VPS Workforce Diversity And Inclusion Strategy 2017-2020

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VPS Workforce Diversity And Inclusion Strategy 2017-2020



Last updated 2 June 2017 The Department of Education and Training acknowledges and pays respects to Elders and all Victorian Aboriginal communities. We honour and respect Traditional Owners, past and present, and value the rich culture and history of the First Peoples of this land. Throughout this document the term Koorie is used to refer to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Use of the term Aboriginal, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous are retained in the names of the programs and initiatives and unless noted other otherwise inclusive of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Melbourne March 2017 ©State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2016 The copyright in this document is owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training), or in the case of some materials, by third parties (third party materials). No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, the National Education Access Licence for Schools (NEALS) (see below) or with permission. An educational institution situated in Australia which is not conducted for profit, or a body responsible for administering such an institution may copy and communicate the materials, other than third party materials, for the educational purposes of the institution. Authorised by the Department of Education and Training, 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002



I am pleased to present DET’s Victorian Public Service Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2017- 2020. This Strategy is the first of its kind for the Department and I am incredibly proud that it will support our staff to be the best they can be, provide freedom from discrimination and harassment, and allow them to feel supported, valued and included. As articulated in the recently launched Investing in Our People Strategy, the Department’s vision is to have a high performing, valued, empowered and supported workforce. Investing in our people is central to this vision. Having work environments and colleagues that value and respect their differences is just as important as having the right skills and capabilities for their jobs. This Strategy outlines our goal to achieve safe and inclusive workplaces, where diversity is valued and inclusive practices are the standard way of doing things. It builds on what we have already done and provides the framework for planning and monitoring the work ahead of us. It also focuses on improving the day to day experiences of our staff when they are at work, and harnessing their diverse experiences and talents to inform the work we do with and for our community. Diversity is an asset and makes us better. It enhances our ability to understand and meet the needs of our service users, and design and develop strong, relevant and workable policies and programs. It helps us work through challenges, hear and consider different perspectives and lived experiences, anticipate problems and deal with setbacks. Encouraging and valuing diversity through demonstrating inclusion is essential for our staff to perform at their best. I’m excited about the opportunity this Strategy presents for our Department to become a beacon for workplace culture. All of our staff should feel safe, supported and included. As the people charged with the privileged position of educating the next generation, I want to be striving for a culture of the highest standards that the community we serve has trust and pride in.


The Department has set a bold vision in the Statement of Strategic Intent: Together we give every Victorian the best learning and development experience, making our State a smarter, fairer, more prosperous place. This aspiration is for a future where: Children and young people are confident, optimistic, healthy and resilient; Students reach their potential, regardless of background, place, circumstance or abilities; Victorians develop knowledge, skills and attributes needed now and for the jobs of the future; The Department’s workforce is high-performing, empowered, valued and supported. To achieve this, we have developed the DET Victorian Public Service (VPS) Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. Its vision is to have a: VPS workforce that is broadly representative of the Victorian population; workplace culture that values the individual characteristics of each person, and supports each of them to thrive and reach their potential; workplace that acknowledges and values diversity, provides equal opportunities, and is inclusive of all differences.


As part of the Department’s Investing in Our People Strategy (the People Strategy), a focus on building a workplace culture that values diversity and respect is necessary to ensure all our VPS workforce can do their best work. This DET VPS Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (the Strategy) outlines the Department’s commitment to building a workplace that is grounded in respect, fosters inclusion, promotes diversity and embraces the unique skills and qualities of all our people. It supports other work being undertaken to build safe and inclusive workplaces described in the People Strategy and is complemented by the Culture of integrity and respect sub-strategy. The organisational benefits of developing a workplace that values diversity and inclusion are undeniable (Roberge & van Dick, 2010). People thrive and are more innovative in working environments that are free from bias and discrimination and where diversity of experiences and views are valued. In addition, organisations that have strong reputations in workforce diversity and inclusion attract and retain top talent (Deloitte, 2012; VPSC, 2015).


Workforce Diversity: Acknowledges the diverse skills and perspectives that people bring to the workplace because of their gender, age, language, cultural background, disability, sexual orientation, working style, work and life experiences, and other qualities and diversities. Ensures that our workforce is reflective of the Victorian community that we serve. Means having diversity of thought and leadership to make our work the best it can be.

Workforce Inclusion: Removes barriers to enable all staff to reach their potential and feel included. Supports the development and achievement of organisational outcomes. Values the individual characteristics each person brings to the workplace. Creates an environment of respect, trust and appreciation of difference. Allows all employees to work to their potential and produce the best outcomes for the Victorian community. Inclusion results in: People feeling valued and supported in their work to achieve their full potential. Increased collaboration, innovation, initiative and improvement in overall organisational performance. Diversity is the mix; Inclusion is getting the mix working well together.

This Strategy: Recognises the need to reflect the diversity of our community in the way we promote, design, develop and deliver our services. Sets the foundations for us to build an inclusive workplace culture, based on the Department values, where all staff are valued and recognised for their unique qualities, ideas, voices and perspectives.

6 Promotes the significant benefit of the skills, experience, backgrounds and talents that exists within our workforce. Demonstrates the Department’s commitment to being a model employer for diversity and inclusion with the aim to retain current and attract new staff.

