Quarterly Newsletter August / September / October 2017

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Quarterly Newsletter August / September / October 2017


PRESIDENTS REPORT Welcome everyone to our Newsletter. CPAS have just finished another member’s exhibition at the Wistaria Fete. Overall, this exhibition was a great success. We managed to sell the same amount of large paintings as last year, 21 in total which is a very pleasing result. The gardens were a delight to witness in all its colourful spring glory. Our next show is only a few weeks away. I hope everyone is adding the finishing touches to their painting for our Foundation Day Open Arts Awards. Although we have lost the Parramatta Town Hall for the venue (for a couple of years) next best is that we are hosting the exhibition at our Hunter St Gallery of Fine Arts. The weather certainly is warming up. I often wonder does the changing season reflect on the subjects we choose to paint. Spring is synonymous for a spring clean up. I should practice what I preach...my studio at home certainly needs a tidy up. Thanks to Jan Toulis for giving our gallery a cleanup. We have fresh clean cupboards & a general clean for our upcoming open arts awards. Just a friendly reminder on memberships. At CPAS we value our members & keep our gallery in great condition and you need to be a paid up financial member to be able to exhibit in the gallery. Well that's all for now & Happy Painting.

Geoff Sellman CPAS President

NEW FORMAT FOR NEWSLETTER AND INFORMATION It has come to our attention that I have been overloading you with too much information on activities; I will now attempt to “keep it simple”. Some of these changes will be:  Quarterly Newsletters (we will no longer produced Monthly)  Updates for What’s On will be sent twice a month or when necessary

Thank you for the kind thoughts from some who enjoy the banter in the previous Newsletters, we will try to find a happy medium and keep it interesting. Now that the Website is up to date, those that are able should use it to confirm activates. Many thanks, Newsletter Editor

LIFE MEMBERSHIP - Brian Richardson I would like to take this time to express my thanks, and express my deep sense of humility for this unexpected honour. My thanks are for the sponsors of this honour, and the membership for making it happen. My humility comes from the realization that the society has such a measurable resource of wonderful people achieving such magnificent results for the society’s pursuit of art. Like all painters, my work never feels as though it achieves what I would like it to. However, the supportive and informative environment that the society is, allows a comfortable place in which a person can work to overcome this artistic struggle. Life membership encourages me to think that I can look forward to continuing my artistic pursuit in the company of the wonderful people of CPAS. My sincere and heartfelt thanks Brian

NEW MEMBER TO THE TEAM – CARMEL MACKIE Carmel has kindly offered her time to help out with our Website which is now up to date. She has been working with Baz our treasurer to get this up to date and has plans for improved facilities in the future. If you wish to include some of your artwork on our Website, contact her so we can gauge the need. Thank you for giving your time and expertise and joining this dedicated group that wants to keep Parramatta Art Society at the for-front of Art in Parramatta. We are grateful for your help as it will lighten others load.

SUB – COMMITTEES Just think of how many other facilities we could offer with the help of other members who are willing to give a little of their time and expertise. Give it a try, at least talk to us, you have nothing to lose.

PLEIN AIR OUTINGS Next year we will be looking for someone to organise three outings for the year, not a big job, could be a lot of fun finding these locations around Parramatta and/or Sydney. If this interests you, please talk to Dianna 0410603023 [email protected]


If you have a great suggestion for a Christmas Party, let us know. MISSING LIBRARY BOOKS 208 Glorious Garden Flowers Watercolour 153 The Big Book of Oil Painting Who has forgotten to bring these books back, check out your library at home & return them to the library area so that others can benefit. CONGRATULATIONS Sonia Arevalo was awarded a commended at Drummoyne Art Prize... Colina Grant won two firsts at Castle Hill such a talented group of artists Members, please let Dianna know by email of your experiences and successes, it gives encouragement for our up-coming artists to exhibit.

A SPEEDY RECOVERY To our friends who are recovering from illnesses and recouping after surgery, we always have you in our thoughts. Our wishes and prayers go out to all our friends.

NEW NOTICE BOARD As you will notice we have a new, neat notice board, which we will keep up to date with your help. If you see anything “out of date” let us know and we will remove it. We will also include Current Exhibitions and if you have something to share it can also go on the board. Or up to date SCHEDULE OF EVENTS will also be available.

