Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards s1

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Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards s1

Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards WRITING GRADE 1 PLANNING, EVALUATION, AND REVISION

Wr. Gr. 1 Page 1 of 7 Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards

1. CCG (K-12): Pre-write, draft, revise, edit, and publish across the subject areas. s

r Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Proficient o t

p Students demonstrate Students demonstrate increased Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students comprehend English Language i r

c minimal comprehension comprehension of general meaning good comprehension of consistent general and implied Arts Foundations s

e of general meaning; gain and some specific meaning. They general meaning and comprehension of meaning, including D

l familiarity with the use routine expressions increased comprehension general meaning and idiomatic and figurative e

v sounds, rhythms and independently and respond using of specific meaning. good understanding of language. Students initiate e

L patterns of English. Early phrases and simple sentences, They respond in more implied meaning. They and negotiate using

y stages show no verbal which include a subject and complex sentences with sustain conversation, appropriate discourse, c

n responses while in later predicate. Students show basic more detail using newly respond with detail in varied grammatical e i c

i stages one or two word errors in speech. (The bear is acquired vocabulary to compound and complex structures and vocabulary, f

o responses are expected. brown. He is eating.) experiment and form sentences, actively use conventions for r

P Students respond in messages. (The brown participate using more formal and informal single words and bear lived with his family extensive vocabulary, language. (Would you phrases, which may in the forest.) use standard grammar like me to bring pictures include subject or a with few random errors. of the bear that I saw last predicate. Many speech (Can bears live in the summer?) errors are observed. forest if they find food (bear, brown) there?) 1 Listens to a story with Identifies and practices 1-3 key Answers yes/no questions Creates a self-generated Using visual cues student With guidance, visual cues. vocabulary words with from a story. 1-3 word retells story to discuss The student assistance. statement (not peers or teacher ideas and selects a focus grammaticall using present and select a using y correct). past tense. focus when nonverbal response writing. (painting/draw ing). 2 Creates a storyboard by Adds 1-3 key words to a Responds to teacher Writes a 1-3 word Tells or rereads self- With assistance, drawing a storyboard. feedback in statement for generated story compose series of order to add each picture to teacher or fairly pictures and detail and (not peers making readable sequencing meaning to a grammaticall corrections first drafts them with story. y correct). where needed. using some teacher parts of the support. writing process such as planning, drafting, rereading for Wr. Gr. 1 Pagemeaning, 2 of 7 and some self- correction. Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards WRITING GRADE 1 WRITING

2. CCG (K-12): Communicate supported ideas across the subject areas, including relevant examples, facts, anecdotes, and details appropriate to audience and purpose that engage reader interest (1996 “Convey clear, focused main ideas…”); organize information in clear sequence, making connections and transitions among ideas, sentences, and paragraphs (1996 “Structure information in clear sequence…”); and use precise words and fluent sentence structures that support meaning (1996 “Sentence Structure”). s

r Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Proficient o t

p Students demonstrate Students demonstrate increased Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students comprehend English Language i r

c minimal comprehension comprehension of general meaning good comprehension of consistent general and implied Arts Foundations s

e of general meaning; gain and some specific meaning. They general meaning and comprehension of meaning, including D

l familiarity with the use routine expressions increased comprehension general meaning and idiomatic and figurative e

v sounds, rhythms and independently and respond using of specific meaning. good understanding of language. Students initiate e

L patterns of English. Early phrases and simple sentences, They respond in more implied meaning. They and negotiate using

y stages show no verbal which include a subject and complex sentences with sustain conversation, appropriate discourse, c

n responses while in later predicate. Students show basic more detail using newly respond with detail in varied grammatical e i c

i stages one or two word errors in speech. (The bear is acquired vocabulary to compound and complex structures and vocabulary, f

o responses are expected. brown. He is eating.) experiment and form sentences, actively use conventions for r

P Students respond in messages. (The brown participate using more formal and informal single words and bear lived with his family extensive vocabulary, language. (Would you phrases, which may in the forest.) use standard grammar like me to bring pictures include subject or a with few random errors. of the bear that I saw last predicate. Many speech (Can bears live in the summer?) errors are observed. forest if they find food (bear, brown) there?) 1 Participates using visual Discusses focus and vocabulary Generates 1-3 word Rereads self-generated Rereads self-generated With assistance, write in class-generated model with teacher support. sentences (not writing in order to writing to teacher or for different purposes to demonstrate writing grammatically correct), generate more details peers, with teacher and to a specific purpose (style), with with teacher support and further ideas, with support. audience or person. teacher support. student. teacher support. 2 Participates in group Uses a graphic organizer to Sequences self-generated Rereads self-generated Rereads self-generated Develop an idea with activity where teacher delineate beginning, middle and sentences to create story and begins to writing, clearly an identifiable and students discuss end, with teacher support. beginning, middle and identify beginning, identifying beginning, beginning, middle and beginning, middle and end. middle and end. middle and end. end. end of story.