SCOPE The Strategy is focused on the VPS workforce, corporate and regional, employed directly by the Department. A range of actions, including resources and tools will be developed as part of this Strategy’s actions, and it is intended that these would be made available for other public sector workforces including schools. This is a four-year strategy that acknowledges that change, especially significant cultural change, takes time. The efforts in the first year of this Strategy will aim to establish the foundations on which further actions will be built over time. This can be described through phases of maturity. The diagram below depicts the predicted progress in Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Maturity over time covered by this Strategy.



INVESTING IN OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY In 2016 the Department released the People Strategy. The People Strategy highlights our people as the strength of the organisation in achieving its goals and commits to working across five key areas to ensure our people are capable, able to perform at their best, and feel empowered, valued and supported. The five elements are: Leading for Outcomes: strengthening our leadership practice and developing our future leaders. Learning-Centred Organisation: developing our people to be their best. Culture of Integrity and Respect: ensuring we act with the highest ethical standards, as well as treating each other with respect. Safe and Inclusive Workplaces: safe and healthy workplaces free from physical or psychological harm, where everyone’s contribution is valued. Empowered and responsible people: delivering on commitments at every level of our organisation. This Strategy is a key enabler of the People Strategy and its implementation is an action under the Safe and inclusive workplaces element.

8 DET VALUES The Department’s values underpin the behaviours that the government and community expect of all public sector employees. The values provide guiding principles for the decisions we make and the behaviours we seek to demonstrate every day at work. All our values are important, however the values of Respect and Human Rights are the foundational values that underpin this Strategy.


Unlawful discrimination in employment Discrimination means treating a person unfavourably because of a protected attribute, such as the person’s age, disability, race, gender, gender identity or sexuality. Discrimination can be direct or indirect. Direct discrimination occurs if a person treats a person with a protected attribute unfavourably because of that attribute. Indirect discrimination occurs if a person imposes a requirement or condition on everyone but it has the effect of disadvantaging persons with an attribute and is not reasonable. State and federal anti-discrimination laws make it unlawful for employers or prospective employers to discriminate against a person in the area of employment on the basis of a protected attribute (including 9 age, disability, race, gender, gender identity and sexuality). It is unlawful for an employer or prospective employer to discriminate in offering employment, determining the terms of employment or limiting access to opportunities.

Positive duty to eliminate discrimination In addition to making discriminatory conduct unlawful, state and federal anti-discrimination laws also create a positive duty for employers to take reasonable measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination from the workplace. The Strategy aims to ensure a workplace free from discrimination and to set out positive actions to achieve a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Relevant legislation The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth)

WHOLE OF VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES Together with the Department’s Strategic Priorities, the People Strategy and the DET Values, the Department works within the context of broader social change. In Victoria this includes a range of social change policies aimed to improve tolerance and acceptance of difference within the Victorian community, to reduce stereotypes and biases towards groups because of their difference, and to facilitate greater social cohesion. Whole of Victorian Government (WoVG) priorities: Strategic Framework to Strengthen Victoria’s Social cohesion and the Resilience of its Communities (2015) Its key purpose is to guide the Victorian Government in how to further strengthen Victoria’s social cohesion and how to build and empower resilient communities in order to prevent and reverse the development of racial, ethnic and religious intolerance that can lead to violence. Victorian Gender Equality Strategy (2016) Changing stereotyped attitudes towards women, contribute to the prevention of family violence and work towards gender equality. Multicultural Policy Statement The key purpose of Victoria’s Multicultural Policy Statement, Victorian. And proud of it. (2017) is to safeguard our social cohesion and ensure that every Victorian is able to contribute and belong. It contains a Victorian Values Statement, which sets out the shared values upon which our success as a multicultural state has been built: equality, freedom and shared responsibility. It also details the policies, programs and services that will extend this work, and sets out clear outcomes to measure progress. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Inclusion Plan 2016-2017 A commitment to the right to equality and removing discrimination. Attitudes and ideas that might be adverse to LGBTI inclusion can be the result of conscious and unconscious behaviours. It is our responsibility to challenge these ideas and work towards promoting inclusion for all employees. Victorian Government Aboriginal Inclusion Framework The Victorian Government Aboriginal Inclusion Framework, released in November 2011, outlines the main barriers Aboriginal Victorians face in accessing services and resources, following consultations in 2009 and 2010. The Framework includes as a key action the development of departmental action plans to demonstrate how access to and inclusion in mainstream services will be improved. Progress against inclusion plans is reported in the annual Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Report. Aboriginal Employment Strategy

10 The Victorian Public Sector Commission is developing a Strategy for implementation in 2017. The Strategy will encompass 2016 initiatives such as the Aboriginal Undergraduate Cadetship Program, the Aboriginal Career Development Program, and Aboriginal Pathway to GRADS and develop a coordinated approach to Aboriginal employment across the Victorian Public Sector. State Disability Plan 2017-2020 Greater inclusion, to tackle the negative attitudes and barriers that many Victorians with a disability face, and to focus on changing attitudes and reduce discrimination. Public sector reforms 2016 Building a public sector that is open, results-orientated and collaborative, uses the latest technology, is innovative, joined up and is an employer of choice. Building public sector capabilities to match new requirements, take a systems approach to the work of the public sector, focus on outcomes to demonstrate value to the community; ensure accountability that places integrity at the centre of the public service.

