Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document #4048

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Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document #4048

Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document #4048 Delayed Revision to SEMI S2-0706, ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH, AND SAFETY GUIDELINE FOR SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT (to be effective July 1, 2009) Addition of Related Information 16: Recommendations for the Design, Fabrication and Certification of High-Pressure Semiconductor Equipment, plus associated changes

Note: This background statement is not part of the balloted item. It is provided solely to assist the recipient in reaching an informed decision based on the rationale of the activity that preceded the creation of this document. Note: Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patented technology or copyrighted items of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. In this context, “patented technology” is defined as technology for which a patent has issued or has been applied for. In the latter case, only publicly available information on the contents of the patent application is to be provided.

In recent years, new technology requires higher process pressures (>3000 psig) than the semiconductor equipment industry typically runs at and no current SEMI documents provide specific guidelines for design, manufacturing and maintenance of high pressure systems. Regulatory standards exist in the US (A.S.M.E.) and Europe (P.E.D), and in Japan (KHK). The High Pressure Equipment Safety Task Force previously submitted a White Paper in June 2004 to SEMI to be placed on SEMI Website for educational purposes and for information sharing. As a follow up to the white paper, the task force has developed a Related Information section which it proposes to add to SEMI S2. There are three parts to this ballot: additions to Section 4 (Referenced Standards and Documents), minor changes to Section 18 (Mechanical Design), and the addition of a Related Information section. The EHS Committee has decided to release effective revisions to SEMI S2 every three years. In accordance with that decision, this ballot is submitted as a Delayed Revision section. Its contents will become effective on July 1, 2009 (which is the next release date for effective revisions), and are optional before the effective date. The three subsections of the Delayed Revision section correspond to the three parts of the ballot. If you would like a copy of the existing SEMI S2 for reference while voting on this ballot, please contact Ian McLeod by phone at 1.408.943.6996 or by email at [email protected]. This ballot will be discussed at the SEMI NA Fall 2008 Standards Meetings, in the meetings of the High Pressure Equipment Safety Task Force. The ballot will be adjudicated in the meeting of the NA EHS Committee (scheduled to be 0800-1700 PDT, Thursday, 06 November 2008 in San Jose, California). Depending on ballot responses received, additional teleconferences prior to these meetings may also be scheduled. If you need further assistance, or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact SEMI Standards HQ by phone at 1.408.943.6900 or by email at [email protected]. Safety Checklist for SEMI Draft Document #4048 Title: Delayed Revision to SEMI S2-0706, ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH, AND SAFETY GUIDELINE FOR SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT (to be effective July 1, 2009)

Developing/Revising Body Name/Type: High Pressure Equipment Safety Task Force Technical Committee: Environmental Health & Safety Region: North America

Leadership Position Last First Affiliation Leader Fessler Mark Tokyo Electron USA Leader Rai Sunny GS3 Author/Editor* Checklist Author* * Only necessary if different from leaders

Documents, Conflicts, and Consideration Safety related codes, standards, and practices used in developing the safety guideline, and the manner in which each item was considered by the technical committee # and Title Manner of Consideration ASME B31 Pressure Piping Code ASME B31.3 is used as a reference document to existing US pressure equipment specifications which have already accepted within US and throughout world, and the related information section of this safety guideline only gives some guidance on how this ASME piping code is applied. KHK — Koatsu gas Hoan Kyokai The Japanese High Pressur e Gas Safety Law is used as a reference High-Pressure Gas Safety Law document to existing Japanese pressure equipment specifications which have already accepted within Japan, and the related information section of this safety guideline only gives some guidance on how this KHK code is applied. PED 97/23/EC — Pressure PED 97/23/EC is used as a reference document to existing European Equipment Directive pressure equipment specifications which have already accepted within European Union and the related information section of this safety guideline only gives some guidance on how this PED code is applied. ASME Section VIII — Rules of ASME Section 8 is used as a reference document to existing US pressure Construction of Pressure Vessels equipment specifications which have already accepted within US and section of the Boiler and Pressure throughout world, and the related information section of this safety Vessel Code guideline only gives some guidance on how this ASME pressure vessel code is applied.

Known inconsistencies between the safety guideline and any other safety related codes, standards, and practices cited in the safety guideline # and Title Inconsistency with This Safety Guideline NONE This guideline does NOT create any new practices, standards, or related codes, but instead only provides a roadmap and summary of the ones that already currently exist. Therefore there are no inconsistancies to these current regulations.

Other conflicts with known codes, standards, and practices or with commonly accepted safety and health principles to the extent practical # and Title Nature of Conflict with This Safety Guideline NONE This guideline does NOT create any conflicts with any know practices, standards, or related codes, but instead only provides a roadmap and summary of the ones that already currently exist.

Participants and Contributors Last First Affiliation Fessler Mark Tokyo Electron Rai Sunny GS3 Crane Lauren Applied Materials Frankfurth Mark Cymer Funk Rowland Earth Tech Greenberg Cliff Nikon Ibuka Shigehito Tokyo Electron Kiley Andrew Varian Semiconductor Krauss Mark EHS2 Krov Alan Tokyo Electron America Ottesen Craig SHERFire Consulting Planting Bert ASML Rehder Alan UL Sawyer Debbie SEMITOOL, Inc. Sklar Eric Safety Guru, LLC Fujino Kochi Ulvac, Inc. Phelan Lynda Intel Omachi Nobu SafeTechno Babuder Gerald Swagelok Muir Gordon Tescom / Emerson Levy Didier ST

The content requirements of this checklist are documented in Section 14.2 of the Regulations Governing SEMI Standards Committees. Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment

ASME B31.3 —Process for B31.3 thePipingASME AMSE Code,B31, Piping; section Construction; of Documents): of4.10(OtherStandards Section theto and Addition following DX-1.1 DateEffective Modificationsto4 Section DX-1 (ReferencedStandards beforeDocuments) OPTIONAL and — the be of portions with NOTICE: conflict not do they providing accordingly. labeled are may date, effect effective andin revision, deferred the of yet part as replaced the or revised not be to are that those revisions than to other version authoritative of prior provisions the applied of all be or optionally Some version. authoritative the remains 0706 S2- SEMI the of body main The date. effective their until document by the of part authoritative an not are material approved and this of balloted provisions The effective. been immediately not is has but Committee, Safety and that Health Environmental SEMI material contains Section Revisions Delayed This NOTICE: S2 SEMI SAFETY-RELATEDTO ADDITIONS EQUIPMENT PRESSURE HIGH X (Effective 2009) July1, DELAYEDREVISIONS SEMICONDUCTOR HIGH-PRESSURE EQUIPMENT FABRICATIONTHE ANDDESIGN,FOR RECOMMENDATIONS CERTIFICATION OF Related Information 16: of Addition (to be effectiveEQUIPMENT 2009) July1, GUIDELINE FOR SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING SAFETY DelayedS2-0706, Revision toSEMI Draft Document SEMI #4048 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This EQUIPMENT HIGH-PRESSURE SEMICONDUCTOR CERTIFICATIONOF AND DESIGN,THE FABRICATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 16RELATED INFORMATION Semiconductor Certification of Equipment): High-Pressure and the Design, Information of for Fabrication theas Addition following DX-3.1 Related 16(Recommendations Section NOTICE: related Certification ofHigh-PressureEquipment) and Effective OPTIONAL Semiconductor — before Date in outlined is AdditionSectionof Related Information DX-3 FabricationDesign,16 for (Recommendationsthe systems pressurized of certification and fabrication design, 16. Section Information the for guidance Detailed 82: NOTE Note Modification to DX-2.1 82: Modificationsto18 Section(Mechanical DX-2 Design) OPTIONAL — before DateEffective 97/23/ECDirectivePED —PressureEquipment KHK struck through

— Koatsu gas Hoan Kyokai gas Safety Hoan High-Pressure— Koatsu Law Gas While the entire following section is is the for entire beit underlined section to While following added, not readability. rsuie esl vessels Pressurized Unless otherwise noted, all material to be added shall be be shall added be to material all noted, otherwise Unless . as well as pressurized process piping process pressurized as well as Page

ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH,ENVIRONMENTAL, AND jn l jn 4 underlined must meet applicable codes and regulations. and codes applicable meet must , and all material to be deleted shall deleted be to material all and , Document Document Number: Doc. Date:

 SEMI 4/26/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment as exhaust / abatement systems, etc). These systems should conform to the same existing pressure regulations, pressure existing same the to conform should systems and standards. codes These etc). systems, abatement / exhaust as well as systems, delivery chemical bulk systems, delivery gas bulk (i.e. liquids and/or gas high-pressure to exposed R1.2.6 scopetheS2 with SEMI products. consistent is semiconductor test This of guideline. the R1.2.5 codesstandards. ofinternational pressure the scope existing equipmentregulations, and within fall systems, piping pressure and vessels pressure including equipment, the of conditions pressure/volume the where R1.2.4 and owner equipment operated equipmentis(Refer16-3.4; jurisdictionSection “ to be where to the authorityhaving the manufacturer, equipment the by determined jointly be should and responsibility, shared R1.2.3 codesstandards.regulations, and equipment pressure existing of (~150 scope the bar within and ~10 section information approximately related this of scope of the within falls excess psig) in pressures having equipment any that such equipment; semiconductor R1.2.2 are which pressures “high-pressure”, having systems or higher for terms at equipment” relative systems than existing industry. thehigher semiconductor within sometimes only “high-pressure are are section, of equipment information related terminology of this throughout type the used this repeatedly however to general, services Facility In psig). pressures. (~150 bar ~10 than less pressures R1.2.1 R1.2 applied. and give to someonhow guidance the they throughout world, are already accepted specifications equipment pressure high R1.1.2 (by awareness and understanding better into industries’ production fabs. our systems high-pressure for integrate safely to how need on equipment) such the of owners/operators the and prompted manufacturers has This vessels. R1.1.1 R1.1 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This pressure of the standards. scope these international from wouldbe considered “excluded” which R1.3.4.1 a of volume and/or pressure the As areimposed. requirements system diameter)increase, (or quality additional vessel pipe piping. or vessel pressurized the of energy potential stored the on depending R1.3.4 prevailing any with conflict in used be regulatory requirements. it shall nor system, piping the and/or vessel pressure the either governing R1.3.3 appliedhigh-pressure to manufacturingequipment. maysemiconductor inspectioncriteriathat be fabrication, and R1.3.2 used equipment regulatoryrequirements. verify to local intendedbe with regulatorypressurized not to compliance high-pressure the asto semiconductor theyequipmentwithin considerations pertain EHS industry.It is for reference R1.3.1 R1.3 service. in placed already been has or placed, be will that equipment manufacturing semiconductor high-pressure maintaining and repairing, inspecting, fabricating,designing, when considered be should that specifications and standards, regulations, codes, international R1.2.7 codesstandards. international pressure of regulations, ofthese and theoutside scope any R1.2.6.1 Limitations Scope Purpose In many of the international pressure vessel and pressure piping codes, the conformance requirements vary, requirements conformance the codes, piping pressure and vessel pressure international the of many In design, requirements construction original EHS the for substitute detailed a as used the be not shall of section information related all This provide to section information related this of philosophy the not is It a as owner/user the and supplier equipment the both by use for intended is section information related This many the of some to refers and criteria, industry-specific provides section information related This be likely will which equipment, support facility also is there equipment, processing wafer to addition In and assemble measure, manufacture, to used is that equipment to applies section information related This industry semiconductor the in applications any for requirements addresses section information related This a is equipment semiconductor to section information related this of for application the limits” for requirement The “pressure so-called establish to section information related this of intent the not is It system internal had or vacuum, under operated has equipment processing wafer semiconductor Historically, equipment pressure existing of summary a provide to is section information related this of purpose The pressure and piping pressurized utilize may which technologies industry semiconductor emerging are There Note that facility support equipment is typically outside of the intended scope of SEMI S2, but it is not is it but S2, SEMI of scope intended the of outside typically is equipment support facility that Note This related information related section give pressuresThis doesto minimum pipe intend or diameters) not (or volumes Page jn l jn 5 Document Document Number: Doc. Limitations Date:

 SEMI 4/26/2018 ”). DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment Reference. 510 API R1.4.3 ofpiping / high-pressure systems.the application vessels R1.4.2.1 EquipmentManufacturing S7 SEMI S6 SEMI F41 SEMI Manufacturing Semiconductor F31 SEMI Purity Ultra-High and F22 SEMI Purity High Purpose, General Applications in Used Components F20 SEMI F14 SEMI F13 SEMI F6 SEMI F5 SEMI R1.4.2 piping systems.pressure high- and vessels high-pressure of alteration or repair and inspection, periodic testing, manufacturing, construction, R1.4.1 NOTICE: R1.4 pressuresystems pressure of vessels ifthepiping theirscope these falldetermine systems and within regulations. R1.3.4.2 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This SP-105 MSS Standard Practice USA Reference Ends; SP-97 MSS SP-96 MSS SP-61 MSS R1.4.5 HPS ASME B31.3 ASME USA Reference VIII Section ASME B16.5 ASME B16.34 ASME R1.4.4 RP580 API 653 Std. API RP579 API Systems; USA Reference. 570 API (RP). RP521 API Referenced and Standards Documents MSS Standards StandardsASME API Standards StandardsSEMI design, the for established been already have that standards and codes regulations, specific are There — Piping Inspection Code - Maintenance Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Re-Rating of In-Service Piping of Re-Rating Inspection, In-Service Alteration— PipingCode-and Repair, Inspection Maintenance — Guide for Gaseous Effluent Handling for Effluent —Guide Gaseous — — Guide for Secondary Containment of Hazardous Gas Piping Systems Containment Gas for of Hazardous — Guide Secondary There are also specific SEMI safety guidelines and facilities standards that relate directly or indirectly to indirectly or directly relate that standards facilities and guidelines safety SEMI specific also are There to jurisdiction having authority the and owner, equipment the manufacturer, equipment the to up still is It — Pressure Vessel Inspection Code - Maintenance Inspection, Rating, Repair and Alteration; USA Alteration; and Repair Rating, Inspection, Maintenance - Code Inspection Vessel Pressure — — Guide for Qualification of a Bulk Chemical Distribution System Bulk in forProcessing of ChemicalDistribution Used a — Guide Qualification Semiconductor forDistribution Chemical Systems— Guide Bulk for Distribution— Guide Gas Systems Equipment Design forSource of Enclosures Gas — Guide the Control for Source Equipment — Guide Gas — Specification for 316L Stainless Steel Bar, Forgings, Extruded Shapes, Plate, and Tubing for Tubing and Plate, Shapes, Extruded Forgings, Bar, Steel Stainless 316L for Specification — aey Gieie o niomna, Sft, ad Hat EH vlain o Semiconductor of Evaluation (ESH) Health and Safety, Environmental, for Guidelines Safety — — Guidelines on Terminology of Valves andStandard onTerminologyof Fittings; Valves Practice —Guidelines USA Reference Practice USA ReferenceStandard of —PressureTesting Valves; Steel theversions. latest published otherwise documents all cited be shall Unless indicated, — Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems; USA Reference on Recommended Practice Recommended on Reference USA Systems; Depressuring and Pressure-Relieving for Guide — — Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings – Socket Welding, Threaded and Buttwelding and Threaded Welding, Socket – Fittings Outlet Branch Forged Reinforced Integrally — — High Pressure Systems; USA Reference —High PressureSystems; USA Reference — Risk - Based Inspection; USA Reference on Recommended Practice (RP) Practice onRecommended —RiskInspection; -USA Reference Based (RP). Practice USA— Fitness–For–Service; ReferenceonRecommended Ventilation Guideline for Safety — Instrument Valves for Code Applications; USA Reference Standard Practice Valves USA ReferenceStandard CodeApplications; for —Instrument — Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Reconstruction; USA Reference. and —TankRepair, Reconstruction; USA Inspection, Alteration —Process for thePiping USA AMSE Code,B31, Reference. Piping; section Construction; of Flanges and —Pipe Flanged Fittings — Valves – Flanged, Threaded, and Welded End Welded –Flanged, Threaded, —Valves and — Rules of Construction of Pressure Vessels section of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Vessel Pressure and Boiler the of section Vessels Pressure of Construction of Rules — ; USA Reference. Page jn l jn 6 ; ; USA Reference. Document Document Number: Doc. Date:

 SEMI 4/26/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment R1.5.2.1 R1.5.2.1 R1.5.2 R1.5.1.13 R1.5.1.12 R1.5.1.11 R1.5.1.10 R1.5.1.9 R1.5.1.8 R1.5.1.7 R1.5.1.6 R1.5.1.5 R1.5.1.4 R1.5.1.3 R1.5.1.2 R1.5.1.1 R1.5.1 R1.5 97/23/EC PED 1910.119 29CFR OSHA equipment. pressure NB-23 KHK R1.4.6 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This • • • the was and standards, for requirements publishes code.ASME manyand applications. accepted equipment” The “pressure first widely codes 600 about generated has ASME The 1880). in (founded organization standards R1.5.2.2 “post-construction” key the joint pressure APIASME piping / vessela and inspectioncode. both of for assessments many service for publishing fitness forming explore to formed Group and in Task ASME an in participates currently API systems. piping and vessels protocols, pressure active inspection in-service particularly the as been such practices has recommended API practices. sound and proven and engineering equipment interchangeable safe, of use the promote to industry gas and oil the of segments all covering practices recommended / standards 500 than more maintains API Today, industry. gas natural and oil the with connected sciences and arts the of study the and members its of improvement mutual the promote to 1919, Code is an American National Standard, and it augments ASME Section VIII and B31.3 to cover standards for standards cover to B31.3 and VIII Section ASME augments it and Standard, National American an is Code This needs. prevention hazard the on depending pressures, these below used be can but psig), (10,000 bar 690 above or at pressures fluid any considers Code this of scope This Code, (HPS) Systems Pressure High ASME vessels. pressure 152mm width, cross-section greaterdiameter, inside diagonal. (6 in psig) than inches) height,or and on focuses (15 bar 1.03 than specifically greater for designed vessels VIII industry semiconductor any to Section applicable is Code B&PV ASME Standard. National American equipment pressure an of each variety a requirements, address XII thru I Sections Code, (B&PV) Vessel Pressure & Boiler ASME and transport gas refrigeration, pipelines, 1.03 barpsig). pressure any system)gauge equipment(piping an> (15 to with semiconductor operating piping, applicable is Code, Piping process Process B31.3 ASME & transport. slurry & power cryogenic services, building covers distribution, series The Standard. American National an each Sections, published individually of number a of consists Code Piping Pressure B31 ASME — Koatsu gas Hoan Kyokai High-PressureLegislation.— KoatsuLaw; Gas Kyokai gas Japanese Hoan Safety — — Terminology Related Organizations Standards / Abbreviations andAcronyms StandardsOther and Documents American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): Engineers Mechanical of Society American (API): Institute Petroleum American MAWP Pressure Allowable –Maximum Working theIndustry Ministry Trade& METI Japan - in of Economy, Engineering Accepted Practice Good RAGAGEP And –Recognized Generally Hoan -KHK Koatsu Kyokai gas -FFS Fitness-For-ServiceAssessment CWP Working Pressure –Cold Mechanical Engineers -ASME Americanof Society Inspection –Authorized AIA Agency. API –American PetroleumInstitute ainlBadIseto oe Code; Inspection Board National PED –PressureEquipmentPED Directive. Evaluation NDE –Non-Destructive –NationalNBIC BoardCode. Inspection –MaximumMOP Pressure Operating — Pressure Equipment Directive; European Legislation. —PressureEquipment European Directive; — Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; USA Legislation. Chemicals; of Hazardous —ProcessManagement Highly Safety USA Reference on the rules for alterations, repair and inspection of inspection and repair alterations, for rules the on Reference USA The American Petroleum Institute was established on March 20, March on established was Institute Petroleum American The Page jn l jn 7 This is perhaps the oldest and most respected most and oldest the perhaps is This Document Document Number: Doc. Date:

