School Model for Classroom Expectancy Sheets

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School Model for Classroom Expectancy Sheets

Faiss Middle School Course Expectations Stephani Zimmerman [email protected] Anthony Derby [email protected] Nathan Bazzell [email protected] Shari L. Zeidler [email protected] PE 6-8/2013-2014 I. COURSE DESCRIPTION – This one-semester course focuses on the physical, mental, social, and emotional development of students in cooperative and competitive settings. Students develop psychomotor skills and engage in movement and lifetime fitness activities. Students participate in movement experiences found in team, individual, and dual sports; dance/rhythms; and lifetime recreational activities. Health and skill-related fitness concepts are explored through personal goal setting and self-evaluation. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate useof technology is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills the physical education requirement for sixth-grade students and eighth-grade students. Course Goals:  To develop an understanding department rules and regulations of Physical Education.  To develop and maintain efficient and effective motor skills in a wide range of activities.  To develop and maintain an optimal level of physical fitness/wellness.  To develop fundamental knowledge, skills, and benefits of physical activity.  To develop personal qualities and patterns of behavior which make possible more effective social relationships, self-control, fair play, respect for others, responsibility, loyalty, cooperation, and courtesy.  To become knowledgeable about various playing areas, equipment, positions, strategies, and safety requirements.  To develop knowledge of the rules, terminology, and scoring of the various sports and activities from the viewpoint of the participants as well as the spectator.  To develop an appreciation for the enjoyment and the necessity of physical activity throughout life.  To acquire motor skills resulting in efficient use of the body and serving as a basis for present and future participation in lifetime recreational activities.

II. HOURS OF AVAILABILITY – We will be available every morning from 8:20 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and every afternoon from 3:21 p.m. – 3:31 p.m. except for Wednesdays (department, committee, and/or collaboration meetings. Students may schedule an appointment for special assistance by speaking directly to their teacher. Students will be notified at least one day prior that for any reason that may alter our schedules and availability to students.


A. DESCRIPTION OF GRADING PROCEDURES – Students’ grades will be calculated based on the following categories and percentages:

Students earn ten points per day

+5 points - Dressing out -3 points – Tardy +5 points – Participating -3 points – Not in correct uniform -10 points – Non-dress Mile Run days are worth 20 points -3 points – Poor sportsmanship

Non Dress Referral Progressive Discipline Policy 1st Student warned, 2nd Parent contact, 3rd Counselor’s referral, 4th Dean’s Referral 1st Semester Exams will be the week of January 13, 2014. 2nd Semester Exams will be the week of June 2, 2014. Students may not take semester exams early; however, students who are absent on semester exam days may schedule an appointment with the counseling office and/or assistant principal’s office to make-up the exam. SEMESTER EXAMS WILL BE WORTH 10% OF THE SEMESTER GRADE SCHOOL-WIDE.

B. BASIS FOR QUARTER AND SEMESTER GRADES – The following will be utilized when assigning final grades for the quarter and the semester: 100% - 90% = A 89% - 80% = B 79% - 70% = C 69% - 60% = D 59% or less = F The weight of the PE department’s final exam is 10%. This is a school standard.

A parent or guardian may request a report of progress at any time from their student’s teacher by contacting them through email or phone.

Progress reports will be distributed on 09/27/13, 12/06/13, 02/28/14, and 05/02/14.

C. Attendance/Failing Grades/Retention Enforcement:

Attending school on a regular basis is vital to academic success. Students who miss more than 10 unapproved absences in any course during a semester (18 weeks) may receive a failing semester grade for that course. An approved absence, as defined, is an unavoidable absence caused by illness, court appearances, religious holidays, an emergency outside the control of the student or the student’s family, and/or a prearranged absence (not exceeding 10 in a school year).

A pupil in Grade 6 must complete one semester with a passing grade in mathematics, English or reading, and science for promotion to the seventh grade. A pupil in Grade 7 must complete one semester with a passing grade in mathematics, English or reading, science, and social studies for promotion to the eighth grade. A pupil who enters Grade 8 must complete three semesters with a passing grade in mathematics, three semesters with a passing grade in English or reading, two semesters with a passing grade in science, and two semesters with a passing grade in social studies during the seventh and eighth grade years for promotion to high school (CCSD regulation 5123).

