Supplemental Educational Services (SES)

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Supplemental Educational Services (SES)





Name of provider: ANDELE TUTORS


Telephone number: 505-463-6115

Contact (include title): Lorna Samraj, President

Address (include street, city, state, zip): 620 Arizona St. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

Telephone (include area code): 505-463-6115

E-mail: [email protected]

Provider Classification. (Check (X) all that apply.) School district Charter school Community-based organization Faith-based organization For-profit commercial/ private educational services provider Not-for-profit Institution of higher education Other (explain and be specific.)


To be eligible for approval, your organization must assure the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED), by issuing a statement of concurrence for each assurance, that all of the following are and shall remain true and correct. Failure to provide a statement of concurrence will result in a non-responsive submission. Failure to adhere to the assurances may result in the removal from the state approved list of Supplemental Educational Services providers.

Provision of Service and Student Progress The provider must provide parents of children receiving supplemental educational services and the appropriate LEA with written information on the progress of the children in increasing achievement, in a format and, to the extent practicable, a language that the parents can understand. The provider will ensure that written progress reports are delivered to parents/guardians and appropriate school and district personnel on a regular basis, as stated in this application and in the contract with the LEA. Written student progress reports will provide information to parents/guardians showing how their student is progressing towards the standards and benchmarks indicated on the individualized Student Improvement Plan. The provider will keep copies of these progress reports on file for review, if needed by the NMPED, its contractor or the United States Department of Education. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE TUTORS (herein after “ANDELE”) agrees to provide appropriate written reports consistent with the provision of the above paragraph in regard to its SES service. ANDELE will keep copies of these progress reports on file for review if needed by the NMPED, its contractor, or the United States Department of Education.

Consistency of Instruction The provider must ensure the instruction provided and the content used by the provider are consistent with the instruction provided and content used by the LEA and state, and are aligned with state student academic achievement standards (New Mexico Standards for Excellence 6.30.2 NMAC). A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to ensure consistency of instruction with state academic achievement standards (New Mexico Standards for Excellence 6.30.2 NMAC).

Compliance with Applicable Laws The provider must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local health, safety, and civil rights laws. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local health, safety and civil rights laws.

Non-Biased Instruction The provider must ensure all instruction and content offered are secular, neutral, and non-ideological. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to provide secular, neutral and non-biased instruction.

Compliance with Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) The provider must ensure compliance with the FERPA of 1975, as amended (ensures access to educational records for students and parents while protecting the privacy of such records), and any regulations issued thereunder, including Privacy Rights of Parents and Students (34 CFR Part 99), if the contractor is an educational institution. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to comply with FERPA and regulations thereunder. SECTION II-OVERALL ASSURANCES (Continued)

Agreement to Contract Once parents select a provider for their child, the LEA must enter into an agreement with the provider that includes the following minimum components: 1. a requirement that the local educational agency will develop, in consultation with parents (and the provider chosen by the parents), a statement of specific achievement goals for the student, how the student's progress will be measured, and a timetable for improving achievement that, in the case of a student with disabilities, is consistent with the student's individualized education program under section 614(d) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act;

2. a description of how the student's parents and the student's teacher or teachers will be regularly informed of the student's progress;

3. a provision for the termination of such agreement if the provider is unable to meet such goals and timetables;

4. provisions with respect to the making of payments to the provider by the local educational agency;

5. a provision that prohibits the provider from disclosing to the public the identity of any student eligible for, or receiving, supplemental educational services under this subsection without the written permission of the parents of such student; and

6. specific achievement goals for the student, developed in consultation with the student’s parents [Section 1116(e)(a)]. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to abide by signed contracts that include components 1- 6 as particularly referenced above.

On-line/ distance learning The provider must ensure supervision will be provided while children are participating in the program. Families are not responsible for any fees (accessing computers, an internet connection and/or software - whether they are reimbursed or not) associated with enrolling in the program. Any fees incurred for operating the program are the sole responsibility of the provider. Failure to adhere to this provision may result in termination of contracts with LEAs and the NMPED reserves the right to remove provider from the state approved list. A statement of concurrence and description of how you will ensure appropriate adult supervision will be provided is required.


Contracts The NMPED will not intervene if contractual issues arise. Contractual issues need to be resolved by the LEA and the SES provider with whom the contract is being negotiated. SES providers will not under any circumstance begin to provide a service if a contract is not in place. All contracts need to be honored, or they may be terminated by either party. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to abide by all signed contracts and will not begin service until contracts are in place. SECTION II-OVERALL ASSURANCES (Continued)

Taxation and Revenue The provider will ensure that needed taxation and revenue documentation is secured to work and conduct business in New Mexico before providing any services. The provider will supply the NMPED and/or local school district taxation and revenue documentation when needed. Failure to obtain proper taxation and revenue documentation may result in termination of contracts with LEAs and may result in removal from state approved list of Supplemental Educational Service providers. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to secure all taxation and revenue documentation before it provides any services.

