Objective: To touch the numbers in consecutive order and in the best time.

Materials: Squares numbered 1-30, tape for designed area, chart, stop watch

Rules 1 Group has 5 attempts to make the best possible time  Group must touch numbers in consecutive order  Each person must touch at least one number  Time starts when group leaves designated area & stops when group returns to area  Team can not move the numbers  There is a force field that goes up and around the square  10 sec. is added to the time if more than 1 person is in the square at a time  10 sec. is added to the time if someone reaches beyond the “force field”  10 sec. is added to the time if a number is touched out of order  10 sec. is added to the time if more than 1 number is touched by a person on the same turn

Set Up & Go 2 The group has 2 minutes to strategize. 3 Create chart (see attached) 4 Group states time attempted before each round begins. 5 Facilitator times each round and adds infractions.

Debrief 1 What happened? How did you work together as a team? What did you do well? What would you do differently?

2 How were you feeling throughout the game? How was support? How did you communicate?

3 What did you learn?

1 How can you use your learning in your school/classroom/life? Key Punch

Round # Estimated Time Actual Time Infractions Best Time 1 2 3 4 5