D. Make-up Procedures:

Teachers shall provide an opportunity for a student to make up missed work due to any absence. Students shall be held accountable for their work. When a student is absent, the educational experiences lost during that absence might be irretrievable because the instruction and interaction in the instructional setting cannot be duplicated through make-up work.

After any absence, a secondary student is required to initiate contact with his teacher(s) to obtain appropriate make-up work within three (3) school days immediately following the absence. Once contact has been made with the teacher(s), specific make-up work must be completed and returned to the teacher(s) within a reasonable length of time, to be determined by the teacher and communicated to the student/parent or legal guardian. The make-up work must be returned to the teacher(s) by the specified due date if it is to be acknowledged. Students shall be allowed a minimum of (3) three days to complete make-up work. IV. STUDENT PLANNERS/NOTEBOOKS – Student planners are required material for every class. Teachers will require students to enter any homework or projects in the student planner. Students will also use the student planner to track academic progress and set academic goals. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to check student planners to monitor students’ work, to assist teachers in promoting organizational skills, and to help academic achievement. Planners also contain important dates, schedules and school phone numbers. All students will be given a planner upon enrollment. Should it be lost, destroyed, or stolen, a new one must be purchased from the Student Store for $5.00. Materials students will be required to bring to class: Physical Education Uniform Tennis Shoes Student Planner


HANDS-OFF POLICY To ensure the focus is on learning in Faiss Middle School Physical Education, students are required to maintain a “HANDS-OFF” policy. Every student is to keep his/her hands to himself/herself. This applies to horseplay, public displays of affection, play fighting, slapping, tripping, as well as other situations.

A. PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE PLAN All teachers at Faiss Middle School will use the following progressive discipline plan:

1. Teacher/Student Conference, parent contact, and/or teacher consequence 2. Teacher/Student Conference, parent contact, and/or teacher consequence 3. Teacher/Student Conference, parent contact, and/or teacher consequence 4. Referral to Dean

B. ADDITIONAL CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. Tardies (30 minutes tardy equals 1 absence): A STUDENT IS CONSIDERED TARDY WHEN NOT INSIDE THE CLASSROOM WHEN THE BELL RINGS. The Faiss Middle School Tardy Policy is as follows: 1st Tardy: Verbal Warning 2nd Tardy: Student signs tardy contract with teacher 3rd Tardy: Parent Contact by teacher 4th Tardy: Dean’s referral; student will be placed on RPC. Subsequent Tardies: Dean’s referral; student will be placed on RPC. 2. Students will be able to use the bathrooms in the locker rooms before and after class only. 3. No food is allowed in the locker rooms. 4. All school property is to be respected at all times. 5. The PE department is not responsible for lost or stolen items in the locker room.

VI. CITIZENSHIP – Students will earn a citizenship grade for each quarter based on their classroom behavior. The following citizenship categories apply:

“O” = Outstanding “S” = Satisfactory “N” = Needs Improvement “U” = Unsatisfactory VII. OTHER INFORMATION Through our innovative and unique schedule and planning, we are able to provide CPR/First Aid/AED training for all students in grade 6th, 7th, and 8th PE this semester. The culminating activity will be an official CPR National Certification for the students paying the $15 fee. The main focus of this certification is to offer valuable training in case of emergency that may arise with families, friends, or classmates. Research shows that if a student ever needs to use CPR it would most likely be on family or friends. Faiss Middle School Course Expectations Parent Signature Sheet Zimmerman, Derby, Bazzell, and Zeidler/PE 6-8/2013-2014

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Hello, our names are Ms. Zimmerman, Mr. Derby, Mr. Bazzell, and Mrs. Zeidler and we will be your child’s PE 6-8 teachers this year. Please take a moment to read the attached course expectations and sign and complete this information sheet. At some time during the year, we may find it necessary to contact you concerning your child’s academic progress and/or behavior in the classroom. At Faiss MS, we look forward to communicating with families on a regular basis. The strongest ally we have in the classroom is YOU. Students do better in school when teachers and parents communicate.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Ms. Zimmerman Mr. Derby Mr. Bazzell Mrs. Zeidler

Student Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

I have read and understand the course expectations for my PE 6-8 class.

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______


Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______

Address: ______

Home Phone: ______

When is the best time to contact you at home? ______May I contact you at work? If so, please complete below:

Name ______Time ______Phone ______

Name ______Time ______Phone ______

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