Middle East/North Africa History Notes

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Middle East/North Africa History Notes

Middle East/North Africa History Notes

The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire (Use the Folder activity, Textbook pages 440-443, and CRCT page 140)

1. Explain how the Middle East moved from mostly Christian to Muslim.

a. How did Muhammad convert people to Islam? Military conquest and preaching to groups of people.

b. What happened to Islam when Muhammad died? Islam split into 2 different religions due to conflict over who should rule next

c. Which branch of Islam is which? Sunni: religious rulers should lead (Most Muslims), Shia: bloodline descendant should rule

2. Who were the Caliphs? The religious rulers. The Sunni Muslims that have studied the Quran and interpret teachings.

3. The different Caliphs were united together by Osmon to create the Ottoman Empire. However, Suleiman the magnificent was their greatest ruler.

4. How did the Ottoman Empire convert people to Islam without war and conquest?

a. Taxed those who were not Muslim b. Boy Tax of Christian boys= Janissaries.

5. What made the people extremely loyal? They took care of their needs and provided protection from invaders.

6. What happened that opened the people’s eyes that they were not the strongest military power in the world anymore? They were attacked by Napoleon’s army. The Europeans invaded with better weapons.

7. The people wanted to modernize but the Sultan didn’t. Why? Said if they were faithful to Allah then Allah would allow them to win with the weapons they had.

8. Muhammad Ali (Of which country Egypt) broke away from the Ottoman Empire and set up Egypt as a country. He tried to modernize by: a. Set up Schools (military tactics, science, medicine, and engineering) b. Set up printing presses and Newspapers to publish information and ideas, spread news and patriotism and nationalism to other parts of the Middle East. c. Caused other areas to break away from the Ottoman Empire, such as ______and ______d. Built the Suez Canal: control Trade_ as a source of revenue/income. Needed money to build, so they borrowed from Great Britain and France. PROBLEM… they borrowed more than what they could pay back. What happened? Britain repossessed the canal and made Egypt a colony of Britain.

WWI and the Middle East (Use Folder reading)

1. Explain why Germany wanted to build a railroad from Germany to the Persian Gulf. (spoken and unspoken) for a trade route to the Indian Ocean. The plan was to build, invade, make the area a German colony, then trade at a reduced cost.

2. Why did the Ottoman Empire want to create an alliance and allow Germany to build the railroad? They thought Germany was a powerful army and they wanted protection from Great Britain and Russia who they thought were trying to colonize their land.

3. Young Turks overthrew the Sultan and tried to modernize. Why were they unsuccessful? They were corrupt and disorganized. People were not willing to give up old ways for the Turks.

4. Why didn’t Great Britain want Germany and the Ottoman Empire to build the railroad? A. Protect India (Afraid of Germany getting close) b. wanted to maintain the monopoly of trade with the Suez Canal c. Afraid Germany would block their access to the region.

5. What resource was discovered to have a large value at the beginning of the 1900’s? Petroleum/ oil Why was it so valuable to the point that it was necessary to conquer the Ottoman Empire for? Whomever owns land will never run out of gas/block enemy from getting gas

6. In order for the British to recruit additional groups of people to help win the war, they made promises to: (explain the promise) a. Arabs: If they fought against own country, then they would get their own land to rule themselves.

b. Jews: If they fought against Germany, then they would be allowed to live in the “Holy land”

7. Explain what the Balfour Declaration is. A letter telling the Zionist (Jews wanting to return to Holy Land) that it’s been approved.

a. Written by Lord Balfour_ on behalf of The King of England and Parliament

b. Promised Jews they could return to Palestine (Holy Land) to live without being persecuted by anti-Semites.

c. Catch? _They had to live among the Palestinians and a secular government would be created with religious freedoms

d. This desire to move back to “The Holy Land” is called Zionism

8. What happened to the Ottoman Empire when WWI was over? Ceased to exist. All land was divided into different countries.

The Mandate System (Use Folder article, page 450 in the textbook)

1. Explain what the Mandate System is and how it works. When a country is created or a government is dismantled, a “parent” country will “tutor” the newly formed country in how to rule, help set up election process, train police, help re-establish the economy and infrastructure and teach the new government how to rule. Once they can rule and maintain order, “parent” country withdraws.

2. Which two European countries divided up the old Ottoman Empire into different countries? Great Britain and France

3. How did they decide which group of people were going to live in which country? They group people of similar ethnic groups together

4. Which two groups of people were left out? Kurds and Jews. They had to live among other ethnic groups

5. Even though they are ethnically and culturally different than the people they are forced to live with, why were they not given their own country? Their ethnic group was so small that the country would have been too small and easily conquered.

