Chapter 5: Cell Structure and Function

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Chapter 5: Cell Structure and Function

Chapter 5: Cell Structure and Function 5-1: The Cell Theory The Cell Theory  All living things are made of ______ Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things  ______, a Dutch biologist, was the inventor of the microscope o Enabled him to see things that no one had ever seen before The Cell Theory  Van Leeuwenhoek’s work interested other people o ______examined slices of cork o Saw that it was composed of thousands of tiny chambers o Called these chambers ______ Over the next 200 years, other scientists began to discover that cells were not only found in plants but in other living things too o ______—1833—discovered the nucleus o ______—1838—stated that all plants are made of cells o ______—1839—all animals are made of cells o ______—1855—all cells arise from preexisting cells  The observations of these scientists are summarized into the ______o ______o ______o ______Chapter 5: Cell Structure and Function 5-2: Cell Structure Cell Structure  Enormous variety in the ______and ______of cells  Despite differences in size and shape, there are certain structures that are common to most cells  The cells of animals, plants, and related organisms have three basic structures: ______, or boundary of the cell; ______, or control center; and ______, or material between the cell membrane and the nucleus Cell Membrane  All cells are separated from their surroundings by a ______

o Regulates what enters and leaves the cell o Aids in protection and support of the cell  It must communicate with other cells, take in food and water, and eliminate wastes  Composed of several kinds of molecules o ______o ______o ______Cell Wall  In organisms such as plants, algae, and some bacteria, the cell membrane is surrounded by a ______o Helps ______the cell o Very ______—allows water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other substances to pass through o Made of ______Nucleus  In many cells we can see a large, dark structure, called the ______o Contains ______ ______are organisms whose cells lack nuclei o ______o ______ ______are organisms whose cells contain nuclei o Mostly ______Nuclear Envelope  Surrounding the nucleus are two membranes that form the ______o Form the boundary around the nucleus  Contains dozens of ______allowing substances to flow in and out of the nucleus Nucleolus  Most nuclei contain a small region called the ______that is made up of ______o The structure in which ______are made  Aid in the production of proteins within the cell Chromosomes  The DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells is attached to special proteins and forms large structures called ______o Contain the genetic information that must be passed to each new generation of cells Cytoplasm  The cytoplasm is the area between the ______and the ______ Contains many important structures

Chapter 5: Cell Structure and Function 5-3: Cytoplasmic Organelles Cytoplasmic Organelles  The structures inside the cytoplasm are generally called ______ An organelle is a tiny structure that performs a specialized function in the cell o Each organelle has a ______Mitochondria and Chloroplasts: Power Stations  All living things require ______ The ______and the ______are key organelles that change energy from one form to another o Mitochondria change chemical energy in food into compounds that the cell can use o Chloroplasts trap solar energy and convert it into chemical energy  Mitochondrion o Contains ______special membranes . Outer membrane ______the organelle . Inner membrane has many folds that increase the ______of the mitochondrion  Chloroplast o Found only in ______and ______o ______membranes . Two envelope-like membranes . Third membrane where the sun’s energy is changed into chemical energy Ribosomes: Protein Factories  ______are the structures in which proteins are made o Made of RNA and protein o Some are ______to membranes; some are found ______in the cytoplasm o Among the ______organelles Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus: Manufacturers and Shippers  Many cells are filled with a complex network of sacs known as the ______, or ______o ______through the inside of the cell o Two types: . ______—no ribosomes attached . ______—ribosomes attached—involved in the synthesis of proteins  Proteins are often modified by special enzymes that attach carbs and lipids to them  In most cases, the proteins are first moved into special compartments known as the ______o Flattened stack of membranes o After modification, the proteins may then be released from the cell **The Golgi apparatus modifies, collects, packages, and distributes molecules made at one location of the cell and used at another** Lysosomes: Cleanup Crews  When a cell encircles a particle, the cell membrane forms a pocket around the foreign material  The foreign material must now be ______, or broken down o ______. Contain ______and ______necessary for digestion . Formed by the ______. Plants cells do not have lysosomes Vacuoles and Plastids: Storage Tanks  ______store materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates  ______are plant organelles that may take many forms, one of which is the chloroplast o Involved in the storage of food and pigments o Examples: . Leukoplasts—store starch . Chromoplasts—store pigments Cytoskeleton: Framework  Most cells are capable of some type of movement  ______– framework of filaments and fibers that support cell structure and drive cell movement o ______-long, thin fibers that function in the movement and support of the cell o ______-hollow tubes made out of proteins . ______

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