*Write about a magical event with a magnificent mermaid who is transformed into a willow tree.

Once upon a time there was a princess mermaid named Colleen. Her dad said she could never swim near the humans. She had a boyfriend that was 20.The next day, her dad caught her swimming by the humans. When they got home Colleen got in big trouble. That night, when she went to her room she saw a dolphin in her room. The dolphin was a wish giver, the dolphin asked if she had a wish she wanted. The next day she wished to be a willow tree but the wish didn’t work and the dolphin became her best friend. Then the dolphin said “I guess I can make it work.” Then the impossible happened; she became a willow tree, and teleported to the land above the ocean. Colleen was so happy but she did not know in the deep blue sea they were on a mad hunt for her. The next day when she woke up rain was pouring down so hard a few of her branches came off. “What is this?’’ she said to herself. Down in the mermaid’s kingdom her father declared that she would never be allowed to swim again. When she heard what her father said she felt ashamed of herself.

Her dolphin friend turned her back into a mermaid soon after, but her father’s order was final. The next day she swam away to where no one could find her. She was worried that a scuba diver would find her.

A scuba diver did in fact find her and caught her, but then a shark came by and ate the scuba diver. The mermaid giggled and she saw the shark look at her and she hid behind the rock and the shark saw her.

The shark said to Colleen, “Is that you princes Colleen”. Colleen said , “yes it is me, shark” Do you now that everybody looking for you?” Colleen” sigh” Yes but I swam out so far to hide from that scuba diver that I’m not sure where I am at”. But then the shark burped up Colleen‘s boyfriend’s phone. Colleen was upset that she couldn’t really move. But she thought she had to find a way somehow, but while she was thinking her dolphin friend came to see how Colleen was doing. Colleen said “I want to be able to live among the humans again. I’m not wanted down here anymore” she said to the dolphin. The dolphin tried to grant her that wish but she was still a rookie on wishing and didn’t know how to change things back to the way they were. Colleen didn’t know what to do. She thought being a willow tree would be easier than it had been before.

But while Colleen was moaning and groaning to the dolphin, a pair of fisherman holding fishing pole and a harpoon were heading towards her. The dolphin swam away and Colleen stopped talking. As the men grew near Colleen became worried. “What if they catch me on the hook? Or worse, the harpoon!” she thought. But then Colleen heard the man say “it’s all yours Frank” he said. The men with the fishing tools left Colleen alone, but then she saw another man rise out of the boat with a bow and arrow who aimed for a shot! Colleen thought “this must be Frank”. Frank thought “Is that colleen?” Frank was so excited he swam as fast as he could to Colleen. Colleen was excited too.

After Colleen was born a long time ago she was washed away by a wave, she floated up on the surface beach. Frank saw her and saw a cut on her tail, so he took her to his apartment and cared for her. A few weeks later they were at the beach so Colleen could cool off in a small puddle. At this point in time, she noticed that she was out of the sea and she had a tail, not human feet (she was still quite young at this time). It had been years since the two had seen each other. They finally saw each other. When they saw each other they were so happy.

Colleen decided that she was going out in the sea for a swim a few months later. When Colleen got in the water she swam and swam and swam, but then she saw it….. it was her father! As soon as she saw him she couldn’t believe her eyes. She swam as fast as she could to him and said, “Oh, Daddy it’s you I’m so happy to see you! I am never going to run away again! I promise.”

The End