6. What problems do this cause even up to modern era? Genocide, discrimination, violence.

7. Explain who owned which mandate (country) and how the people feel about their European “tutor.”

Country Owned Mandate How local people felt about being ruled by Europeans Turkey Independent They were independent. Mustafa Kemal had to force modernization, but eventually people gave up old ways

Syria and France Syria resisted, not wanted to be ruled. French forced the situation, sent in military. Had to allow France to control Lebanon foreign policy. Lebanon (only Christian country) didn’t like to be ruled, but were allowed to rule themselves Jordan/ Britain Ran smoothly and king took over Jordan in 1946. Palestinians protested against the Zionist Jews to GB. Palestine Iran Independent, but Distrusted British and thought British were stealing their oil/colonization. oil controlled by British!

Saudi Independent Had a strong ruler, became king. Arabia Egypt Britain Had own king, British controlled military to protect Suez Canal. Distrusted British.

8. If the countries of the Middle East felt like the Europeans were being colonialist, explain how that influences the attitudes towards them today. Many of the reason the countries do not trade or have open diplomacy is because of the distrust that is left over from colonial days. Much of the terrorism today can be traced back to attitudes against the Europeans and Americans from the mandate time period

Turkey and Modern Independence. (Use Textbook pages 476-479)

1. Mustafa Kemal was founder of modern Turkey. Founded the new “democratic” government: the first Republic in the Middle East . The Grand National Assembly which is the legislature. 2. Explain why if he’s the president we could also describe him as a “Good Dictator.” Even though he appointed officials who agreed with him and fired those who didn’t, forced policies on the people, the changes he did make improved the lives of all Turks and the country ran smoother. What was better is that he stepped down after his term in office instead of a “life president.” 3. Modernization: Got rid of Sharia and the Caliphate a. Designed cities after European cities. b. Introduced the Western alphabet and calendar, replacing Arabic and Islamic calendar c. Required to have Last names d. Closed all institutions that had been founded on Islam/Sharia teachings. e. What was the benefit/reason for all of these changes? They would be better able to trade with the Europeans, thus improve economy. 4. Women benefited from Ataturk. a. Now could Divorce their husbands. b. No more arranged marriages without bride’s consent. No more forcing. Can’t have more than one wife. c. Women could now work outside the home and run for office. (Tansu Ciller was 1st female Prime Minister in 1990’s) d. What was the benefit to these changes? If widowed or divorced then they can still make a living for their family. 5. Rights and Freedoms: Freedom of religion (or a secular type of government), speech, press, etc. However, sometimes they are heavily censored. 6. Kurds: ethnic group who live in SE Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Slightly nomadic because the countries discriminate against Kurds, often killing them: Genocide! 7. Turkey wanted to Join NATO and the UN, EU for political and economic benefits. Why? Protection from other countries and have the benefits of trade with European countries

The Middle East and WWII (Use folder article) 1. The Middle East becomes a battle ground in WWII because the Europeans wanted control of Oil and Trade Routes 2. Hitler’s goal was a. _control of oil fields b. Occupy and control trade routes including the canal and c. Keep Allies from using oil and routes. Explain why: Keep their enemies from refueling and cut off their routes, thus crippling the other army and country’s economy 3. Why did Saudi Arabia side with the US and British? Britain and France gave them money during the war to offset Hajj tourist not coming 4. Why did the US want to help protect Saudi Arabia? A. Concerned US would run out of oil b. US wanted to continue to trade with them for oil c. wanted to put US military bases there and d. Wanted to keep the king as an ally. 5. Why were the US and Britain interested in Iran? To keep Russia from getting oil and trade routes through Iran 6. What was Iran afraid that the US and Great Britain would do? Occupy and take Iranian oil_ Is this feeling around today? yes 7. Explain how fears over oil and colonialism have led to modern terrorism. ______

Creation of Israel and the Issues That Resulted. (Use Book notes 450-452, 470-473, articles “Israel: New Kid on the Block” and “PLO and Israel: Can They Live in Peace?,” CRCT book pages 121 and 124, and the video Israel and Palestine: Roots of Conflict)

1. Throughout Jewish history, Jews have moved out of the Middle East for different reasons: Dispora means to scatter.

2. Explain how Anti-Semitism resulted in Zionism. Violent acts against Jews all across Europe, forcing them from their homes, led to the desire for a “safe” place.

3. However, during WWI the Jews/Zionist petitioned Great Britain to create a homeland. Explain the result by referencing the Balfour Declaration. They would be allowed to move to Palestine if they lived with the Palestinians and followed a secular government

4. Why were the Palestinians concerned about Zionism enough to petition and riot against the British? Too many were coming to the area. Overcrowding, lack of jobs and housing, angered the Palestinians.

