Members and Guests of Long Sutton Cricket Club Will

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Members and Guests of Long Sutton Cricket Club Will

Long Sutton Cricket Club supports the underpinning • Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and Code of Conduct for young principles identified in the ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for arguing with match officials players/members of LSCC who will: Safeguarding Children’ – Guidance for Coaches Working • Recognise good performance not just match results • Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on with Children (2010) The following policy statements are • Place the well-being and safety of Young People above the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic taken from & adapted from this policy, copies displayed in the development of performance origin, nationality Respect the rights, dignity and club house • Ensure that activities are appropriate for the age, worth of every person within the context of maturity, experience and ability of the individual Cricket Long Sutton Cricket Club is required under the • Respect Young People’s opinions when Making • Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974, to decisions about their participation in Cricket form of discrimination if witnessed produce a statement of policy with respect to the health • Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst • Display high standards of behaviour and safety of everyone who uses its premises. It is actively working with Young People in the Club • Promote the positive aspects of Cricket e.g. fair therefore the policy of Long Sutton Cricket Club that all •Not provide Young People with alcohol when they are play activities carried out on club premises or undertaken by under the care of the Club • Encourage all participants to learn the Laws & club personnel (or their agents) will be managed in such a • Follow ECB guidelines set out in the “Safe Hands – rules & play within them, respecting decisions of manner so as to avoid, reduce, or control, all foreseeable Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children” and any other match officials risks to health and safety to any young person to a relevant guidelines issued • Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations tolerable level. • Report any concerns in relation to a Young Person, and arguing with match officials following reporting procedures laid down by the ECB. Recognise good performance not just match ECB Guidance on Codes of Conduct results • Not smoke, drink or use banned The ECB provides Codes of Conduct for all cricket All Club Officers & Appointed Volunteers will: substances participants – the Code of Conduct for Members and • Hold relevant qualifications and be covered by Not support bullying, physical/emotional abuse or Guests; the Code of Conduct for Coaches. LSCC supports appropriate insurance any form of victimisation which causes harm to and endorses these Codes of Conduct which provide • Always work in an open environment others. participants with details of acceptable and unacceptable • Inform Players and Parents of the requirements of • Report any concerns in relation to a Young Person behaviour, and the expectations of others in relation to Cricket • Attend appropriate training to keep up to good operational practices. Breaches of these codes of •Know and understand the ECB’s “Safe Hands – Cricket’s date with their role and especially with conduct can be dealt with on a local, regional or national Policy for Safeguarding Children” respect to the Safeguarding of YoungPeople. level as appropriate in each individual circumstance. • Develop an appropriate working relationship with Young Players, based on mutual trust and respect Long Sutton Cricket Club endorses the ECB Guidelines on Changing Rooms and Code of Conduct for Cricket Club Members and Guests * • Ensure that physical contact is appropriate and Members and Guests include all members and officers of the necessary and is carried out within recommended Showering Facilities (see Profile Form) Cricket Club and all guests of those members and officers, guidelines with the Young Player’s full consent and 1. Adults must not change or shower at the as well as all individuals who watch / attend / participate / approval same time using the same facility as children officiate in matches hosted by the club in whatever capacity. • Not engage in any form of sexually related contact with 2. Adults should try to change at separate times a Young Player. This is strictly forbidden as is sexual to children during matches i.e. when padding up Members and Guests of Long Sutton Cricket Club will: innuendo, flirting or inappropriate gestures and terms. 3. If Adults and children need to share a changing • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person The ECB adopts the Home Office guidelines which facility, the Club must have consent from the within the context of Cricket recommend the principle - “People in positions of trust Parents that their child(ren) can share a changing •Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds and authority do not have sexual relationships with 16- room with Adults in the club of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, 17 year olds in their care” 4. If children play for Adult Teams, they and their colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or • Attend appropriate training to keep up to date with Parents must be informed of the Club’s policy on social background, sexual preference or political belief their role with respect to the Safeguarding of Young changing arrangements • Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of People. 5. Mixed gender teams must have access to discrimination if witnessed separate male and female changing rooms • Display high standards of behaviour • The LSCC Constitution reflects the adoption of 6. Mobile phones must not be used in changing • Promote the positive aspects of Cricket e.g. fair play these Codes of Conduct & any relevant rooms • Encourage all participants to learn the Laws and rules & play procedures. Please note that if children are uncomfortable within them, respecting the decisions of match officials changing or showering with at the Club, no pressure should be placed on them to do so. Encourage them to do this at home. Transportation to and from matches and training E–Safety Guidelines on Communication and LSCC supports the following principles related to transporting Interactive Technologies young people at the club: LSCC recognises that technologies offer tremendous • Coaches and LSCC Staff will be responsible for Young opportunities to those involved in sport including People in their care when on LSCC Premises or on arrival at members, supporters and players however as with any opponents cricket grounds environment there are also risks.

• It is the responsibility of Parents/Carers to transport their LSCC is keen to promote the safe, and responsible, child/children to and from the Club use of communication and interactive communication • It is not the responsibility of the Coach or Team Manager technologies within cricket to transport, or arrange to transport, the children to and from the Club or match. LSCC draws parents’ attention to the risks associated • LSCC will seek written permission from parents /carers to with user interactive services including: cyber bullying, participate in all competitions and away fixtures/events (see grooming and potential abuse by online predators, Profile Form identity theft and exposure to inappropriate content including self-harm, racist, hate and adult pornography. LSCC will provide a timetable of activities at the LSCC recognises that those who have contact with beginning of a season and notify Parents/Carers in writing children in cricket, should understand and be aware where practically possible of any changes to this timetable of e-safety issues and the potential risks to children If a Parent/ Carer is late the Club will: and young people using communication technologies, Attempt to contact the Parent/Carer including interactive services. 1. Check the Club contact number for any information regarding the Young Person Long Sutton Cricket Club endorses the ECB 2. Contact the alternative contact name/number Photography and Video Camera Guidelines 3. Wait with the Young Person at the Club with, wherever (Profile Form) possible, other Staff/Volunteers or Parents LSCC is keen to promote positive images of Young 4. Remind Parents of the policy relating to late collection People playing Cricket and is not banning the use of 5. If Parents/ Carers remain uncontactable Staff may photographic or videoing equipment. However, as there need to report to Social Services or the Police is evidence that some people have used sporting events as an opportunity to take inappropriate photographs or LSCC endorses the ECB guidelines for Junior Player in Open film footage of Young People, the club will remain Age Cricket vigilant and take appropriate action to prevent invasive There is no definitive age at which they should be introduced to photography. open age group cricket but the club adopts the ECB guidelines as Staff/Volunteers will avoid: set out below: •Taking the Child home or to any other location • Asking Players who are selected in a County U12 squad in spring for a the Child to wait in a vehicle or at the Club with them summer squad or in another squad deemed by ECB Performance alone •Sending the Child home with another person Managers to be of a standard above ‘district level’ for that season without permission are eligible to play open age cricket. This is providing that they are at least 11 years old. Are in School Year 7 on 1 st September in the year preceding the season, and have written parental consent to play – see the consent statement in the present Profile Form. This means boys/girls who are county and area squad players, are able to play open age group cricket if they are in an U12 age group and are a minimum of 11 years old on 1st September of the year preceding the season. District and club players who are not in a county or area squad must wait until they reach the U13 age group, be in Year 8 and be 12 years old on 1st September of the preceding year before being able to play in any open age group cricket.

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