6.19.6 NMAC The provider and all employees and or subcontractors must review and adhere to the requirements set forth in 6.19.6 NMAC; provided as Attachment A. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to adhere to the requirements provided in Attachment A of SES provider application.

Supplemental Educational Services Non-Regulatory Guidance The provider and all employees and or subcontractors must review the Supplemental Educational Services Non-Regulatory Guidance; provided as Attachment C. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE has reviewed the guidelines provided in Attachment C.

Reporting and Monitoring Requirements The provider must comply with all reporting and monitoring requests from the NMPED, its contractor or an LEA including, but not limited to student progress, attendance, fiscal issues, other federal reporting issues, and documentation of tutor qualifications. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to comply with all NMPED, LEA and all other federal reporting and monitoring requirements.

Background check The provider must ensure that all employees, contractors or subcontractors who will work with children at a public school facility, will successfully obtain a background check from an agency that the school district approves (based on the local school board policy). Failure to obtain background checks will result in employees or subcontractors not being able to provide services to students enrolled. Under no circumstance will an employee, contractor or subcontractor work with a student if they do not have valid background check. The NMPED strongly encourages the provider to ensure that all tutors obtain a background check, regardless of physical location of tutoring session. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE will ensure that all its employees, contractors and subcontractors obtain valid background checks.

Student Safety The provider will ensure that students who receive services will be supervised until student has secured safe and reliable transportation to their next destination. Time supervising students during this time cannot be billed to the LEA where services are taking place. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to provide supervision until students have secured reliable and safe transportation. SECTION II-OVERALL ASSURANCES (Continued)

Providing Services If selected to provide services by parents/guardians, your organization must ensure that services begin in a timely manner. If services do not follow the timelines in the agreed upon contract, the contract may be terminated by the LEA, and students may be reassigned. A statement of concurrence is required. ANDELE agree to follow the timelines agreed upon in the contract.

On-line Data Management System The provider will ensure that all required data and information will be uploaded, when requested, through an on-line data management system operated by the districts where services are being provided. A statement of concurrence is required. ANDELE agrees to provide all required data and information as may be requested.

Tutor Selection/Hiring Process You must describe your selection/hiring process of tutors and the process you use to match tutors with students. Failure to respond will result in a non-responsive submission and your application will not be reviewed. Be sure to indicate your criteria for pairing tutors with students. Tutor qualifications/background, content area and grade(s) of expertise must match the needs of the student. A description of your selection/hiring process is required. Failure to respond to this description will result in a non-responsive submission and your application will not be reviewed. (See enclosed Attachment A for ANDELE's selection and hiring process of tutors)

Parents’ Right to Know If selected to provide services by parents/guardians, your organization must ensure, before the start of tutoring, that the educational qualifications of tutors providing services will be fully disclosed to parents/guardians who have enrolled their student in your program. A statement of concurrence is required. ANDELE agrees to disclose all educational qualifications of tutors to parents/guardians of enrolled students.

Engaging Students If selected to provide services by parents/guardians, your organization must ensure that students enrolled in your program are actively engaged in the learning process and the standards and benchmarks that will be addressed are aligned to the individualized Student Improvement Plans. The tutor must have an individualized Student Improvement Plan, for each student enrolled, on file at all times so that it may be regularly accessed to ensure alignment with the tutoring program. Models based on homework help may not be the sole method of delivery. Homework help may be utilized as one component of a comprehensive model if it addresses the standards and benchmarks identified in the individualized Student Improvement Plan. Providers must have their own curriculum. A statement of concurrence is required. ANDELE will ensure that all students enrolled will be actively engaged in learning, and each student will have a SIP, which will be available for inspection at all times. ANDELE will provide her own curriculum geared to each student's SIP.

Scheduling Services A master list of tutor schedules, which includes at minimum: days, times, and location (building/room number or address where services will take place) of services must be given to the District Administrator to help ensure student safety and fiduciary responsibilities are being met, by the date specified in the contract with the LEA. A statement of concurrence is required. ANDELE agrees to provide a master list of all scheduled tutoring sessions and assigned tutors to the District Administrator by the date specified in the contract with the LEA. SECTION II-OVERALL ASSURANCES (Continued)

Notifying Parents and District Personnel If services can not be provided to children enrolled with your program, your organization must contact the families affected and the appropriate District Personnel and notify them that you will not be able to provide services. Notifying families is the sole responsibility of your organization, and not the responsibility LEA in which the student is enrolled. Failure to inform parents/guardians and the District Personnel could result in an unfavorable end-of-year evaluation and may result in the termination of your contract with the LEA in which the students are enrolled. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to notify parents and District Personnel in the event it cannot provide services to their enrolled children.

