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11 the Mushroom Log

March/April 2007 Volume 35 Issue 2

O h i o M u s h r o o m S o c i e t y The Mushroom Log and oils, the trees provided a Experts now believe they are food for people, deer and on the brink of success, said Botanists other animals. Chestnut Carolyn Kieffer, a professor of timber, strong and easy to botany at Miami University of split, was a favorite in home Ohio’s Middletown campus. Fight to building. And seedlings planted by the Save But in 1904, an American Friends of Fort Laurens at the chestnut in the New York City Revolutionary War site near American Zoological Park died from an Bolivar may help. Asian fungus. It was the Chestnut harbinger of devastation to The blight stopped at the come; all the trees in New Rocky Mountains, so Fort York City were dead by 1912. Laurens got its 25 pure By Jan Kennedy By 1930, nearly all of them American chestnut seedlings east of Ohio and north of from Montana, said Scott North Carolina had died from Fisher, a trustee for the Ed. Note: the following 3 articles the blight. By 1950, nearly all are reprinted from the Dec., 2006 Friends of Fort Laurens. The Spore Print, the Jounal of were gone east of the Rockies. the Los Angeles Mycological Bringing them East could Society, Inc. expose them to the virus (sic) “I don’t know of one in Stark in five to seven years, he Wildlife biologists have County, but if anyone has said, but an American- restored populations of one, they won’t tell you,” said Chinese chestnut hybrid that coyotes, buffalo, bald eagles, Don Myers, who distributes is supposed to be blight osprey and other animals. information on the Ohio resistant is expected to be in Buckeye and chestnut trees circulation within two years. at the Stark County Fair every Can botanists do the same for year. “They don’t want the American chestnut? people coming around pulling Virginia botanists have been off shoots and picking up crossbreeding the American For thousands of years, the seeds.” with the Chinese tree – which chestnut dominated the is immune to the fungus – for forests in the United States, generations. Cross-breeding Botanists began efforts to especially east of the Rocky the two resulted in a tree with produce fungus-resistant Mountains, according to the immunity, but mostly Chinese hybrids in 1930. Progress American Chestnut chestnut genetics. was slow, but in 1995, with Foundation. In many areas, it 118 seeds from cross-bred constituted up to 25 percent trees, came evidence of Crossing that hybrid with of the trees in a forest. High immunity. another pure American in vitamins and rich in starch chestnut produced a tree with 2 The Mushroom Log

75 percent American chestnut beetle, introduces the fungus for Environment Food and characteristics, though it was when it burrows through and Rural Affairs. She can pick still immune. Continued below the bark, which might wild fungi for life in the forest. crossing has produced a tree make a “cure” for harder to As she said when The whose genetic structure come by. But the American Independent (a national is15/16ths American chestnut chestnut was previously newspaper in Britain) joined yet, again, it still retains the written off, so maybe the elm her on her daily foraging trip immunity. Genetically, it is might come back some day this week: “At least it means indistinguishable from a pure too. the Forestry Commission American chestnut, Kieffer aren’t always watching me said. when I have a pee in the Mushroom forest.” The president of the Ohio Picker Returns to chapter of the American We set off from Gorse Chestnut Foundation is Greg Hunting Ground Meadow, near Lymington, Miller of Carroll County, who their guesthouse and has built a business around By Terry Kirby mushroom headquarters, with the tree. He’s growing the apron-clad Mrs. Tee, 64, several thousand pure at the wheel of her blue Rolls When Hampshire police, American chestnut seedlings Royce with her husband John acting for the Forestry as stock for the Ohio in the passenger seat. Commission, arrested Brigitte American Chestnut Tee-Hillman in the New Foundation research Forest one autumn day in Together they recount their program. He also grows the 2002, it might have been wise battles with bureaucracy: Chinese chestnut as a cash for both bodies to reflect on “Thirty-two court appearances food crop. Predicting how what they were getting before the judge threw the long the pure species can live themselves into. Criminal case out. Thirty before the blight gets to it is two!” The judge attacked the more art than science, he waste of public money; John, This is, after all, a woman said. with relish, adds “It’s cost who once owned the world’s them nearly a million pounds largest dog, a great Dane “Some of the trees can live up altogether. I had the letter called Sir Galahad, who stood to 40 or 50 years before they this morning.” more than 7 ft on his hind get the blight,” he said. “It legs. This small but feisty usually starts when the trees woman, was not about to be Officialdom sometimes needs reach the stage where the stopped from doing what she her: “The health people in bark starts to split. That has done regularly for 30 Southampton had these provides a point of entry for years. girolles from France they the fungus.” could not identify. They were ticking!” she laughs. “They Dogs are one of her many 11 June 2006. came from Chernobyl, they passions, but the greatest of Cantonrep.com were radioactive!” her passions are the wild mushrooms around her home Ed. Note: ever since I first in the forest. It was the As a child in southern heard of the Chestnut Blight defence of her right to pick as Germany, mushrooms were a as a tender undergraduate in many as she likes and to sell vital food source in the lean 1958, the outlook for any them to hotels and chefs that postwar years. [this is also return of the American lay behind her arrest. how Ernst Both got his start in chestnut to our forests learning boletes, Ed. note] seemed pretty bleak. This She became an air After four years of legal article from the Canton (OH) stewardess, married and battles involving a criminal Repository, gives us reason settled in the New Forest. In prosecution for theft, and a to hope that day might yet the mid-70’s, Mrs. Tee began civil suit over the right to pick arrive. Will a similar solution picking and eventually selling on common land-she won to the Dutch Elm disease be the mushrooms. both-she has won a unique in the offing? Unfortunately, licence from the Department an insect vector, the elm bark 3 The Mushroom Log

