Endocrine Practice Policies
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Endocrine Practice Policies (As approved by Board of Directors at its meeting on January 25, 2014)
1. Number of Pages/Budget – The number of pages per issue of Endocrine Practice will be limited based on budgetary constraints as determined in consultation with the Editor. The Treasurer and staff (CEO/CFO) will monitor the financial operations of Endocrine Practice and provide a report to the Executive Committee at each Executive Committee meeting. 2. Advertising Disclaimer – The advertising disclaimer shall read: “Endocrine Practice is not responsible for statements and opinions of authors or the claims made by advertisers in the journal. The appearance of advertising does not imply endorsement or guarantee the claims of the advertisers. Acceptance of advertising is subject to approval.” 3. Copyright Notice – The copyright notice shall read: “Material printed in Endocrine Practice is protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written permission from Endocrine Practice, except under circumstances within “fair use” as defined by the US copyright law. ©YEAR AACE.” 4. Mission Statement – Endocrine Practice, a peer-reviewed publication published twelve (12) issues a year beginning in 2014, is the official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. The primary mission of Endocrine Practice is to enhance the health care of patients with endocrine diseases through continuing education of practicing endocrinologists. 5. Masthead/Front Cover/Subtitle – The masthead shall read: “Official Journal of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American College of Endocrinology” and the AACE and ACE logos will be included on the front cover. The subtitle, “Clinical and Investigative Endocrinology and Diabetes,” will be added to Endocrine Practice to emphasize the scope of the journal. (BD MIN 09-10-24, 37) The cover of Endocrine Practice should visually symbolize the vibrant and vital organization which it represents. The move to a four (4) color presentation will begin with the January/February 2006 issue. 6. Manuscript Acceptance – Endocrine Practice accepts original contributions related to the practice and science of clinical endocrinology; articles updating the clinical endocrinologist on current areas of interest and in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disease; articles discussing dilemmas facing endocrinologists in the clinical, social, and ethical arena of endocrine practice; instructive clinical and laboratory cases; articles dealing with the history of clinical endocrinology; and letters to the editor. Manuscripts are accepted for publication with the understanding that the contents, all or in part, have not been published elsewhere and will not be published elsewhere without the expressed consent of the editor. The exception is that, in light of requirements of 31 C.F.R. Part 560 and AACE Legal Counsel, articles from Iranian authors will not be accepted for publication. 7. Editor Appointments – The following procedures will be followed for the editor(s) appointment: The AACE President will appoint a Search Committee that will be charged with seeking applications for the editor vacancy at least 18 months before the vacancy occurs. The Search Committee will review applications and prioritize the candidates. The Search Committee will review and finalize the prioritization of the candidates for interview. The Search Committee will provide AACE Executive Committee with a recommendation(s) of the top candidates. The Executive Committee will consult with the President to make the final decision. The final selection of the Editor will be completed at least 12 months prior to completion of the term of the outgoing Editor. Payment of the new Editor will comments six (6) months prior to the end of the outgoing Editor’s term. 8. Editorial Board Composition – The Editorial Board shall consist of the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members. Editor-in-Chief Terms – The Editor will serve for a minimum of 5 years unless otherwise designated. An Editor may be considered for reappointment for a designated term not to exceed 5 years, at the end of his/her term by the Publications Committee with the approval of the AACE Executive Committee and President. Otherwise, the end of the term or at any time a vacancy occurs, the process will be followed as described above. Duties – Duties of the Editor-in-Chief shall be determined by the AACE Executive Committee. Duties will include, but not limited to, overseeing overall production; determination of articles to be published, returned for revision or rejected; and overall coordination of content ensuring timeliness and accuracy of articles. The Editor-in-Chief also serves as chair of Editorial Board. Associate Editors Terms – The terms for Associate Editors will be 3 years with extensions or second terms to be determined at the discretion of the Editor of the Endocrine Practice. Duties – Duties of the Associate Editors includes making recommendations for manuscript