Kennebunk Town Hall - Third Floor

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Kennebunk Town Hall - Third Floor

ETMD Board of Directors – Agenda Kennebunk Town Hall - Third Floor January 8, 2013 - 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. . 1. Minutes of November 13, 2013 (attached) – needs vote - 3 min 2. Financial Report (to follow) – needs vote – 2 min 3. ETMD Priorities 90 min  Management Policies & Procedures i. Future ET planning – Tad R - Status outreach to Eliot, Kittery, N Berwick, S Berwick, S Portland - Status Unitil Co-Location strategy meeting ii. Trail Maintenance & Management – Tad R - Reports from municipalities iii. 2014 Newsletter & Dues - Carole iv. RHR Smith Audit Status - Carole  Trail Management - Tad R i. Reports from Municipalities ii. Benches – Bill R, Carole B - Distribution policy, pricing iii. Operator’s Manual – Carole B iv. Events - Carole

4. Ongoing / Proposed Projects: 10 min  Scarborough – 019386.00 Bill R i. $150,000 .8 mi. design update 5. Other Business – issues? Concerns? 5 min 6. Next Meeting – February 12, 2014 7. Adjourn ETMD Board of Directors Minutes November 13, 2013 . Attendance: Bill Reichl, VP - Scarborough MaryAnn Conroy - Kennebunk Greg Tansley - Biddeford Joe Yuhas – ETA Bob Hamblen, Sec’y – Saco --- Arundel --- Old Orchard Beach --- South Portland Carole Brush- ETA, Executive Director

Members of the Public: John Bird, Kenbart Smith of the OOB Conservation Commission

Bill call mtg to order 8:44.