WHAT THE EVIDENCE TELLS US The Department’s data on workforce diversity compares well with other VPS organisations and the broader Victorian labour market. We have an older workforce and a higher proportion of women than other public sector organisations. Six in ten of our staff are aged over 45, and nearly three in every four VPS staff members are women. We have an even gender split in our executive officer (EO) cohort. We are comparable with other departments in our proportion of staff from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and staff who report having a disability. We have a lower proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, and fewer staff working part time than other VPS organisations. To reduce discrimination, ensure human rights are upheld, and to increase opportunities for all people who want to and are able to work, there are goals emerging from the whole of government work that call on the Department to increase its workforce diversity, including to: Meet a 1% public service employment target for Aboriginal people by 2018. Increase the proportion of staff with a disability. Increase the use of flexible work options. Meet a 50/50 gender target at executive level and address gender pay gaps. Prevent discrimination against all diversity groups, especially through recruitment processes and addressing unconscious bias.

PEOPLE MATTER SURVEY RESULTS 2016 The People Matter Survey, conducted by the Victorian Public Sector Commission, is an employee opinion survey that provides data that helps us understand our current diversity profile and attitudes. The 2016 survey results found strengths of: work colleagues having positive attitudes towards other staff with diverse backgrounds. a positive culture in relation to cultural diversity. Supervisors supported people with diverse backgrounds. Opportunities for improvements included: perceptions about senior managers supporting diversity perceptions about the organisation having an environment that fosters inclusiveness, that treats staff with fairness and respect, and that is supportive towards people with a disability. While some groups have benefited from increased awareness, such as LGBTI inclusion, other areas, like disability employment are falling behind. Furthermore, the intersectional characteristics found across diversity areas can make inclusion and monitoring inclusion even more difficult for some groups. The People Matter Survey is conducted annually and will help us track our progress. FOCUS AREAS

11 The Strategy has nine focus areas. This approach allows for a range of coordinated and overarching actions that support the broad organisational culture, policy and behaviour changes to best support diversity and inclusion. There will be specific actions in each focus area. The Strategy specifies how the Department will develop, implement, monitor and report on progress towards achieving its commitments. It provides a strong foundation for driving change over the coming years. The workplan at the end of this document describes how this will be achieved each year.

FOCUS 1: INCLUSIVE AND DIVERSE LEADERSHIP ‘Leaders who fail to appreciate this fundamental precept of accountability must also fail to muster the profound commitment true leadership demands.’ General Sir Peter Cosgrove, A Very Australian Conversation, Boyer Lectures, 2009

Inclusive leadership is associated with greater team engagement. People working in more inclusive teams report higher levels of commitment and satisfaction (Roberege and van Dick, 2010). Building inclusive leadership will support the development of inclusive capability in all individuals, teams and leadership roles so we can deliver work that best meets the needs of the community. Effective leadership is key in promoting and supporting workforce diversity and inclusion. Every EO and manager in the Department is responsible for actively encouraging an open and collaborative culture that demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Inclusion is about understanding what influences

12 inclusion, and exclusion, and how to create new behaviours and work practices. Strengthening the diversity in our leadership group will assist organisational decision making to be informed by a wider range of experience and knowledge and reflect the diversity of the Victorian community. All leaders in the Department have signed up to a Leadership Charter, which sets out their shared commitment to living the values and modelling the behaviours the Department needs to realise its Strategic Intent. Strengthening leadership capability while fostering diverse leadership is critical to cultural change. The Leadership Charter can be found at https://edugate.eduweb.vic.gov.au/Services/GC/Shared Documents/0000_DET_Leadership Charter_1pp V9_TP.pdf

FOCUS 2: INCLUSIVE SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES ‘Innovative thinking in technology has the potential to be a game changer for diversity and inclusion.’ Chandler Macleod, The Future of Work, 2016

Building effective systems and processes that everyone can use helps us to deliver our services more effectively. It also shows that we are serious about ensuring everyone has access to opportunities, that we are committed to accommodating a diverse range of abilities, effectively adapting our systems and processes to eliminate barriers to participation. Changes in technology provide opportunities to design approaches that better support diversity and inclusion than ever before. For example, automation of some stages of the recruitment process may eliminate some unconscious bias and increase the diversity of the pool of candidates that make it to shortlisting. Technology to support accessibility can also be used to assist people to overcome workplace impediments that prevent them from doing their job well. For example, improving web accessibility and providing hearing loops in our conference spaces. It’s not just about our technology. The Department’s systems and processes can present barriers and make it harder for staff to feel included. For example, the lack of inclusive language in Department documents and reports; only providing binary descriptions of gender on forms; not providing accessible options for documents for those with a vision impairment; or limiting flexible work options. We need to enhance our understanding of these systems and processes in order to overcome these challenges.

FOCUS 3: WORKFORCE FLEXIBILITY ‘Our communities are full of people who are caring - for children, grand-children, parents, in- laws, for others in our community with disability, chronic illness or old age… As caring is not simply an after-hours job, or something that ceases when the kids grow up, flexible working arrangements provide immense assistance in reducing the stress associated with managing these responsibilities.’ Former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, 2013

The Department has well-established and long standing flexible work options available to all its VPS staff. Many staff have formal and informal arrangements in place. We are working towards enhancing our current arrangements to support a whole of Victorian government approach to ‘mainstreaming flexible work’ across the VPS. We know that each job is different and there are a wide range of options when it comes to working flexibly. Individuals and managers are encouraged to consider each case on its merits when making these decisions. Flexible work requires genuine commitment from individuals, their managers and their team. Mainstreaming flexibility is about building a culture at the Department where we say ‘yes’ to flexibility, and to giving people permission and support to balance their work and careers with other things they love, care about and need. Offering flexible work also increases employment options for people with disability or chronic illness. The demands of work, the way we work, where, and how we work are less defined than ever before. New technologies make it easier to undertake work in many locations, any hour of the day. Flexible working gives employees a meaningful level of control over when, where and how they work. This impacts positively on staff productivity, efficiency and quality.

