Unit-B~ History of Healthcare~ Test Review

1. What plan was passed by the government in the 20th century to assure that everyone has access to quality care? Medicare and Medicaid 2. What 19th century major development came about as a result of physicians’ understanding that microorganisms caused disease? Infection control 3. If you were walking through a 17th century town and noticed an “Apothecary” sign, what would you expect to buy in the store? Medicines 4. The invention of what diagnostic instrument confirmed diseases were caused by microorganisms and not angry Gods? Microscope 5. Insulin is a drug discovered in the 20th century to treat: Diabetes 6. What was the leading cause of death in the 16th century? Infection 7. During what century did women begin to take an active role in providing healthcare?19th 8. What new medical equipment was developed in the 20th century? Kidney dialysis machine 9. What medical discovery is the most recent? First test tube baby 10. In what century were antibodies first developed? 20th 11. Why was the invention of the printing press during the Renaissance important to health care? It allowed for medical information to be shared more easily 12. A major difference in the medical practice of primitive civilizations and that of the Greek civilization is that the Greeks believed disease was caused by : Natural causes 13. In primitive times, insanity, epilepsy, and headaches were treated with trephining, which might lead someone to remark: “You have a hole in your head” 14. What event marked the beginning of the Dark Ages when the study of scientific-based medicine stopped? The fall of the Roman Empire 15. What disease occurred during the middle Ages that killed 75% of the population in Europe and Asia? Bubonic Plague 16. Using knowledge obtained from the Greeks, what did the Romans develop to prevent disease? Sanitation Systems 17. Acceptance of dissection of the body, invention of the printing press, and renewed interest in the science of medicine all occurred during the: Renaissance 18. In primitive times, people believed that the cause of disease and illness was: Punishment from the Gods 19. A doctor spends a lot of time asking her patients about their work, family, diet, and physical activity. She is trying to determine the patient’s level of? wellness 20. What 20th century discovery by Crick and Watson is the foundation for understanding genetic diseases? Structure of DNA 21. If a man came to Hippocrates complaining of a stomach ache, Hippocrates would most likely say the cause of the problem was? A bad lunch 22. What historical figure developed a vaccine to prevent a deadly disease? Edward Jenner 23. Joseph Lister and Louis Pasteur developed methods to prevent? Infections 24. The first formal training program for nurses was developed by? Florence Nightingale 25. The development of what device enabled physicians to listen to sounds inside the body? Stethoscope 26. Which of these physicians laid the foundation for the professional behavior of the other three? Hippocrates 27. Salk and Sabin’s discovery led to the? Prevention of polio 28. The ancient Greeks were the first to observe the human body and the effects of disease. They used therapies such as? Massage and Art therapies 29. In primitive times, tribal witch doctors treated illness with ceremonies to? Drive out evil spirits 30. During primitive times, what might the witch doctor give a person to relieve pain or illness? Herbs and plants 31. A nursing home wants to hire a nursing assistant but according to OBRA regulations, what should the nursing home do before they hire her? Make sure she has a current certificate to practice as a nurse assistant. 32. Ann has Medicare and gets a bill for $100 for her X-ray. The bill says that her insurance paid $50 and her co-pay is $10. Since her insurance is a DRG, who pays the extra 40? The agency who took the x-ray 33. If a doctor is performing a surgery on a patient who is three hundred miles away, it is called? Telemedicine 34. What ancient philosophy developed in India is used to determine a person’s predominant body type? Ayurveda 35. What alternative practitioner would most likely talk to you about how you can improve your Chi? Chinese 36. Putting a cap on malpractice lawsuit awards, he/she is talking about? Cost containment 37. What complementary practitioner might use his or hands to realign the bones in a person’s back and restore the flow of energy? Chiropractor 38. Name three medical professions that provide home health care? Nurse ,dietician, physical therapist 39. How would a person who believes in holistic health care treat a cold? Chicken soup and rest 40. Why was Fleming’s discovery in 1928 considered one of the most important discoveries in the 20th century? Provided a cure for life threatening infections 41. How did Roentgen’s discovery in the 19th century contribute to the advancement of medicine? Could view internal aspects of the body.