INTERNAL MAIL WATCH FOR ENVELOPES WITH YOUR NAME on the board. This is a quick way of moving correspondence about and saving postage. It may also get to you quicker for those that visit regularly; we may also use it for other correspondence, .e.g. Membership cards, special reminders etc.

HELP OUT IN THE KITCHEN We do appreciate the odd donation of coffee and teabags for the kitchen, we do not charge for these facilities and offer them freely. Many members bring the biscuits or a cake which is also much appreciated. We always welcome a chat & the odd cuppa when you visit.

FREE DRAWING & PAINTING SESSIONS- every Wednesday 11 – 4 Painting, Sketching, Pastels, Watercolour; whatever medium you wish. Free to those looking to join or who are already members and want to catch up on the latest happenings in the Art world. Spend a few hours sketching, painting, whatever takes your fancy. Tea & Coffee is available, this is a good opportunity to catch up with friends & meet new members, talk to experienced and new artists and, committee will be available to answer any questions" , come along,

RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP – 1 ST AUGUST Memberships are due for renewal on 1st August. We have had a great response from members renewing this year. But a few stragglers have not renewed as yet. Please contract Dianna; we do need a completed form and payment. Just drop it in next time you visit or post it to PO Box 256 Northmead.. Please let us know if you have not receive your Membership Card. Entry form has been attached

NEW MEMBERS Welcome to all new members, the best way to get to know what we do and what services we provide is to come in and talk to us at the Studio, a good way to meet your fellow members, Wednesday is a free day to paint and a good time to socialise. Attend our Demos, every third Saturday, for $7 it is good value and another way of meeting other members and seeing a huge variety of Experienced artists. That price includes beverages and great nibbles at half time.

CURRENT GALLERY EXHIBITION “Foundation Day Open Arts Award – Opening Night is Friday13th October, Exhibition ends Sunday 29th November. See Parramatta and Districts finest artists As well as a number of NSW artists, it will be a superb exhibition. Bring a friend, or two!

Thank You Members !! The “pick up” of our previous exhibition and the”drop off” of Foundation Day Open Arts Exhibition went very smoothly, It was such a joy as most artists were on time and paintings presented well. We all thank you, it makes our job easier.

NEW CLASSES - Portraiture, Tuesday Afternoon, 4pm to 6pm Teacher, Ruhulla Naqshbandi, $30 per class bring your own media - paper, pencils, charcoal to begin, Please contact Ruhulla Mobile 0423529609 Held at our Studio in Hunter St LIFE DRAWING FIRST AND SECOND TUESDAY NIGHTS OF EACH MONTH Next Sessions will be in November. Sharpen your pencils and see what you can produce. Price remains at $15 per session, Ask friends to Come Along! If you have never been before, give it a try!

WATCH OUR WEBSITE http://parra-artsociety.com.au Be our watchdogs also, if you see errors in Web or Newsletter any feedback will be welcome, please let Carmel know,

ADVERTISING Those members with FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM ETC. Could you please advertise our events for us? The more exposure we get the better. If you need any graphics, please let us know.

COPYRIGHT Make yourself aware of copyright rules, check this link out. https://www.artslaw.com.au/info- sheets/info-sheet/copyright/ It is a big beautiful world out there, you are artists with vast imaginations and talents, there is no need to copy others work.

ROSTER Some members worry about what’s expected of them on Roster, there is always a Committee Member on duty to handle the cash and eftpos sales, we don’t expect you to do this. All we ask of you is to walk around the Gallery, greet visitors, promote the gallery and hand them a Catalogues if they need them. Too much chatter can kill a sale; they also need time to study the paintings. Each visitor should be handed a Gallery flyer and their email address obtained if possible. Talk to customers, ask Angus what his procedure is, and learn the skill! If you are not comfortable with selling there are always other jobs to do, in the kitchen area, wash up, maybe sweep the floor or empty bins, dust the shelves etc etc , ask if there is anything you can do.. 2-3 hours a week or fortnight would help out, some members come once a month on a certain day. It all helps, it gives you time to catch up with friends and meet new ones. It also gives those the committee to have a break or do jobs they have to do.