reviewers; analyzing the reviewer’s comments to make a decision as to whether a manuscript should be revised or published; and reviewing revised manuscripts. These duties must be done in a timely manner so that publication deadlines are met. c. Editorial Board Members Terms – The terms for Board Members will be 3 years with extensions or second terms to be determined at the discretion of the Editor of the Endocrine Practice. Editorial Staff Composition – The Editorial Staff shall consist of the AACE Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Deputy CEO), Communications Director, Managing Editor, Publications Coordinator, Endocrine Practice Production Assistant, and Endocrine Practice Editorial Assistant Independent editorial services and pharmaceutical advertising sales services shall be contracted. Duties – Duties of the CEO, Deputy CEO, Communications Director and editorial services shall be determined by the CEO and Editor. Duties of the Managing Editor, Publications Coordinator, Endocrine Practice Production Assistant, and Endocrine Practice Editorial Assistant shall be determined by the Communications Director and Editor. Publication of the Journal In-House – The AACE/ACE Journal will be published in-house. 11. Stipend for Endocrine Practice Editor – The Editor of Endocrine Practice will be paid an annual stipend (to be paid out of AACECORP). (See Financial Policies, Procedures and Internal Controls for amount – Section VI.C.) 12. Stipend for Endocrine Practice Associate Editors – The Associate Editors of Endocrine Practice will be paid an annual stipend (to be paid out of AACECORP). 13. Secretarial Support for Endocrine Practice Editor – A full-time administrative assistant was approved for the Editor-in-Chief (see financial policies - to be paid out of AACECORP). 14. Solicitation for Funding – The AACE Pharmaceutical Advertising Sales Representative, at the direction of the AACE Communications Director, will actively solicit advertising for the Endocrine Practice. Collection efforts will be coordinated by the Publications Coordinator and completed no later than 30 days from the date of invoicing. 15. Subscription Rates – Subscription rates will be recommended by the AACE Communications Director, reviewed by the Editor, approved by the AACE CEO, and submitted to the AACE Board of Directors. 16. Translation of Journal – The Editor is authorized to negotiate translation rights for the Journal into foreign languages if so requested. Approval of such an agreement must be approved by the Executive Committee. 17. Publishing of Documents Created under the Aegis of the AACE Board of Directors and/or ACE Board of Trustees (Consensus Conference materials, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Position Statements, Commentaries, or Task Force Reports) in Endocrine Practice – Endocrine Practice is a scientific journal that also serves as the official literary organ of the AACE and ACE. The AACE Board of Directors and ACE Board of Trustees explicitly desire to work together collegially with the Editor-in-Chief (“The Editor”) of Endocrine Practice to ensure that the highest standards of scientific integrity are maintained in our Journal, and reaffirm that the Editor of Endocrine Practice retains final authority on the decision as to journal content, with the following exception: Documents in the above-reference categories, created specifically under the aegis of AACE or ACE and approved in draft form by the Board of Directors of AACE and/or Board of Trustees of ACE, will be submitted in approved Journal form for publication in Endocrine Practice. The Editor of Endocrine Practice will the review such draft documents, obtain additional outside review as desired by the Editor, and provide constructive editorial suggestions (which should not materially alter the original intent of the document) for their improvement, which may be accepted or rebutted by the Board. Following further Board review and revisions (if necessary), approval of a final draft by vote of the Board of Directors of AACE and/or Board of Trustees of ACE for publication in Endocrine Practice shall constitute final authority for publication in Endocrine Practice of these types of official BOD-endorsed documents. The Editor retains the prerogative to add an accompanying editorial to comment on such documents at his or her discretion. 18. Authorship of AACE/ACE Guidelines, Position Statements and Consensus Conference Findings – All guidelines, position statements, consensus conference findings or other similar documents provided on AACE/ACE’s behalf by a committee or task force are to indicate AACE/ACE in the document title. Committee/task force members will be acknowledged on the first page under the title listed first by Chair/Co-Chairs followed by remaining authors in alphabetical order. The second page will list committee/task force name followed by an alphabetical listing of all writers and reviewers. Also, committee or task force members are required to read and agree to policies as set forth by the AACE Committee Member Waiver of Intellectual Property.