5. The British restricted the amount of Zionist coming into Palestine, returning Jews back to Europe. Why was this a problem? What was going on in Germany/Europe that made it an issue? The holocaust. Were the British aware it was going on? No, not until liberation

6. Explain why Palestine was taken away and made into Israel. Include who’s suggested it and who approved the decision. Allies felt guilty about returning Jews to Europe and resulting in being placed in concentration camps. Felt they deserved it. US suggested, but UN approved the creation of Israel 7. Explain why Israel was divided into 2 parts Both Jews and Palestinians didn’t want to live together. One section for each group.

8. What happened the day after Israel was created? Surrounding Arab countries attacked, Arab-Israeli War. Explain why Arabs in surrounding areas felt that it wasn’t the UN’s land to give. Feeling of Imperialism and the ME was tired of being ruled by Europeans.

9. What was the purpose of the PLO? Who was the leader? To liberate Palestine from Jews and make them leave. Yassir Arafat.

10. Explain why Israel was able to defeat the Arab countries so easily. US and Britain sold Israel modern weapons.

11. Israel has more weapons per person/capita than anywhere else in the world! Serving in the military is mandatory (male AND female). Why is this so important? To be able to defend themselves against any invader. Also makes military larger.

12. In 1973, Israel attacked Egypt to get control of Suez Canal Why? Egypt refused to let Israel use the canal, so now Israel owns land next to it. Won Yom Kippur War !

13. Yassir Arafat realized that he could get further by changing from terrorism to diplomacy . Why. The PLO wasn’t getting anywhere with terrorism and found that negotiations got them at least some land. 14. US President _Jimmy Carter _ held Camp David Accords in 1979 to arrange a peace treaty between Anwar Sadot of Egypt and Begin of Israel to give back Sinai Peninsula and to recognize Israel as a country. What happened to the leader of Egypt? He was assassinated 15. Who did it and what reason did they have? An Egyptian member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Peace with Israel without Jews leaving was unacceptable for most Arabs, even if they were not Palestinian.

16. The Palestinians, fed up with PLO not getting back land in negotiations formed the terrorist group called Hamas.

Israel Today: Textbook Pgs 470-473

1. Hebrew__ is primary language, Arabic secondary. Both taught in schools. 2. 80% are Jews. Declaration of Establishment says all are equal, but Arabs are _Not being treated equally. 3. Palestinians have to carry passports around the country, not allowed in allowed in all areas 4. Palestinians can vote, but are almost always out voted. How does this impact laws in Israel? Israelis can make laws that favor themselves instead of best for everyone. 5. Israeli Men are required to serve in the military _2_ years, women __1____ year. Why? So everyone could defend themselves 6. Palestinians cannot serve in the Israel Defense Forces. That’s who the military is fighting! Who wants to train their enemy? 7. Women in Israel are encouraged to __Work_ outside of the home and participate in government . Golda Meir1st female Prime Minister 8. Most Arab Israelis are poor/low standard of living, many are refugees__ living in camps 9. Law of __Return_ allowed Jews anywhere in the world citizenship of Israel if they immigrated. 10. Small % that follows Jewish law strictly is Orthodox_ Jews. Believe Jewish law should be Israeli law. Why would this create an additional problem in Israel? Jewish Religious laws would be against what Palestinians believe and would cause even more conflict. 11. Most Israelis are secular: religious practices are less important. More Modern

