Re-Procuring Devon Integrated Children S Services
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Re-procuring Devon Integrated Children’s Services
The contract for children’s services, currently held by Virgin Care Ltd, ends in March 2018 and commissioners are in the process of re-procuring these services.
The specification is being prepared based on what parents, children and young people have told us over the last few years. Devon County Council, NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group and South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group would like to check how people still feel about the messages we have heard.
We are taking this opportunity to ask people about all children’s community-based health services, which include autistic spectrum disorder assessments, learning disability nursing, child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and children’s nursing.
Initial findings will be taken from the survey at the end of December 2016 in order to influence the drafting of the specification of the new service. We will continue to invite further feedback until end March 2017 to further inform service development.
Please give us your view on this survey. It is also available online at:
Section A – Access to Services
1. Easy access to information and advice about health services – online, telephone, local leaflets or face to face advice.
This is: Very important Quite important Not important Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “very important” or “quite important”, please say why. Which method would you prefer?
1 2. If you need a health service like those listed above, do you want information about what you’re entitled to and how the service works. For example, waiting times, appointments and referral systems, etc.
Yes – I want this kind of information No – I don’t need this level of detail Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “Yes”, please say what’s most important about this.
3. If you can’t access a service immediately, (for example because there’s a waiting list) do you want to receive support while you are waiting?
Yes No Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “Yes”, please say what’s most important about this.
4. What is your experience of waiting times for the services you have used?
Good – I was seen quickly Ok – I had to wait, but not too long Bad – I had to wait too long
Please say what’s most important about this, and tell us about your experience, including how long ago it was.
2 Section B – The kind of support that is offered
5. Treatment should reflect the individual’s needs. What would this mean for you?
6. Health services should empower people to look after themselves, based on what matters to them. Yes No Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “Yes”, please say what’s most important about this.
7. Support for carers is important, including peer support. Yes No Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “Yes”, please say what’s most important about this.
3 Section C: Being patient-centred 8. If I need a health service, I want some choice about where I go and who I see. Yes No Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “Yes”, please say what’s most important about this.
9. How could transfer between services become easier and more effective? Better triage at the start. Services being able to refer me to each other, without me having to go back to my GP for a different problem. Open access – I can refer myself to services when I/we need them. Other. Not applicable to me.
Please say what’s most important about this.
10. Transition from children’s to adult services should be easier. Yes No Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “Yes”, please say what’s most important about this.
4 11. The look and feel of health services matters. Places that are too much like hospitals or offices are off-putting. Yes No Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “Yes”, please say what’s most important about this.
12. Coordination of care and services is important. Professionals should talk to each other so parents, children and young people don’t have to repeat themselves. Yes No Don’t know Not applicable to me
If you said “Yes”, please say what’s most important about this.
Section D: Staff attitude and behaviour
13. Professionals should: Please circle a. Be contactable. – Yes / No by phone by email b. Be able to do what they say they will Yes / No c. Be understanding, empathetic, non-judgemental. Yes / No d. Maintain clear records and share with client/carer. Yes / No e. Be confidential. Yes / No f. Not make assumptions about who I am. Yes / No g. Advertise their special interest –such as self-harm Yes / No (this includes GPs and teachers)
Please say what’s most important about any of the above.
5 15. Is there anything else you would like to comment on that hasn’t been covered here?
Please could you help us to understand who has responded to this survey by telling us the following:
The postcode area where you live. This can just be the first half, (eg TQ3) if you want. Are you a: Parent Carer Child or young person who gets services
Age Band 14 and Under 50 to 64 15 to 17 65 to 79 18 to 24 80+ 25 to 49 Prefer not to say
Marital Status Single Divorced Married Widowed Prefer not to say Civil Partnership
Sex Male Transgender Female Prefer not to say
Sexual Orientation Bisexual Lesbian Gay Heterosexual Prefer not to say
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes/No
6 Please tell us about this.
Religious Belief Buddhist Hindu Jewish Sikh Christian Prefer not to say
Ethnic Group English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern White & Black Caribbean Irish/British Irish White & Black African Gypsy or Irish Traveller White & Asian Any other White Background Any other Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Background (please describe) (please describe) Indian Chinese Pakistani African Bangladeshi Caribbean Any other Asian Background Any other Black/African/Caribbean (please describe) Background (please describe) Prefer not to say Any other
Email address (optional, so we can ask further questions and keep you informed):
Thank you for taking the time to help us with this. PleaseThank return you! the completed survey – FREEPOST - to: Healthwatch Devon, RTEK-TZZT-RXAL, First Floor,3&4 Cranmere Court, Lustleigh Close, Matford Business Park, Exeter, EX2 8PW