Mrs. Jennifer Divasto

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Mrs. Jennifer Divasto

C.B. EAST ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2016-2017 Mrs. Jennifer DiVasto Orchestra Director [email protected] DESCRIPTION OF PERFORMING GROUPS Curricular C.B. East Orchestra Orchestra class is offered to students that perform violin, viola, cello, or double bass. It is an ensemble that is dedicated to the performance of quality string orchestra literature. The class meets all year, every other school day for a 90-minute block and receives 1 credit. Students will be required to perform in both small and large group performances and rehearsals both during and after the normal school day. ***Membership in Orchestra Class is a prerequisite for membership in ALL other orchestra related activities.

Extracurricular C.B. East Chamber Strings A small number of students may be selected for a small chamber group to perform music for a variety of school functions as well as community events. Membership in any chamber group will be chosen by the director and will include an audition. Rehearsals will take place on either Tuesday or Wednesday throughout the year depending on the A day/B day rotation.

Pit Orchestra (Musical) Limited numbers of string students may be needed to perform in the pit orchestra for the spring musical. Membership is dependent on the instrumental needs for the show. A limited number of spots are available per instrument. Students may need to audition to be eligible for the Pit Orchestra. Frequent rehearsals outside of the school day are mandatory for this ensemble.

BCMEA County Orchestra (*registration fee associated) County Orchestra is an Honors Orchestra that features many talented students from all of Bucks County. Students are accepted by audition only, and are required to perform a solo, scales, and sight reading. Selected students perform in the honors orchestra during a three-day music festival. This event is sponsored by the Bucks County Music Educators Association. Please be aware that should you make the ensemble students are responsible for any registration payments. Auditions are: Tuesday, November 15th after school. If you are interested in auditioning for this event, please see Mrs. DiVasto.

PMEA District 11, Region 6, and All-State Orchestra (*registration fee associated) PMEA District, Region, and All State Festivals are honors ensembles of the highest level. Students are accepted into District Orchestra by audition which includes performing a required solo, scales, and sight reading. Selected students for District 11 Orchestra are top music students in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. The musicians from District Orchestra then move to Region 6 Orchestra, featuring the top music students in this portion of the state. The best students in the Region 6 festival are then selected for All-State Orchestra. Please be aware that should you make the ensemble students are responsible for any registration payments. Audition Date: Saturday, December 10, 2016 at UPPER DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL. Audition solos can be found on Mrs. DiVasto’s teacher site. If you are interested in auditioning for this event, please see Mrs. DiVasto. REQUIRED Rehearsals and Performances Please mark these dates on your calendar ASAP as all of these rehearsals and performances count as part of your grade with the exception of the Barrage Concert and NYC TRIP. These dates do not include rehearsals for extra-curricular ensembles or large group rehearsals that can be used for points towards your student choice grade.

Tues. Oct. 18 – FULL REHEARSAL Time: 6:00-7:00pm in Auditorium Wed. Oct 19 – BARRAGE CLINIC: 3:45 – 5:30 in Auditorium CONCERT *tickets required for this concert. CONCERT Time: 7:00pm in Please speak with Mrs. DiVasto if you have any concerns about this. Auditorium

Friday Oct. 28 - In-Class Recital Time: During your class period *Ensembles will be recorded

Tues. Dec. 6 – FULL REHEARSAL Time: 4:30 – 6:30 on STAGE Wed. DEC. 7 – WINTER CONCERT Arrival time TBA (with Holicong) Concert Starts 7:00pm

Thurs. Feb. 9 – Sat. Feb. 11 NYC TRIP *rehearsals for trip TBA

Thurs. Feb. 23 – FULL REHEARSAL Time: 2:45 – 4:30 in Band Room FRI. Feb. 24 – POPS Concert with Arrival time: 5:30pm Elementary Students Concert BEGINS 7:00pm

Tues. May 9 – FULL REHEARSAL Time: 6:45 – 8:30 on STAGE Wed. May 10 – SPRING CONCERT Arrival time TBA Concert Starts 7:30pm