“Mrs. Tee’s Wild Mushrooms” was doing nicely until 1998 Cordyceps, Rare by Dick Grimm when the Forestry Medicinal Commission told her not to Field Guide to Wild pick more than the permitted Fungus, Cultured Mushrooms of Pennsylvania daily 1.5 kilos (3.3 lbs.) and the Mid Atlantic by Bill Several run-ins later, the From Chinapost.com, July 7, Russell commission called in the 2006 via the Los Angeles police. Mycological Society Reviewed by Dick Grimm

Mrs. Tee stops the car, dons Singapore – The technology This guide by Mr. Russell her ever-present Barbour and has been developed to culture indicates to me that it is takes a sharp left into the microorganisms for large- written by a man who knows bracken, marching deep into scale production of a rare wild mushrooming. the forest. We are after Chinese medicinal fungus, a winter chanterelles, and pied Singapore company said in a de mouton, or “hedgehog” published report Thursday. The book, for the most part, mushrooms. She begins The development has contains subject matter that furiously picking away, resulted in the cultivation of has been researched for nipping the small brown fungi the Cordyceps sinensis updated names. Beyond that, just above the root [sic]. fungus in 9.5 days, compared it seems the scientific prattle “Look,” she says, parting the with 12 months in nature, and standard scenario layout bracken, “they are according to the company, has been purposely avoided everywhere. How can the Auric Pacific Nutritech (APN). to better eliminate confusion commission say we are that typically consumes rank depriving the forest, they amateurs in guides written by “Wild Cordyceps sinensis is know nothing. There’s professional mycologists. I only to be found in places like enough for everyone.” think Mr. Russell has China, Tibet, Nepal, and successfully surmounted that Qinghai, at altitudes above problem. Heading home, Mrs. Tee tells 3500 meters,” The Business how, come April, she will be Times quoted APN general searching the verges of this manager Mark Xu as saying. On the flip side, the author’s busy road for the coveted St. This product is rare with syntax is a bit confusing and George’s mushroom “demand greater than supply.” tends to ramble more than (Calocybe gambosa). “I have typical field guide narration. to keep my bottom facing This may not set well with Studies have found away from the cars otherwise those of literary perfection. Cordyceps sinensis to contain I will get hit,” she roars. Much of the wording does not bioactive compounds that trickle down from Strunk and support healthy lung and White. The Rolls comes to a sudden kidney functions, and anti- halt. “She does this all the oxidant and anti-inflammatory time,” says John. And Mrs. properties. There is a different feel about Tee is off into the woods in this book that lends itself to search of something that the “Pot Hunter” rather than Ed. Note: you may recall the caught her eye: “Sparassis the collector with the love of long article by Dan Winkler crispa,” she cries, a small scientific investigation front describing the hunting, woman in an apron and a and center. There is an harvesting, and selling of determined look in her eye. undercurrent of dialect that these medicinal fungi, reprint- renders the narration and ed in the Mar/Apr, May/June, exposition closer to the fork 25 Nov., 2006. 2005 issues of the Log. Will and skillet and the joys of independent.co.uk this new technology supplant walking the woods. It is a the collecting of wild “Homey” prose that would be Who says you can’t fight City Cordyceps? Stay tuned! well taken by many amateurs. Hall? Book Review The pictures need some help. Many of the mushrooms do 4 The Mushroom Log