Endorsement If selected as a provider through this application process, your organization will not consider selection as an NMPED endorsement or as a guarantee of work. You understand that the NMPED does not guarantee payment by a district (LEA). A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE understands that being selected by NMPED does not guarantee work or payment.

Tutor Training The provider will ensure that all employees/tutors will undergo appropriate training related to the researched based delivery of Supplemental Educational Services, including but not limited to delivery of the approved model/program, correctly filling out student progress reports and other required documents by the LEA, NMPED and/ or its contractor. All trainings must be documented. A statement of concurrence is required.

ANDELE agrees to ensure that all its employees undergo appropriate training. Such training will be documented. (See Attachment E for sample training materials.)

21 st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) collaboration If selected as a provider through this application process, your organization will engage in meaningful consultation with 21st CCLC sites where both SES providers and 21st CCLC programs could operate. A statement of concurrence is required.

If selected, ANDELE, agrees to collaborate with 21st Century CCLC sites.

Providing services and removal from other states The provider will notify the NMPED in writing if they are an approved Supplemental Educational Services provider in other states and if they have been removed and state reason for removal from another state’s list of approved Supplemental Educational Services providers. Failure to disclose removal and/or reason for removal from another state’s list of approved Supplemental Educational Services providers will result in removal from approved provider list. A list of state(s) where you are currently approved and, if applicable, the state(s) you have been removed from and reason for removal is required.


Indemnification The provider shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the NMPED and the State of New Mexico from all actions, proceeding, claims, demands, costs, damages, attorneys’ fees and all other liabilities and expenses of any kind from any source which may arise out of the performance of this Agreement, caused by the negligent act or failure to act of the provider, its officers, employees, servants, providers or agents, or if caused by the actions of any client of the provider resulting in injury or damage to persons or property during the time when the provider or any officer, agent, employee, servant or provider thereof has or is performing services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any action, suit or proceeding related to the services performed by the provider or any officer, agent, employee, servant or provider under this Agreement is brought against the provider, the provider shall, as soon as practicable but no later than two (2) days after it receives notice thereof, notify the legal counsel of the NMPED and the Risk Management Division of the New Mexico General Services Department by certified mail. A statement of concurrence is required. ANDELE agrees to abide by this requirement.


I, THE UNDERSIGNED, CERTIFY that all information requested by this application has been provided and that all facts, figures, and representations are true and correct. I further certify that I have full legal authority to submit this application on behalf of the organization identified herein.

LORNA SAMRAJ PRESIDENT Type or Print Name of Designated Agent Title of Designated Agent for Provider

June 8, 2009 Date Signed Signature of Designated Agent SECTION III-SERVICE SUMMARY

1. Provide a brief description of your program that families may use in their initial search for providers. Use an “active” voice when writing this description and understand the audience to whom you are writing – families. Be sure to mention: (50 points) a) where and when services will take place,

Services will take place six days a week (Monday to Saturday) before and after school, and on Saturdays as agreed upon by parents. Mutual agreement will be made among parent, student and tutor for meeting places that are secure, well-lit and in close proximity to the student's home and/or school. These locations include community centers, public libraries, and/or places of worship as may be appropriate. Depending on the district that ANDELE is selected to tutor in, it may be desirable to tutor at schools with the approval of the local school and terms agreed upon with the LEA. b) the typical tutor- to-student ratio and tutor qualifications,

Tutor to student ratio: 1:3 and 1:1; ANDELE's tutors will have earned an Associate degree or higher. c) in what grade(s) and content area(s) the student will be receiving tutoring,

Grades K – 8, Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science d) estimated number of hours of services are included,

The number of sessions/hours will vary as a function of the per capita ratio per student in each district, as well as whether the ANDELE tutor has a teaching certificate or bachelor's degree, or an associate degree or higher. Therefore the estimated range for the number of sessions will be between 20 - 30 hours for the certified tutor, and between 24 - 38 hours for the tutor with an associate degree. e) if you can and how you will serve limited English proficiency (LEP)/English language learners (ELL) students and students with disabilities and

ANDELE intends to offer services to LEP and ELL learners noting that all ANDELE tutors are bilingual. Depending on the preferences of the parents and students and in conjunction with the tutor, assessments prior to the start of tutoring may be conducted in either Spanish or English and a certain portion of remedial instruction in language arts may be delivered in Spanish. However, it is ANDELE's philosophy that students should be encouraged to communicate in English to a greater degree as sessions progress. ANDELE will provide ESL curriculum as necessary for those students who enroll in our program. f) a description of what your program looks like, be sure to include the type of curriculum used and how the instruction is delivered.