TEMPLE PERFORMING ARTS FULL DAY EVENT - Students will take a bus CENTER FIELD TRIP AND to Temple during the normal school day to do clinics and prepare for a concert. They CONCERT DATE TBA will perform a concert in the evening at TPAC. Following the concert in the evening, Concert will be at 7:00pm at TPAC parents should take their students home with them. REMIND One of the ways that has become very easy for us to communicate with our students and parents is by using the REMIND app which allows us to send out a text message without our personal phone number being attached. You will receive reminders about rehearsals, cancellations, when to wear the appropriate attire, etc. just as you would receive a notification about snow days. I try not to send too many messages. Closer to concerts I do tend to send them more frequently so everyone is updated as to when to pick up students. We as a music department have found this app to be incredibly helpful last year and hope that this helps our students as everyone has such busy schedules. Follow the steps below to receive the orchestra reminders for your student. 1. Send a text message to 81010 2. In the message type the code: @cbeorch 3. Get text messages about rehearsals, concerts, cancellations, etc.

GRADING POLICY General Concept: You will have a variety of teacher assigned projects, rehearsals, performances, etc. that will each have assigned point values and are considered mandatory for the course. This is just as it has been in the past. In addition to the teacher assigned grades, there will be an additional category of grade this year where the STUDENT will choose from a selection of assignment possibilities to earn the remaining points that are available in the marking period. The umbrella of this student choice category covers many different assignments which have been mandatory and teacher assigned in the past. By giving you choice as to which assignments (and how many assignments) you complete, it is my hope that you can choose the options which best fit with your personal strengths and weaknesses as a musician and potentially fit into your personal schedules with greater ease.

Every marking period will have 150 possible points. The student choice portion will be out of 40 points. The students will choose which assignments (and how many assignments) they will need to complete to earn as many of the 40 points as they need to earn their marking period grade of choice. Earning the top grade of an ‘A’ in Orchestra should not be difficult for most orchestra students.

Purpose: It is essential that students understand two aspects about the grading policy this year: A. This grading policy is mean to work as a framework for the student to develop their skills as a musician, regardless of their current ability level. It is designed in a way that allows students to choose and personalize a portion of the grading path which they are going to follow to make that progress. In other words, there are choices of assignments which will allow the basic, proficient, and advanced orchestra student to challenge themselves towards personal improvement.

B. This grading policy also aligns the grading systems and evaluations in Orchestra with what students are typically seeing and using in other academic courses as Orchestra is considered an academic course.

C. This grading policy allows students to have more control of the outcome of their grade by being able to easily earn the grade they wish to receive. Teacher Assigned Grades: 110 possible points. Below is the typical breakdown of these 110 points. 1. Orchestra Concert or Assigned Graded Performance (if no concert in the marking period): 40 Pts 2. Required Dress Rehearsal: 20 Pts 3. Assigned Reflection: 5 pts 4. In Class/Homework Assignment (or additional playing test): 10 Pts 5. Playing Test: 10 Pts 6. CLASS ROOM ENGAGEMENT GRADE: 25 Pts (approx. 1 pt per class) Student Choice Grades: 40 possible points. Students will select the assignments they wish to complete in this section to earn points for this grade category each marking period. 1: Individual Performance OPTIONS: This category is about the student working on developing their individual performance skills on their instrument. This category requires student effort to practice specific material designed to target specific skills or improvement areas.

A. ETUDE/ EXCERPT: Student will learn an assigned section of an etude or a piece of music designed to enhance student techniques. The teacher will select/approve the excerpt. Student will work on the excerpt in their own time and will create and submit (on Edmodo) a video performance of the excerpt two weeks later.  Grade: up to 12 pts (Grade depends on performance quality/effort towards successful performance)  Limit: Max. of 3 per Marking Period

B. MASTERCLASS PERFORMANCE: Student will learn and perform a section (or the complete work depending on length) of a piece of music to be performed publicly at a student masterclass. The work can be either a solo work or duet/trio/quartet (with 1 per instrument part). Following the performance the teacher/clinician will provide public feedback (such as in a private lesson) to benefit both the performer and the audience.  Grade: up to 20 pts (Grade depends on performance quality/effort towards successful performance)  Limit: Max 1 per Marking Period 2: Group/Ensemble Performance OPTIONS: This category is about the student working in groups to improve performance skills on specific ensemble music. This category requires student effort to work together to show improvement on specific ensemble material.

