Rates) $ $ $

Purchased Services (Children’s Core Services, Outside Consultants, Outside Services) $ $ $

Supplies & Materials (Lab and Office Supplies, Books) $ $ $

Equipment (Equipment/computers purchased with Children’s funds remain the property of $ $ $ Children’s) Other Expenses (Postage, Copying, Printing, Shipping, Membership Dues, Conference $ $ $ Registration, Research Subject Inducement)

* Travel (Per Diem Lodging/Meals/Expenses, Air Fare, Mileage, Car Rental) $ $ $

Tuition $ $ $

Consortium/Contractual Costs $ $ $


* Please note that currently Seattle Children’s restricts the use of internal funds for certain travel. Review the revised travel policy for more info.

Budget Justification Detail expenses listed above and explain how funds will be used.

Center for Clinical and Translational Research Research Scholars Program

CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Career Development Plan (limit 3 pages)

Center for Clinical and Translational Research Research Scholars Program

RESEARCH PLAN FOR STANDARD PATH APPLICANTS Research Plan for Future Grant Application (limit 2 pages, excluding references) Title

General Research Focus

Research Question to be Studied

Specific Aims

Possible Study Design and Methods


Center for Clinical and Translational Research Research Scholars Program

RESEARCH PLAN FOR INTENSIVE PATH APPLICANTS Description of Proposed Research Project (limit 5 pages, excluding references) Title

Research question to be studied

Specific Aims

Background and significance

Study design and methods


Recommended publications