ANDELE will provide tutoring services in small clusters of three students, or in individual one-to-one sessions to remediate and enrich students in math, science and reading. All ANDELE tutors are bilingual in English and Spanish. Students will receive three hours of tutoring per week. Individual student plans will be based on student assessments and in conjunction with the student's teacher and parents. ANDELE's curriculum will be customized to the student improvement plan and is geared to the achievement level and assessment results of the individual student that is conducted prior to the beginning of tutoring. ANDELE's curriculum is aligned with the state of New Mexico's standards. (See Attachment B, 1 and 2 for ANDELE's representative curriculum.) SECTION III-SERVICE SUMMARY (Continued) 2. Indicate which key words best match your program’s offerings: (Check (X) all that apply.) (0 points) On-line/ distance learning One-to-one instruction Small group instruction (Ratio of one tutor to no more than three students) Medium group instruction (Ratio of one tutor to four, five or six students) Large group instruction (Ratio of one tutor to seven students or more) Reading/Language Arts Mathematics Science Instruction for limited English proficient students Instruction for students with disabilities

3. Provide a complete and detailed narrative description of your program that can be used to inform and provide information to districts and schools about your services (50 points). Program summaries must include, but are not limited to:

 the model of instruction, including specific strategies to evaluate the program’s effectiveness;  the total program hours per student (based on estimated per pupil allocation in each district – appendix B);  the ratio of instructors to children;  the typical weekly schedule of services;  the proposed location of services;  the qualifications of instructional staff in content areas of English, math and science (If your program is computer or web based you must provide specific information regarding tutor locations and tutor qualifications) and

 instructional materials and equipment provided (and those the student is required to provide, if any). NOTE: This section needs detailed descriptions of what individual sessions will look like. Broad and general descriptions are not acceptable. Models based on homework help may not be the sole method of delivery. Homework help may be utilized as one component of a comprehensive model if it addresses the standards and benchmarks identified in the individualized Student Improvement Plan. SECTION III-SERVICE SUMMARY (Continued)

ANDELE offers two categories of tutoring: a. One-on-one tutoring – one student to one tutor; b. Cluster tutoring – a cluster of three students to one tutor. Services will be held in the comfort of the student's home where an approved adult is present, at the school, or at an approved public facility such as a public library, community center, and/or place of worship. Students will receive three hours of tutoring per week for about 10 weeks. ANDELE tutors are bilingual in English and Spanish, and have an associate degree as a minimum. ANDELE does not provide computer-based or web-based instruction.

ANDELE will offer services in language arts, reading, mathematics and/or science customized to the learning styles and achievement levels of each student.

ANDELE’s independent research as well as ANDELE’s experience in creating and implementing successful mentoring and tutoring programs has confirmed that quantifiable improvement in student achievement is directly dependent on a minimum of three weekly interactions with learners per week, during a ten-week tutoring cycle. In addition, tutoring literature confirms that students develop long-term and sustainable improvement in competency building and achievement, provided that the content of sessions is not directly linked to classroom curriculum; that programs are permitted to reach full implementation; that tutoring has a formal evaluation process, and that tutors receive prior and ongoing training and support.

ANDELE provides the company’s tutors with required training and instructional materials adapted for each student. Participating students will receive access to both proprietary and public domain study materials at no extra charge. ANDELE’s educational services are of high quality, based on scientific research and designed to improve academic achievement. ANDELE’s curriculum will be aligned with New Mexico State and the local district standards. It is ANDELE’s experience that student success requires commitment, participation, and “buy in” from all stakeholders. ANDELE holds periodic informal potluck dinners with tutors, students and their families during the program cycle to encourage parents as partners. District administration and community leaders are also invited to these events. (See Attachment G for copy of 2005 Recognition Event to celebrate student achievement.) SECTION III-SERVICE SUMMARY (Continued)

Supplemental Educational Services Summary: Reading/ language arts Grade Level(s) Able to Serve: (Check (X) all that apply.) (0 points) K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Math Grade Level(s) Able to Serve: (Check (X) all that apply.) (0 points) K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Science Grade Level(s) Able to Serve: (Check (X) all that apply.) (0 points) K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

Check (X) the time(s) that best describe when you will deliver services to students. (0 points) Before School After School Weekends

Place of Service. (Check (X) all that apply.) (0 points) Student’s home (parent/guardian must be present) Student’s school Community center Place of worship On-line/ distance learning - include information on how and where children will access online services. If the program will be accessed outside of the student’s home discuss the supervision that will be provided while children are participating in the program.

