Title III Plan Year 4

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Title III Plan Year 4

Goals Set by NCLB with District Benchmarks

Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language Arts

By August 2013, the percentage of all students, including all student groups (English learners, students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, Hispanic) scoring at proficiency and above will increase according to the following targets as measured by the reading/language arts portion of the California Standards Test (CST).

 All students from 42.2% (2011) to 52.2%

 English learner (EL) from 28.7% (2011) to 38.7%  Students with disabilities (SWD) from 23.5% (2011) to 33.5%  Socio-economically disadvantaged (SED) from 38.1% (2011) to 48.1%  Hispanic from 39.5% (2011) to 49.5%. Goal 1B: Proficiency in Mathematics

By August 2013, the percentage of all students, including all student groups (English learners, students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, Hispanic) scoring at proficiency and above will increase according to the following targets as measured by the Mathematics portion of the California Standards Test (CST):

 All students from 49.0% (2011) to 59.0%

 English learner (EL) from 44.1% (2011) to 54.1%  Students with disabilities (SWD) from 22.5% (2011) to 32.5%  Socio-economically disadvantaged (SED) from 46.6% (2011) to 56.6%  Hispanic from 48.1% (2011) to 58.1%. Goal 2C: AMAO 3-AYP for EL Subgroup (Title III Plan) An increasing percentage of English learners will attain proficiency in Reading/Language Arts and mathematics annually.  By August 2013, the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in reading/language arts will increase from 28.7% (2011) to 38.7%, as measured by the CST, CMA, CAPA and/or CAHSEE, in order to move toward state-defined expectations for proficiency in Reading/Language Arts.  By August 2013, the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in Mathematics will increase from 44.1% (2011) to 54.1%, as measured by the CST, CMA, CAPA and/or CAHSEE, in order to move toward state defined expectations for proficiency in Mathematics. Goal 2A: AMAO1-Annual Progress Learning English (Title III Plan) An increasing percentage of English learners will make annual progress in learning English.  By August 2013, the percentage of English learners learning English will increase from 49.6% (2011) to 59.6%, in order to move toward state defined growth expectations as measured by CELDT. Goal 2B: AMAO 2-English Proficiency (Title III Plan) An increasing percentage of English learners will attain English language proficiency annually.  By August 2013, the percentage of English learners in language instruction educational programs fewer than 5 years attaining English language proficiency will increase from 11.7% (2011) to 21.7%, in order to move toward state-defined expectations for meeting the CELDT criterion for English-language proficiency.  By August 2013, the percentage of English learners in language instruction educational programs 5 or more years attaining English language proficiency will increase from 41.1% (2011) to 51.1%, in order move toward state-defined expectations for meeting the CELDT criterion for English-language proficiency. Goals Set by NCLB with District Benchmarks Goal 2D: High Quality Professional Development (Title III Plan) The LEA will provide high quality professional development to teachers, administrators and other school or community-based personnel to improve the education of English learners.  By August 2013, 100% of LEA teachers will receive professional development on research-based strategies to improve English learner attainment of English language proficiency and/or achievement in Reading/Language arts and/or Mathematics, as determined by the LEA needs assessment.  By August 2013, 100% of LEA administrators will receive professional development on research-based strategies to improve English learner attainment of English language proficiency and/or achievement in reading/language arts and/or mathematics, as determined by the LEA needs assessment. Goal 2E: Parent and Community Participation (Title III Plan) The LEA will promote the involvement of parents and community members in the education of English learners.  By August 2013 the LEA will improve and increase parent outreach strategies so that 75% of parents are active participants in the education of their children. Goal 2F: Parental Notification (Title III Plan) The LEA will provide required communications to parents in a timely manner.  By August 2013 the LEA will provide 100% of parents of ELs with the following information regarding their children, in a language parents can understand: identification as EL; program placement options; program placement notification; English language proficiency level, as determined by CELDT results and any local English Proficiency assessments used; academic achievement level; redesignation information; and at the high school level, graduation requirements and annual notification of their students’ progress toward meeting those requirements. Goal 3: Highly Qualified Teachers Per ESEA legislation, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. Poor and minority students will not be taught by inexperienced, unqualified or out-of- field teachers at higher rates than other students. Teachers holding Provisional Intern Permits (PIPs) and Short Term Staff Permits (STSPs) may not teach in high poverty and high minority schools. Goal 5A: Increase Graduation Rates (Title III Plan)  By August 2013, the graduation rate will increase from 85.3% to 90%.  By August 2013, the English learner graduation rate will increase from 71.1% to 75%. Goal 5B: Decrease Dropout Rates  By August 2013, the dropout rate from 5.2% to 5%.  By August 2013, the English learner dropout rate will decrease from 8.9% to 7.0%. Goal 5C: Increase Enrollment in AP Courses  By August 2013, the percentage of students enrolled in AP courses will increase by 10%.  By August 2013, the percentage of English learners enrolled in AP courses will increase from 9% to 15%. District Strategies Alignment to Goals Action Steps Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal 2D Goal Goal 2F Goal 3 1A 1B 2A 2B 2E Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment System X X -Hire a Curriculum and Instruction Develop a district coherent standards-based Director curriculum, instruction, and assessment system that aligns curricular and assessment materials and -ELA Standards Mapping in Grades provide and monitor appropriate instructional K-10 minutes and pacing for all core subjects and -Daily Schedules for Access to Core interventions. Curriculum -Intensive Interventions for ELA and Math -Strategic Interventions for ELA and Math -Benchmark Assessments and Pacing Guides for ELA and Math -ELA Textbook Adoption Process -Maximize After School Programs X X -Standards Map ELD Materials -Daily Schedules for ELs -Time for ELD -Proper ELD Placement -Effective ELD Instruction -ELD Benchmark Assessments and Pacing Guides -Increase Academic Vocabulary in Grades K-5 -Evaluation of Dual Language Program Monitoring System for School Sites X X -Monitoring of Daily Use of Core Develop and uniformly apply clear criteria for and Universal Access Materials regular monitoring and measuring the performance -Monitoring of Daily Use of ELD of school sites, including their implementation and Materials monitoring activities documented in the SPSA. -Monitoring Common and Benchmark Assessments -Routine Classroom Visitations to Observe Instruction -Use of Observation Tools -Monitoring Use of Instructional Strategies for ELs -Monitoring of Use of Data to Improve Instruction -Monitoring of SPSA and Alignment to LEA Plan