not match the habitat and Ed. Note: Things get pretty Xu Zhaoliang, also at the have been redistributed for complicated in the soil ecosystem botany institute, chaired the the camera. There is in which fungi and bacteria group evaluating IB12. nothing wrong with this compete for their space in the darkness. procedure; we all do it. Yet, it He found that IB12 can reduce would seem better, at least to fungal diseases in cotton by 20- Chinese scientists have me, to reconstruct the picture 25 percent, and increase its developed a bacterium-based in a more natural habitat output by over 12 percent. product that can boost plants’ setting. I can see, however, growth while protecting them that Mr. Russell’s purpose While research on the effect of from harmful fungal infection. was obviously to reveal the IB12 on fungal diseases in important diagnostic parts of potatoes is at too early a stage Although the research is still at the mushroom rather than to see definite results, Xu and an early stage, the researchers seek praise for the his team have already noted hope that further trials of the photography. I think he that IB12-treated potato tubers product in a variety of crops will accomplished this well. are much bigger than those not identify its usefulness for dry Mushrooms presented in treated with the bacterium. regions around the globe. palms, fingers and thumbs, however, do lose a little of There have been some Called IB12, the product is their aesthetic value. previous studies on B. subtilis, made of Bacillus subtilis—a but IB12 is the first to be bacterium widely used as an adapted to the environmental The single most important additive in the fodder industry to conditions in western China. feature was listing and improve digestion—and coordinating the data and compounds that help the It might be among the first B. plates into seasonal bacterium grow. assemblage. Even though subtilis-based products to be commercialized in China, Xu this typically overlaps to some Fungal infections can seriously told SciDev.Net. degree, Russell did a good harm plants, causing severe job with a complicated task. disease such as leaf blast in Reported in SciDev.Net website cotton and potato crops. on 23 Oct, 2006. Mine is not to critique species, but Aminata muscaria (plate B. subtilis can counter the 21) seems to me to better fit action of fungi in a number of Quite a story! – A. frostiana. ways. In soil, it has been found to swiftly bind to areas on plant Postia roots infected by fungi. Here it In summary: this guide could ptychogaster competes more powerfully for readily join the parade of nutrition, starving the fungi. “show and tell” guides like By Tony Wright many others on the market. The bacterium can also secrete The main difference being the Reprinted with the author’s chemicals that inhibit fungal story telling manner in which it permission from the January- growth, as well as hormones March, 2007 issue of MYCELIUM, is presented that would that stimulate the growth of its The Newsletter of the Mycological please some but be host plants. Society of Toronto. objectionable to others. Also, the seasonal presentation of Li Jiudi of the CAS Institute of Relaxing in September, well the species was well received Botany has developed IB12 away from the city, I found a by me. over the past decade, slime mould and wanted to researching varieties of B. confirm my suspicion that it was subtilis local to many parts of Mucilago crustacea. Having no Dual-action western China and identifying reference books with me that Bacterium Fights compounds that boost its afternoon, I turned instead to growth. Li has also studied how the internet to find relevant Fungal Infection In to purify the bacterium so that pictures, and fortunately found Crops the biological product produces several to satisfy my curiosity. consistent results. By Hawk Jia in Beijing China. One of those pictures was on an intriguing UK website 5 The Mushroom Log

