Public Works Committee Meeting
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PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, December 23, 2014 7:00 a.m. Village Conference Room
Attendance Timothy Nugent, Mayor x Tim Boyce, Trustee x Todd Crockett, Trustee x Diane Dole, Trustee x Wendell Phillips x Samuel Martin Joel Gesky, Trustee Bernie Thompson, Village Admin. x Brian O’Keefe, Super of PW x Chris LaRocque, Dir. Of Bldg/Zoning x Keith Mulholland, Tyson Eng. Jim Hanley, Street/Alley Super. Terry Wilson, WPCC Supervisor Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk x
Trustee Boyce called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. There was no public participation.
Discussion Items: 2014 Project Update (Mulholland) Mr. Mulholland presented his spreadsheet with updated information. (see attached). A traffic counter was placed on Spruce Street (see packet for detailed numbers). Mr. Mulholland presented two options of using MFT money verses non-MFT money for the Spruce Street project (information is in packet). Two foot would be added on each side of the street. All trustees were encouraged to drive the road and then be prepared to give their viewpoint. High visibility chevrons have been added where the road width changes.
Mayor Nugent also asked if the traffic counter could be placed on South Cypress to Meadow Path.
2015 MFT (O’Keefe) A working list of road that are in need of repair was presented. The alleyways are a high priority. More detail on costs will be obtained and then brought back to committee for discussion. Mr. Thompson stated that TIF funds may be an option for funding of the Main Street alleys.
WPCC Blower Roof Repairs (O’Keefe) The blower building roof is in need of repairs along with the main building. $20,000 has been budgeted for roof repairs. Marty Worby, who also inspected the police department roof, has also inspected these two roofs. He is estimating a cost of $10,000. Mr. O’Keefe will also check on the warranty and on the details about how it works.
Public Works Committee – 12/23/14 1/2 Since the repairs are a budgeted item and below the required $20,000 bid limit, the project will move forward.
Heritage Park Lighting (O’Keefe) To add additional parking lot lights the traditional way would be approximately $34,000. Using solar parking lot lights are approximately $10,000. The item will be placed in the FY 14-15 budget. Mr. O’Keefe will try to order in the Spring so that they can be ready to go when the baseball season starts but have it billed in May 2015.
Main Street Plaza (O’Keefe) Most items are complete – workers with Dutch Barn are not working at this time, so remaining items will be completed in the spring.
Rock Creek Estates Park (O’Keefe) Mr. Reiter would like to postpone this until 2015.
Windfield Estates I & II (O’Keefe) Even though there is $26,000 left in the letter of credit, it cannot be used for the park requirements without the bank’s approval. The amount would not go very far in equipping the park. Research will be completed on an OSLAD grant for both Windfield and Rock Creek, also may look for another grant from Sen Trotter and Rep Sims.
2015 Brush Pick-up Route (O’Keefe) The 2015 brush pick-up route will return to the previous schedule with alternating North and South routes.
Misc. o The Memorial Park alarm/deterrent system is working. Dutch Barn will be giving an estimate for a maintenance agreement at this park. o The installation of cameras will be researched for the Main Street Plaza. Also an additional parking lot light will be added. o Legacy Park Ice Rink was losing water, but repairs have been made and it is now holding water. The Bambini will be delivered next week.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 a.m.
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk
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