FOCUS 4: CULTURAL DIVERSITY 13 ‘So discriminating against men and women in terms of their race or ethnic heritage or sexual orientation is ridiculous and it means we deny in society the talent that is on offer by everybody.’ David Morrison, Retired Chief of Army and Australian of the Year, 2016

Australia is one of the most successful multicultural nations in the world (Kymlicka, 2007) and Victoria is a leading multicultural state. Victorians speak more than 200 languages at home (including Aboriginal and migrant languages) and follow 135 different faiths - and more than a quarter of Victorians were born overseas (2011 ABS Census). Having a diverse workforce that is reflective of the cultural backgrounds of the wider population helps us to make policy and program decisions that best meet the needs of the Victorian community we serve. Cultural diversity is an important dimension of our organisation’s diversity that brings experiences and knowledge relevant to both the workplace culture and the provision of services to the Victorian Community. The Victorian community expects that the public service ensures fairness and equity in employing staff and does not discriminate. This is because our work plays a significant role in helping Victoria grow and develop as a multicultural community that values diversity, and supports new immigrants and refugees to settle and flourish in our community.

FOCUS 5: DISABILITY ‘There are more than one million people with a disability living in Victoria. They have a wide range of conditions and impairments. What they have in common is a shared experience of encountering negative attitudes and barriers to full participation in everyday activities.’ State Disability Plan 2017-2020

Around one in every five Australians has some form of disability. These are our existing employees, clients, service users, stakeholders, and service providers. Discrimination in the workplace is the number one barrier for people with a disability (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2016). Many wish to work, are capable and have the skills, however face individual and structural barriers to employment. Research in Australia and overseas shows that workers with a disability are no more likely to be injured at work than other staff and there are no differences in performance and productivity. Staff with disability have fewer scheduled absences and increased length of service than those without (Morgan and Alexander, 2005; Linkow et al 2010). A disability confident organisation is one that understands the relevance of disability to the organisation and identifies and removes barriers for individuals with disability. This includes organisational plans to prioritise disability employment issues, provision of flexible work arrangements and process for workplace adjustments. Training and support is also involved to ensure managers and staff have a better understanding of disability. The implementation of the following actions will enable the Department to provide a more ‘disability confident’ workplace that provides a supportive, positive and inclusive environment for staff with a disability. These actions will also assist the Department to eliminate disability discrimination, direct, unintentional or indirect.

FOCUS 6: GENDER EQUALITY ‘We are all responsible for making gender equity a reality in our workplaces and this change needs to be led from the top. Real change becomes possible when we have open and challenging conversations about gender equity.’ Adam Fennessy, Secretary, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, in the Victorian Gender Equality Strategy 2016

Workplace gender equality is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of gender (Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2016). Despite there being progress in recent years, the gender gap in the Australian workforce is still prevalent; women continue to earn less than men, are less likely to advance their careers as far as men, and accumulate less retirement or superannuation savings. At the same time, men have less access to family- friendly policies such as parental leave and flexible working arrangements than women.

14 The aim of gender equality in the workplace is to achieve broadly equal outcomes for women and men, where all can achieve their ambitions, experience gender balanced leadership, and value men’s and women’s contributions equally. This requires: challenging conscious and unconscious bias removal of barriers to the full and equal participation of women in the workforce access to all occupations including leadership roles, regardless of gender elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender, particularly in relation to family and caring responsibilities flexible work arrangements for those suffering from or caring for someone suffering from family violence.

FOCUS 7: KOORIE ‘The Department acknowledges and respects Aboriginal culture, its values and practices, and is committed to take actions to provide better support to Aboriginal people employed by the Department. These actions will develop a more inclusive culture through leadership, workforce practices and communication’. Wiralung Ganai, DET, 2015 Research has found that organisations have much work to do to create inclusive working environments where Koorie people feel safe to identify as such. Part of the problem is that many non-Indigenous Australians have little knowledge about Indigenous history and culture (DCA, 2013). The Department has a strong commitment to Aboriginal inclusion as evidenced by its Aboriginal Inclusion Plans which support a more inclusive culture and provide better support to Koorie people employed by the Department. The Strategy lends support to the Department’s commitment to Aboriginal inclusion by promoting a workplace which respects Koorie culture, values and practices. Fundamental to these efforts is the provision of a safe and welcoming environment for everyone that ultimately contributes to making the Department a more inclusive workplace and an employer of choice for Koorie people. More broadly the Department’s Aboriginal Education Plan 2016-26, Marrung, which is framed within context of the Education State, provides a long-term vision for Aboriginal inclusion including the aspiration of making ‘the success of Aboriginal Victorians the core business for all educational leaders’. The aim of the Strategy is to complement the Department’s approach to Aboriginal inclusion by increasing the visibility and support for Koorie culture across the Department and to facilitate career development opportunities that supports Koorie people to develop and progress their careers to match their aspirations and potential. These efforts are framed within the People Strategy which is dedicated to ‘empowering our people to be the best’ The following actions will complement and support existing departmental commitments regarding Aboriginal inclusion.