Saddam Hussein, Desert Storm, 9/11 Attack, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Use CRCT page 125, article “Saddam Hussein and the Desert Storm” and textbook pages 750-755 EVENT 1: Persian Gulf War 1990 1. Explain why Saddam Hussein invaded Iran during the Iranian-Iraqi war. (1980-1988) What was he after and WHY? He was after oil and trade routes to get more oil and quicker and easier export. Iran is located on the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean and has a lot of oil. 2. After 8 years, there wasn’t a winner. Cease fire. Saddam Hussein then invaded Kuwait. WHY? a. Kuwait has a large oil deposit and access to the Persian Gulf b. Kuwait was discovered stealing oil from Iraqi oil fields by drilling at an angle c. Iraq saw that Kuwait is a “district” or a part of Iraq, the people are Iraqi ethnically, thus they claim Kuwait to be part of Iraq. 3. Why did Saudi Arabia appeal to the UN for help? Iraq was invading northern Saudi Arabia and they were afraid they would get oil/land. 4. Operation Desert Storm: Why did the UN send troops? They were afraid of what? It would disrupt oil trade which world depended on. 5. Why did Congress declare war on Iraq, thus name changes to the Persian Gulf War? Can’t commit troops over 100 days without declaring war. (Amendment added to Constitution after Vietnam Conflict.) 6. What was the result of the war? Iraq: Government dismantled, Saddam Hussein captured and executed for crimes against humanity Kuwait: liberated, but oil fields set on fire. Saudi Arabia: Maintained control of oil 7. EVENT 2: September 11, 2001 8. September 11, 2001 (9/11), what happened? A. Planes flew into World Trade Center b. Planes flew into Pentagon_ c. Plane crashed into a field, destined for White House d. Other places targeted. 9. Explain jihad. How did this contribute to the terrorism in the Middle East? Terrorist think it’s their duty to get rid of non-Muslims 10. Who claimed responsibility for 9/11? (Name AND Organization) Al Quada/ Osama Bin Laldin. Angry with US about Israel, US involvement in ME and Christian 11. Why did the US invade Afghanistan? The leader was Saudi Arabian! They were hiding out in Afghani mountains (Hindu Kush) 12. What was the role of the Taliban in this situation? US asked for them to hand over Al Quada, Taliban protected them 13. Explain the US’s role in the Mandate. What was accomplished? US bombed Taliban out of power. Helped set up new elections and Parliament, trained police. US helped rebuild economy and infrastructure. Hard because Taliban keeps bombing what is built. 14. Eventually where was the leader of the group found? Pakistan Why was this shocking? Pakistan was an ally but was hiding them 15. What happened to the leader? Assassinated and all paperwork removed from compound. US now knows about planned attacks 16. Where is this group located now? Yemen, Oman, and other countries around North and West Africa. Not a headquarters. 17. What changes did the United States make to improve security in the US? a. Created Homeland Security What does it do? Shares info between CIA and FBI. Tracks known terrorists b. The Patriot Act What does it do? Laws saying that Homeland Security can now listen to phone calls and emails of known suspects and allows US to hold suspected terrorists c. TSA_ What does it do? Inspects people and luggage Event 3: Second Invasion of Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 18. Why did President Bush of the US want the UN to take Saddam Hussein out of power? A. ______b. ______c. ______19. After 4 weeks of fighting, what did the US and British succeed in doing? ______20. What was the fate of Saddam Hussein? ______21. Why is it extremely important that it was the Iraqi people who handled this instead of the US? ______22. Explain the US and Britain’s role in the Mandate. What was accomplished? ______

Located Why they don’t like/distrust the US PLO Palestine US’s idea to take land away and give to Jews. Hamas Palestine US’s idea to take land away and give to Jews. Taliban Afghanistan Bombed them out of power. We are known as a Christian nation, goes against jihad. Al Quada All over We are known as a Christian nation, goes against jihad. Muslim Northern Africa/ We are known as a Christian nation, goes against jihad. US’s idea to take land away and give to Jews. Thinks Brotherhood Egypt US is too involved in ME affairs/colonialist Iran Iran We are known as a Christian nation, goes against jihad. US’s idea to take land away and give to Jews. Thinks US is too involved in ME affairs/colonialist Other terms and concepts to know:

1. Embargo (what is it and what does it do to the economy?) Refusal to trade. Usually they trade with someone else.

2. Sanction (what is it and what does it do to the economy) Restrictions to trade. Hurts economy as a punishment for poor behavior.

3. Tariff (what is it and what does it do to the economy?) Tax on imported goods so that it encourages people to buy local products 1 st .

4. Suez Canal (what is it and what does it do to the economy?) Shortcut to the Indian Ocean. Allows quicker trade, thus higher profits. Egypt benefits because of the fee for going through the canal is income/revenue

5. Ayatollah Religious Teacher in Iran and title of Supreme ruler. Interprets Sharia laws and oversees daily life in Iran.

6. Shia Muslims (describe and where they’re located) Iran and Iraq. Believe in the bloodline descendent of Muhammad being ruler and interprets Sharia.

7. Sunni Muslims (describe and where they’re located) _Most of ME. Caliphs or religious teachers should rule and interpret Sharia laws.

8. How do countries in this region benefit from the profits of oil sales? They use the profits in government run businesses to pump money back into the economy through paychecks, provide better healthcare, education, country imports scare resources. 9. Explain why the women in this region have such a low literacy rate even though the countries may be wealthy. Attitudes among Muslim men see that women don’t need higher education because they’re just going to work in the home. Don’t see women as equals

10. Describe a country’s economy using the continuum Command ------/------Market

11. The 10 government terms and describe how the power is divided and the role of the citizens.

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