Ch 8 – Reform Movements Ch 9 – Manifest Destiny (cont.) Ch 9 – Manifest Destiny (cont.)

Second Great Awakening Black Hawk Mexican War

Revival Joseph Smith Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Transcendentalism Brigham Young Gadsden Purchase

Ralph Waldo Emerson Stephen F. Austin California Gold Rush

Henry David Thoreau Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Forty-Niners

Civil Disobedience Sam Houston Ch 10 – Antebellum (Pre-Civil War)

Utopian communities James K. Polk Wilmot Proviso

Shakers Zachary Taylor Secession

Dorothea Dix Stephen Kearny Compromise of 1850 Terms:

Abolition Winfield Scott Popular Sovereignty

William Lloyd Garrison Specialization Stephen A. Douglas

Emancipation Market Revolution Millard Fillmore

David Walker Capitalism Fugitive Slave Act

Frederick Douglass Entrepreneurs Underground Railroad

Nat Turner Telegraph Harriet Tubman

Antebellum Manifest Destiny Harriet Beecher Stowe

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Black Hawk War Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Lucretia Mott “Middle Ground” Kansas-Nebraska Act

Cult of Domesticity Treaty of Fort Laramie John Brown

Temperance Movement Santa Fe Trail “Bleeding Kansas”

Seneca Falls Convention Oregon Trail Charles Sumner

Sojourner Truth Mormons End of Whig Party

Lowell Mill “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!” Rise of Know-Nothing Party

Ch 9 – Manifest Destiny Empresarios’ land grants Nativism Samuel B. Morse Texas Revolution Free-Soil Party Charles Goodyear The Alamo Republican Party I.M. Singer Lone Star Republic Horace Greeley John Deere Annex Dred Scott Decision Cyrus McCormick Republic of California Lincoln-Douglas Debates Ch 10 – Antebellum (cont.) Ch 12 – Reconstruction (cont.) Ch 14-16 – Industrial Rev. (cont.)

Freeport Doctrine Freedmen’s Bureau- Horizontal Integration

Harpers Ferry Scalawag- Social Darwinism John D. Rockefeller Confederacy Carpetbagger- Sherman Antitrust Act Jefferson Davis Sharecropper- Labor Unions Tenant Farmer- Ch 11 – Civil War Strikes Radical Republicans- Fort Sumter “Golden Door” impeach- Anaconda Plan Ellis Island Ku Klux Klan- Angel Island Bull Run Panic of 1873- Nativism George McClellan Compromise of 1877- Chinese Exclusion Act Shiloh 13th Amendment- Gentlemen’s Agreement David Farragut Tenements 14th Amendment- Stonewall Jackson Urbanization 15th Amendment- Ulysses S. Grant Americanization / Assimilation black codes- Monitor vs Merrimack Social Gospel Movement Reconstruction Act of 1867- Robert E. Lee Settlement Houses Abraham Lincoln- Political Machine Antietam Andrew Johnson- Graft Emancipation Proclamation U.S. Grant- Boss Tweed Copperheads Rutherford B. Hayes- Patronage Conscription Pendleton Civil Service Act Ch 14-16 – Industrial Revolution Clara Barton Skyscrapers Petroleum Industry Andersonville Frederick Law Olmstead Bessemer Process Gettysburg Wright Brothers Brooklyn Bridge Chancellorsville George Eastman Thomas Edison Booker T. Washington Vicksburg Christopher Sholes W.E.B. DuBois Gettysburg Address Alexander Graham Bell Poll Tax William T. Sherman Transcontinental Railroad Grandfather Clause Appomattox Court House Standard Time Jim Crow Laws George M. Pullman Thirteenth Amendment Plessy v. Ferguson Credit Mobilier Red Cross Debt Peonage The Grange John Wilkes Booth Joseph Pulitzer Granger Laws William Randolph Hearst Ch 12 – Reconstruction Panic of 1893 Mark Twain Reconstruction- Andrew Carnegie Rural Free Delivery amnesty/pardons- Vertical Integration