Greenville Centre 3:30-5:00

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Greenville Centre 3:30-5:00

GSAB Minutes February 28, 2011 Greenville Centre 3:30-5:00

Voting Members Present: Behm, Michael; Curran, Richard; Daneri, Juan; Decker, Jim; Ericson, Richard; Gemperline, Paul; Hough, Monica; Kasperek, George; Mott, Vivian; Prividera, Laura; Pokorny, Marie; Schwager, Paul; Thompson, Tony; and Terry West

Voting Members Absent: Margie Gallagher

Ex-Officio Members Present: Griffin, Linner, and Rose Allen

Ex-Officio Member Absent: Cistola, Dave, and Mark Sprague

Guests: Armstrong, Robin; Atkinson, Terry; McConnell, Tom; Patterson, Belinda; and Heather Ries

1. Call to order 3:36 PM

2. Approval of minutes –2/14/11

Minutes approved

3. Transcript evaluation requirement for international applicants – Robin Armstrong

 On recommendation of the Graduate Assembly, the GSAB considered by consensus requiring transcripts outside of the US and Canada be credentialed by a third party service.

 ECU’s Undergraduate Admission office has a similar requirement.

 Document by document evaluation will be required to ensure transcripts are valid and degrees earned internationally are equivalent to degrees earned in the US

 Cost varies depending on company used

o Generally the cost range is $80-$150 per transcript

o Credentialed transcript can be used to apply to multiple schools

 Average time to evaluate a transcript is about one week

 Credentialed transcripts will be required for any undergraduate degree outside of the US and Canada (even if Masters was earned by a US institution)  This requirement will be published on the website and the Graduate Admissions office will communicate with international students at time of application

 Modifications will be made to the international portion of the application

 Suggestion by Dr. Griffin to mention new requirement in the Graduate Catalog

 Approved

4. Requests for Approval of Exceptions

a. Time Extension of Course Credit

i. Library Science (COE) – 2 requests (routine)

ii. Educational Leadership (COE) – 1 request


b. Excess Non-Degree Credit

i. MSITE, Instructional Technology (COE) – 1 request (routine)


c. Excess Transfer Credit

i. Psychology (THCAS) – 1 request – Susan McCammon


5. Discussion on external members of dissertation committees

 Proposed requirement that an external member (ECU graduate faculty member, outside of the student’s program of study) sit on doctoral dissertation committees

o External member would represent the broader interests of the University in the integrity and quality of the student’s PhD program. o More than half of peer institutions require an external members

 Suggestion to add: A Graduate Faculty member external to the student advisor’s home department/program is required to serve on the student’s dissertation committee

 Tabled until further discussion with doctoral graduate program directors at a special called meeting

6. Catalog placement of the new Course Repetition policy statement – Belinda Patterson

 Proposed placement was previously under the ‘Grading Systems’ section

 Placement of policy statement seems more appropriate under the ‘Course Repetition’ section

o This is synonymous to the placement of the course repetition policy in the undergraduate catalog

7. Vote on approval of 2/2/11 GCC minutes Action Items  Proposal of New course: ANTH 6106  Revision of Admission requirement: Master of Science in Nursing

 Deletion of existing courses: LIBS 8010, 8014, 8026, 8031, 8310, 8901, 8902, 8903

 Deletion of banked courses only: ANTH 6105, BIOC 6350, CSCI 5726, 6603, 6605, CSDI 5565, 6115, 8230, 8231, 8231, IDSN 5387, 5389, 6482; ITEC 6300, 6405, 6408, 6409; MCBI 6405, 6421, 6425, 6426, 6451, 6452, 6453, 6461, 6462, 6470; NUTR 5050, 5211, 5212, 6210; PHAR 6650, 6655; PSYC 5311, 5370, 6401, 6403, 6445, 6469

 Retention of banked courses only: GEOL 5750, 5751, 6100, 6101, 6230, 6231, 6340, 6341; HIST 5120, 5121, 5150, 5210, 5770, 6405; JUST 5000

 Deletion of banked courses: ACCT 6401, 6651, 6851; BIOL 5000, 5001, 5020, 5021, 5040, 5041, 5080, 5081, 5110, 51111, 5678, 5850, 5851, 5860, 5861, 7530, 7540; PHYS 5321, 5610, 5640, 5641, 5710, 5711, 5720, 5721, 6322; REHB 6602; SOCI 5314, 6411, 6441, 6480, 6522

 Retention of banked courses: ACCT 6381; BIOL 5050, 5880, 5881, 5910, 5911, 5920, 5921; PHYS 6991; REHB 6502, 6503, 6504, 6505, 6506; SOCI 5311, 6418, 6429, 6431, 6445, 6490

 Discussion of 9000 dissertation hours approved o Dr. Gemperline will speak with Julie Poorman regarding the 150% rule (rule may be appropriate for undergraduate students but not be suited for graduate students)

o Attempt to find a more appropriate mechanism to address concerns by Financial Aid

 Approved

8. For discussion – proposed changes to Faculty Senate academic committee charges

 Proposed changes by Committee on Committees to various committee charges to include “review of the University Graduate Catalog”; “matters related to graduate recruitment, admission, advising, and retention of students” as well as “policies and procedures governing graduate recruitment, admissions, advising, retention, and readmission”.

 Proposed changes to be discussed at length at an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting

 GSAB concerns regarding the proposed changes:

o Most universities consider best structural model of graduate education to have an established body of experts on graduate education (GSAB) recommend academic policy and curriculum changes

o Removing this function from the Graduate School’s committee structure would reduce its function to an Office of Graduate Student Support Services

o GSAB is meeting the needs of the Graduate School

o GSAB requires members to hold full Graduate Faculty status

o Change would go against the culture and structure of governance established at ECU

o Insufficient communication has taken place between the Faculty Senate and the Graduate School on the role and function of the GSAB and Graduate Assembly

o Request was made to the Chair of the Faculty Senate by Dr. Gemperline to have a standing item on the Faculty Senate agenda for updates on graduate education

 Possible concerns of in support of changes:

o 85% of the Faculty Senate are members of the Graduate Faculty o GSAB is perceived to be an administrative committee and may not represent the will of the faculty

o VC for Research and Graduate Studies requested representation on Faculty Senate committees so there is a desire to consider both undergraduate and graduate education policies in committee charges

o Faculty Manual is being revised to meet the new ECU manual paradigm

o Other universities such as UNC-C and Florida State University have Graduate Councils, elected by the Faculty Senate

 Dr. Gemperline requested GSAB members read Appendix F and come to the next meeting prepared to discuss reactions.

o GSAB members were requested to discuss Appendix F with faculty senators and faculty members to assess opinions of issue

o Will seek advice from the GSAB and GA

 Proposed FS committee charges could be considered for a vote at the next Faculty Senate meeting or post-postponed (two readings required)

 Next Committee on Committees meeting will be held on March 15th

 Aim of the Graduate School is to build support across all colleges and advocate for graduate education

 At a time when ECU is working to raise the level of its graduate programs, ECU is best served by a Graduate School with strong policy and curriculum oversight.

9. Adjourn

5:27 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Amy E. Tripp

Next meeting: March 14, 2011

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