1. Minutes of October 9, 2013 – motion by JY to accept as written, 2nd by GT, unan. 2. Financial Report – Carole: in good shape. Audit cost $2500, as no federal funds to report this year, rather than $3500 like last year. BH moves to accept, JY 2nds, unanimous. 3. ETMD Priorities  Management Policies & Procedures i. Trail Maintenance & Management - Reports from OOB, Biddeford, Arundel, Kennebunk on recent damage: GT re: Biddeford damage. Guy Casavant, Biddeford public works director, estimates $4,367 cost to restore trail to original condition. Cas is recommending not to do it, but we need to consider how to handle this in the future. Maintenance agreement addresses tree trimming, raking, not installing material. The Council approved the agreement as written. MC: Shaw Bros. bought a mini-grader to build trails, what would it cost to get them out twice a year? GT: DPW doesn’t stock stonedust, for example. MC: would MDOT consider hiring Shaw Bros. to do systematic maintenance on trails? GT: Cas advocates working with Unitil to go toward reclaimed material as a trail surface. RTP allows applications for reconstruction of trails. Could include bollards. BH: visited the site, the gravel is not a hazard, probably not worth the cost of repairing with stonedust. CB: agreed, not an issue. BH: accept Casavant’s cost estimate and recommendation to not do the work, 2nd by BR. JY: should be subject to over-wintering, how will the repaired surface fare? Vote, unanimous. - Scarborough – Pine Point & Black Point improvements, bollards: BH – relates history of bollard separation widths and that when Scarborough’s contractor recently mobilized for crosswalk and flasher installation project, the decision was made to request a re-alignment of a single set of bollards at Pine Point Road, south side. Work has been done. MC: Board should adopt a standard detail. I see no budget item for maint. BH: you’re right. MC requested current bollard detail, CB to send to all together with survey on bollard spacing completed by Bob H & Dan Stewart a few months ago. BR: two 41” openings now, the other side of each is 20+”. BH: motion that ETMD pay 50% of invoice for the Pine Point Road south bollards, that ETA will pay the other 50%. 2nd by JY. Vote: unanimous. MC: we need greater cooperation with Unitil. MC: Is there a form on the website where municipalities can report maintenance issues and actions? CB: No, but there could be – one similar to the report an issue on the trail form. MC volunteered to develop form. OOB attendees were invited to participate. John Bird: connection from ET to downtown, have gotten $5,000 from town for some survey work. Bollards are a question. Minor culvert where spur would connect to ET. Another project, a town-owned, 51 acre parcel given to the Town as a nature area that abuts the ET, just north of Milliken Mills Road, adjacent to Portland Avenue. The “Woodlot” and “Dog Pound” parcels. The latter has a parking area, and has trails in it. Woodlot has stream, deer yard, large trees, and a woods road for access. Seeking a Project Canopy grant for a wetland inventory. Also, developer Kerry Siemens is doing a subdivision next to the Dog Pound parcel, may be willing to tie trails in. Could a letter of support be written from ETMD? Trying to get schools involved, working with a guy connected with alternative education program. Bollards at spur/ET connection? BH: not necessarily. Would support no bollards and see how it goes, as ATVs have been less a problem than feared. Have been surprised at ATV’s respect of the Trail. JB: we’re trying to discourage dirt bikes. KS: will be kiosk at School Street. Signs to point the way, too. BH: will ask Tad to draft a letter, by Dec. 2 deadline, re: ETMD support for Project Canopy app for Milliken Mills Woods. By Nov. 25 will be appreciated. ii. Future ET planning – Tad R - Status outreach to Eliot, Kittery, N Berwick, S Berwick, S Portland – CB talked to Perry Ellsworth, So Berwick, timber harvest may not happen, may see dues by Spring. Get budget request to towns by Dec. 1. Would like to include newsletter along with request. JY: SETA meets monthly, the southward push toward Kittery. Cites minutes from October meeting, discussed moving forward with North Berwick section due to local interest. Pursue town and business support for design stage; once shovel-ready, may be easier to seek funding from MDOT. If waiting for Kennebunk and Wells to be completed, North Berwick will be years away. CB: SETA has done a lot. ETA has made an effort to keep towns updated. - Status Unitil Co-Location strategy meeting – Tad in touch with Mark Lambert of Unitil, hope for a meeting this month. A meeting held Nov. 4 included Jon Carter and Marianne Goodine, Wells; Barry Tibbetts, MaryAnn Conroy, Kennebunk; Tad, Carole, Bob. iii. 2014 Newsletter & Dues – CB: two dues notices go out, January and again in June. Trying for December this year. Need a President’s Report from Tad, can pull articles from ETA newsletter to fill the ETMD newsletter out. Piece on bench standard could be included. After more discussion, decided to hold off on bench article. Also, may run LaNigra piece on Scarborough project. iv. RHR Smith Audit Status – CB: distributes copies. Completed for 6/30/13. 990 to be filed 11/15.  Trail Management - Tad R i. Reports from Municipalities ii. Benches – Bill R, Carole B - Distribution policy, pricing: BR – towns should identify locations. MC: issues come with benches. Not a money-maker. They get moved. GT: likely towns would be responsible. BR: motion that towns identify bench locations. Many questions remain, so will not include in newsletter. Policy needs to be developed on benches. MC: more town-specific info would be a help. What’s happened in Kennebunk lately, for instance. Current discussion including Wells, Kennebunk and Unitil. Current SETA effort should be included. Events that have been attended. iii. Operator’s Manual – for next meeting. iv. Events - Carole B - School trails event fee policy – CB: two pending events partnering with schools, but proceeds going to others. TA and bullying, animal rights group with funds going to shelters. MC: Sweetser has ability to pay. Grants often can include the fee to the ETMD. GT: supports a school- sponsored event waiver of the fee. If application is submitted by a school, then fee waived – should that be our policy? CB: probably should continue to be decided on an event by event basis. Suggest we review current policy at next meeting. 4. Ongoing / Proposed Projects:  Scarborough – 019386.00 Bill R i. $150,000 .8 mi. design update – for next meeting. 5. Other Business – issues? Concerns? 6. Next Meeting – December 11, 2013 7. Adjourn – at 10:45 a.m., BH: motion to adjourn, JY 2nd, all in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Bob Hamblen, Secretary

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