 SEMI 4/26/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment • … than greater is (V) • volume internal of pieces several functional equipmentassembled integrated, whole. form to pressure an mean the Assemblies accessories. pressure and accessories safety piping, by vessels, means equipment Pressure psig). 7 > (PS bar multiplied 0.5 > PS pressure, internal allowable maximum to subject equipment pressure any to (P) pressure R1.5.2.4 design the 0.04kg/cm > P*V “Designated if technical as classified create vessels and are which Ordnances (DEIR) to Regulations Ministerial Inspection pressure industry semiconductor any to Equipment applicable are and Law Safety by Gas High-Pressure Designated Japanese the under empowered issued the described to subject specifically is organization equipment is This it sole Equipment”. and disasters the prevent also to is order in process manufacturing the of step each in inspected be to needs gas high-pressure of production the in It is used that Equipment Japan. in (METI) Industry & Trade Economy, of Ministry the to submit and accidents. standards/manuals gas-related high-pressure of prevention the for initiatives safety promoting Japan in organization principle the is It designated organization.. legally inspection impartial, an as Law, Safety Gas High-Pressure Japan’s with accordance in 1963 in established R1.5.2.3 • reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This Definition (ref. user. or owner the by so do Party Organizations) Third 5.2.19 Recognized to authorized and trained specifically unless examinations, those of results the evaluate not does but components system piping on examination non-destructive performing by Inspector intended its for component or system R1.5.3.5 a certify and test, construct, design, conditions. operating to used Type) Fluid and Loadings are experience and qualifications designer R1.5.3.4 minimum B31.3, ASME of edition recent most otherwise. arerequired unless theapproves owner identified and through the sought of is case the qualifications exists. PED the In and minimum of part designed as Mark the the CE a to of use of affixed the via is process certification assurance similar that A stamp equipment. pressure an ASME fabricated appropriate Codes, the of ASME possession in the constructor the of of certification use In system. piping R1.5.3.3 of forpressure fittings, the MAWP,specifications piping in instead valves, and instrumentation. to referred often however, is, It max). or (min temperature and pressure external or internal coincident of conditions -29 conditions temperature R1.5.3.2 capability. operational the pressure which containingor affects Specification R1.5.3.1 R1.5.3 safe use of pressure equipment. There are, however, related EN Regulations - the Pressure Systems Safety Systems Pressure the - Regulations EN BS Ref. (PED}. EN the by covered not aspects other and related requirements “In-Use” such cover which Regulations however, are, There equipment. pressure of continued the use ensure safe to necessary be may which requirements “In-Use” with deal directly not does PED The a now is It 2002. equipment. conformity regardingof marking the design, and pressure manufacture, national laws 29th, May until optional was harmonizing by trade to barriers technical remove to was PED the of intention stated requirements A requirement. mandatory with compliance but 1999 29th, November on force into came PED The 1997. 29th, May on Council the and Parliament European the by adopted was and 1993 15th, July the on Ministers of Council the to submitted was proposal PED Commission's European’s The post- specific topressure assessments equipment. asof construction the deterioration they relate address to formed been have subcommittees Various standards. and codes technology for pressure responsible ASME the by is covered is that that and documentation, service Committee in placed been Main has that equipment new pressure for maintenance, a standards developing formed has B31.3 inspection, ASME Codes: testing, Post-Construction ASME final installation, fabrication, of protectivehigh-pressure repairsystems. and containment replacement, materials, design, the 45004. Definitions Examiner Examiner Specification Design Designer (CWP). Pressure Working Cold Alteration (PED).Pressure Equipment Directive (KHK): Kyokai Hoan gas Koatsu 2 *m - The Designer is the person in responsible charge of the engineering design of the pressure the of design engineering the of charge responsible in person the is Designer The - – An intentional change in the system of the pressure equipment from the original Design original the from equipment pressure the of system the in change intentional An – – A person who performs quality control examinations for the manufacturer and can assist the assist can and manufacturer the for examinations control quality performs who person A – 3 . (i.e. other units: P*V > 39.2 bar*L or > other39.2bar*L P*V 569psig*L). units:. (i.e. > P*V ○ C to 38 to C – A set of data and descriptions which contain the criteria (Pressure, Temperature, (Pressure, criteria the contain which descriptions and data of set A – ○ C (-20 C ○ The maximum allowable working pressure of a valve at ambient at valve a of pressure working allowable maximum The F to 10 to F This is the High-Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan. It was It Japan. of Institute Safety Gas High-Pressure the is This The directive is European Legislation (PED 97/23/EC) applicable (PED EuropeanLegislation 97/23/EC) Theis directive ○ 0F). This metric is not the MAWP, because MAWP requires MAWP because MAWP, the not is metric This 0F). Page jn l jn 8 Document Document Number: Doc. Date:

 SEMI 4/26/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment • • for appropriate service. in placed already been has equipment that be may rules Different equipment. new of design for rules provide generally codes KHK and PED ASME, The service. continued for structure the of integrity the determine to order in assessed are structure a within R1.5.3.9 into joining ofsubassemblies.bending and components R1.5.3.8 be damage external that necessary not is it not surroundings, explosion. isbeing heard. necessary is capableproduced bythat theof the that explosionis All their is damage release explosions some the though Even However, one hear. that wave can pressure energy. a produce to pressure enough concentrated and or enough rapid is electrical, it unless explosive chemical, be to considered nuclear, include these forms; of variety a in system the in stored been originally have may energy This source. the from away traveling amplitude finite of wave pressure a generate to as so volume small sufficiency a and time small sufficiently a over released energy the R1.5.3.7 phase if or SCF a of terms in not (but vapor of changes occur). terms in and water) (usually liquid a of terms in both rating flow closing the show catalogues Manufacturers' closes. automatically valve the rate, predetermined a exceeds direction Each only. direction one in that in flow the controlled If controlled. is flow the which in direction the is showing arrow an with stamped is valve flow excess Flow direction. either in gas or liquid of flow the permits position open normal its in while valve, flow excess An close. to valve flow excess the cause to liquid or vapor sufficient pass not may or may and restricted be will flow escaping the failure, of point the at crushed is piping the if or crack narrow a only is damage the if that, obvious is It assumed. is rate release fluid large a involving break partial or separation, complete and clean a rupture, or breakage to refer we When place. takes rupture hose or pipelines of breakage when R1.5.3.6 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This • • • the thenestablishthe design help basis theto for ofsystem. designer thewhich piping safeguards, engineered including factors design other and conditions, operating properties, fluid of combination the R1. or eitherexplosive, etc) non-dangerous (toxic, oxidizing, fluids fluids. asdangerous flammable, summarized being be can however, These, slightly; vary can types fluids various for classification and definitions the etc.), KHK, PED, R1.5.3.11 fluid conditions. under integrity and ensuremechanical to hammering evaluated surges be should system pressure The boundary. pressure the to momentum of amount large a of transfer the in result can and R1.5.3.10 from OSHA and EPA, and is also mentioned in the American Chemistry Council. (ref. Acronym 5.1.14 Acronym (ref. Council. Chemistry American the in mentioned also is Statutes and Federal EPA, States United and in OSHA language from specific is which practices, engineering good accepted generally and recognized follow organizations of that require (d)(3)(ii)) consequences 1910.119 CFR the 29 (OSHA regulations minimize OSHA The or prevent to intended is Regulation explosive flammable, chemicals. or of reactive, toxic, catastrophic releases Federal This chemicals. hazardous certain of handling processes in equipment for requirements integrity mechanical establish that 1910.119 CFR 29 OSHA are which Regulations, Management Safety Process created Government Federal States United The considers high pressures fluid service to correspond to operating pressures in excess of the rating for flanges for rating the of excess in pressures operating to no correspond to are service fluid There code pressures the high speaking, considers exist. Generally provisions service.. fluid no pressure high which for for defined specifically service limits “pressure” fluid specified M Category for except construction, and design serious produce ServiceHigh-Pressure Fluid can leakage, by caused fluid, toxic a of quantity small taken. when bodily onbreathing even harmrestorative measuresare prompt persons or contact, to irreversible very a to exposure single a which ServiceFluidM Category 186C to (-20F) -29C from is temperature design and psig) (150 (366F). bar 10.3 exceed not does pressure design D Category RAGAGEP). Fitness-For-Service Assessment(FFS): Assessment(FFS): Fitness-For-Service Fabrication definition) (scientific Explosion Valve Flow Excess Fluid Classification Fluid Hammer Fluid Fluid Service is a term within ASME B31.3, concerning the application of a piping system, considering system, piping a of application the concerning ASME B31.3, within term a is Service Fluid

Fluid Service Fluid – The preparation of piping for assembly, including cutting, threading, grooving, forming, grooving, threading, cutting, including assembly, for piping of preparation The – – Fluid hammer can occur when an abrupt change in velocity occurs in a fluid system fluid a in occurs velocity in change abrupt an when occur can hammer Fluid – - The primary purpose of an excess flow valve is to protect against excessive flow excessive against protect to is valve flow excess an of purpose primary The - – A fluid in which the potential for personnel exposure is judged to be significant and be judged is to exposure personnel for the potential which in fluid – A - A fluid that is non-flammable, nontoxic and not damaging to human tissues, with tissues, human to damaging not and nontoxic non-flammable, is that fluid A - – Depending on the applicable international high-pressure codes (such as ASME, as (such codes high-pressure international applicable the on Depending – – A fluid for which the owner specifies use piping fluidspecifies owner Chapterfor of B31.3, ASME IX which –A for the – In general, an explosion is said to have occurred in the atmosphere if atmosphere the in occurred have to said is explosion an general, In – This is a methodology whereby flaws and conditions contained conditions and flaws whereby methodology a is This Page jn l jn 9 Document Document Number: Doc. Date:

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LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment (10,000 psig), but also states that it is not limited solely to this definition. Note that this is different than High than different is this that Note definition. this to solely Pressure Fluid not is it that states also but psig), (10,000 bar 689.5 the above or at for pressure systems. fluid any be “high-pressure” piping to considered generally term is pressure it that the stating provision, and HPS utilizing the of vessels purposes distinction pressure some both makes for ASME (HPS)- HPS Systems ASME High-Pressure or ASME piping pressure for B31.3 ASME of IX theChapter as such code design high-pressure of use request to likely are owners that psig) (5,000 bar 345 about exceed which pressures systems when only is It equipment. pressurized as considered those equally are both psig); (4,400 bar 300 example for or exceed that International psig) (14.5 bar 1 is that pressures system a psig). between distinguish not do however, (~150 regulations, and codes equipment pressurized bar internal 10 approximately than greater have to; accustomed become which has industry semiconductor systems for industry) semiconductor R1.5.3.12 • • fluids system, piping the PED within the of safeguards engineered and the conditions, on operating based properties, is fluid which of service, effects fluid combined ASME the unlike is classification This itself. properties fluid’s the of nature R1. • reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This • • the of rating pressure-temperature the by limited is value Its the design. maximumin stress equipment and allowable used the external expected. or internal max) coincident or of (min condition temperature severe and most the pressure at operation continued for system piping a or vessel R1.5.3.16 Gas High-Pressure Japanese KHK’s the by Law.Safety defined as P, pressure, design the or Code, ASME the within defined as MAWP, Pressure, Working Allowable Maximum to equivalent also is abbreviation PS This value. negative a by designated is vacuum consequence, a As pressure). gauge (ref. (i.e. pressure atmospheric to pressure relative the means met. are Code the R1.5.3.15 of requirements examination and design applicable Party Organizations) Third Definition 5.2.19Recognized all that satisfied be sole to the necessary as inspections has conducts and completed been owner/user have testing and examinations the required all that verifies which responsibility, in situation the R1.5.3.14 represents Generally service. in piping of theintegrity for mechanical thesystem. manage pressure to responsibility continuing placed being to prior R1.5.3.13 Group 2– Group 1– the to subject not Code, B31.3 ASME D, ofHigh-Pressure CategoryService, Category FluidNormal ASME, rules M,or Service. Fluid per by covered piping most to pertaining fluid A – Service Fluid Normal bar–6,000psig) for materials.340-420 (5,000 most approximately of pressures operation to corresponds generally turn, in This, 2500. Class of fittings flanged and within the PED, or the Design Pressure, P, as defined within the KHK’s Japanese High-Pressure Gas Safety Gas High-Pressure Japanese KHK’s Law. the within defined as P, Pressure, Design the or defined PED, as the PS, within Pressure, Allowable Maximum to equivalent also is it and acronym, defined ASME an is This piping set at. aretypically and thedevices pressure therelief pressure vessel what is value This both. or temperature or pressure of variations for allowances to relating rules same the to subject ASME Pressureas and in as defined is theand theDesign MAWP generally same VIII, B31.3 Section is        Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP): Pressure Working Allowable Maximum Inspector In-Service Equipment High-Pressure Oxidizing Toxic toxic Very > temp flash (max. point) Flammable flammable Highly flammable Extremely Explosive Fluid Classification is a term per the PED and is divided into two groups based only on the hazardous the on only based groups two into divided is and PED the per term a is Classification Fluid Maximum Allowable Pressure (PS): Pressure Allowable Maximum Comprises all other fluids not defined within / referred to 1 within other all defined Group Comprises not referred in fluids / as defined a Aor dangerousfluids. is Comprises dangerousfluid substance preparation eeal ees t h we’ npco. Te Isetr n fliln h owner’s the fulfilling in Inspector, The inspector. owner’s the to refers Generally – – Refers to piping systems that have been placed in operation, as opposed to new construction new opposed to as operation, in placed been have systemsthat piping to Refers – s dfnd wti hs dcmn, i ny a rltv em (o the (to term relative a only is document, this within defined As - As defined in PED, as specified by the manufacturer. Pressure manufacturer. the by specified as PED, in defined As Page jn l jn 10 The maximum internal pressure permitted in a in permitted pressure internal maximum The . Document Number: Document Doc. Date:

4048 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment • • pipingdesigning pressurized systems. NPS). qualified or accrediting (DN piping and process vessels, of pressure and boilers R1.5.3.19 registered -- Board National pressure-retainingand alteration devices. repairrelief / for of organizations all of records detailed andstandard, the industry is that laboratory testing relief pressure a maintaining Board, the National by administered examinations extensive an pass who inspectors Board commissioning programs, training National extensive an offering The by vessels, agencies. regulatory pressure and federal boilers pressure of by repair and construction as the involving codes well the to adherence as oversees membership jurisdictions, and states of number a by adopted been has Standard National American This vessels. pressure and boilers of alterations and repairs inspection service R1.5.3.18 set operation..burstat disk the pressureMAWP). valve (i.e. relief during normal or device relieving pressure the of operation undesirable prevent to to matter, practicle a as and exceeding operation during of MAWP propability the the minimize to MAWP the and MOP the between 20%) to (10% margin suitable a have to advantageous is It MAWP. than greater never and than, less generally Pressure), Process (i.e. operated normally R1.5.3.17 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This Table R1.1 mrcn Ntoa tnad nttt AS) asge ceue nmes t lsiy wl hcns for thickness wall classify to numbers NPS in diameters schedule equivalent of comparison size the assigned showing 1, Table to Refer applications. pressure (ANSI) different Institute Standards National American past, the In the years recent In heavy. diameter. extra double and heavy, extra standard, inside weights: three in basically produced the was pipe smaller the wall, the heavier The only. diameter inside the affects thickness wall constant; remains diameter outside the pipe, of sizes all In size. pipe nominal the to equal approximately diameter inside an would have thickness wall standard awith pipe that so selected originally was dimension OD This DN. PED’s the to similar and inches), (in size nominal the for equivalent US Size. Pipe Nominal – NPS of onthe existing diameter)based section. (i.e. cross flowa section comparative the equivalent mm) (in diameter internal the to correspond should DN products, non-circular of case the in but “circular products”, for (OD) diameter outside the to refers this general” “in that note Please number. a by followed DN by for designated is size number nominal The round dimensions. manufacturing to related convenient loosely only a is and purposes reference is It size. thread by or diameters outside by indicated components than other system piping a in components all to common is which mm) millimeters, (in size of designation numerical the “ Diameter. (Size) Nominal – DN and DN. and Nominal Pipe Size. Pipe Nominal (NBIC). Code Inspection Board National (MOP): Pressure Operating Maximum Nominal SizeComparison(DNvs.NPS) There are two common definitions for assigning a numerical designation to the size the to designation numerical a assigning for definitions common two are There It is important to understand the similarities and differences of these when these of differences and similarities the understand to important is It Diametre Nominel Diametre Metric Size Metric DN (mm) DN 100 80 65 50 40 32 25 20 15 10 8 6 . The maximum pressure at which a vessel or piping system is system piping or vessel a which at pressure maximum The . Page The NBIC is the only standard recognized worldwide for in- for worldwide recognized standard only the is NBIC The " as defined by PED, is similar to the US’s NPS. This is This NPS. US’s the to similar is PED, by defined as " jn l jn 11 US Customary US NPS (inches) 2 ½ 1 ½ 1 ¼ 3/8 1/8 ¾ ½ ¼ 4 3 2 1 Document Number: Document Doc. Date: 4048 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment R1.5.3.24 R1.5.3.24 units Size,- orNominel". Pipe metric asNominal "Diametre in DN are that names "trade" or "nominal" by identified NPSas - inches given in often are valves and flanges pipes, fittings,of size Thedimensions. actual to related is loosely Pipe service. pressure for intended when pipe as treated are specifications the in “tubing” or “tube” designatedMaterials specifications. material applicable in “pipe” designated applicable the of R1.5.3.23 requirements the meet tracking will and that executing, etc. implementing, piping, (vessels, inspection code etc). alterations, documenting, repairs, developing, inspections, for including, responsible maintenance is organization An user standards. and / codes applicable owner current by abide and use personnel maintenance and valve inspectors, contractors, relief a during as such R1.5.3.22 periods, short for (ASME) allowed a is This 10%24hour than 10%the1to 20%MAWPof period. operation. restrictedto usually to for higher sometimes the than are higher Pressures (MAWP) design. conditions the in design used devices relief pressure the of characteristics response with dynamic compatible be the to duration sufficient of change pressure differential a causing of capable phenomena other or heat/pressure, liberate can which reactions chemical exothermic internal imbalances, thermal external from resulting R1.5.3.21 not do flaws evaluate and interpret measure, locate detect, equipment. The ofexaminationinclude: methods and pressure usefulness serviceability impair future to to used methods NDE The fabricated components. and and welds, parts materials, in flaws/discontinuities internal and surface detect to regulations) KHK and PED the both within exist methods NDE (similar Code ASME the within defined are which of many methods, inspection R1.5.3.20 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This (Sound SEP, acronym, related the with confused be also to and not jurisdictions by is adopted RAGAGEP be to requirements. written administrative been include have standards These of integrity vessels. mechanical pressure the and assuring for piping standards process and practices risk accident. on or working potential failure organizations equipment of the an number by a reduces caused are be There significantly may that Owner property private the to damage followed, and injuries were with associated standards accepted these and that recognized records with maintaining by accordance in equipment that and standards, accepted and recognized with accordance in equipment that installing inspecting and maintaining by standards, by standards, accepted and to manufactured recognized equipment purchasing By business. other) (and manufacturing chemical a operating in public and/or the maintenance, installation, and Government US fabrication, the by Owners of expected design, care of standard the defines the It equipment. of testing and for inspection practices engineering the documents that guideline or standard code, consensus a is This Code. Safety Process Care Responsible (ACC) Council Chemistry American the in mentioned also is and EPA, and OSHA from Statutes Federal States United the in language specific is and for R1.5.3.26 • • ( MAWP). value specified a of excess in pressure fluid internal of rise the prevent to conditions abnormal or emergency during open R1.5.3.25 Piping flows. fluid snub of control include but also not supportsuch includesstructures, pipe-supportingasSystem elements frames. does meter, discharge, separate, mix, distribute, convey, to used is and conditions rupture disk. It includes both the disk, the disk holder Itthesensitive. includesthedisk pressure disk. disk, both is rupture and and it temperature – Disc Burst – BD of afterarerestored. fluid normalfurther conditions flow Valve. Relief Pressure - PRV         Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP): Practice Engineering Good Accepted Generally And Recognized Device Pressure Relief System Piping Pipe Owner/User Overpressure (NDE): Evaluation Non-Destructive AE LT VT ET MT PT UT RT – A pressure-tight cylinder used to convey a fluid or transmit a fluid pressure and is ordinarily is and pressure fluid a transmit or fluid a convey to used cylinder pressure-tight A – Acoustic Emission Testing Acoustic Testing Leak Examination Visual / Testing Testing (Electromagnetic) Eddy-Current ParticleMagnetic Testing Penetrant Testing (Liquid) Testing Ultrasonic Testing Radiographic h we/sr rtis utmt epniiiy fr esrn ht manufacturers, that ensuring for responsibility ultimate retains owner/user The – This is a non-reclosing pressure relief device designed to function by the bursting of a of bursting the by function to designed device relief pressure non-reclosing a is This – Overpressure, as used in this document, refers to changes in differential pressure differential in changes to refers document, this in used as Overpressure, – – An assembly of interconnected piping that is subject to the same set or sets of design of sets or set same the to subject is that piping interconnected of assembly An – - This is a safety device which is actuated by inlet static pressure and designed to designed and static pressure inlet by actuated is which device a safety is This - The device designed to open and relieve excess pressure then re-close to prevent to re-close then pressure excess relieve and open to designed device The hs i efre hog o-etutv xmnto and examination non-destructive through performed is This Page jn l jn 12

