Emma Eldridge 18 years old

Emma is an active participant in the Apple Scruffs. Emma checks the site hour-to- hour, daily. She checks in before she wakes up on her home computer, and on her phone when she is on the run to catch .

Emma uses this website to get updated information on the Beatle’s whereabouts. On the off days where she and her friends are unable to spot the Beatles, she checks it at night to see if anyone had the privilege to encounter them. Through out the day, Emma uses the website on her phone to see if anybody has any updates about where the Beatles are, or where they are going. This way she can get there and hopefully interact with them, or at least see them.

Sue John 25 years old

Sue John is an active participant in the Apple Scruffs. She is their leader. She makes final decisions and leads the scruffs in what she thinks is the best direction.

Sue John oversees the website. She checks it as soon as she wakes up, she is on it all through out the day, and she updates the website at the end of the day with that days accomplishements She also uses the website to make sure all information is accurate. She posts only valid information and gets on the girls cases when false statements are being posted.

Since she is their leader, Sue John also makes sure non Apple Scruff members aren’t using the website.

Carol Bedford 20 years old

Carol is an active participant in the Apple Scruffs. She quit her job to follow around the after day. When she and her fellow Apple Scruffs are on the move, Carol uses her phone to check the website for any updates on the Beatles whereabouts.

Carol uses the website to gather information of the Beatles to put in her book “Waiting on the Beatles”. She also uses the website to order a monthly subscription to the Apple Scruffs magazine.

Carol uses the bus to get around with the other Scruffs. She does not have a car so she rlies on other people, the train, and the bus.