Business establishment. List address (es); include street, city, state, zip.

Other (be specific.) Local Public Libraries

LEAs may charge providers for equipment, facilities, personnel, or other resources that they make available to those providers. LEAs are not required to provide a location on campus for providers. SECTION III-SERVICE SUMMARY (Continued)

The information provided below may be used by families to select the most appropriate SES provider for their student.

The NMPED reserves the right to edit any entry or description that may lead families to select services based on a complimentary resource to participate in the program instead of academic content.

The program description below must be provided in both English and Spanish. The template for English and Spanish are provided on the following pages.

Your target audience is families who have students who are eligible for SES. Be sure to use an “active voice” when creating your program descriptions. The information submitted on your program descriptions needs to accurately reflect your program and needs to align with your submitted application. Families, schools and districts will expect you to follow through with your program descriptions.

English: ANDELE tutoring sessions are designed to meet the needs of students and parents to maximize success. It offers two ways to receive tutoring: a. One-on-one tutoring – one student to one tutor; b. Cluster tutoring – a cluster of three students to one tutor. Parents and student can choose between two tutoring locations: in the comfort of the student's home where an approved adult is present, or at an approved public facility such as a public library, community center, or school. Students will receive tutoring in language arts, reading, mathematics and or science, depending on the student’s improvement plan. Students receive instruction three hours per week for a estimated cycle of 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the maximum allowable per capita SES allocation per district served.

Spanish: Sesiones de ensenar están designados para encontrar las necesidades de estudiantes y padres para mayor éxito. Ofrece dos modes de recibir ensenanza a. Uno a uno un maestro y un estudiante

b. Ensemar un grupo de tres estudiantes y un maestro

Padres y estudiantes pueden escojer de los lugarse en la casa del estudiante donde esta un adulto aprovado presente o en una facilidad pública como un biblioteca, centro de comunidad o escuela. Estudiantes recibiran instruction en lengua, deer, matemáticas y o sciences dependiendo en el plan de mejoramiente. Alumnos reciben instruction tres horas por semana por el minimo de diez semanas. Todos los tutores de ANDELE son bilingües en inglés y español. Name of Provider and Description of Services and Effectiveness and Subjects and Grades Tutor Qualifications contact information Expected Number of Service hours Student will be tutored Tutors are licensed teachers or have a bachelor’s Reading/ language arts degree or higher. ANDELE TUTORS ANDELE tutoring sessions are designed to meet the Grades able to serve: 505-436-6115 needs of students and parents to maximize success. It K - 8 Tutors have less than a four year degree, but more offers two ways to receive tutoring: a. One-on-one than an associate of arts degree or its equivalent of tutoring – one student to one tutor; b. Cluster tutoring – Math forty-eight (48) credit hours. a cluster of three students to one tutor. Parents and Grades able to serve: student can choose between two tutoring locations: in K - 8 Tutors have less than an associate of arts degree, the comfort of the student's home where an approved but more than a high school diploma or its equivalent. adult is present, or at an approved public facility such as Science a public library, community center, or school. Students Grades able to serve: Background Checks will receive tutoring in language arts, reading, K Will all of your tutors undergo background checks? mathematics and or science, depending on the student’s YES improvement plan. Students receive instruction three Size of Tutoring Group NO, if not please explain why not: hours per week for a estimated cycle of 8 to 12 weeks, 1:1; 1:2; 1:3 tutor-to- depending on the maximum allowable per capita SES student ratio allocation per district served. Can you serve ELL and/ or Special Needs Students 1:4; 1:5; 1:6 tutor-to- ELL student ratio Yes. Will serve ELL students

