Advanced English I Course Syllabus Ms. Kathleen Myers Room EE26 [email protected] (909) 894-5750 ext. 6606

Course Text: Glencoe Literature by Glencoe/Hall-McGraw from which we will read short stories, poetry, The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, and various other writings. There will be some non-fiction pieces of writing which will be read in class or at home. We will also be reading the novels Lord of the Flies, and To Kill a Mockingbird.

Course Description: In this course, students will read literature from a variety of genres—short story, poetry, drama, non-fiction, and the novel. While reading and analyzing this literature, students will be participating in activities which will address the new Common Core Standards. Writing activities will be an essential element of this course ranging from informal writing-to- learn prompts and assignments to formal essays, reports, and a research paper.

Supplementary Reading: Beyond the assigned readings in class, students should be reading independently as well. Class time called SSR (silent, sustained reading) each day gives students a chance to read their independent books; however, often they will need to read outside of class. The options for this supplementary reading will be discussed at the beginning of the semester.

Grading: The English Department uses the following breakdown for point percentage: Grade Scale: Participation = 10% A= 90-100% Homework (15)/ Class Work(15) = 30% B= 80-89% Major projects/ Essays = 30% C= 70-79% Quizzes(5) and Unit Tests(15) = 20% D= 60-69% Semester Finals = 10% F= below 60%

Daily Materials: It is important to come to class prepared. Daily, you are required to bring the following materials:  pens and pencils  lined paper  a well-organized three-ring binder o you are expected to keep an organized binder, one in which you can quickly and easily go to the proper section and one in which I will be able to find everything

ERWC/ Movies/ Ted Talks/ YouTube Clips: We will supplement some of our literature with movies and movie clips from both DVDs and the Internet. I also will supplement some of our lessons and discussions with Ted Talks and YouTube clips which I ALWAYS preview beforehand. Students will also be working on units associated with the Expository Reading and Writing Course which was developed through the California State University system. These will be referred to as ERWC modules, and students will be doing one of these per semester.

Classroom Expectations: In addition to regular school rules and policies as stated in VMHS Student Handbook, you are required to adhere to our classroom expectations which we will develop the first week of school. Show C.L.A.S.S. at all times.  Consequences: o Warning o Report to coach and/or parents o Detention assigned o Administrative referral

Make-up Work: If you are absent it is your responsibility to get any assignments you may have missed. You have one school day for each day absent to make up the assignments. For missed exams or quizzes, please see me immediately so we can schedule a day for you to come in at lunch or after school in order to make those up. Again, it is your responsibility to make up missed assignments and tests; failure to make arrangements with me may cause you to receive a zero for those assignments or tests.

Late Work: I do not accept late work unless you have been absent and have arranged with me a date to turn in the missed work. I expect you to attempt every assignment. Failure to turn in an assignment means you earn zero points for that assignment—even if you turn the assignment in and earn an “F” on it, you would at least receive some points. Assigning zero points to assignments hurts your grade much more than you might realize.

I look forward to teaching and supporting you this year in English. Working together, we can all learn from each other and have a rewarding and exciting year. The best way to reach me is through the school email: [email protected]

If you would like to leave me a comment about your child, please email me or write a note at the bottom of this paper and have your child turn it in to me.


Kathleen Myers English Department