Document Number: Document This is an acronym an is This Doc. Date: 4048 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment secondary containment) should expand in their scope. In general, semiconductor secondary containment structures containment secondary semiconductor general, In scope. their in expand should containment) secondary (for industry semiconductor the the to with typical requirements that the design, equipment Note into fluids high-pressure of exposure. inclusion or failure catastrophic without containment primary the of release energy rapid pressure- a of a on operation grinding or R1.5.3.29 Specification. cutting, welding, Design Any original satisfied. equipment’s be alteration considered a is considered an repair. component specifically not containing piping shall the also re-rating from of deviation requirements no the pressure, or temperature design of change in is result changes restorative any If Alteration). 5.2.1 Definition there (ref. provided conditions designated R1.5.3.28 • • • • the of compliance the certify to pressure vessels piping andpressure the systems. accredited organizations different are there applied, being is standards and codes R1.5.3.27 Article (perPED the Conformityrules forspecific 3.3).falls areestablished of outside Module Assessments which equipment the when for called procedures the of description a simply is which PED, the from Practice) Engineering reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This high-pressure that Europe,Japan. bylegislation absolutely requiresystems this Northand in America, engineers design equipment semiconductor to obvious intuitively be not may it and equipment, R1.6.2 as Federaland Local, applicable. to codes and regulations State, keyand standards defers other R1.6.1 R1.6 the volumeof internal and permanent parts. orexcluding the firstto weld connection R1.5.3.31 component. an rating NRTL for electrical an like much use, for suitable as “approved” be should components pressure the system, piping pressure ASME an In thermal as well as fatigue) (pressure effects cyclic guidelinesdefined304.7.2and Section per307.1.2. Section B31.3, ASME in shock the and of adequacy thermal, for dynamic, checked applicable be under should design strength component mechanical unlisted The if equipment verified. the are of testing ratings and temperature and calculations pressure certain the at use for suitable as “approved” considered be can but 326.1) still Table B31.3, ASME in listed standards the of one to according tested and manufactured (i.e. “Listed”, the R1.5.3.30 include should now they leak; chemical potential a away of energyrelease. a to rapid effects the withstand structural capability exhaust safely and capture to designed been have (Conformity Assessment) and Article 11 (European Approval For Materials) for the purposes of showing of purposes 10 97/23/EC PED referred in Annex Safetyto Essential Requirements I.the PED’s the Article for PED to Materials) compliance review in to recognized also are For organizations to party third European Other Approval PED. referred the to compliance (European procedures 11 out Article carry and They Assessment) (Conformity States. Member its and Commission European Body. Notified piping for 570. inPiping systems,specified pressure Inspector API Inspector. Piping Authorized – API manufacturer, system’s piping the of employee or erector. fabricator an be nor represent, not shall pressure inspector industrial owner’s in The experience years piping. 10 than less not have shall inspectors B31.3 ASME vessels. pressure Authorized Inspector – AI piping pressure the which in jurisdiction theor owner to useduser. byorcontract is system and under employed the by Codes) ASME (for recognized or licensed Canada, or States Agency. Inspection Authorized – AIA SafetyPhilosophy     SEMI S2 sets forth performance-based requirements for equipment design, and in most cases, references cases, most in and design, equipment for requirements performance-based forth sets S2 SEMI Unfortunately, SEMI S2 does not specifically reference the key international standards for high-pressure for standards international key the reference specifically not does S2 SEMI Unfortunately, Volume. Component Unlisted Structure: Containment Secondary Repair Organizations Party Third Recognized Detailed Stress Detailed TestingProof StressAnalysis.Experimental service data/experience extensive Use – The work necessary to restore a piping system to a condition suitable for safe operation at the at operation safe for suitable condition a to system piping a restore to necessary work The – This means the internal volume of a chamber (pressure vessel) including the volume of nozzles of volume the including vessel) (pressure chamber a of volume internal the means This This is a third party organization of the European Community, who has been recognized by the by recognized been has who Community, European the of organization party third a is This . AI’s are certified by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors for Inspectors PressureVessel and Boiler of National Board the certified by are AI’s . – This is a term for a pressure piping component which was not certified as certified not was which component piping pressure a for term a is This – API’s and certified by the American Petroleum Institute, as an Authorized an as Institute, Petroleum American the by certified and API’s This is defined as the independent inspection organization for the United the for organization inspection independent the as defined is This A secondary containment structure designed to mitigate the effects the mitigate to designed structure containment secondary A - Depending on which of the international pressure regulations, pressure international the of which on Depending - Page jn l jn 13 Document Number: Document Doc. Date: 4048 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment the equipment. of integrity mechanical the for responsible is each and owner/operator, the as well as designer the by codes, pressure R1.6.8 Figure toR16-1. to refer ensurecompliance, equipment manufacturer R1.6.7 a energy.) thanrelease alarge resultingin rupture of leak be rather to predicted a mode is a of use by risk in decrease further a for opt sometimes designers applications, mature most the of some In success. demonstrated with safety, and integrity R1.6.6 other. each from away meter 1 placed are tools where and everywhere, personnel with fab, semiconductor dollar multi-million a areas, manned weakly such R1.6.5 of practice and existence the to educated quickly level theof existing maintain equipmentsafety. to requirements be should however, industry, semiconductor The areas. manned within operation safe ensure to requirements these use already industries manufacturing volume high Many R1.6.4 standards. with high-pressureregulations,and compliance toand in codes systems these use manufacture safely required are all R1.6.3 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This or supplier, equipment An fab. semiconductor chemical uncontrolled high-pressure releases. foreseeable a inside creating of risk at is consequences requirements, design high-pressure these follow not does and aware fatal not is who owner/operator have high- potentially (under leak small could a Even pressure) system. semiconductor high-pressure a of locations exposure different are There personal will singleorderfailure or injury. resultequipmentdamage in Safe” –noforeseeable not are principles these R1.7.2 if are scenarios hazard potential the what review followed. to exercise good a is it Legislations, R1.7.1 R1.7 PotentialHazards High-Pressure of   SEMI S2 is built around the philosophy of requiring our wafer processing equipment to be “1 High-Pressure be to equipment processing wafer our International requiring of philosophy the around built existing is S2 SEMI these following of importance the understand accurately To required the of awareness and responsibility require systems high-pressure requirements, S2 SEMI Unlike the of responsibility the just not is it that is systems High-Pressure with remember to fact important An equipment assuring of means pre-service primary the remains approach design regulated and codified This Since years. 50 over for tested well been have and specified clearly very are principles design high-pressure These keeping record of level the and analysis, of level the design, mechanical of level the in change conscious A concern, as is the release of toxic chemistries which could easily damage nearby equipment and cause and equipment nearby injury fatalities. even serious and damage a easily could are which volumes chemistries toxic enclosed of release of the is overpressure as and concern, pipe-whip Projectiles, chemistries. high-pressure of fab Inside: exposure hazards dependent). possible pipe(chemical resulting in whip,and general VMB’s) – Boxes Manifold Valve (e.g. volumes enclosed specific within overpressure an be could There today. use in systems that different no is this as known, well fairly are 1) (Area fab the outside systems Outside: ag aoiyo h the of majority large a Potentially, even more catastrophic consequences exist when there is a leak or rupture inside the inside rupture or leak a is there when exist consequences catastrophic more even Potentially, The potential consequences of a leak or rupture in any of the bulk high pressure delivery pressure high bulk the of any in rupture or leak a of consequences potential The consequences of failure, whether a rupture or a leak, can be far less severe less far be can leak, a or rupture a whether failure, of consequences

JurisdictionalAuthority/Regulation Owner / Operator Owner / industrial high-pressure industrial “Leak Before Break” philosophy (i.e. a design wherein the dominant failuredominant the wherein design a (i.e. philosophy Break” Before “Leak Figure R1.1 Figure Assuring Integrity is a Shared Responsibility Assuring Shared is Integrity a

Shared Responsibility Page

jn l jn 14 Sound EngineeringPrinciples systems are located outside, and in unmanned or unmanned in and outside, located are systems Designer / Constructor Designer/ (includingApplicable Codes)

Document Number: Document than failure within failure than Doc. Date: 4048 st Order Fail Order 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment Figure 4 for the graphical example of this certification challenge between different industries. betweendifferent challenge certification of this example theFigure graphical 4for to Refer requirements. Industry High-Pressure International the and SEMI the both to compliance in are fabrication R1.8.7 the determine to order in to organizations) inspection independent the equipment. to and structure after repairs/alterations ofcontinuedintegrity service, the for (by required also is Assessment Service For R1.8.6 equipmentinto Japan. High-Pressure service within designated gas R1.8.5 Community. within toequipmentinto the European prior service placing R1.8.4 service. for certify and R1.8.3 safety this to conforms guideline. equipment the certify to order in design tool’s their of review thorough a perform to Party R1.8.2 industry the semiconductor High-Pressure the existing of with industry. R1.8.1 R1.8 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This the of XII thru I Sections Code. (B&PV) Vessel B&PV Pressure & they Boiler etc.) ASME the heaters, with chamber, comply process to the need also (i.e. would system piping equipment’s the within included are vessels pressure R1.10.1 R1.10 considerations. fundamental important areall management configurationand documentation, cycles, pressure of tracking serialization, and testing, pressure static requirements, R1.9.4 part tracked. also beshould diligently that manufacture to followed are which processes the but designed, carefully be only not should and “sacred” R1.9.3 engineeringpractices. the typical semiconductor beyond R1.9.2 ourindustry’s vacuum semiconductor high within equipment. applied typically requirements design mechanical the than more much testing and analysis mechanical of level high a require support and routing piping and devices, overpressure instrumentation, valves, fittings, piping, connecting R1.9.1 R1.9 Code address a variety of equipment requirements, but Section VIII specifically focuses onpressure focuses VIII Section vessels. specifically equipment requirements,but variety of a Codeaddress High-PressureRequirements Overview CertificationRequirements The materials used to make that part should also be tracked. Material spec sheets, welding certification welding sheets, spec Material tracked. be also should part that make to used materials The considered is high-pressure, to exposed be potentially can or exposed, is which assembly or part Each far processes traceability and effects fatigue pressure and thermal consider should selection Component The itself. vessel pressure the of certification and design the than more require systems High-Pressure and design their that justify can manufacturer a before required be will audits of combination a Presently, Fitness- a service, into placed is system piping the which in jurisdiction the by conformance to addition In The ( Directive Equipment Pressure the to certification verify can Bodies Notified European Likewise, ASME 3 S2 SEMI accredited an employ to supplier equipment an for common is it certification, S2 SEMI For marriagerequires the manufacturers cleaning wafervarious byexplored being is which technology new This ASME ASME Requirements The ASME B31.3 for Process Piping is the governing Code for semiconductor capital equipment. If equipment. capital semiconductor for Code governing the is Piping Process for B31.3 ASME The KHK Code 3rd party Engineering firms (Authorized Inspectors) exist which do have the ability to inspect to ability the have do which exist Inspectors) (Authorized firms Engineering party 3rd Code ASME itself shall certify compliance to the Japanese High-Pressure Safety Law prior to placing the placing to prior Law Safety High-Pressure Japanese the to compliance certify shall itself compliance to both the Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes prior to placing the equipment into equipment the placing to prior Codes Piping and Vessel Pressure the both to compliance Figure R1.1 Figure non fabnon Equipment: ASME, PED, KHK PED, ASME, Compliant to Compliant . . . High Pressure, Pressure, High Bringing TogetherBringing Industries Different High Pressure fab Equipment: Pressure High Compliant to SEMI, SEMI, CE, to Compliant & ASME, PED KHK PED ASME, & Page jn l jn 15 Standard fab Equipment: fab Standard Compliant to SEMI, CE SEMI, to Compliant …