1:7 or greater tutor-to- student ratio

Location of Service Public facility El nombre de La descripción de Servicios y Eficacia y del Número Los sujetos y Gradúa a Calificación del tutor Proveedor y Esperado de Atiende a horas Estudiante será dado Los tutores son licenciados a maestros o contacta clases privadas tienen una licenciatura o más alto. información Sesiones de ensenar están designados para encontrar las La lectura/las artes del ANDELE TUTORS necesidades de estudiantes y padres para mayor éxito. idioma Los tutores tienen menos que un cuatro grado 505-436-6115 Ofrece dos modes de recibir ensenanza Los grados capaces de de año, pero más que un socio de licenciatura en www.AndeleTutor a. Uno a uno un maestro y un estudiante servir: letras o su equivalente de cuarenta y ocho (48) K - 8 horas de crédito. b. Ensemar un grupo de tres estudiantes y un mae- stro Matemáticas Los tutores tienen menos que un socio de Los grados capaces de licenciatura en letras, pero más que un Padres y estudiantes pueden escojer de los lugarse en la servir: bachillerato o su equivalente. casa del estudiante donde esta un adulto aprovado K - 8 presente o en una facilidad pública como un biblioteca, El fondo Verifica centro de comunidad o escuela. Estudiantes recibiran Ciencia Hace a todos sus tutores experimentan cheques de instruction en lengua, deer, matemáticas y o sciences Los grados capaces de fondo? dependiendo en el plan de mejoramiente. servir: Sí Alumnos reciben instruction tres horas por semana por el K - 8 No, si no explica por favor por qué no: minimo de diez semanas. Todos los tutores de ANDELE son bilingües en inglés y Tamaño de Dar clases español. privadas el Grupo Pueden dar clases a estudiantes de ELL y/o de 1:1; 1:2; 1:3 proporción necesidades especiales de tutor a estudiante Si, ELL

1:4; 1:5; 1:6 proporción de tutor a estudiante

1:7 o proporción más grande de tutor a estudiante


Tutor-to-student ratio for your program. (0 points) 1:1; 1:2; 1:3 tutor-to-student ratio (A supplemental educational services provider that maintains a tutor: student ratio of one tutor to three students or fewer may charge the eligible school district the full hourly amount based on tutor qualifications.)

1:4; 1:5; 1:6 tutor-to-student ratio (A supplemental educational services provider that maintains a tutor-to-student ratio of one tutor to four students, one tutor to five students, or one tutor to six students may charge the eligible school district eighty-five percent of its hourly amount based on tutor qualifications.) If ratio exceeds one to three you must explain how your program will meet individual student needs.

1:7 or greater tutor-to-student ratio (A supplemental educational services provider that maintains a tutor- to-student ratio of one tutor to seven students or greater may charge the eligible school district fifty percent of its hourly amount based on tutor qualifications.) If ratio exceeds one to three you must explain how your program will meet individual student needs.

NOTE: While providing services, providers may not exceed the ratios checked above.

Tutor Qualifications. (0 points) If you are currently approved as a SES provider in another state, provide information regarding tutor qualifications for the prior school year. List the percent (%) and number (#) of tutors who are: % # Licensed Teachers Bachelor’s Degree or higher but not a licensed teacher Non degreed tutors


To successfully provide services in New Mexico, it is essential to understand its vast geographic and demographic nature. Please visit the following websites to get a geographic and demographic understanding of New Mexico:

Visit the following website to view the schools that have a NCLB designation of School Improvement-Year 2 or beyond: - 2007 District Schools AYP Reports - 2007 Charter Schools AYP Reports

The school ratings for 2008-2009 may not be released until August 2008 at the earliest, so the information provided to you at the above mentioned websites is meant to show you which districts and schools might have to offer SES.

You will only be able to serve the districts or schools that are listed. Failure to provide services in a district or school that you listed may lead to removal from the state approved list and may adversely affect your provider evaluation.

The term “statewide” will not be an acceptable answer. Using the term “statewide” will result in a non-responsive submission and your application will not be considered for approval. Each district or school that you will serve must be listed individually.

List all district(s) or state charted charter school(s) individually that you are able to serve. (0 points)

ANDELE is able to serve the following school districts: 1. Albuquerque Public Schools and Albuquerque State Chartered Charter Schools 2. Belen Public Schools and Belen State Chartered Charter Schools 3. Los Lunas Public Schools and Los Lunas State Chartered Charter Schools


A. Provision of appropriate services to students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). (0 points) Will you provide services to limited English proficient (LEP) students? NO If “NO”, why not?

YES If “YES”, describe how you wil l properly match students with qualified tutors and provide appropriate services to Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. If your model of instruction is computer or web based, how will that model support LEP students?

Once a student and parent select ANDELE, a screening appointment will be scheduled to introduce prospective tutor, parent, student and ANDELE representative to assure that tutor, student, and parent can communicate effectively and that the likelihood of rapport and trust may be effected. In addition, a series of questions related to the students' obstacles to learning and communicating in English will be addressed. At the conclusion of the introductory meeting, parent, tutor, and student will sign ANDELE’s form of concurrence, confirming that the tutor and student intend to proceed, and develop an individual student improvement plan to address specific achievement objectives. A copy of the ANDELE SIP concurrence plan will be available to the LEA, and available for inspection by the appropriate PED representative. ANDELE does not employ either web or computer based models of instruction.