Wr. Gr. 1 Page 3 of 7 Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards WRITING GRADE 1 WRITING (cont.) Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Proficient 3 Listens and participates Generates meaningful descriptive Underlines or identifies Adds descriptive words Verbally shares self Use descriptive words in group discussion, words with teacher support. descriptive words that to already created generated descriptive when writing. narrations or stories have been added to sentences with teacher words and begins to use where descriptive words teacher created sentences. support. descriptive words when are generated and writing. reinforced. 4 Writes familiar or Writes phrases or simple Writes in simple Reads sentences to Shares with teacher and Write in complete commonly used words or sentences. sentences. teacher and/or peers. peers sentences to see if sentences and phrases. they make sense. distinguish whether simple sentences are incomplete or fail to make sense.

Wr. Gr. 1 Page 4 of 7 Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards WRITING GRADE 1 WRITING CONVENTIONS 3. CCG (K-12): Demonstrate knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and penmanship across the subject areas (similar to 1996 “Use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization….”). s

r Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Proficient o t

p Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students comprehend English Language Arts i r

c minimal comprehension of increased comprehension of good comprehension of consistent comprehension general and implied Foundations s

e general meaning; gain general meaning and some general meaning and of general meaning and meaning, including D

l familiarity with the sounds, specific meaning. They use increased comprehension good understanding of idiomatic and e

v rhythms and patterns of routine expressions of specific meaning. implied meaning. They figurative language. e

L English. Early stages show no independently and respond They respond in more sustain conversation, Students initiate and

y verbal responses while in using phrases and simple complex sentences with respond with detail in negotiate using c

n later stages one or two word sentences, which include a more detail using newly compound and complex appropriate discourse, e i c

i responses are expected. subject and predicate. Students acquired vocabulary to sentences, actively varied grammatical f

o Students respond in single show basic errors in speech. experiment and form participate using more structures and r

P words and phrases, which (The bear is brown. He is messages. (The brown extensive vocabulary, use vocabulary, use may include subject or a eating.) bear lived with his family standard grammar with conventions for formal predicate. Many speech errors in the forest.) few random errors. (Can and informal language. are observed. (bear, brown) bears live in the forest if (Would you like me to they find food there?) bring pictures of the bear that I saw last summer?) 1 Underlines words in the Demonstrates limited Demonstrates consistent Demonstrates greater Attempts to combine Spell correctly three- sentence. knowledge of English alphabet knowledge of English knowledge of short vowel short vowels and/or and four-letter short (e.g., recognizes names of alphabet. Matches sounds, combines word families and vowel words (can, letters in own name) during beginning and ending consonants with vowels to consonants. will). face-to-face interactions. letters to picture. produce written phonemes. Demonstrates awareness of word families. 2 Participates in teacher- Demonstrates knowledge of Demonstrates knowledge Combines consonants Begins to combine Use spelling/phonics- modeled spelling activities. most of the English alphabet. of short vowel sounds. with vowels to produce consonants and short based knowledge Matches beginning letter to written phonemes. vowels in word to spell picture or object. Demonstrates awareness families to produce independently of word families. words. when necessary. 3 Participates in teacher- Demonstrates knowledge of Consistently demonstrates Combines consonants and Combines consonants Show spelling modeled spelling corrections. the entire English alphabet. knowledge of short vowel short vowels to write and short vowels to consciousness or Matches beginning and ending sounds. small words. write small words. sensitivity to sounds to pictures. conventional spelling.