Document Number: Document Doc. Date: 4048 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI PED 4048 rd ) 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment are to ensure compliance. These PED Categories (I, II, III, and IV and also SEP) are determined based on: (I, based and III,andaredetermined Categories PED also II, IV SEP) These ensurecompliance. are to there and balances category” and checks “no more the being Category, equipment the higher for The option (SEP). an Practice Engineering has Sound requiring also simply and IV) and III II, is I, (PE) Equipment (i.e. Pressure categories four required. into divided are balances and checks more the etc., energy), stored (greater volume the and pressure, the larger The energy. stored on based that including hazard, potential the of function a are Directive Equipment Pressure the within variances The equipment. pressure of conformity and marking manufacture, design, R1.11.1 R1.11 Q) a System Quality (Appendix not ASME Coderequirement,unlessby is specified the owner. Program R1.10.4 into placement its and commissioning thelist: following in summarized final system’s the are these including of some and areas, different several in processes these initial of balances and and checks multiple are the There service). to to prior up design, initial equipment the from the (i.e. of it to manufacturing completeness process grave” design to The “cradle a Rulebook”. has “Design a Code just the than by more embodied is It way. the along balances and checks requires and R1.10.3 compliance The safety. and integrity toward way long a auditthe notmanufacturingprocess. bytheof the Code is end a of matter final and embodied just process go to demonstrated been has use careful its judgment, R1.10.2 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This to is meet. (PE) required equipment pressure the System) Quality (i.e. Module Assessment Conformity and Category which determining for R1.11.3 to similar however, arevery Code. ASME Fabrication, and Design of principles fundamental PED’s The Module”. Assessment Conformity – System “Quality of type the but (SEP)” Practices on requirements itsspecific withto in more PED’s seems majorASME be carrymarking. difference CE The cannot Engineering “Sound of requirements general the meet to needs I Category below falls which R1.11.2                   PEDRequirements There is a logical path outlined to determine what level of conformance is required. Refer to Figure R16-3 Figure to Refer required. is conformance of level what determine to outlined path logical a is There Equipment I. Annex PED’s in defined Requirements Safety Essential the meet should categories four All the regarding laws national harmonizing by trade to barriers technical remove to was PED the of stated A The System. Quality the of regulations the in is PED and B31.3 ASME with difference important An fabrication, of methods selection, materials including process, the of step each on focuses Code ASME The engineering of use the and experience, education, replace cannot and handbook a not is Code the While documentation (drawings,operatingpre-cautions). safety instructions, documentation Package: Documentation Final this hydro ofTest” consists test. usually a Testing: and Inspection Final personnel), and Marking. finally, CE and (procedures approval Testing Issues: Manufacturing for II, Body,IV ByApproval Category IIIand Review Notified and Approval: and Review Design mm in (fora inor(forpiping) vessel) DN, theDiameter, Nominal Volume, V, Liters in AllowableMaximum Pressure,PS, bar Group Group 2 others 1,all Dangerous Fluid Group: ºC in Temperature the PressureEquipment and Applicationof Type (Authorized Inspectors AI’s) and Requirements Inspection Examination Requirements Fabrication Follow-Up for Plan QC UnlistedListed and Components SystemPiping and Support Layout Piping Dynamic & Deadweight Effects Thermal, Stress Analysis for Considerations Temperature Pressure & RequirementsDesign Manufacturing for Prerequisites Welding Approval (procedures and personnel). Additionally, Non-Destructive Additionally, personnel). and (procedures Approval Welding Visual inspection and review of manufacturing documentation. “Proof documentation. manufacturing of review and inspection Visual Hazard Analysis, Design by Experiment or Calculations, then finally then Calculations, or Experiment by Design Analysis, Hazard Declaration of Conformity from Manufacturer, and product specific product and Manufacturer, from Conformity of Declaration Page jn l jn 16 Document Number: Document Doc. Date: 4048 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment vessel of < 6 inches in diameter not falling within the scope of the ASME Code could require the most stringent most the require could Code ASME the of scope the within falling not diameter in inches 6 < of vessel a Similarly, Code. B&PV ASME of rigors the to review inspection and manufacturing full require would Practice Directive’s Equipment Engineering Sound under self-certified vessel, volume low compliant PED a that Pressure feasible entirely is It relationship). the Volume versus x Pressure a on diameter) based both are in (which Law Safety inches Gas High-Pressure Japanese 6 KHK’s the and > Categories on based vessels pressure (for Code ASME R1.11.4 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This industry semiconductor any to applicable are DEIR’s The if design pressure vesselgreater is vessels (P) (V) volume than: multiplied by internal requirements). PED and ASME like (much process the of equipment, stage each designated at inspected be as shall construction and deemed welding processing, is materials, of qualities equipment designs, the then If law. the under issued ordnances and ministerial are regulation which require (DEIR) and Equipment”, “Designated classified the be by will inspection equipment the volume, and pressure on Based required. balances / checks more the volume; and pressure the larger The Energy”. “Stored the of function a R1.12.3 ASME R1.12.2 high- by caused disasters prevent to order in Japan, gas. pressure within gas high-pressure of etc. disposal, and consumption R1.12.1 R1.12 Systems Pressure 45004. EN the BS Ref. - (PED). the Regulations by covered EN not aspects other related and requirements however, “In-Use” such cover are, which Regulations Safety There equipment. pressure of use safe continued R1.11.5 design global a ensure to differences subtle such solution pressure for equipment of aware be should designer The assessment. conformity PED Codes.The  KHK KHK Requirements transportation, importation, the of sale, scope The storage, production, the regulate to is law this of objective The the ensure to necessary be may which requirements “In-Use” with deal directly not does PED The of approach in difference the of aware be also must designer equipment high-pressure semiconductor The As with the the with As P*V > 0.04 kg/cm2*m3 0.04kg/cm2*m3 P*V > KHK KHK PED PE Type PE annex III annex 10 Art. Cat. I Art. 3 9 Art 1 Art Art. 9 Art. . Designated Equipment is subject to the Designated Equipment Inspection Regulations Inspection Equipment Designated the to subject is Equipment Designated . focus is on “gas”; liquids and incompressible fluids are not a concern. incompressible focus a liquids arenot fluids concern. on“gas”; and is A , the variances within the the within variances the , KHK Japanese High-Pressure Gas Safety Law is less encompassing than the than encompassing less is Law Safety Gas High-Pressure Japanese – KHK Units – KHK Figure R1.1 Figure A1, D1, E1 A1, D1, Cat. II Essential requirements Find PE category Scopeof validity Selection of Classification Exception? of thefluid annex ? I module Fluid PED Compliance Flowchart KHK’s KHK’s Page yes B1 + D + B1 III Cat. B +C1 B + E B F + B1 jn l jn 17 1) Japanese High Pressure Gas Safety Law regulations areregulations Law Safety Gas Pressure High Japanese H no category Depending on PS*V,PS*DN Table(s)annex II Group1 or ? 2 Practice Art. 3 SoundEngineering PS, TS, V, DN V, TS, PS, Cat. IV Cat. B D + B + F F B + H1 G Para Document Number: Document . 3 . Doc. Date: 4048 4/26/2018 PED

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 or 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment be applied and verified; they are not appliedoptional. they andare verified; be and exist, do regulations equipment pressure international these that note for Pease industry. equipment semiconductor the high-pressure designing with associated blocks stumbling key the of some outline to attempted has R1.14.1 R1.14 pressure local specific the of scope the within fall theis ofsystem the country beequipment regulations to installed. systems document their if this determine to in jurisdiction discussed having authority previously the regulations pressure international the of ( one to back reference indirect R1.13.2 pressure high regulations.independent and vessels pressure for inspection ( periodic systems piping and testing, manufacturing, construction, design, the for established R1.13.1 R1.13 of Ministry Japan’s the by registered (METI). Tradeand Industry Economy, and system, control quality a or equipment testing facilities, manufacturing R1.12.5 Japan. in on site test pressure hydro-static and inspection final “Non-Designated”, a and documentation remain ASME existing via can achieved is vessels compliance then pressure of designs equipment If procedures. inspection simplify to order R1.12.4 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This your of inspection authorized final the for use will they who and tester final assembler, final parts, of fabricator the although relevant, are regulations R1.14.3.3 and codes what establish manufacturer the also identifythese. should specifications (owner’s) purchaser’s that requires to is This equipment the which within jurisdiction operate. the by defined as regulations, and codes relevant the with complies R1.14.3.2 manufacturer/supplier. the and owner/user the new industry. the semiconductor to many ofare requirements the compliance Further, both by shared responsibility a is equipment pressure of operation R1.14.3.1 of fabrication and design The equipment. their of compliant. the certify equipmentas equipmentalso requiresqualified to engineering organizations pressure inspection authorized final and test and assembly final parts, of fabrication the both for contractor) or (internal with work will they whom identify to need will they equipment, mitigate to help can R1.14.3 management facility and fab end-users with relationship regulations. knowledge the lacklocal pressure of dueof problemsa arise potential that to established well A equipment. R1.14.2.2 Quality Engineering, company’s your pressure high asequipmentdesign as Purchasingbecome itself. important the resultant departments and of infrastructures internal the that evident is it process, this in progress you R1.14.2.1 high-pressure an accredited equipmentmanufacturer. ofthe subtleties being R1.14.2 ASME, PED ASME,      High-Pressure Semiconductor Equipment Design and High-Pressure Designand GuidelinesSemiconductor Fabrication Equipment OtherPressureCodesHigh e xets Required: Expertise New Education Continued Force Task the applied, be can requirements high-pressure these how on guidance some give to effort an In or direct a either have most requirements, pressure high other and these of review Force’s Task the In been already have that standards and codes regulations, key the of three discussed has document for This assessment conformity passed have that manufacturers mean Manufacturers" "Registered in possible as much as used are data inspection foreign products, these of any inspecting of case the In An equipment manufacturer/supplier has responsibility to ensure that the as-supplied pressure equipment pressure as-supplied the that ensure to responsibility has manufacturer/supplier equipment An As the of users) (end owners/operators the to education continued a be to need will there parallel, In As codes. international these within requirements specific more the to roadmap a only is guideline This oriaewt orsples sigfrtercriiain sa an as certifications their for asking suppliers, your with Coordinate Taiwan Labor Safety and Health Law(P>10kg/cm2) and Health 8) (Article Safety Labor Taiwan the Korean body incorporated an as authorized and 1945, in founded Engineers, Mechanical of Society Korean The Note 569psig*LP*V > 39.2bar*LP*V > and and illustrated in Figure 2, compliance with codes and regulations in the construction, installation and installation construction, the in regulations and codes with compliance 2, Figure in illustrated : the equipment’s piping, pumps, “Designated Equipment”. arenot the equipment’s valves, : etc. ASME, PED ASME, KHK) , but i but , and and t is still the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer, the equipment owner, and owner, equipment the manufacturer, equipment the of responsibility the still is t : One of the first steps is to continue to educate yourself and your organization to organization your and yourself educate to continue to is steps first the of One : KHK – ASME related – ASME Units –PED eoe a qimn auatrr cn fbiae ad sl high-pressure sell and fabricate can manufacturer equipment an Before ). It should be acknowledged that there are other countries which also have also which countries other are there that acknowledged be should It ). Page jn l jn 18 ASME Document Number: Document , PED r or Doc. Date: KHK 4048 qualified 4/26/2018