ANDELE realizes that there may be differences in personalities, and hence management attends the first session to make sure that learning and instruction styles are at a level that is likely to foster learning and trust. If at any time a parent or tutor feels that the engagement is not beneficial, ANDELE will attempt to replace the tutor with a suitable match that meets the need of the student and confirms that the tutor has the knowledge, skills, and motivation to assist the student in achieving his/her SIP. ANDELE requires each tutor to provide a summary of each engagement within 24 hours of the delivery of instruction. In addition parents are provided with weekly and monthly progress reports of the student. Parents are also given the opportunity to communicate by email or by phone with management in the event they wish to express concerns or suggestions that might improve the tutoring engagement. (See Attachment F for a sample of student progress report form in English and Spanish)

B. Provision of appropriate services to students with disabilities. (0 points) Supplemental educational services must be provided consistent with a student’s individualized education program under Section 614 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or a student’s individualized services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Moreover, these and others laws which may be applicable to SES providers require that accommodations be made to individuals with disabilities pursuant to their IEP or 504 plan. For these reasons, please review and complete all information required by this Section.

Will your organization provide SES to students with disabilities in accordance with such student’s Individual Education Program under Section 614(d) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and services consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973?

NO If “NO”, why not?

18 Currently, ANDELE's staff is not certified, skilled, or experienced in providing instruction for students with disabilities.

YES If “YES”, describe how you will properly match students with qualified tutors and provide appropriate services to students with disabilities. If your model of instruction is computer or web based, how will that model support students with disabilities?


Tutor Qualifications. (Check (X) all that apply.) (0 points) NMAC 6.19.6 states that invoicing is to be based on the qualifications of tutor providing services and the tutor to student ratio.

Parents have the right to know the education level of their child’s tutor.

Tutors are licensed teachers or have a bachelor’s degree or higher. A supplemental educational services provider may charge the eligible school district its full hourly amount if the tutor has a valid teaching license or a four-year degree or greater from an accredited university or college. The per pupil cap will not be ratably reduced based on the education level of the tutor providing supplemental educational services.

Tutors have less than a four year degree, but more then an associate of arts degree or its equivalent of forty- eight (48) credit hours. A supplemental educational services provider may charge the eligible school district eighty-five percent of its hourly amount if the tutor has less than a four year degree, but more then an associates of arts degree, or its equivalent of forty-eight (48) credit hours, from an accredited post secondary institution. The per pupil cap will be ratably reduced by fifteen percent based on the education level of the tutor providing supplemental educational services.

Tutors have less than an associate of arts degree, but more than a high school diploma or its equivalent. A supplemental educational services provider may charge the eligible school district seventy-five percent of it hourly amount if the tutor has less than an associates of arts degree, or its equivalent of forty-eight (48) credit hours, from an accredited post secondary institution but more than a high school diploma The per pupil cap will be ratably reduced by twenty-five percent based on the education level of the tutor providing supplemental educational services.

19 SECTION VI-COST SUMMARY (Non computer based services only)

See Attachment B for the 2008-2009 New Mexico Preliminary SES Per Student Cap by District. (0 points)

Fixed hourly rate per student if tutors are licensed teachers or have a bachelor’s degree or higher (all applicable taxes are included in the hourly amount). $ 58.00 A supplemental educational services provider may charge the eligible school district its full hourly amount if the tutor has a valid teaching license or a four-year degree or greater from an accredited university or college. The per pupil cap will not be ratably reduced based on the education level of the tutor providing supplemental educational services.

Fixed hourly rate per student if tutors have less then a bachelor’s degree, but more than an associates of arts degree (all applicable taxes are included in the hourly amount). $ 49.30 A supplemental educational services provider may charge the eligible school district eighty-five percent of its hourly amount if the tutor has less than a four-year degree, but more than an associates of arts degree, or its equivalent of forty-eight (48) credit hours, from an accredited post secondary institution The per pupil cap will be ratably reduced by fifteen percent based on the education level of the tutor providing supplemental educational services.

Fixed hourly rate per student if tutors have less than an associates of arts degree, but more than a high school diploma (all applicable taxes are included in the hourly amount). $ NA A supplemental educational services provider may charge the eligible school district seventy-five percent of its hourly amount if the tutor has less than an associates of arts degree, or its equivalent of forty-eight (48) credit hours, from an accredited post secondary institution but more than a high school diploma The per pupil cap will be ratably reduced by twenty-five percent based on the education level of the tutor providing supplemental educational services.