www.mushooms.org.uk (based polypore expert in Quebec, who anamorphic form. Bruno Boulet in Sussex, where I was born) . replied immediately and shows no record of this species ….it had a “Rogues Gallery” categorically “It’s the asexual in eastern North America other page with annotated form of the polypore Postia than from Quebec, saying this photographs of species that ptychogaster.” A fun story with fungus is rarely collected and is they had not been able to a happy conclusion. practically unknown to identify, and a general appeal mycologists; although he does for help in naming them; so I But wait! Bells are ringing in my not think that it is as rare in this browsed though these head! This Montreal mystery temperate climate as it seems, “unknowns”. There were none fungus looks much like the he says it should nonetheless that I readily recognized, but “unknown” I saw a few hours appear on the list of Quebec’s one of them, which had been ago on the UK Rogues Gallery! precarious species. He says its posted on the site since 2003, It was time for me to do some disconcerting form discourages was so unusual that I thought detective work: a Google mycologists from collecting and “My! That’s so strange and search for “Postia studying it, but that, once different…what on earth could it ptychogaster”, and for all its alerted, they will easily possibly be?” synonyms listed in recognize it in the field. George IndexFungorum.org , and then Barron, on his website (at Later after supper, I decided to a review of the results. It seems http://www.uoguelph.ca/~gbarro go back on the net and see if that this fungus could be n/WESTERN2/tyroptyc.htm), the Montreal society (Le Cercle described as a spiky has an amazing photo of it with des mycologues de Montréal - marshmallow with a brown both forms on the same fruiting http://mycomontreal.qc.ca) had powdery puffball-like centre body (under the synonym anything new and interesting for when mature. After Tyromyces ptychogaster; the me on their website. Clicking on considering all the pictures and genus Oligoporus has also the “What’s New?” page I found words, mostly from Europe been used), commenting that it an article titled Le Polypore where it seems to be fairly is a western species that he has oursin (The urchin polypore). widespread, I concluded that never seen in the east. This illustrated August 2005 the UK “unknown” was indeed article by Yves Lamoureux “probably” Postia ptychogaster. The story does not end there, recounts the fascinating story I emailed Matthew Hutchings at as my wife, Marianna, and I stemming from their annual the UK website and suggested continued to enjoy the fine fall Mycology Week where he check out this name for his weather. We are out on our specimens are laid out with “unknown”. After checking, he MST foray of October 18, when names for public display. agreed I may well be correct, she calls me over to an old Almost every year for some 15 and added this possible name felled conifer log, “Come and years a small fungus growing to his website photo, awaiting look at these.” There are three on wood, and looking much like another similar find for species growing there. I focus a soft spiky puffball had been confirmation. on a round white one about two placed on the tables and inches wide…what is it?...it is... nobody was able to categorize Back home later in Toronto, I it can’t be…this is unbelievable it at all, let alone to genus and find that NAMA’s Annual Forays …it’s the UK “unknown”!…it’s species; the best they could do since 1962 have recorded this the Montreal mystery!…(In the was to label it more or less as species only once (California, field I cannot impress my “an unknown in its formative 1978). My most informative colleagues by telling them its stage”. In 2002 Raymond Boyer source was Bruno Boulet’s name because, in my in Sept-Iles sent fresh 2003 book, Les champignons excitement, I cannot recall the specimens of this fungus to des arbres de l’est de words Postia ptychogaster). Yves Lamoureux in a cooler, on l’Amérique du Nord, a Quebec a bus for many hours, noting publication, where he provides Amazed by our remarkable find, that it might be a Hericium. a full description of this late we collect the specimen, take a Yves Lamoureux examined the summer or fall polypore. It has few photos and later check it fungus, concluded that it did not two forms; a poroid form out under the microscope. To have the right characteristics for producing normal spores, and be sure of the identification I a Hericium, and decided to get an anamorphic asexual form send a photo to Serge Audet to the bottom of this mystery. producing chlamydospores. The and Yves Lamoureux, who He emailed a photo of the UK and Montreal specimens confirm my determination. I fungus to Serge Audet, the pictured were of the check with Ottawa’s herbarium 6 The Mushroom Log

