Course Outline: the Topics to Be Addressed This Year Are As Follows

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Course Outline: the Topics to Be Addressed This Year Are As Follows

Psychology Syllabus 2014-2015 Mrs. Michelle Bennett [email protected]

Course Purpose: Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. It is year long course designed to give students an introduction to the science of human behavior and to the theories which attempt to explain behavior. Some questions, which will be addressed in the course, are as follows: What impels us to act? How does the brain work? Why do we dream? What happens when someone is mentally ill? How can that person be helped? How much of a person is determined at birth? How much is acquired by experience and learning? If these questions sound interesting , and you are willing to work diligently at reading, writing and participating in class, then you have chosen an elective, which will provide you with a very positive learning experience.

Course Outline: The topics to be addressed this year are as follows.

I. Introduction, History, and Research Methods II. Psychology’s statistics III. Personality and Its Assessment IV. The Biological Bases of Behavior V. States of Consciousness VI. Sensation and Perception VII. Stress and Health VIII. Life Span Development

IX. Social and Cultural Dimensions of Behavior X. Motivation and Emotion XI. Learning XII. Memory XIII. Thinking, Language, and Intelligence XIV. Psychological Disorders XV. Treatment of Psychological Disorders Page 2

Policies, Requriements, Grading, Etc.

1. 1 inch Binder – You will need a binder used for this class only. Binders will include all class notes, bell ringers/reflections, activities and homework. Self Stick Write-on Tab Dividers are required. You should have a tab for each chapter, one for notes, activities, etc. Your binder will be due and checked the day before each test. Keep your binder up to date!

2. Flash cards – Students will be required to make flash cards for every key term and person in each module. Cards must include the term, 5 words associated with it, your initials, and the definition on the back. Also, you MUST number each flash card. Flash card due dates will be assigned at the beginning of each chapter.

3. Quizzes – You will have key term quizzes for each chapter. There may also be announced and unannounced quizzes given and will be based on notes and material discussed in class and/or homework assignments.

4. Chapter Tests – Test may consist of multiple choice, matching, true/false, and/or fill in the blank. The tests will be based on readings, demonstrations, videos, and lecture notes. Also after each chapter test is taken, students have the option to make test corrections. Completing test corrections will add 5 bonus points to the original test grade. This is designed to encourage students to discover what they missed, ask questions, and to learn the correct answer so that question would not be missed again in the future (semester exam). All notes and textbook may be used to make test corrections. Test corrections may be completed after every student has completed the test and the due date will be announced at that time. TEST CORRECTIONS MUST BE MADE IN CLASS DURING DESIGNATED CLASS TIME, AO PERIOD OR BEFORE SCHOOL BY APPOINTMENT.

5. Group projects/ Individual projects- Projects will be assigned during various units. Projects are designed to enrich the learning experience of the chapter. Some Projects include: A Child development project, a 3-D model of the brain, a Disorders/ therapy project, class skits, etc.

6. Participation – Class participation and a positive attitude are top priorities in this class. They can greatly benefit you final grade!

Page 3 7. Grading Proportions –

Description % of Grade Tests 50% Quizzes/Projects 30% Homework/Classwork 20%

8. Make-up Policy – You must see me immediately for any assignments you missed while absent. You may also check my webpage for brief description of what you missed and any homework assigned. Make-up tests for students who are absent should take place during Academic Opportunities (AO) period. You should see me for an AO pass the morning of the day you are to make up a test. If you cannot make up a test during AO, you can arrange to take a test before or after school by appointment only. Remember that you have 3 days to make up work ONLY for excused absences.

9. Late Work - Late work can be turned in for 50% credit 1 day after it is due. After the 2nd day, no late work is accepted. Late work consists of any homework assignment that is not turned in when I collect it (usually at the beginning of class).

10. Projects & Papers - Projects and/or papers are due by 3p.m. on the due date regardless of attendance in class that day. Please note any project/paper that is turned in after 3p.m. on the due date (for any reason) cannot earn a grade higher than a D. This may seem harsh, but it is unfair to those who spend the adequate effort and time to complete their assignment on time. 11. Cheating - Cheating is very damaging to your integrity and your reputation. It is difficult, if not impossible, to repair. Do your own work and be very careful when researching and citing. Using other people’s materials without properly citing them is plagiarism and it will not be tolerated. Immediate action will be taken, including a zero on any work that is considered cheating. Parents, any sponsor or coach, and Principals will be notified as well. 12. School Rules - All SPHS rules will be followed and enforced.

Page 4 Recommendations for Success (for students):  Read your textbook You will get the basic information for class discussion from your textbook. Read it and you won’t be lost.  Take good notes Don’t try to write down every word said in class, but note the important concepts we discuss and any memorable examples for each concept. Make up your own examples if the ones I present don’t work for you.  Study 15 minutes every day Research says that studying that is spaced out over time is more effective than cramming. Take 15 minutes at some point each day to review what we went over in class and what you’ve read. You’ll find the whole experience in this class easier if you do.  Believe that every day you will learn something in class If you expect to learn, you will. If you expect for all this to be a waste of your time, it will be.  Trust that I will treat you fairly If you have any problems, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask me first. I work to help make sure the right outcome occurs as much as possible.

Supplies: Optional Supplies:  1 inch Binder * Hand Sanitizer  Self Stick Write on Tabs * Box of Tissues  Pens & Pencils * Roll of Paper Towels  Highlighters  Breaking Night by Liz Murray

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