 should DRAFT SEMI 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment Annex II of the PED, to now select the appropriate PED Category (SEP, I, II, III, IV) and the Conformity the and IV) III, II, I, (SEP, Category R1.14.4.5 PED appropriate the select now to III). (Annex Procedures your willAssessment company apply PED, the of II Annex R1.14.4.4 Pressure). you plan FluidCategory to piping Service B31.3 D, (Category NormalM,or your to certify system High- ,Category R1.14.4.3 Group Group fabricated designed equipmentwill2). (i.e. 1or to and be pressure appropriate most the is which determine etc) water, chemistries, toxic chemistries, R1.14.4.2 equipment. be areto the life)expectedpressure for cycles (design which R1.14.4.1 assafety SEMI facilities regulations, with standards. piping as guidelinesand well process and vessel pressure international the with both comply to solutions adequate provide and following, the of R1.14.4 regulations. equipment pressure the of the stress analyst(s). of each from stresses allowable the pre-requisites arerequired,the soensurethat Certain to conformance show to calculations R1.14.3.7 well as a as approved an select to need eventually will company your equipment, R1.14.3.6 their jurisdictional understand specific for to compliance.phases requirements.Design global R1.14.3.5 the by equipment designated of manufacturer registered a being of installed. equipmentis the locationonwhich be the pressure to Governor at Prefectural process the in are or approved been already R1.14.3.4 3 shops, ensurecompliance. fabricatorsrequired shops,machine to (weld may etc), be alternate authorized an by process certification The equipment. pressure reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This both to conformance and show to performed be to need may tests Equivalency I). (Annex use” for “suitability R1. final to auditors/inspectors. justify the documentation supporting to the an as or 304.7.1) Paragraph B31.3 R1.14.6.1 filters, gauges, is use the application. suitablefor in thedeemed that component the transducers, of each pressure (per component valves, “approved” an utilize (i.e. they that system ensure should etc.) piping fittings, the for process selection component The time. individual over integrity mechanical ensure to analyses design the of part integral an considered be should effects R1.14.6 the certify to chosen organization(s) engineering equipment( pressure qualified per approval for documented and analyses stress final R1.14.5.2 to chemistries process may studies continuedevelopchange. to as material R1.14.5.1 within design becorrosion issues to the used equipment. of capable are contractors) R1.14.5 suppliers, its (and company your ones meeting. which determine to procedures assessment PED requirements. Pressure Components Selection: Components Pressure Selection: Materials Considerations: Design General The The in andverification wall thickness testing thatdegradationareincluded the Ensure of allowances corrosion and Dependent”, “Process be will cycle development and design selection material the that Understand conformity PED these review management Assurance Quality company’s your have to helpful be may It use can you Group, Fluid the and expected, diameters) pipe (or volume and pressure, the knowing By ASME the determine incorporate, to plan you safeguards engineered and fluid of type the on Based CO (i.e. piping pressure / vessel pressure the within used be to fluid of type the on Based pressure and temperature, design pressure, design following: the of each of window process the Define necessary the undertake will who contractor) or (internal analyst(s) stress company’s your Identify 3 approved select manufacturer’s equipment current as Just have who suppliers with contact initiate should you Japan, in service in placed be to is equipment If PED Identify potential potential Identify Ensure that the European Notified Body ( Body Notified European the that Ensure ASME Notified Body equipment. of final inspection/certification your for Notified ASME (B31.3 Piping Code) defines approved components specifically as “Listed” components (ref. components “Listed” as specifically components approved defines Code) Piping (B31.3

PED Based on the fluid type you can now work to define the material compatibility and compatibility material the define to work now can you type fluid the on Based AIA and and ’s and Notified Bodies to work with your Engineering Team in the early design early the in Team Engineering your with work to Bodies Notified and ’s ASME KHK approved “Unlisted” component (ref. B31.3 Paragraph 304.7.2), and have and 304.7.2), Paragraph B31.3 (ref. component “Unlisted” approved ). The design of the pressure vessel and piping system shall consider each consider shall system piping and vessel pressure the of design The Pressure fatigue, corrosion, creep, thermal cycling, and other external other and cycling, thermal creep, corrosion, fatigue, Pressure AIA Page PED and Notified Body are in agreementthe qualifications arein with Notified Body and jn l jn 19 ) also approves these piping system components for components system piping these approves also ) rd Party is not trivial, and it is foreseeable that foreseeable is it and trivial, not is Party AIA rd Party auditors for SEMI S2 Audits on their on Audits S2 SEMI for auditors Party for for ASME ( ASME PED PED both Document Number: Document ASME Fluid Group to which the which to Group Fluid

B31.3 and Section VIII), Section and B31.3 , , Doc. PED Date: or or 4048 2 , flammable , KHK 4/26/2018

 DRAFT ASME SEMI ) and ) 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment R1.14.7.2 R1.14.7.2 within boxes alreadythe used industry. gas R1.14.7.1 1 a that ensure to required is 6.5) Section fittings piping pressure the of any around containment R1.14.7 compliant is as over-pressuredesign SEMIS2, well as for protection to and 3 S2 SEMI the both to (i.e.arecompliant that devices or pressurePRV’s safety BD’s) relieve rated/listed appropriately and designer The devices. solid-state for approval on R1. R1. or a were BD bePRV actuated. awhen to the enable signal sentGUI requirednotification to to mightoutput) be digital (i.e. monitoring additional some (GUI), interface user graphical the via message, error / notification operator R1. re- R1. be to need will 11.0 Section the S2 Because SEMI devices. within with 3 addressed SEMIS2 mechanical sub-sections purely certain are mechanical, they purely and are vessels, devices and/or approved piping of pressurization - over an to prevent interlock safety primary the are these regulations’, pressure international the Within BD’s). or (PRV’s selected R1.14.6.3 design future as lost not is compliance that occur.modifications verify to necessary are audits system quality periodic and processes, R1.14.6.2 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This from diameter to small (½” restrictions piping 1”). R1.14.7.5 sonic canvelocity. through orifice). ofsmall Flow the reach leak size openings R1.14.7.4 becarefully considered. should very capacity corresponding exhaust R1.14.7.3 3 uponwith S2 SEMI be theshould certification, following agreed the final          high-pressure facility abatement fittings facility abatement high-pressure facilityfittings exhaust ventilation high-pressure / wafer equipmentfittingshigh-pressure processing delivery chemical fittingshigh-pressure the handles or cutouts should be designed to facilitate the use of to a or be thegrip. should use power cutouts designed the facilitate handles and (RWL’s) limits weight recommended the to conform should they removed, be to planned are which panels “ zone. breathing the anticipated in OEL) 25% (< limits specified S2 SEMI the below is chemistry toxic that ensure must design the rupture/leak, “ their that, way a be contained. will fragments such in positioned / mounted be should parts rupture, of risk a is there if that ensure to taken “ withinentry panels. to prior depressurized be can system piping the that such accessible readily and performed is work maintenance “ appropriately. labeled access to or and is a that be interlocked, tool gain required be “ KHK Readily Accessible Hazardous Energy Isolation” Isolation” Energy HazardousAccessible Readily Hazards Controlled Through Use of Enclosure” of Use Through Controlled Hazards Control Risk Of Break-Up During Operation” During Break-Up Of Risk Control Chemical Emissions During Equipment Failures” Equipment During Emissions Chemical Ergonomics-Manual Materials Handling (MMH)” Handling Materials Ergonomics-Manual eodr Containment: Secondary regulations. Equivalency for use may be required, to ensure that the piping system’s safety interlock safety system’s piping the that ensure to required, be may use for Equivalency regulations. ein cnieain o oh te srnt f te scnay cnanet srcue n their and structures (i.e. escape chemicals containment the of plume the which secondary through opening the by the controlled is flowrate the Often, of strength the both for considerations Design During S2. SEMI within defined already specifications meet shall containment secondary High-pressure chemical as rules design same the of many require will design containment used, are chemicals toxic If devices relief over-pressure of types the to related is selection component for sub-set important An control change engineering supplier’s the then testing, by use for approved been has component a If The reaction time to full volumetric expansion can be very fast (i.e. seconds), even with the chocked flow chocked the with even seconds), (i.e. fast very be can expansion volumetricfull to time reaction The is captured and exhausted safely away. and safely is exhausted captured (per SEMI S2, Section 11.6). Electro-mechanical devices are preferred, but the section gives guidance gives section the but preferred, are devices Electro-mechanical 11.6). Section S2, SEMI (per “ an For device. mechanical purely a just a with done be cannot This 11.4) Section S2, SEMI (per “ Operator Upon Notification Activation Evaluation forEvaluation rd Parties.

Suitability for UseSuitability for Criterion f te “ek Bfr ra” piooh f of philosophy Break” Before “Leak the If ”.

Page (per SEMI S2 Section 18.3.2) requires that precautions are precautions that requires 18.3.2) Section S2 SEMI (per (per SEMI S2 Section 11.10) specifies that the containment the that specifies 11.10) Section S2 SEMI (per (per SEMI S2 Section 17.4.2) should be provided where thewhere provided beshould 17.4.2) Section SEMI S2 (per (SEMI S2, Section 23.5.3). During realistic worst-case realistic During 23.5.3). Section S2, (SEMI (per SEMI S8 Appendix 2). For containment For 2). Appendix S8 SEMI (per jn l jn ” 20 ASME rd Parties will need to reach agreement on agreement reach to need will Parties rd Party Auditors. , PED and and s aotd hn secondary then adopted, is st KHK Number: Document odrla rf (ref. leak -order compliant. Doc. Date: 4048 ASME SEMI S2 SEMI 4/26/2018