FOCUS 8: LGBTI ‘With workplace equality now an integral part of many businesses in Australia, more and more companies are recognising the enormous value and benefits of creating an inclusive workplace for their LGBTI employees. All the available data shows that people will perform better and make a more productive contribution to a workplace if they can be themselves and feel safe at work. That is precisely why so many of Australia’s leading companies have recognised that workplace inclusion is not only good for their employees but also good for their business bottom line.’ Mark Orr, Former President, Aids Council of NSW, 2015 Sexual orientation is often a sensitive topic in the workplace but is not something unique to those who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. We all have a sexual orientation. Most people, identifying as heterosexual, don’t even consider the fact that their sexual orientation is on display 24/7 and is brought to work on a daily basis (Pride in Diversity, 2016). One in two LGBTI Australians hide their sexual identity in the workplace for fear being ‘out’ could damage their careers (Pride in Diversity, 2016). Furthermore, LGBTI people who are not ‘out’ at work worry about hiding their sexual orientation. The 2016 Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) found that people in the public sector feel there is

15 less support (than the private sector), and that their senior management are less likely to genuinely support inclusion initiatives (Pride in Diversity 2016). The Department is committed to ensuring that we are raising awareness about the specific challenges and experiences LGBTI staff have at work, and to promote inclusion and make it safe at the Department for LGBTI staff to be who they are. Raising awareness and showing support for LGBTI staff is essential to support a diverse and inclusive workplace. Addressing unconscious bias and discrimination are critical to creating a workplace that is inclusive and enables people to meet their potential.

FOCUS 9: GENERATIONAL DIVERSITY ‘Workplaces are becoming increasingly age diverse… Just as we went through with gender and ethnic differences – what can we learn from that? This is not about assimilating the generations, it’s about adaptability for the people and for the organisation’s initiatives.’ Julie Cogin, Australian School of Business, 2011

Negative stereotypes about people’s abilities to undertake tasks can apply to young and older people. Age discrimination has the potential to shape how people are treated and perceived by others, limit a person’s potential and can impact on their health and wellbeing (Willing to Work, Australian Human Rights Commission 2016). Addressing ageism upholds a person’s rights and enables their full contribution to work and job satisfaction. It is critical that we support mature age workers, that we do not make assumptions about their work life intentions, and that we support them in achieving their goals. In some cases, this may be by supporting staff who wish to further their career aspirations or to scale back their hours if they wish, encouraging them to take on mentoring roles in the organisation or work on specific projects that can tap into their extensive expertise. It is also important to support younger staff by providing them with challenging and interesting work that helps them to realise their potential and to learn the skills they will need for the future. Staff in-between who might be experiencing a career plateau for example, or who are returning from study or family leave may also need support to consider their next career steps.

THE WORKPLAN There is much work to do. The workplan reflects the need to continue to build strong foundations that will set the Department up to support and sustain the cultural and behavioural changes to come in the years ahead. The annual workplan has been organised around types of actions. Each focus area is then addressed within as follows:

Providing guidance and support This includes policies, guidance documents, tools and resources to support inclusive practice. It also includes having knowledgeable staff who can provide advice and influence decisions that will improve workforce diversity and inclusion.

Raising awareness This focuses on the range of communications options available to raise awareness of workforce diversity and inclusion, foster supportive attitudes and influence the workplace culture over time.

Building skills and capability Focuses on actions that provide learning and development opportunities for staff to improve their practice. This includes providing formal and informal development opportunities such as the 70:20:10 model – experience, engage, educate.

Building evidence and tracking progress Enhancing our ability to capture and access data and research that can inform our decisions about where action is needed, and help us to prioritise actions over the life of the strategy. This could include influencing current data collections or introducing new ones that will help us to track our progress and report on our achievements and opportunities.

16 Ensuring good governance Strengthen the governance around diversity and inclusion, including leadership buy in and sponsorship. Develop governance processes that model accountability and champion respect and human rights. Be good public sector citizens by contributing to improving the WoVG diversity and inclusion agenda. Please see a summary of the workplan on page 15. The complete 2017 workplan is provided as an attachment.


Focus 2: Focus 1: Inclusive Inclusive and systems Focus 3: Focus 4: Focus 6: Focus 9: diverse and Workplace Cultural Focus 5: Gender Focus 7: Focus 8: Generational leadership processes flexibility Diversity Disability Equality Koorie LGBTI Diversity Providing Provide Refresh all diversity and inclusion policies and support resources to ensure staff have a safe and inclusive workplace guidance support Recruitment process review and development of support material and resources to ensure inclusive recruitment practices and support materials for hiring managers Raising Information and promotion of resources, tools, events, celebrations and good news stories for each focus area will be included in the Strategy’s Awareness Communication plan and the Workforce Diversity and Inclusion SharePoint page. Building Build Inclusion Information Suite of Disability Explore a Explore a LGBTI Provide skills and unconscious checklist for sessions to activities awareness ‘Women in Koorie staff Awareness information capability bias capability hiring support the around training leadership’ network and ally about in the managers implementation improving staff network training stereotyping leadership of ‘all roles flex’ cultural Mentoring Work with the and team Respectful awareness support GLT Stereotyping VPSC on unconscious workplaces project and improving bias resources module Develop plan unconscious Koorie review to improve JobAccess bias resources cultural staff cultural partnership competency competency of staff training Building Executives share diversity data with teams and take improvement action evidence Map existing data sources, identify gaps and develop a data improvement plan and tracking Undertake research to explore issues, inform approaches and disseminate results progress Complete the Australian Workplace Equality Index (LGBTI) Ensuring Explore Executive champions approach good Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Working Group to provide advice and support to the Strategy’s workplan and forward actions governance Gender Equality Working Group will provide additional support for Gender Equality, mainly focused on the DET actions in the VGES but will provide advice on Focus 3 and Focus 6 also Provide leadership, advice and support on WoVG diversity and inclusion initiatives


Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) (2016) Willing to work: National inquiry into employment discrimination against older workers, Sydney, Australia Diversity Council Australia (2013) Closing the work gap in corporate Australia Deloitte (2012) Inclusive leadership: Will a hug do, Human Capital, Deloitte Australia point of View Graffam, J; Smith, K; Shinkfield, A and Polzin, U (2002) Employer benefits and costs of employing a person with a disability’, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp 251-363 Kymlicka, W (2007) Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the new international politics of diversity, Oxford University Press, New York. Linkow, P, Barrington, L, Susanne, B, Figueroa, I and Wrigth, M 2013, Leveling the playing field: attracting, engaging and advancing people with disabilities, The Conference Board, New York, United States. Marrung, (2016) Aboriginal Education Plan 2016-26, Department of Education and Training, State of Victoria Morgan, R and Alexander, M (2005) The employers’ perception: Employment of individuals with developmental disabilities, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp 155-162 Allies toolkit (2016) Pride in Diversity Roberge, M and van Dick, R (2010) Recognizing the benefits of diversity: When and how does diversity increase group performance? Human Resource Management Review Vol 20 pp 295-308 Victorian Public Sector Commission (2015) Attracting and Retaining an Ageing Workforce Wiralung Ganai, (2016) Aboriginal Inclusion Plan 2015-17 Department of Education and Training, State of Victoria Workplace Gender Equality Agency (2016) The business case for gender equality, Sydney, Australia

18 FOCUS 1: INCLUSIVE AND DIVERSE LEADERSHIP Description What How Who When Success measures Providing Include inclusive leadership Build these into the forward plan People Division By May All EOs understand guidance and unconscious bias in the for EO leadership development 2017 and demonstrate and support Leadership Charter and program inclusive leadership Leadership Capability Framework Hiring managers to improve People Division develop further resources, People Division Ongoing That the People knowledge and skills about tools and checklists to support hiring Matter Survey results best practice recruitment to managers for Merit based ensure fairness and equity EOs provide information to their staff about selection and the Department’s recruitment processes workplace inclusiveness improve year on year Raising Develop a communication Include in the communication plan: People Division By June That the People awareness plan to support Department  Methods for EOs and managers to 2017 Matter Survey results EOs to encourage for workplace promote diversity and inclusion in their involvement in celebrations, inclusiveness teams events and staff led networks improve year on to facilitate cultural and other  Forward calendar of celebrations/events to year, including the connections assist EOs with planning their perceptions of the communications inclusiveness of our  News stories featuring the diversity leaders of EOs Building Increase the knowledge, Develop a proposal to provide training People Division By June EOs use of the skills and skills and capability of EO to EOs and leaders 2017 resources capability around unconscious bias and inclusive leadership Provide available unconscious bias tools People Division By July and resources for self-assessment and 2017 reflection Building Department EO share Provide EOs with the results of the People People Division By Sept evidence and diversity and inclusion Matter survey, including their diversity and 2017 tracking workforce data with teams, inclusion results progress identify improvement opportunities and take action EOs to identify opportunities for EOs Diversity and improvement and incorporate into their inclusion actions in People Matter action plans Group and division action plans Ensuring Investigate the interest in Develop a proposal for executive champions WDI team By Aug good developing executive for each diversity and inclusion area 2017 governance champions Utilise available expertise Hold agreed meetings with the Working WDI team ongoing Annual feedback Group and plan actions from WG members

19 FOCUS 2: INCLUSIVE SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES Description What How Who When Success measures

Providing Improve inclusiveness in the Review the recruitment process with a People Division Aug 2017 Improvement in guidance and recruitment process to diversity and inclusion focus People Matter survey support reduce bias and improve identifying strengths and opportunities results on system accessibility to improve, and make inclusiveness and recommendations for improvements merit based recruitment

Raising Provide information and Develop advice for managers about People Division Oct 2017 Improvement in awareness tools for hiring managers to recruiting a diverse workforce for each People Matter survey ensure recruitment stage of the recruitment process results on processes are inclusive inclusiveness and Provide information about workforce People Division merit based diversity and inclusion in the induction recruitment kit, website and in face to face inductions

Building skills Build inclusive practices Develop and provide an inclusion People Division May 2017 Improvement in and capability checklist for hiring managers to use People Matter survey when developing their position results on descriptions and job advertisements inclusiveness and merit based Enhance respectful workplaces People Division recruitment training to include awareness of workforce diversity and inclusion explicitly

Building Improve data collection and Map the existing data sources and People Division Sept 2017 Improvement in evidence and reporting including suitability People Matter survey tracking benchmarks and targets for Identify gaps results on progress workforce diversity and inclusiveness and inclusion Develop a data improvement plan merit based recruitment

Ensuring good Use systems to generate Develop reporting approaches to WDI team with Sept 2017 governance data highlight the Department’s workforce the OD and WP diversity profile and inclusion data teams

Utilise available expertise Hold agreed meetings with the People Division Ongoing Annual feedback from Working Group and plan actions WG members