and they have three specimens but does not affect platypuses of this species, all from the there. province of Quebec (1930, 1938 and 1988); Toronto’s Niall Stewart, a research fellow Royal Ontario Museum at the Univ. of Tasmania, herbarium has none. believes that the tiny frogs may This collection is shaping up as have carried the fungus into the first documented record of Tasmania in bunches of Postia ptychogaster in Ontario. Queensland bananas. Quite a story! “Platypuses on the mainland have evolved with the fungus, My thanks to Serge Audet for Postia ptychogaster and so they’re immune,” he sharing his expert knowledge, said. “But the poor platypuses and to Yves Lamoureux for his Cut to reveal powdery interior here haven’t seen it before.” prior detective work. Photo: J. Sparling The island is a haven for platypuses, thanks to its Ed.Note: This article illustrates World’s oddest abundant waterways. But Dr. nicely the enormous influence Stewart, who has carried out the internet holds for far flung Creature at risk extensive field work, believes communications amongst fungi that 35 percent are falling victim fans as well as professional from Killer Fungus to the disease in the affected mycologists and its potential for areas. problem solving in the identi- By Kathy Marks -fication of unusual specimens. Dr. Stewart said nothing was So the next time you’re being done to combat the It is a unique Australian stumped about some unknown disease. He has repeatedly creature—a mammal that lays fungal find, get out there and failed to secure research eggs and has a furry body, a bill start surfing the web. It’s not funding. The problem has been like a duck’s, and webbed feet. just for pedophiles or neo- overshadowed by a rare cancer The males are also poisonous. Nazis anymore! that has killed half of the wild But in Tasmania, one of its population of another native principal habitats, the platypus On a less flippant note, it is animal, the Tasmanian devil, is under threat from NOT common for fungi in the and threatens that species’ mucormycosis, a deadly Basidiomycetes (the large survival. disease caused by Mucor group comprising mushrooms, amphiborum, a dimorphic puffballs, boletes, pore-fungi, The ulcers, which appear on a fungus occurring in a yeast form etc., which is mostly what we platypus’s broad tail or hips, in infected tissues or in a hyphal find on our forays) to exhibit grow to up to 10 cm in form in the environment. sexual and asexual forms the diameter. Death is usually way this Postia does. However, caused by secondary bacterial More than one-third of the in the Ascomycetes group infections or from depletion of population is believed to have (which includes morels, false body fat, most of which is been wiped out in the north of morels, cup fungi, truffles, and stored in the tail. The wounds the island state, and there are many microscopic forms) such also prevent the platypus from reports that the disease has sexual and asexual forms occur keeping warm in cold water. now spread to southern areas. abundantly. The 2 forms are It is almost always fatal, distinct and were often collected It is not known how the disease causing ulcers that turn into separately and given separate is transmitted—possibly by gaping wounds. names before their being just 2 ticks, or by males fighting, or via forms of the same fungus was burrows. Dr. Stewart said it The shy solitary platypus appreciated. was feasible that mud inhabits the waterways of containing fungal spores was Tasmania and the eastern being carried into new areas on Australian mainland. The same hikers’ boots or 4x4 vehicles. fungus is found on the mainland, where it kills Asked if the Tasmanian amphibians, particularly platypus could develop Queensland’s green tree frogs, immunity, he replied: “Possibly, 7 The Mushroom Log