A. LARGE ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL: Attend an after school Orchestra rehearsal scheduled by the director (does not include the required dress rehearsals for performances).

 Grade : 15 Pts (Graded on attendance of a 90 minute rehearsal. Pts may be reduced at director discretion for attendance of less than the complete rehearsal time)  Limit: Only available when group rehearsal is scheduled

B. MENTOR-PRACTICE SESSION: Work on the Classroom Orchestra Music with a student(s) from your section that can offer you assistance for personal improvement (Mentee) OR provide assistance on the Classroom Orchestra Music (Mentor) to one or more student. A Mentor Session can have as few as two people OR can include the entire section. A Mentor/Practice session is either 30 or 40 Minutes and must take place in the orchestra room with teacher approval (Mentor/ Practice sessions will be available frequently throughout the marking period immediately following school. Please check with the teacher for availability on the days you wish to participate).  Grade: 5 pts per 30 minute session  Grade: 7 pts per 40 minute session  LIMIT: None 3: INTELLECTUAL/Academic MUSIC OPTIONS

A. ATTEND a Masterclass (in the audience) Attend a Masterclass and provide a few written comments on the topics learned during the masterclass  Grade: 7 Pts  Limit: Only available when Masterclasses are scheduled.

B. EXTRA Reflection: Submit via email an additional reflection on a different topic or subject matter than the assigned reflection. Reflections should demonstrate adequate thought and reflection on the chosen topic to receive credit.  Grade: 5 Pts  LIMIT: 1 extra reflection per Marking Period (you may still submit reflections whenever you’d like if you have important things to ask or share).

C. Orchestra Quiz: In your time at home (or in study hall, etc) complete a Music/Orchestra quiz or challenge scoring an acceptable minimum score.  Grade: 5 Pts  Limit: Only as many as are offered each Marking Period

4: Miscellaneous OPTION:

A. DESIGN-YOUR-OWN ORCHESTRA SERVICE/PERFORMANCE GRADE: This category will require a student to come up with a proposal which is approved by the director. Approval will be given on a case-by-case basis. The student must adequately complete the approved task in the agreed upon manner and timeframe.  Grade: Pt value to be determined by director  EXAMPLE: At home, video yourself performing/practicing some of the “technique games” we work on during class.

FINAL MARKING PERIOD GRADE: Total pts earned in both “Teacher Assigned” plus the “Student Choice” sections / 150 Possible Pts.

UNIFORMS All students will be required to purchase and wear a uniform for concerts. Once you own the uniform you can keep it through high school. The ladies wear a black floor length dress and the gentlemen wear black pants, tuxedo shirt, vest and bowtie. All uniform purchasing information will be distributed in class. Should you have any concerns with purchasing a uniform please see Mrs. DiVasto on a private individual basis. PRIVATE LESSONS While it is not required that students take private lessons, I do encourage you to consider doing so as there is no better way to get the individual attention and technique training to quickly improve. Most students that take private lessons find the instrument more enjoyable and rewarding as they attain increased ability. A list of local private teachers and music schools will be provided upon request. SEATING All seating decisions in orchestra are at the discretion of the director and may change throughout the year. Each student has something unique and special to offer and you will be paired with someone you can help as well as learn from throughout the year. Your seat for the concert may not be the same as the seat you have in class so be prepared to move around throughout the year. It is important that you learn to play from every part of the section as well as work with different people. The exception to seats moving will be the section leader.

Section Leaders in the orchestra will be the first chair in your section in your block. They will be in charge of bowings and making sure everyone has all of the markings. It is the job of the section leader to be able to perform ALL selected music at 100% accuracy, and be able to lead their section in rehearsing and learning their music. Section leaders are also responsible for running sectionals and should be aware of parts of the music their section has trouble playing.

This year’s officers are Aiden Belevich, Savannah Bourke, Halle Brennan, and Garret Sutterlin. If you have any problems or suggestions for or about the orchestra, please see them or Mrs. DiVasto at any time.