District Strategies Alignment to Goals Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal 2D Goal Goal 2F Goal 3 1A 1B 2A 2B 2E System of Regular Data Collection and Analysis X X -Maintain Accurate Data Develop a system of regular data collection and Management System analysis from multiple sources, tracked over time, to determine the effectiveness of the district’s academic program and the implementation of the instructional materials. Data are to be both summative and formative, aggregated at the district level, and disaggregated by the student subgroups. Monitoring System for ELs and RFEPs X X -Regular Monitoring of RFEP Develop a regular monitoring system for English Students Learners and Reclassified Fluent English Proficient -Regular Monitoring of ELs students to determine individual student -Annual EL Counseling on Academic achievement in learning English and grade-level Progress content, as well as effectiveness of the district’s academic program and the implementation of the -Annual Reclassification Celebration instructional materials for English Learners. -Increase Evaluation of ELs for Reclassification Twice Annually -CELDT Testing a Priority -Development of District Long-Term English Learner Task Force -Reclassification Criteria for Special Education -Monitoring of Dual Language Students -AVID Program at Middle and High School Coherent Professional Development Plan -Establish Two District-wide PD The district will provide resources to deliver X Days during 2011-12 SY coherent professional development that is based on -ELA Standards Mapping and standards-aligned content knowledge and the Alignment in Grades K-5 instructional materials adopted by the district; -ELD Standards Mapping and Pacing reflects research-based strategies for improved Guides student achievement; and includes effective -Professional Development for leadership training for site administrators and Administrators teachers to implement systemic reform. -Training in Use of Data Management System -Structured Site Level Teacher Collaboration -Data Analysis for Teachers and Administration -Professional Development Focused on ELs -ELD Standards Mapping and Pacing Guides -Site Coaches District Strategies Alignment to Goals Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal 2D Goal Goal 2F Goal 3 1A 1B 2A 2B 2E Improve District and Site Websites -Parent Link The district will continue to update and improve X -Go My Access district and school site website that have multiple -Parent Training on Use of Website functions and the primary goal of communicating and Student Resources with our customers, including access to computers for parents. Site Parent Involvement Outreach -Site Parent Involvement Plans The district will work with principals to employ a X variety of strategies to increase parent involvement. Reclassification Evaluation and Celebration -Increase Evaluations for The district will evaluate students for reclassification X Reclassification Twice Annually twice annually (after the release of CSTs and after -Annual Reclassification Celebration the release of CELDT), annually re-evaluated the district's reclassification policy with parents, and celebrate student reclassification with parents and the community. English Learner Notifications to Parents X -High School Graduation The district will continue to notify parents within the Requirements and Progress first 30 days of their first day of school and after the -Annual EL Counseling on CELDT, release of the current year’s CELDT scores (usually CST, and RFEP Progress January) of their identification as an English Learner, program placement options and placement notification, English language proficiency level as determined by the CELDT, student’s academic achievement level as determined by the CST, and reclassification (exit) criteria, as well as address high school level graduation requirements and progress towards meeting those requirements.

Recruit and Hire Only HQT The district will continue to recruit and hire only X highly qualified teachers. Overview of HUSD LEA Plan for 2011-2013 including Title III Plan Year 4

This Plan is the result of a comprehensive needs assessment which included the following assessments: -Data Analysis -AYP Analysis -District Assistance Survey -Academic Program Surveys for Finley, Pine, HMS, and HHS -English Learner Subgroup Self-Assessment

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