in a few hundred thousand can join NAMA at this years. The problem is that discounted rate. While preparing this issue of the mature animals with ulcers are Log, I went back amongst the still capable of breeding, so This would be a great year to previous Logs I’ve edited to they’re producing more join NAMA, as their national determine the two in which I’d susceptible animals. It would foray is in nearby Pipestem, reprinted Dan Winkler’s articles take a long time for natural WV (in Summers Co. in the on Cordyceps. Guess what I selection to sort it out.” The southeastern part of WV) on discovered in the May/June, platypus is one of only three Aug. 16-19! If you’ve never 2006 issue of the Log, but the monotremes—egg-laying attended a national foray many very same article on Morels and mammals—in the world. The of us can tell you it’s a great How to Find Them by Tim Geho others are Australia’s two experience. There will be that somehow mysteriously also species of echidna, or spiny numerous opportunities to meet found its way into the Jan./Feb. anteater. fellow mushroomers from all 2007 issue. With all the over the country. They also excitement of the upcoming Reprinted from the Feb., 2007 have a varied program of talks, morel season, I’d completely issue of The Spore Print, L. A. workshops, and social events forgotten I’d already published Mycological Society. all of which makes this a very his article nearly a year earlier! worthwhile event to attend. I could say I decided that it was Time to Renew Campsites are available at such a good informative piece OMS Dues are Due Pipestem for the foray (which it is!) that it deserves weekend. For more information another viewing, but the truth is for 2007 call Pipestem Park at 304/466- that somehow I simply forgot 1800 or 800/225-5982. Outside that I had used it earlier. new year is upon us, the park there are cabins for and this means your rent in Bluestone and there’s a And everyone has been so kind A OMS membership is up new Holiday Inn located in as to not point out the error of for renewal. OMS dues are still Princeton. my ways to me. Or maybe no only $10 per year, or $125 for a one else noticed either! Which lifetime membership. The cutoff To sum up: reminds me that when I wrote date for dues payment is March  OMS costs $10 per year Harley Barnhart for permission 31, 2007. You will be removed  NAMA costs $32 per year to use his book review of Orson from the OMS Mushroom Log —for OMS members & Hope Miller’s Field Guide, in mailing list after the March/April  Separate checks, please addition to his assent, he issue, if we haven’t received  Send checks together to commented “It’s nice to know dues from you before the Dick Doyle that someone actually reads subsequent issue is to be this stuff…” So I’m not sure mailed. Use the handy renewal We welcome your ongoing whether to feel relieved that form provided in this Log. And participation! there hasn’t been a chorus of please, alert us of any name, complaints about the repetition address, zip code, email, and Articles for the next newsletter or feel neglected that no one telephone number or area code pays that much attention to the changes. Deadline –May. 26 Log to even notice. Or maybe your memories are as shot as NAMA dues are also due now. David Miller mine. NAMA dues for OMS members 352 W. College St. are $32. To qualify for this rate, Oberlin, OH 44074 You’ve probably noticed I’ve a separate check must be made [email protected] tucked this “correction” down at out to NAMA and sent to OMS the most obscure bottom part of (Dick Doyle) not to NAMA. If the Log, just the way even the you send it to NAMA, they will most prestigious periodicals do send it back to us for Mea Culpa, Mea with theirs. verification since you must be an OMS member before you Maxima Culpa! 8 The Mushroom Log Calendar of Events

park office. We will eat OMS Events lunch in Mt. Gilead, and if July 27-29—Summer Foray at anyone wants to do more Carlisle Reservation, Lorain Email Jerry at hunting, we may explore Alum County Metroparks, near [email protected] to Creek State Park in the Oberlin. receive notification of afternoon. impromptu events. Check your most recent issue of the Contact Hugh Urban for more Sept. 29-30. Fall Foray, Deep Mushroom Log for event info: (614) 447-0706 or Woods, Hocking Co. updates and for more detailed [email protected] (Hugh (440) 236-9222. information. Please plan to join Urban, host) us. Sat. Nov.10th. Annual Dick Grimm May 17-19th—Thur & Fri 7-9 pm Banquet. Details tba. Sat 10-noon, Foray. All at Rocky April 21st (Sat.)--morel miniforay at Salt Fork State River Nature Center, North Olmsted. For any (adults only) who Park at Cambridge OH (eastern want a good basic knowledge of Ohio & Regional OH near the junction of I-77 and mushrooms. For registration I-70). Convene at 9:00 at State (begins May 1), call April 28-29—Western PA Park Office parking lot. Hunt Debra Shankland at (440) 734- Mushroom Club’s (WPMC) departs promptly at 9:30 am. 6660. A writeup will appear in the Morel Madness, Mingo Creek. Sharon Greenberg hosts. (330) May issue of Cleveland Metroparks see website at Emerald Necklace. 457-2345. www.wpamushroomclub.org nd th April 28th (Sat.)—morel Bio-Blitz: Sat June 2 , 5 Annual Other impromptu mini forays, as bioblitz for Geauga Park District, miniforay at Denison Biological follows: Bass Lake Preserve. Reserve. Convene at 9:00 at the Bio Reserve on Rt. 661 just th An open invitation to anyone July 7 or 14 . Bio-Blitz at Deep north of the Denison campus. Woods, Hocking Co. who wants to mushroom hunt in Dick Doyle (740) 587-0019. Fredericktown. Call Dick th May 6th (Sun.) Morel miniforay Sept. 7-9 . Terra Alta Mountain Grimm (740) 694-0782, and if Mushroom Weekend. $95 non- at Woodbury Wildlife Area. he’s available and there are members, $80 members. Walt Dick Grimm, host. (740) 694- mushrooms in the woods, he Sturgeon’s workshop. For more 0782. will go. info call Greg Park at 304/242- May 6th (Sun. late (11) am, 6855. due to turkey hunting. Morel July Ohio Wesleyan-Dick Grimm miniforay at Salt Fork State Sept. 15—WPMC’s Mid-Atlantic with Nancy Murray. Park. Same meeting info as Mushroom Foray, North Park PA. Aug. 25—Christmas Rocks State See their website. April 21st above. Walt (330) Nature Preserve—Lancaster OH. 426-9833. Shirley McClelland with Dick National & More May 12th (Sat, 9am)—Morel Grimm Hunt at Mt. Gilead State Park Directions: From I-71 take exit Oct. Sand Barrens-North August 16-19---NAMA Foray 151 onto OH-95 toward Mt, Kingsville, Pete & Pauline in Pipestem, WV. See their Gilead. Drive 6.5 mi west to Mt. Munk. website, www.namyco.org, Gilead S.P. We will meet at the for details. last parking lot to the left of the Email Jerry as instructed above.