INSTRUMENT STORAGE The school will provide storage units for instruments to be kept during the school day. You must sign up for a locker this year and only use your assigned locker. Students must provide their own combination lock and register the combination with the director so that access can be gained in an emergency. Any instrument left unlocked or left overnight is done at the risk of the student. The school is not responsible for student instruments. Students are responsible for cleaning out all lockers and may be asked to clean them out periodically throughout the year. There are a few lockers solely dedicated to the school’s loaner instruments which should only be used to store those instruments. Any loaner instruments that are used MUST be put back in the correct place after every block. Cello and bass players specifically should make sure the instrument they use is put back in the correct locker with the bow and put into a case at the end of every week.

INSTRUMENTS A quality school orchestra program plays with quality instruments. A quality orchestra program is dependent on students playing on quality instruments. While it is not essential for every student to immediately upgrade their instrument, many high school students continue to play on beginner model instruments that hinder the students development towards more advanced playing skills and styles. An assortment of options can be provided to you if you are interested in upgrading the quality of your current instrument. All instruments used in orchestra MUST be in proper playing condition. ORCHESTRA CLASS RULES 1. Be on time to class. Be on time to begin rehearsal. a. “on time” really means “ahead of time” b. Rehearsal begins no later than 5 minutes after the bell.

2. Restrooms should be used, when possible, before or after class. PLEASE THINK ABOUT A GOOD TIME TO ASK TO USE THE BATHROOM!

3. Be sensitive to the learning process in orchestra. a. Do not distract others during the rehearsal. b. Ridiculing of other individuals or other instrument sections is not tolerated.

4. THE ORCHESTRA ROOM SHOULD BE TREATED WITH RESPECT. a. The orchestra room is NOT your locker! b. Bad language, littering, and bad attitudes are not acceptable. c. Keep it clean in EVERY sense of the word! d. ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD or DRINK other than water in the orchestra room – we would like to keep little rodents away.

5. If you have forgotten your instrument you may use a loaner if there is one available, however you will lose your point for the day for preparation. If there is not a loaner available, you are to sit quietly in your seat and watch the rehearsal process. a. Yes, this is sometimes boring...I know. Allowing anything else would either be a distraction or an incentive. You may NOT use your phone or other device if you forgot your instrument as this is not appropriate for any part of our class.

b. It is your responsibility to be prepared for my class and I do not appreciate anyone using my class time to prepare for another one. BRING YOUR INSTRUMENT and BE PREPARED! (HOMEWORK IS TO BE DONE AT HOME!)

6. All students must have all of their music for every rehearsal. a. If you are sharing make sure that all of the music will be there or you will lose participation point for the day. b. You may purchase a CB East Orchestra black folder from Mrs. DiVasto should you choose. (They are $7.00)

7. All students MUST have a pencil during each rehearsal. You will lose your point for the day for not being prepared as we mark in lots of bowings, articulations and dynamics.

8. As a matter of respect, PLEASE keep the cell phones away unless we are using them for an activity. Text messages, snap chats, etc. can wait until we are done playing a specific section or we take a break as an orchestra.

ALWAYS REMEMBER!! You should enjoy playing your instrument and making music with your friends. No one is asking you to be perfect, however you must also put forth the effort to be the best you can be on your instrument. No one else can do that for you but help is never far away!  STUDENT CONTRACT

Student Name (please print): ______

Student school email address: ______@______

Instrument in Orchestra ______Grade Level: _____ 10th ______11th ______12th

Other instruments ______

Private Lessons? Yes / No Instrument(s)?______

Private Teacher Name______

Would you like the name of a private teacher if you do not already have one? YES or NO

Any known schedule conflicts: ______

I have read and will abide by all rules and requirements stated in the CB East Orchestra Handbook making every effort to attend all rehearsals and concerts throughout the 2016 – 2017 school year.



Any e-mails will be sent to the email provided to the school. They are sent out only a few times per year, generally as reminders about key performances and trip information.

Please check any of the following if you are willing:

______Helping with a fundraiser ______Helping with the Barrage Concerts October 19th and 20th, 2016 ______Chaperoning the NYC Trip, Feb 9-11, 2017 ______Chaperoning a field trip (Philadelphia Orchestra possibly)

I have read through the handbook and will make every effort to help my child attend all rehearsals and concerts throughout the 2016 – 2017 school year.


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