Rideau Area Cubs

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Rideau Area Cubs

Rideau Area Cubs Minutes of the Old Wolves Meeting Held at 7:00 p.m. at Fred Barrett Arena On Monday, January 12, 2009

Present: John Gould – 1st Gloucester (Chair), Heather Shore (Treasurer) – 1st Osgoode, Sara Walker (Secretary) – 101st Ottawa, Andy Wilson – 1st Osgoode, Loren Pearson – 2nd Russell, David Laramee - 2nd Russell, Alex Csirsk- 104th Ottawa, James Murphy- 137th Ottawa, Sylvie Demers - 137th Ottawa, Mike Harris – 28th Ottawa, Dan Shea – 1st Manotick A, Jonathan Mayer- 104th Ottawa, Bob Peace- 1st Manotick B, Jeff Thoms- 1st Greely, Lawry Trevor-Deutsch- 104th Ottawa, Bruce Legg – 1st North Gower

Treasurer’s Report

Heather Shore will do an account deposit by the end of February or beginning of March in time for the Hostel Sleepover. The Rideau Hill Camp deposit of $60, for the fall camp is due in a few weeks. There is a healthy balance of $2,183.15 without any outstanding debts.

Sixer/Second Workshop Evaluation

Heritage Area made a comment regarding the woggle activity that the youth wanted a more hands-on approach. John Gould inquired of Heather if there were too many youth in attendance. This used to be a Rideau Area event instead of a combined Heritage/Rideau event. Next year we will plan for a Rideau Area Sixer/Second Workshop only as there were too many kids; keep to smaller groups thereby retaining more information. John would like to contact Nick Wise from Heritage not to join us next year. There was a consensus to keep with the November timeframe, keep at Scout Headquarters and only open to Rideau Area with fewer kids per group.

Winter Camp/Polar Day

January 30- February 1/09- at Connaught Ranges Alex provided the group a package with 3 handouts: 1) Email that was sent out in December to all Old Wolves; 2) the email correspondence with the base regarding a change in cost breakdown and contract agreement; 3) print outs of the online survey that was created on Facebook to gather attendance results. Alex spoke to Connaught to finalize some information by Friday. Due to a contract mix- up the cost breakdown is approximately $30 not $52 as stated in the December email. There needs to be a minimum of 25 people for an overnight stay. Any final contract changes can be done 5 days before the camp (January 30) including final number while billing will be done a day after departure. Alex passed around a checklist for all leaders to note their attendance at the Old Wolves meeting, if there group would be attending overnight or Polar Day, and an approximate number attending.

Page 1 of 3 Rideau Area Cubs Minutes of the Old Wolves Meeting Held at 7:00 p.m. at Fred Barrett Arena On Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter Camp/Polar Day (cont’d)

The sleeping trailer is handicap accessible but may pose a problem for wheelchair entrance as it only has 3 outside steps yet all facilities are on the one floor. Alex will be looking into getting an extra sleeping trailer, if groups need to be broken down by male and female sleeping quarters based on BP&P guidelines. There were an overwhelming majority of leaders in attendance that are available to attend as an overnight camp if held overnight Saturday to Sunday. Connaught will cater lunch, allergy lists need to be provided in 5 days to the Provision Officer at the base. Need to round out prep activities such as: snowshoes, soccer, indoor broomball, and other indoor activities as we have 2 indoor portables available. Campfire is still sketchy as Alex is unsure if we require a fire permit or if Connaught Ranges will allow us to hold it on the parade square. Campfire will either be ongoing during the Polar Day, yet we will require lots of firewood. Heather has volunteered a truck bed of dry firewood if it’s held as a daylong event. Otherwise, the fire can be held only as night for those participating in the overnight portion of the camp. All groups are asked to provide an activity the day that will be held during the Polar Day events from 10 am to 2 pm. Osgoode will be in charge of the making bannock and broomball activities. Manotick will organize a snowshoe activity and provide up to 20 pairs of snowshoes. The Emergency plan and Connaught Ranges camp will be sent to all groups with the minutes. There will be an Old Wolves meeting held on Saturday evening to discuss Paddle Night.

Kub Kars

Sat. Feb. 14, 2009 held at the North Gower Community Center. Scouts will be running a canteen stand for snacks and lunch. The event will be setup in one of the rinks and the second rink has been reserved for us to use for skating. One track is scheduled yet we need a total of 3 tracks for the event. Two groups have offered the use of their car tracks. We still require a Pit Crew that will be in charge of weighing the cars, removing or adding weights. Items required are: some hot glue guns, glue sticks, a drill and tools as needed. The 3 themes are: Best Car Look-alike, Wackiest Paint Job, and Best Theme Car. Registration will begin at 9:30 am. Racing will be from 10:30 am to 3 pm and the final 27 cars will determine the final 6 placings. Heather is in charge of obtaining the crests and trophies, and has already purchased the necessary cards and stickers for the event. Bruce will be sending out the directions and registration packages within the week.

Page 2 of 3 Rideau Area Cubs Minutes of the Old Wolves Meeting Held at 7:00 p.m. at Fred Barrett Arena On Monday, January 12, 2009

Paddle Night

Alex is in charge of organizing the event to be held at the Walter Baker Sports Centre in March, yet has been busy organizing Polar Day. He is currently looking for two consecutive nights in March that way we can double up the number of children at the event. It will be open to all 2nd and 3rd years Updates to follow after the winter camp wraps up in February.

3 rd Year Sleepover

April 25 – 26/09. Heather will email packages to everyone by the second week in February. She requires firm numbers by the second week in March. Heather requires an attendee list with a breakdown of the number of male and females attending and cheque by the end of March 2009. The fee is $45 per person including leaders.

Spring Camp

June 5 – 7, 2009. John inquired if that was a good weekend for all groups to attend as an area spring camp. Some groups will be holding their all-section spring camp around the same weekend. Site possibilities are Apple Hill or Voyageur Provincial Park but reservations cannot be made until April for the summer season. Site to be discussed at next Old Wolves meeting on April 16, 2009.

Other Discussions

There will be an All-Section Rideau Area, all day event held on Saturday, October 24, 2009. Place to be determined. Mike Harris informed the group that the National Youth Reps are currently working on a badge equivalent to the Chief Scout Award or Queen’s Ventures Award for the Cubs as national recognition for receiving all 6 Stars or all 8 Awards. Some of the ideas will be as a badge allowing the youth to wear it on their shirt or sash.

Sunday, February 8th - Scout Day to be held at the Ottawa 67’s game at the Ottawa Civic Centre. Details to follow by Voyageur Council. Reminder to get the kids out this winter either skating on the canal or reserve time to use the Governor Generals skating rink.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting date is: At Fred Barrett Arena, in the Large Hall upstairs Thursday, Apr. 16/09 – 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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