Membership Application for the Ohio Mushroom Society


ADDRESS 9 The Mushroom Log




Enclosed please find check or money order: $10.00 (family) annual _____ $125 life ______enrolling me in the Ohio Mushroom Society. My interests are:

Mushroom Eating/Cookery Photography Nature Study

Mushroom ID Cultivation Other (specify)

Would you like to be an OMS volunteer? In what way?

How did you hear about our group?______


May OMS provide your name to other mushroom related businesses? Yes____No

Return form and money to: Ohio Mushroom Society, c/o Dick Doyle, 14 Sunset Hill, Granville, OH 43023-1162

Reminders: Please send your E-mail and mailing address changes to Dick Doyle at the above address. 10 The Mushroom Log

2007 Ohio Mushroom Society Volunteers

Chairman Newsletter Editor Program Planners Hospitality Co-chairs Jerry Pepera Dave Miller Walt Sturgeon Janet & Jack Sweigart (440) 354-4774 (440) 774-8143 (330) 426-9833 (419) 634-7216 g_pepera@sbcglobal. David.H.Miller@oberlin. [email protected] [email protected] net edu Daphne Vasconcelos Sharon Greenberg Treasurer/Membership/ All-round Special (614) 475-4144 (330) 457-2345 Circulation Person vasconcelosD@battelle. [email protected]. Dick Doyle Dick Grimm org net (740) 587-0019 (740) 694-0782 [email protected] dickiephyls@netzero. Pete & Pauline Munk Cathy Pepera com (440) 236-9222 (440) 354-4774 Corresponding Sec’y [email protected] [email protected] Joe Christian Cleveland Metroparks (419) 757-4493 Liaison Lake Metroparks Liaison [email protected] Debra Shankland Jennifer McAnlis (440) 734-6660 (440) 256-2106 dks@clevelandmetropar jmcanlis@lakemetropark ks.com s.com 11 The Mushroom Log

Ohio Mushroom Society The Mushroom Log

Circulation and Membership Dick Doyle, 14 Sunset Hill Granville, OH 43023 - 1162

Editor Dave Miller 352 W. College St. Oberlin, OH 44074


The Mushroom Log, the official newsletter of the Ohio Mushroom Society, is published bi-monthly throughout the year.

Contributions of articles and ideas for columns are always welcome. Articles may be edited for length and content.

Noncopyrighted articles may be reprinted without permission in other mushroom club publications, DATED MATERIAL provided that The Mushroom Log is credited. We Address service requested. Return postage guaranteed. appreciate receiving a copy of the publication.

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