RESPECTFUL OF SELF, RESPONSIBLE AND BE READY TO FOLLOW OTHERS AND PREPARED AT ALL DIRECTIONS AND PROCEDURES. SURROUNDINGS TIMES. First Week of Round Robin Stations around the School school teaching what this looks like in: cafeteria, hallway, loading zone, on the bus, commons area, walkways between “learning cottages”, and gymnasium Second Week of  Goal- catch ten students (each Pep Rally: Invite Sports School staff member) being respectful figures from local team in each area by the end of the to come do a week. Read these gotchas over motivational talk to the intercom. students about being responsible and prepared. Model for the students the non-example and the example of being prepared for school, tests, learning, and sports. Third Week of Re-teach in grade level pods. Each  Goal- catch ten Teach this in the cafeteria. Teach the School grade level responsible for writing students being students that if the principal stands on a material that is relevant to their responsible. (Each certain spot that all students are to get grade level. Turn in by second staff member). Read quiet. Make it a contest to see which week of school. Be ready to share these names over the grade level is the quickest. Have coaches ideas at Faculty Meeting. intercom in the with stop watch measuring. Play a grown morning up version of “Simon Says” in the announcements. cafeteria. Fourth Week of  Goal- Each staff member Grade Level Meetings:  Goal- Each staff member catch 10 School catches ten more students Re-teach being students exhibiting being ready to exhibiting respectful behavior responsible and prepared follow directions and procedures. in their area for this week. at all times. Discuss appropriate notebooks and backpacks. Having Assignment Pass at all times. (Card students keep with them to be signed if they leave the area) Fifth Week of Teach students about the surprise  Goal- Each staff  Goal Each staff member catch 10 School next week. Tell them what it member spot check more students exhibiting being ready means to be doing homework. 10 notebooks and to follow directions and procedures. BLT will do a kick off in the reward appropriate Choose 2 to send postcards to their gymnasium (pep rally) and do a notebooks by giving homes. skit about appropriate and a “gotcha”. inappropriate ways to do homework. Sixth Week of Surprise visits to student homes in the evening. If they are caught being respectful of selves, responsible School students and preparing to follow directions and procedures by doing homework between the hours of 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.- 10 students who are caught doing homework at this time will receive a limo ride to school the following Friday. They will get to eat lunch at a special table and receive retail coupons for free food that the PTA has accumulated. This activity will be repeated throughout the year. The limo services are being provided for free by the local Limo company (parent of a former student).