Wr. Gr. 1 Page 5 of 7 Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards WRITING GRADE 1 CONVENTIONS (cont.) Grammar Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Proficient 1 Discriminates between Uses orally singular and plural Uses orally singular and Uses written singular and Writes singular and Identify and correctly singular and plural nouns nouns. plural nouns. plural nouns. plural nouns with write singular receptively. limited success. and plural nouns (cat/cats). 2 Demonstrates knowledge of Demonstrates knowledge of Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates Identify and correctly English pronouns. (I, you, the difference between I and of the difference between of the difference between knowledge of the write simple he, she, we, they) my. my and mine. he and his. difference between she possessive pronouns and her/hers. (my/mine, his/hers). Punctuation 1 Begins to form periods, Writes simple sentences Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Correctly use periods question marks and involving nouns and verbs understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the (I like my dog.), exclamation points when and/or adjectives. function and placement of function and placement of function and placement exclamation points asked, but may not a period in a sentence. the exclamation point and of the question mark (Help!), and question understand their function. how it differs from a and how it differs from marks (Do you like to period in a sentence. a period and an play ball?) at the end exclamation point in a of sentences. sentence. Capitalization 1 Demonstrates a limited Recognizes the difference Writes simple sentences Capitalizes the first word Capitalizes the first Capitalize the first understanding that a sentence between upper case and lower involving nouns and verbs of a sentence. word of a sentence and word of a sentence, is a single thought involving a case letters. Capitalizes own and/or adjectives. the names of people. names of people, and person, place or thing and an name. the pronoun I. action or description of that person, place or thing. Handwriting 1 Traces letters correctly. Begins to form letters. Forms letters legibly and Understands that each Understands that a Print legibly and begins to combine letters word is made up of a sentence is a singular space letters, words, to write words. combination of letters and thought involving a and sentences is separate from other person, place or thing appropriately. words in a sentence. and an action and or Forms letters legibly and description of that combines letters to write person, place or thing. words. Prints legibly and begins to space letters, words and sentences appropriately.

Wr. Gr. 1 Page 6 of 7 Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards WRITING GRADE 1 WRITING APPLICATIONS 4. CCG (K-12): Write narrative, expository, and persuasive texts, and use a variety of written forms (including journals, essays, short stories, poems, research reports, research papers, business and technical writing) to express ideas appropriate to audience and purpose across the subject areas (1996 Modes/Forms). s

r Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Proficient o t

p Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students comprehend English Language i r

c minimal comprehension of increased comprehension of good comprehension of consistent comprehension general and implied Arts Foundations s

e general meaning; gain general meaning and some general meaning and of general meaning and meaning, including D

l familiarity with the sounds, specific meaning. They use increased comprehension good understanding of idiomatic and e

v rhythms and patterns of routine expressions of specific meaning. implied meaning. They figurative language. e

L English. Early stages show independently and respond They respond in more sustain conversation, Students initiate and

y no verbal responses while in using phrases and simple complex sentences with respond with detail in negotiate using c

n later stages one or two word sentences, which include a more detail using newly compound and complex appropriate discourse, e i c

i responses are expected. subject and predicate. Students acquired vocabulary to sentences, actively varied grammatical f

o Students respond in single show basic errors in speech. experiment and form participate using more structures and r

P words and phrases, which (The bear is brown. He is messages. (The brown extensive vocabulary, use vocabulary, use may include subject or a eating.) bear lived with his family standard grammar with conventions for formal predicate. Many speech in the forest.) few random errors. (Can and informal language. errors are observed. (bear, bears live in the forest if (Would you like me to brown) they find food there?) bring pictures of the bear that I saw last summer?) Narrative Writing 1 Draws a picture that Draws a picture or pictures to Describes verbally an Writes stories that Writes stories that Write brief stories that correlates with teacher tell a story and adds 1-3 word experience. describe an experience describe an experience. describe an narrative. descriptions. using limited vocabulary. experience. Expository Writing 1 Draws a picture that Draws a picture or pictures to Generates new vocabulary Adds more detail to story Writes simple Write simple correlates with teacher tell a story and adds 1-3 word with teacher support. by creating new expository descriptions expository narrative. descriptions. vocabulary with with teacher support. descriptions of a real assistance. object, person, place, or event using words that help the reader to see, feel, smell, taste, and hear what is being described. 2 Participates in group lesson Performs task when asked to Reads simple directions to States 1-step directions Writes simple Write simple where simple directions are follow simple 1-step teacher/peers who during modeled writing directions. directions. acted out and modeled. directions. perform the actions for activity. reinforcement.

Wr. Gr. 1 Page 7 of 7

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