7Th Grade English Language Arts Syllabus
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Semmes Middle School 7th Grade English Language Arts Syllabus Mr. Mortez L. Barnes Phone: 251-221-2344 Email: [email protected] Planning Period: 4th
Welcome to 7th grade language arts. I am very excited to be a part of the Semmes Middle School team! This promises to be a good school year, and I am pleased to share it with your child! Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, concerns, or words of encouragement.
Course Description: A selection of short stories, poems, fiction texts, and non-fiction texts will be studied throughout the year in order to communicate comprehension strategies, elements of literature, and author’s purpose and craft. Grammar, usage, and mechanics will be taught on a daily basis in the form of bell ringers, mini lessons, and/or additional practice and application through writing or enrichment exercises. 7th grade students will improve their descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive writing by reviewing the traits of effective writing and keeping a Writer’s Notebook. In order for students to broaden their research and inquiry strategies, short research projects will be given.
Course Requirements: Students are required to participate in all activities. Assessments will be conducted through teacher observations, tests, quizzes, writing samples, oral presentations, spelling, grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and projects.
Textbook: Our textbook is called Prentice Hall Literature Alabama Common Core Edition. Additionally, we will be using the Prentice Hall Literature Common Core Companion Student Workbook.
Grading Scale: 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D Below 60 = E (Failing) iNow: Grades will be updated in the iNow portal on a weekly basis.
Student Supplies: 1. 1 ½ inch three ring binder 2. Dividers (5) – Bell-Ringers, Grammar (notes and handouts), Literature (notes and handouts), Writing, and Vocabulary. 3. Loose-leaf paper 4. Blue or black pens, # 2 pencils and erasers (assignments written in colored ink such as red, yellow, orange, pink, light blue, etc. will not be graded). 5. 1 Composition Notebook
*If there is a hardship preventing or delaying student from having the above listed supplies, PLEASE contact me as soon as possible.
Paper Heading: Head assignments on the right side of paper as follows: Name: John Smith Date: 08/10/2016 Period: 1st Activity: Parallel Structure
Classroom Rules: In order to maintain a proper learning environment for all, the following rules will be enforced.
1. Be seated at the start of class and remain seated throughout class. 2. Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself. 3. Raise your hand and wait to be called upon before speaking. 4. No eating or drinking in class (unless otherwise noted). 5. Keep cell phones and other electronic devices put away.
Consequences: Verbal and/or written warning Conference with student (Refocus assignment as needed) Parent/Guardian contact Discipline referral More drastic action may be necessary depending upon the offense
Classroom Procedures and Expectations:
1. BE PREPARED FOR CLASS: Have your books, supplies, assignments, etc., with you when you enter the classroom. As soon as the bell rings, you should have your materials out and ready to begin working. If you are not fully in the room when the bell rings, you will be marked tardy. You will not be allowed to leave the room for forgotten materials. Not having the proper materials could result in receiving a zero for a daily grade if you are unable to perform the work required because of missing items. 2. LATE WORK: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date they are due, or a zero will be given for that work. Late work is not accepted unless it is connected with an excuse. Refer to your student handbook for guidelines concerning make-up work. Work missed for a school function is due the day you return to school. 3. AFTER AN ABSENCE: It is YOUR responsibility to find out what material was covered during your absence. Any handouts will be in the designated make-up work area. Make-up work must be placed in my hands at the time it is handed in. 4. WHEN IN CLASS: A. Upon entering class, ALL book bags (backpacks, gym bags, instruments, etc.) should be dropped off at the designated area in the back of the room. It is the students’ responsibility to make sure that they have their language arts materials out before dropping their book bags off in said area. This is the only area where listed items will be permitted. B. Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated. Any communication, verbal or non-verbal, during test time or any other graded work time is considered to be cheating. Each student involved will receive a zero for that particular work. C. Stay awake, be attentive, and politely listen to the ideas and opinions of others, follow instructions the first time they are given, and participate in class. D. Everyone is expected to participate in class discussions. This is your time to respectfully express your thoughts and opinion on the topic. Respect the opinion of others, even if it differs from yours. E. I expect your English Language Arts notebook to be an English Language Arts notebook ONLY. Work for other classes should not be in your notebook. Additionally, I do not expect work for other teachers to be done during my class. F. Stay seated throughout class, especially during directed instruction. Throw away trash as you are leaving the classroom. G. Use school and classroom appropriate language at all times. Profanity, vulgarity, teasing, or bullying will NOT be tolerated! 5. RESTROOM: You will be allowed to use the restroom during homeroom, P.E., or electives ONLY! 6. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Use of cell phones, iPods, tablets and any other mobile devices without permission is prohibited during class. Seeing or hearing the aforementioned items will result in Saturday school. 7. DISMISSAL OF CLASS: At the end of class, remain quietly seated and wait to be dismissed. Make sure your work area is clean. Otherwise, you won’t be dismissed. 8. SUBSTITUTES: In the event of my absence, I expect you to behave better for the sub than you do for me. If you do what you are supposed to do instead of what you want to do, there should be no problem with you and a sub. 9. ACCOMODATIONS: All requests for accommodations for this course or any school event are welcome. 10. EXTRA HELP: You are encouraged to schedule a conference with me if you do not understand a concept introduced in class. I am able to help only if I know that you need help. Extra credit work will NOT be given. Do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it, and there will be no issues.
THEME ESSENTIAL FOCUS TIMEFRAME QUESTION Truth Why are my audience and The Writing Process Weeks 1-3 purpose for writing Grammar important? Honesty How does an author convey Fiction Weeks 4-6 the theme to readers? Nonfiction Theme Integrity How can writers explain the Elements of Theme Weeks 7-9 theme of a text to readers? Conflict Why is it important to read Narratives Weeks 10-12 multiple perspectives of a Nonfiction topic or subject? Competition How can a reader use parts of Making Inferences Weeks 13-15 a story to ascertain meaning Context Clues from the text? Sentence Choice Compromise How can the meaning of a Elements of a Story Weeks 16-18 text change based on the Figurative Language perspective of the reader? Learning How can nonfiction be useful Nonfiction Weeks 19-21 to readers? Functional Text Understanding Why is it important to read Nonfiction Weeks 22-24 multiple nonfiction pieces Fiction about a single topic? Communicating How can poetry convey a Elements of Poetry Weeks 25-27 meaning more effectively than prose? Self-Perception How does drama tell a Elements of Drama Weeks 28-30 different story than prose? Individual or Community How do different cultures use Origin Stories Weeks 31-33 origin stories to understand their world? Individual or Community What place do origin stories Origin Stories Weeks 34-36 have within the development of different cultures?
*Syllabus is subject to change. Please sign and detach the signature page. It should be returned to Mr. Barnes as soon as possible. Syllabus should be kept in the front of student’s three ring binder.
------I have read and understand the class syllabus for Mr. Barnes’s English Language Arts class.
Please print as legibly as possible on the line below. Thanks!
Student’s Signature______Date______
Parent’s Signature______Date______