20 FOCUS 3: WORKPLACE FLEXIBILITY Description What How Who When Success measures Providing Refresh the flexible work Refresh the application and approval People Division April 2017 Improvement in guidance and policies and provide advice forms People Matter survey support to staff Develop managers’ guide, frequently People Division results on flexible asked questions sheet and other tools to work support implementation Raising Communicate the policy and Develop a schedule for communications People Division April 2017 Improvement in awareness resources across the for the ‘all roles flex’ roll out People Matter survey Department Implement flexible work in job People Division results on flexible advertisements and in position work descriptions Provide information sessions for People Division managers and staff about the implementation of the refreshed policies Include in the communications plan good People Division news stories and examples of the practical applications of flexible work and the benefits to our people and the organisation Building skills Ensure adequate support for Provide information session across April 2017 Improvement in and capability implementation People Division staff prior to People Matter survey implementation results on flexible work Building Collect evidence of effective Monitor and report on the use of flexible People Division Ongoing Improvement in evidence and flexible work options and work People Matter survey tracking progressimplementation Identify areas for improvement and future results on flexible opportunities work Undertake research to develop options for People Division Nov 2017 a job share register, including any tools that may be available to assist with implementation Ensuring good Utilise available expertise Hold agreed meetings with the Working People Division ongoing Annual feedback from governance Group and plan action WG members

21 FOCUS 4: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Description What How Who When Success measures Providing Provide information about Encourage take-up of the People June 2017 Staff perception of the guidance and support Language Allowance to staff, and Division effectiveness of inclusiveness support promote the availability and use of (valuing diversity, equal Language Aides opportunities, free from discrimination etc.) in the Launch the Department’s Cultural PRG April 2017 People Matter Survey Diversity Plan Raising Promote cultural diversity Develop a communications plan People March Staff perception of the awareness across our workforce Promote cultural diversity week Division 2017 effectiveness of inclusiveness Encourage staff attendance at the (valuing diversity, equal Immigration Museum opportunities, free from Provide toolkits to EOs and discrimination etc.) in the people managers to support team People Matter Survey activities that promote cultural diversity and inclusion Building skills Improve the cultural Work with OMAC to support their People Ongoing Staff perception of the and capability competency of staff feasibility study for the WoVG Division effectiveness of inclusiveness approach to online cultural (valuing diversity, equal competency training opportunities, free from discrimination etc.) in the Develop a proposal to provide People Dec 2017 People Matter Survey cultural competency training for Division staff Building Undertake research Undertake a cultural competency People June 2017 Staff perception of the evidence and training audit across the Division effectiveness of inclusiveness tracking Department to determine current (valuing diversity, equal progress training arrangements opportunities, free from discrimination etc.) in the Build cultural diversity into People ongoing People Matter Survey workforce reporting Division Ensuring good Utilise available expertise Hold agreed meetings with the People ongoing Annual feedback from WG governance Working Group and plan action Division members

22 FOCUS 5: DISABILITY Description What How Who When Success measures Providing Improve the proportion of Review the recruitment process, identify People Division and March 2017 Increase in the number guidance and staff with disability in the strengths and opportunities. JobAccess of staff reporting that support Department’s VPS Review disability policies and refresh they have a disability in workforce Develop a recruitment checklist for hiring the People Matter managers when considering applicants Survey with disability Raising Promote disability Include in the communications plan: People Division and May 2017 Increase in the awareness awareness through  good news stories of staff with JobAccess perception that the communication channels Department is inclusive disability, their managers and for people with disability colleagues in the People Matter  promote International Day of People survey with Disability  promote the release of the Mental Health Charter for the VPS  policy refresh and support available  provide enhanced information about reasonable adjustment Building skills Increase the knowledge Develop a project proposal for providing People Division and Increase in confidence and capability and capability of managersmentoring support to current staff with JobAccess of managers following and staff to better support disability, and current managers who awareness training staff with disability work with staff with disability Investigate staff interest in establishing a staff led network to provide support for staff with a disability Provide disability awareness training Sept – Dec 2017 Building Share evidence Include the proportion of staff with People Division Ongoing evidence and disability in the workforce reporting tracking progress Disseminate the results of the Disability People Division May 2017 Confidence at DET research project Ensuring good Utilise the available Establish a partnership with JobAccess People Division Ongoing Annual feedback from governance expertise and develop a 12 month plan WG members Hold agreed meetings with the Working Group and plan action

23 FOCUS 6: GENDER EQUALITY Description What How Who When Success measures Providing Review and update Review and update HR policies People Division Ongoing Staff perception of the guidance and policies Link staff to a range of resources on effectiveness of support WDI SharePoint inclusiveness (valuing diversity, equal opportunities, free from discrimination etc) in the People Matter Survey Raising Promote gender Promote events that celebrate gender People Division and Ongoing Staff perception of the awareness equality through equality such as International communications effectiveness of communication channels Women’s Day and the Women’s Division inclusiveness (valuing Honour Roll diversity, equal Include in the communications plan opportunities, free from stories and features of gender discrimination etc) in the equality including our leadership team People Matter Survey Building skills Increase the Support the establishment of a People Division Ongoing Staff perception of the and capability understanding of staff Women in leadership staff led network effectiveness of about gender equality Provide information, tools and inclusiveness (valuing through strategic resources to combat stereotyping and diversity, equal workforce measures unconscious bias opportunities, free from discrimination etc) in the People Matter Survey Building Understanding the Report on the gender balance of our People Division Ongoing Staff perception of the evidence and Department’s VPS workforce effectiveness of tracking progressworkforce gender Undertake a gender pay gap review People Division Dec 2017 inclusiveness (valuing profile and trends. across the VPS and make diversity, equal recommendations opportunities, free from Investigate opportunities to reduce People Division Ongoing discrimination etc) in the occupational gender segregation by: People Matter Survey  Supporting program areas to consider their gender profiles, workplace culture and recruitment strategies  Undertake research in occupational segregation and ways to overcome it Monitor and report on the 50/50 gender target at EO level Ensuring good Utilise available expertise Hold agreed meetings with the People Division Ongoing Annual feedback from WG governance Working Group and plan actions members

