Thomas Starr King Middle School

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Thomas Starr King Middle School

Gifted/Arts/Tech Magnet, Thomas Starr King Middle School English 8, Ms. Hoefer Rules & Procedures Required Materials 1. Be prompt. 1. Pencils and black or blue pens (2) (You are on time and working when the bell rings.) 2. Lined paper replaced throughout year 2. Be prepared. 3. 1” or larger binder (You bring all necessary materials to class, are ready 4. 5 pack of dividers to learn, and do not take restroom breaks during class.) 5. Flash drive 3. Be polite. 6. Access to the Internet through home or library (You respect yourself, others, materials and rules.) 7. Planner 4. Be productive. Helpful Materials (You complete assignments, participate and remain 8. Highlighter (1) on-task.) 9. Reinforcements 5. Use your voice. You have one. I’d like to hear it. *Please let me know privately ASAP if you are unable I’d like you to ask questions, clarify, contemplate, to get these materials or need more time. seek, and share. Attendance Homework 1. If you are absent from class, you are 1. You are to write your homework in your responsible for the missing assignments. Check agenda planner UPON ENTERING THE the class website for the days that you missed. CLASROOM, FIRST THING, EVERYDAY. There will be links to handouts and slideshows 2. All homework assignments and major class on the website. assignments will be listed on the class website 2. Check with a study buddy or with Ms. Hoefer for clarification on an assignment. Questions or Binder clarifications about missing work may happen You are responsible for keeping all work in the after class, during break/lunch or after school, appropriate section of your binder. DO NOT according to Ms. Hoefer’s and your schedule. THROUGH ANYTHING OUT UNTIL 3. All make-up work should be turned in within INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. three days after you return from an absence Contact (unless otherwise discussed with Ms. Hoefer) 1. The most effective mode of contact is through or you will receive a late grade. email: [email protected] 4. More than three tardies equal a “U” in work 2. I will not change grades over email. Please habits for that grading period. make time to visit with me after school or during break/lunch if an issue arises. Grades and Grading Scale Grading Policy 1. Work habits grade is based on the student’s 35 % Class work participation in class activities and discussions 50% Major Assignments and Tests and completion of all assignments. If you 15% Homework never volunteer, you will not receive an E. 2. Cooperation grade is a reflection of the  A = 90% - 100% student’s behavior, respect of teachers and  B = 80% - 89% fellow students, and ability to follow the  C = 70% - 79% classroom expectations. 3. Late work may be accepted for up to two days  D = 60% - 69%*** with a 20-point deduction each day unless the  F = 59% AND BELOW**** timing of the assignment is mandatory for This is a culmination year, meaning that if you fail completion of a daily assignment or project. If the first semester, you have to make a C or better you need the assignment for the next class to meet requirements in that class. period and cannot participate in class work because of the missing work, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO. *The District is transitioning away from Jupiter *We are all human and life happens. Please speak grades. You will be notified of the replacement as to me when extenuating circumstances occur. soon as it is in place. S.E.A.T. Students Engaged in Arts and Technology  As part of the Gifted, Arts and Tech Magnet, you will be expected to display tendencies of a 21st Century Learner, which include communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity, delving deeper into information, media and technology skills as well as creativity and innovation.

 You will use a thumb drive, district email address, Edmodo account and access to the Internet. You can count on me to help you address any issues resulting from these technology requirements. Speak to me when issues occur as quickly as possible for resolution. It is your responsibility to make arrangements or speak to me prior to a project due date.

 You will need to print throughout the year. You cannot count on the library for all of these needs. If you need me to print for you, you should email the document the night before or before homeroom at the latest, the day it is due and I will be happy to accommodate. DO NOT ASK TO PRINT DURING CLASS. THIS WASTES CLASS TIME.

 Technology access on campus is a privilege. To that end, if you participate in altering any of the equipment, access inappropriate websites, engage in cyber bullying or social media, tamper with someone’s account other than yours, or go to a website not cleared by the teacher, that privilege may be revoked temporarily or permanently.

Please keep track of important information concerning technology below:

Class website:

Ms. Hoefer’s email:

*Edmodo group i.d.:

*Hint at Edmodo password:

*LAUSD email account and hint at password:


*Computer: *assigned at a later date.

I have read the above information and I am aware of the requirements for Ms. Hoefer’s English class.

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Best parent contact info (please provide both email and phone):

Thomas Starr King Middle School Homeroom Lions’ Pride----SEE OTHER SAVED DOCUMENT--HOMEROOM

Class Description Homeroom is a place to start your day correctly. It is the main time for the school to keep track of students’ attendance. It is also the place where announcements are made. Any handouts that are related to the students and home are passed out during homeroom. Homeroom is mandatory.

Expectations and Grades Work Habits Cooperation Your work habits grade in homeroom Your cooperation grade in homeroom depends depends on these things: on these things:

1. Every day in homeroom you will be 1. Be respectful and polite to all people. silently reading a book. No profanity or put-downs. 2. If you do not do this activity, it will 2. Come in to the classroom quietly and sit result in a “U” for work habits. in your seat. Do not stand around talking 3. Your prompt attendance. The or socializing. homeroom tardy bell rings at 7:56 3. No food, gum or candy is allowed in the am. At this time, you should already class. (Water is fine but be careful not to be in class and in your seat with a spill) book and ready to work. 4. Obey all school rules.  Three tardies equals a “U” in 5. Your positive attitude and meeting cooperation. homeroom guidelines. This means to 4. You must have a clean record with following standards are met: the library. If you do not return a  Standing at attention and with book in a reasonable amount of time respect during the “Pledge of or if you do not settle the fines for a Allegiance.” lost book, you will receive a “U”.  Quiet for the duration of homeroom. 5. There are a number of handouts that  Working on a productive require a parent or guardian signature activity. distributed during homeroom.

6. Completing any Lions’ Pride team building activities.

 Failure to return these tear-offs  Failure to follow any of these will result in a “U” in work guidelines will result in a “U” in habits. cooperation.

I read the above information and I am aware of the requirements for the Lions’ Pride Homeroom.

______Student Name (print) Parent/Guardian Name (print)

______Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

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