Greenville Centre 3:30-5:00
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GSAB Minutes February 28, 2011 Greenville Centre 3:30-5:00
Voting Members Present: Behm, Michael; Curran, Richard; Daneri, Juan; Decker, Jim; Ericson, Richard; Gemperline, Paul; Hough, Monica; Kasperek, George; Mott, Vivian; Prividera, Laura; Pokorny, Marie; Schwager, Paul; Thompson, Tony; and Terry West
Voting Members Absent: Margie Gallagher
Ex-Officio Members Present: Griffin, Linner, and Rose Allen
Ex-Officio Member Absent: Cistola, Dave, and Mark Sprague
Guests: Armstrong, Robin; Atkinson, Terry; McConnell, Tom; Patterson, Belinda; and Heather Ries
1. Call to order 3:36 PM
2. Approval of minutes –2/14/11
Minutes approved
3. Transcript evaluation requirement for international applicants – Robin Armstrong
On recommendation of the Graduate Assembly, the GSAB considered by consensus requiring transcripts outside of the US and Canada be credentialed by a third party service.
ECU’s Undergraduate Admission office has a similar requirement.
Document by document evaluation will be required to ensure transcripts are valid and degrees earned internationally are equivalent to degrees earned in the US
Cost varies depending on company used
o Generally the cost range is $80-$150 per transcript
o Credentialed transcript can be used to apply to multiple schools
Average time to evaluate a transcript is about one week
Credentialed transcripts will be required for any undergraduate degree outside of the US and Canada (even if Masters was earned by a US institution) This requirement will be published on the website and the Graduate Admissions office will communicate with international students at time of application
Modifications will be made to the international portion of the application
Suggestion by Dr. Griffin to mention new requirement in the Graduate Catalog
4. Requests for Approval of Exceptions
a. Time Extension of Course Credit
i. Library Science (COE) – 2 requests (routine)
ii. Educational Leadership (COE) – 1 request
b. Excess Non-Degree Credit
i. MSITE, Instructional Technology (COE) – 1 request (routine)
c. Excess Transfer Credit
i. Psychology (THCAS) – 1 request – Susan McCammon
5. Discussion on external members of dissertation committees
Proposed requirement that an external member (ECU graduate faculty member, outside of the student’s program of study) sit on doctoral dissertation committees
o External member would represent the broader interests of the University in the integrity and quality of the student’s PhD program. o More than half of peer institutions require an external members
Suggestion to add: A Graduate Faculty member external to the student advisor’s home department/program is required to serve on the student’s dissertation committee
Tabled until further discussion with doctoral graduate program directors at a special called meeting
6. Catalog placement of the new Course Repetition policy statement – Belinda Patterson
Proposed placement was previously under the ‘Grading Systems’ section
Placement of policy statement seems more appropriate under the ‘Course Repetition’ section
o This is synonymous to the placement of the course repetition policy in the undergraduate catalog
7. Vote on approval of 2/2/11 GCC minutes Action Items Proposal of New course: ANTH 6106 Revision of Admission requirement: Master of Science in Nursing
Deletion of existing courses: LIBS 8010, 8014, 8026, 8031, 8310, 8901, 8902, 8903
Deletion of banked courses only: ANTH 6105, BIOC 6350, CSCI 5726, 6603, 6605, CSDI 5565, 6115, 8230, 8231, 8231, IDSN 5387, 5389, 6482; ITEC 6300, 6405, 6408, 6409; MCBI 6405, 6421, 6425, 6426, 6451, 6452, 6453, 6461, 6462, 6470; NUTR 5050, 5211, 5212, 6210; PHAR 6650, 6655; PSYC 5311, 5370, 6401, 6403, 6445, 6469
Retention of banked courses only: GEOL 5750, 5751, 6100, 6101, 6230, 6231, 6340, 6341; HIST 5120, 5121, 5150, 5210, 5770, 6405; JUST 5000
Deletion of banked courses: ACCT 6401, 6651, 6851; BIOL 5000, 5001, 5020, 5021, 5040, 5041, 5080, 5081, 5110, 51111, 5678, 5850, 5851, 5860, 5861, 7530, 7540; PHYS 5321, 5610, 5640, 5641, 5710, 5711, 5720, 5721, 6322; REHB 6602; SOCI 5314, 6411, 6441, 6480, 6522
Retention of banked courses: ACCT 6381; BIOL 5050, 5880, 5881, 5910, 5911, 5920, 5921; PHYS 6991; REHB 6502, 6503, 6504, 6505, 6506; SOCI 5311, 6418, 6429, 6431, 6445, 6490
Discussion of 9000 dissertation hours approved o Dr. Gemperline will speak with Julie Poorman regarding the 150% rule (rule may be appropriate for undergraduate students but not be suited for graduate students)
o Attempt to find a more appropriate mechanism to address concerns by Financial Aid
8. For discussion – proposed changes to Faculty Senate academic committee charges
Proposed changes by Committee on Committees to various committee charges to include “review of the University Graduate Catalog”; “matters related to graduate recruitment, admission, advising, and retention of students” as well as “policies and procedures governing graduate recruitment, admissions, advising, retention, and readmission”.
Proposed changes to be discussed at length at an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting
GSAB concerns regarding the proposed changes:
o Most universities consider best structural model of graduate education to have an established body of experts on graduate education (GSAB) recommend academic policy and curriculum changes
o Removing this function from the Graduate School’s committee structure would reduce its function to an Office of Graduate Student Support Services
o GSAB is meeting the needs of the Graduate School
o GSAB requires members to hold full Graduate Faculty status
o Change would go against the culture and structure of governance established at ECU
o Insufficient communication has taken place between the Faculty Senate and the Graduate School on the role and function of the GSAB and Graduate Assembly
o Request was made to the Chair of the Faculty Senate by Dr. Gemperline to have a standing item on the Faculty Senate agenda for updates on graduate education
Possible concerns of in support of changes:
o 85% of the Faculty Senate are members of the Graduate Faculty o GSAB is perceived to be an administrative committee and may not represent the will of the faculty
o VC for Research and Graduate Studies requested representation on Faculty Senate committees so there is a desire to consider both undergraduate and graduate education policies in committee charges
o Faculty Manual is being revised to meet the new ECU manual paradigm
o Other universities such as UNC-C and Florida State University have Graduate Councils, elected by the Faculty Senate
Dr. Gemperline requested GSAB members read Appendix F and come to the next meeting prepared to discuss reactions.
o GSAB members were requested to discuss Appendix F with faculty senators and faculty members to assess opinions of issue
o Will seek advice from the GSAB and GA
Proposed FS committee charges could be considered for a vote at the next Faculty Senate meeting or post-postponed (two readings required)
Next Committee on Committees meeting will be held on March 15th
Aim of the Graduate School is to build support across all colleges and advocate for graduate education
At a time when ECU is working to raise the level of its graduate programs, ECU is best served by a Graduate School with strong policy and curriculum oversight.
9. Adjourn
5:27 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Tripp
Next meeting: March 14, 2011