24 FOCUS 7: KOORIE Description What How Who When Success measures Providing Provide support to Establish a Koorie staff network Koorie Outcomes Dec 2017 Increased retention of Koorie guidance and Department Koorie staff that includes Division employees support non VPS DET employed Koorie staff (e.g. teachers, principals and Education support staff) Support Department Koorie People Division and Ongoing Participation in VPSC staff involvement in WoVG Koorie Outcomes Aboriginal development Aboriginal employment Division and VPSC programs programs Investigate options to attract and retain Koorie people in the Department across a range of occupational categories Review and update related People Division Ongoing policies Raising Increase the understanding Promote Koorie events and People Division, Ongoing Staff perception of the awareness of staff about Koorie diversity important dates Communications effectiveness of inclusiveness and inclusion Include in the communications Division and Koorie (valuing diversity, equal plan a range of stories Outcomes Division opportunities, free from promoting our Koorie staff and discrimination etc.) in the their work People Matter Survey Building skills Improve cultural competency Develop a proposal to provide People Division and Dec 2017 Staff perception of the and capability of staff cultural competency training Koorie Outcomes effectiveness of inclusiveness for staff Division (valuing diversity, equal opportunities, free from discrimination etc.) in the People Matter Survey Building Understand the Department’sReport on the representation of People Division Ongoing Staff perception of the evidence and VPS workforce Koorie profile Koorie staff in our workforce effectiveness of inclusiveness tracking progressand trends and report Investigate the career People Division Oct 2017 (valuing diversity, equal regularly experiences of Koorie VPS opportunities, free from staff, and understand more discrimination etc.) in the about their challenges and People Matter Survey enablers, and career progressions Ensuring good Utilise available expertise Hold agreed meetings People Division Ongoing Annual feedback from WG governance with the Working Group and members plan actions

25 FOCUS 8: LGBTI Description What How Who When Success measures Providing Provide advice and support Review and update LGBTI policies People Division Ongoing guidance and across the Department and and include examples of practical support at the WoVG level on LGBTI strategies to support LGBTI staff at inclusion issues work Raising Promote LGBTI events and Develop a communication plan for People Division and Ongoing Participation in the awareness important dates the promotion of LGBTI inclusion Communications Department’s events across the year Division Support the work of DPC’s equality People Division Ongoing branch including Rural Roadshow in 2017, LGBTI Outcomes Framework Building skills Increase the understanding Provide LGBTI ally and awareness People Division Feb 2017 Staff perception of the and capability of staff about LGBTI training to VPS effectiveness of diversity and inclusion staff across central and regional inclusiveness (valuing offices diversity, equal Make Pride in Diversity resources People Division Ongoing opportunities, free from available to staff discrimination etc.) in the People Matter Survey Building Understand the Report on the workforce People Division Ongoing evidence and Department’s VPS representation of LGBTI staff tracking progressworkforce LGBTI profile and Support the activities of the VPS People Division by June Staff perception of the trends DET Pride Network, the 2017 effectiveness of VPS Pride Council, the VPS inclusiveness (valuing HR (LIPS) group, and departmental diversity, equal LGBTI Executive Sponsors forums opportunities, free from discrimination etc.) in the People Matter Survey Undertake the Australian Workplace People Division Annually Participation in the Equality Index to have the Australian Workplace Department’s inclusiveness tested Equality Index and ranked against other organisations Ensuring good Utilise available expertise Hold agreed meetings with People Division Ongoing Annual feedback from WG governance the Working Group and members plan actions Maintain Pride in Diversity membership

26 FOCUS 9: GENERATIONAL DIVERSITY Description What How Who When Success measures Providing guidance Provide support to staff Investigate mentoring and People Sept 2017 That the People Matter and support working with reverse-mentoring programs Division Survey results for ‘age multigenerational workforces being a barrier to success’ improve year on year Raising awareness Promote generational Investigate the level of staff interest in People Nov 2017 That the People Matter diversity across our establishing staff led generational based Division Survey results for ‘age workforce staff networks being a barrier to success’ improve year on year Building skills and Increase understanding of Provide resources and information to People Nov 2017 That the People Matter capability the needs of staff about working with Division Survey results for ‘age multigenerational workforcesmultigenerational workforces being a barrier to success’ improve year on year Building evidence Understand the Report on the workforce representation People Ongoing That the People Matter and tracking Department’s VPS of staff across Division Survey results for ‘age progress workforce age profile and age categories being a barrier to success’ trends Disseminate the results of the ‘Fully People July 2017 improve year on year engaging older workers at DET’ study Division across the organisation Undertake research into staff People by Dec experiences of discrimination, and Division 2017 perceptions of differential treatment based on age Ensuring good Utilise available expertise Hold agreed meetings with the Working People Ongoing Annual feedback from WG governance Group and plan actions Division members


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