SECURITY CONCERNS Some concerns have been raised regarding security when only one member is in attendance at the Gallery. For safety reason we need two people in attendance. If you can spare a couple of hours especially on Saturday and Sunday that would be welcome

SPONSORS PICTURE FRAMERS “THE GATE- HOUSE” TEA- HOUSE Prima Art Exhibitions by CPAS Unit 13 35 Foundry Rd during 2017 Seven Hills 2147 ph 9620 9400 Fx 9620 PICTURE FRAMERS Macquarie St Gatehouse, Richard Xue, 9411 Picture Framing & Homewards. Parramatta Park, Parramatta 5/118 Main Street Blacktown NSW 2148 Mobile. 0431 446 803. [email protected] PICTURE FRAMERS

Education Division PO Box 20 Kingsgrove NSW 1480 Kon Parris t 1800 701 602 | m 0404 074 166 | f 1800 662 326 | Parramatta Phone for e [email protected] www.eckersleys.com.au The Art Scene appointment 912-914 Victoria Rd, West Ryde 2114 0411213697 COMMITTEE FOR 2017 / 2018 President Geoff Sellman [email protected] 0432596605 Vice President Kim Besso [email protected] 0411024384 Secretary & Newsletter Editor Dianna Miller [email protected] 0410603023 Treasurer/Grants Co-ordinator Barry Saps ford [email protected] 0414431682 Assistant Secretary/Minutes Jan Toulis [email protected] taker 0457153960 Exhibition Manager Angus Lockhart [email protected] 0419461116 Public Officer Brian Richardson [email protected] 96387598 Building & Maintenance Man- Scottie Randall [email protected] ager 0408214735 Special Projects Ray Atkins 0407900905 Patron Paul Garrard Sub Committee Demonstrations Marlene Hewitt 0475521314 Website Carmel Mackie [email protected] 0425808510

SCHEDULE FOR 2017 . REPLACE THIS SCHEDULE on your refrigerator! Some of these dates are changing regularly, so please replace this schedule Each time it appears in the Newsletter or request and update at any time Sometime changes may happen that are beyond our control but we want you to know what is planned so that you can plan ahead. Always contact us if you have suggestions and ideas, we will always discuss and consider their merits within our workload Newsletter Editor: Dianna Miller [email protected] 0412603023 Dates may change check with CPAS before committing Entr ies clos Oct- closing Date for foundation TH066 e 01 week drop off/c han geo Oct- Received paintings - Changeover from G019 - FOUNDA- TH066 ver sun 08 TION DAY han mo Oct- Oct- Preparation and Hanging of Paintings - FOUNDA- TH066 ging n 09 Wed 10 TION DAY Judg Th Oct- Oct- Judging FOUNDA- TH066 ing ur 11 Thur 12 TION DAY OPE N- ING Oct- 6.30P 9p Opening - Opened by ...... FOUNDATION WEEK OPENING 6.30 TH066 DAY Fri 13 M m FOR 7 PM Ope n to Pub- Oct- Oct Foundation Week Closed 4pm and changeover to Ruhulla TH066 lic Sat 13 Sun -29 Solo Wor k- sho mo Oct- WS91 p n 24 OCTOBER NON ORGANISED De mon stra- Oct- OCTOBER 28 Dtai Hansathit -Watercolour Urban Landscape D10 tion sun 28 1.30 - 3pm Wor k- sho Oct- WS10 p sun 29 OCTOBER NONE ORGANISED

S009 Solo we Nov- sun NOVEMBER RUHULLA NAQSHBANDI OPENING Ex- hibit d 01 Solo No Ex- v S010 hibit thu mon 12 NOVEMBER RUHULLA NAQSHBANDI "Landscape & Portraits Oil" Gal- lery- Cha we Nov- Jan G020 nge d 15 sun -14 NOVEMBER "Christmas Half Price Sale"

De mon stra- Nov- D11 tion sat 19 NOVEMBER CARMEL MACKIE , DRAWING WITH THREAD Wor k- sho Nov- NOVEMBER BRIAN RICHARDSON WORKSHOP PALETTE KNIFE" WS11 p sun 26 OILS Gat e- hou Dec- DECEMBER Gatehouse Change Over consider Xmas Gate04 se tue 05 Theme De mon stra- Dec- D12 tion sat 16 DECEMBER NONE ORGANISED Wor k- sho Dec- WS12 p sun 24 DECEMBER NONE ORGANISED

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