PED 4048 , 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment unique, but the Task Force has tried to summarize specific hazards which may exist, and can be effectively be can and exist, may which hazards specific summarize to tried has throughsound secondary the usecontainmentmitigated design. of Force Task the but unique, R1.14.7.9 flow normal the to close very flow or closedsurgesduring normal slug operation. when theoccureither line in may chatter closing a have which valves because flow normal anticipated the than greater R1. valve. flow excess the of that than smaller size pipe a use Never fittings. and pipe size larger of use the to given be should R1. it not sothat the will flow. be enough restrict should excessively large R1. structure. supplyinto thebeing largerexpelled upstream the containment isolating from close, will valve flow excess the rupture), or leak a during (as release rapid Upon valve. the of downstream released R1.14.7.8 piping.approach gasthis hazard to expulsionfromrequired. mitigation is complete Aexpansion the different R1.14.7.7 second). faster (i.e.of ofeven fractions a in thehappen volumetricfluid full expansion R1.14.7.6 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This with accordance in testing Leak equivalent). or 6 Appendix 2, Division R1. 5). 4and Appendices R1. other of elements or be themeans: shall following piping more and substantiated by one R1.14.9 waste process of these streams.the pressures R1.14.8.3 effects. cooling and rate expansion large the of because systems abatement facility / fab’s current the into expelled directly be to able be not likely will stream fluid process the sequence, vent emergency an during or processing, wafer the of completion R1.14.8.2 not or interrupted are facility fab’s the ensure to help will This stream. fluid the of cooling rapid also and expansion significant consider R1.14.8.1 and liquids pressure high of sequences venting gases. / depressurization normal during result also can problems related R1.14.8 the ensure to taken measures Preventative personnel equipment. of and safety the auditors/inspectors. final jurisdictions’ local the and owner/operator R1.14.7.10      Exposure of operators/technicians to chemicals (flammable and/or toxic) which can collect inside system’s inside collect can which toxic) hazards. containmenthealth/fire creating secondary and/or (flammable chemicals to operators/technicians of Exposure (inert,and/or atvelocities. gases toxic)high flammable to moving ofExposure operators/technicians even cause and structure, containment secondary the forces. impact higher within projectiles become may parts unconstrained of to operators/technicians of Exposure the within piping of piece walls. secondary containment the equipment’s unconstrained an and/or from operator the with contact makes expelling pipe the if forces impact gas high cause may failure of type the This structure. to due “pipe-whip” result can release to operators/equipment of Exposure exhausted/vented. volumes adequately enclosed arenot pressurizationof Over which Pressure Fatigue Pressure Integrity: System Abatement and Exhaust Additional equipment may be required as an intermediary conditioning sequence at a minimum, an at conditioninga may reduce beintermediary to Additional required sequence as equipment Upon chemistries. flammable and/or toxic utilize potentially will equipment process High-Pressure are designs All design. your to applicable are hazards which discern clearly to important very is It fluid of volume the reduce to help which valves avoid flow excess of use to the is recommendation enough suggested A fast closed be cannot valves safety air-operated even or manual equipment, Thus, have can etc.) pumps, heaters, vessels, filters, (i.e. components volume larger and piping diameter Larger Each of these potential hazards should be clearly understood by the equipment manufacturer, the manufacturer, equipment the by understood clearly be should hazards potential these of Each This is why the process equipment’s exhaust system and fluid stream abatement designs should also should designs abatement stream fluid and system exhaust equipment’s process the why is This Experimental Stress Analysis such as described in described as such Analysis Stress Experimental 50% approx. flow closing rated a with valve flow excess an select to practice good considered is It consideration fittings, other or tees elbows, numerous by restricted or long unusually is run pipe the If valve flow excess the from away leading line the closure, for flow on depend valves flow excess Since Pressure Fatigue testing utilizing the testing methodology contained in testingPressure Fatigue contained utilizingmethodology the : If the equipment is expected to see high cycle life, then cyclic fatigue of components of fatigue cyclic then life, cycle high see to expected is equipment the If : impact forces due to to due forces impact impact forces due to to due forces impact Page In addition to an uncontrolled leak or rupture, similar EHS similar rupture, or leak uncontrolled an to addition In jn l jn 21 pipe-whip. It is foreseeable that a worst-case, sonic worst-case, a that foreseeable is It pipe-whip. projectiles. It is also foreseeable that smaller pieces smaller that foreseeable also is It projectiles. ASME ASME BV oe ScinVI, Dvso 2, Division VIII, Section Code, (BPV (B31.3, Para. 345) shall be required be shall 345) Para. (B31.3, ASME Document Number: Document (BPV Code, Section VIII, Code, Section (BPV Doc. Date: 4048 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment and tracked in accordance with international codes. accordance these tracked in and labeled appropriately and documented, tested, leak be shall These components. replacement and repair or and parts, R1.14.10.4 agreedwell Party as your Auditorsthe (AIA,owner/operator. uponwith Notifiedandbe Body, 3rd KHK), as R1.14.10.3 regulations: and R1.14.10.2 prior initiating approval the to leak third-party test. recognized R1.14.10.1 testing of system. the leak piping the rest for with accordance R1.14.10 approval. R1.14.9.4 counted. theircycles thesepartsindividual have ensureany finite-life can to pressure of serialization pressure a avoid to R1.14.9.3 order in limits, life fatigue their to prior replaced the equipment. within failure boundary are parts these that ensure to established R1.14.9.2 materials. related analogies may determine among and R1. of cycles. test number expired component’s the certify and boundary pressure the of integrity the verify to designer the by determined intervals at reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This be include,not made reviewshall limited proposedservice. but This to: suitabilityfor of be shall its “New” the R1.14.11.3 life. with replacements onthosefiniteservice components sparepart for requirements R1.14.11.2 thecontinued components service. orderto for in evaluated of the integrity determine be R1.14.11.1 over repair/alteration) time. integrity and/or pressure for fatigue, component (e.g. mechanical for calculations design the verifying in role critical a play will re-qualification) periodic (i.e. inspections in-service for need the Thus, records. service pre-existing any have not will systems these of most equipment, high-pressure R1.14.11 Code Inspection Board National the of edition (NB-23). current the in included are requirements Detailed items. retaining pressure- other and vessels, pressure of, alteration and/or repair the for (R=Repair) stamp "R" and Authorization of R1.14.10.7 “Major either being as repair the UG-100); term UG-99, owner VIII, the “Minor Repair”. or Repair” (Section and/or ASME jurisdiction having per authority the and whether 7.4) on Section depending and 3.22 (Section PED the per requirements test (B31.3 ASME and 3.3) R1.14.10.6 (Section PED both per testing. the to prior 345.2.7).Section label the of content the upon agree should R1.14.10.5 KHK      , each piping system shall be leak tested. The leak test may be one of the following as defined within the within defined as following the of one be may test leak The tested. leak be shall system piping each , Fitness-For-Service Assessments: Fitness-For-Service Testing: Leak Calculations and supporting documentation showing compliance shall also be made available for owner’sfor available made be also shall compliance showing documentation supporting and Calculations / tracking component with established be routine Maintenance) (Preventative PM a that suggested is It be should protocol system tracking a life, infinite for selected be cannot which components any For Alternative Leak Test Alternative Leak Test Sensitive Test Hydrostatic-Pneumatic Leak Leak Test Pneumatic Test Hydrostatic Leak rvnaie mitnne (Ms rgas sol ln fr proi npcin n ufl the fulfill and inspections periodic for plan should programs (PM’s) maintenance Preventative to need will equipment the within contained conditions and flaws detect to methodology approved An Certificate Repair the Inspectors offers PressureVessel and Boiler of Board National United States’ The leak and inspection additional require may vessel/assembly pressure any to specific parts/repairs Spare inspector / manufacture equipment the requirements, marking part in differences various the on Based spare on required be likely will tests leak additional in-service, placed been has system piping the After should etc.) labeling, certification documentation, test pressure, test (i.e. requirements test leak Specific by required examinations applicable the of completion after and operation, initial appropriate to Prior the for plans test your document and differences, the understand fully you that Ensure When it is desirable to use equipment which has seen prior service (“Used Equipment”), an assessment an Equipment”), (“Used service prior seen has which equipment use to desirable is it When For any of the above, the designer may interpolate between sizes, wall thicknesses, and pressure classespressure and thicknesses, wall between sizes, interpolate maydesigner the above, the of For any ASME , , PED Leak testing of the pressure vessels and of the piping system shall be performed in performed be shall system piping the of and vessels pressure the of testing Leak and and KHK . Pressure Vessel Leak Test requirements may vary from the requirements the from vary may requirements Test Leak Vessel Pressure . Due to the fact that the semiconductor industry will be creating new, creating be will industry semiconductor the that fact the to Due Page jn l jn 22 Document Number: Document Doc. Date: 4048 ASME 4/26/2018

 DRAFT , , SEMI PED 4048 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 San Jose, 95134-2127 CA 3081 Zanker Road International andMaterials Semiconductor Equipment individuals. Additional training should take place as technological advances, equipment failures, operator errors, or errors, operator failures, equipment advances, technological as place take should training Additional individuals. R1.14.11.12 trainingresources. excellent provide R1.14.11.11 the equipment(wastestreams) andfor also the deliverytheabatement fluid equipment itself,within equipment, R1.14.11.10 a trainingwhich minimumthe following: people,includes as receive technical shall maintenance,and operating, including individuals These implications. their and factors these of cognizant be shall systems pressure higher with involved people The equipment). vacuum (semiconductor operations pressure lower in encountered normally those are Standards and Codes R1.14.11.9 new as updated be to need will 15) released. approved / (RI Information the of Related instead This owner/operator the on jurisdiction. heavily relies local responsibility the time, that Until API). and (ASME updated R1.14.11.8 the of KHK). asPED, (perASME, responsibilities, defined condition the assess to R1.14.11.7 performed and specified be shall it its the andintended exists assess in abilityservice. equipment as to performsafely to examinations appropriate service, proposed R1.14.11.6 etc. re4cords, maintenance history documented available. conservative not estimates byifis thea reviewmayOwner/User, alterations, This include repairs, results, examination Accidents, and Incidents of reports materials, R1.14.11.5 initial material examination andincluding if certification, available. (ifreports, test considerations applicable), R1.14.11.4 reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other All activity. development) (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within to only granted is part, Permission in standard. and/or distributionreproduction is prohibited. thepriorconsent without written of SEMI or adopted or whole official an in as construed document, be this to is distribute page this and/or on material reproduce No program. Standards International SEMI the of document draft a is This patent such any of determination that advised expressly are entirely rights and their orofownrights the riskresponsibility. copyrights, ofsuch infringement are guideline safety this of Users guideline. safety no this takes (SEMI) International in Materials mentioned safety item any with connection in and asserted copyrights or rights patent any These of Equipment validity the respecting position Semiconductor guideline, safety herein. this mentioned of publication equipment By or materials any respecting literature without to notice. change guidelines aresubject relevant other and data sheets, product the labels, product solely instructions, manufacturer’s is to refer guideline(s) to safety cautioned are the Users of user. the suitability of the responsibility of determination The application. particular any for herein NOTICE: take system theplace. operating changes in     SEMI makes no warranties or representations as to the suitability of the safety guideline(s) set forth set guideline(s) safety the of suitability the to as representations or warranties no makes SEMI Emergency operations Emergency and devices, safety procedures systems, Instructions job specific for control valves, as such equipment monitoring components system of inter-relationships The overviewof thedesign system An Training Operating and Maintenance People: Maintenance and Operating Training Owner’s the of being of process the in requirements are equipment industry semiconductor for Requirements Post-Construction New the to subject become shall equipment the in-service, placed Once and storage, during conditions history, operating history, manufacturing the of review the on Based process cycles, temperature cycles, pressure fatigue including history, metallurgy, operating equipment’s basis, the of design Review the including history, manufacturing equipment the of Review Training on a continuing basis is necessary to ensure that information is provided to appropriate to provided is information that ensure to necessary is basis continuing a on Training recurrence prevent to recommendations and reports accident and incident of review applicable, Where process the within be could which used fluids dangerous potentially handling on instructions Specific Page jn l jn 23 High-pressure systems introduce hazards beyond hazards introduce systems High-pressure Document Number: Document Doc. Date: 4048 4/26/2018

 DRAFT SEMI 4048 


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