NOTE: Separate registration and testing fees are not permissible. These fees, if applicable, must be built into the regular fixed hourly rate. If a registration or testing fee is included in your fixed hourly rate, describe the rationale for this cost.

An assessment fee is built into the hourly rate. ANDELE waves passing on any assessment fees, and deems the cost of such testing as part of general overhead and administrative costs. Therefore no separate fee is billed to administer the assessment test and to interpret individual test scores. This is common industry practice for professional tutoring companies to make assessments of their students to know how best to provide services and have a mutual understanding with the student's parent and teacher about obstacles and how best to build skills and competencies.


 Supplemental assessments (0 points) NOTE: The NMPED encourages LEAs to share their short cycle assessment data, which will identify student needs and is the basis of each Student Improvement Plan, with SES providers who will be providing services to their students.

20 In case the LEA does not have a short cycle assessment in place or is unable to provide diagnostic information to providers, you must provide the NMPED with the name and description of any diagnostic assessment(s) you will be using to identify students needs and how it will be administered. The assessment(s) used must be of high quality.

In the event that one of the LEAs that ANDELE has been selected to provide services does not have a short cyle assessment in place, or assessment results available at the time ANDELE meets with prospective students and parents to develop individual SIPs, then ANDELE will administer Assess to Learn for evaluating and determining proficiencies of students who are enrolled in Grades 1 through 8, KDPR for students in Kindergarten, and EDL (Spanish) for ESL and ELL students in Grades K through 6. The tests will be supervised by ANDELE management and scheduled and administered by its tutors and/or proctors in a community center, local school classroom, or public library. The results of such tests will be confidential and shared only with parents and/or students to be used as a benchmark for developing the SIP and charting student progres over the course of the tutoring cycle. In the event that ANDELE determines that other diagnostic or reference examinations are desirable, ANDELE will employ such proprietary assessment instruments.

 Connection to Student Improvement Plan and school and district programs (150 points) The individualized Student Improvement Plan is the driving force behind student instruction. NMAC 6.19.6 states, “Each student who is enrolled in supplemental educational services must have a student improvement plan, with goals relating to academic improvement based on state standards in place.”

Describe how you will utilize standard diagnostic assessment(s), district short cycle, and summative assessments to create a SIP specifically to identify goals and teach to student’s current needs.

ANDELE welcomes the opportunity to review any and all assessments that have been administered by local school districts for use in determining the competency level and grade proficiency of prospective students. Such information is extremely valuable in guiding parents and students towards a realistic selection of achievable goals and milestones. In the event that the school cannot provide ANDELE with timely and relevant short cycle and/or summative assessments, then ANDELE will administer Assess to Learn for evaluating and determining proficiencies of students who are enrolled in Grades 1 through 8, KDPR for students in Kindergarten, and EDL (Spanish) for ESL and ELL students in Grades K through 6, and/or its own reference tests. Data will be held in confidence and used purely to provide both the tutor and student's parent with a common framework in which to create the SIP and measure progress at the conclusion of the tutoring engagement.

ANDELE believes that the use of all available information, test scores and other pertinent data related to student competency should be used as both a benchmark for progress and as a basis for identifying potential obstacles to learning in a non judgmental manner. Tutors and students should employ this data and evaluate such information in creating the student’s individual student improvement plan (SIP). For example, assuming that the student had a competency of 50 % of grade level in reading and 80% of grade level in mathematics, then the student and parent would be encouraged to develop an SIP that allocated 75 percent of tutor/student interaction on improving reading skills. In the event that the student achieved 80% or better competency in reading by the mid point of the tutoring cycle, the tutor and student in conjunction with the parent, would agree to balance the emphasis of tutoring interactions to mathematics and/or science for the duration of the remaining tutoring sessions, so that skill building in reading would consume 50% of the time on task and the remainder of time would be focused on obstacles and impediments to learning in mathematics and science, as agreed upon in the SIP. The specific objectives of language arts competencies, reading comprehension, as well as mathematics and science skill development strands will be described in the SIP, related to state standards for the specific competencies expected of the student, and discussed with the appropriate LEA representative and teacher in agreement with the local school.

Describe how you will collaborate with the LEA in the development of the individualized Student Improvement Plan.

21 ANDELE management and ANDELE tutors will communicate with LEA representatives prior to the commencement of tutoring sessions, and after an individual SIP plan has been prepared for and with each student assigned to ANDELE. ANDELE will prepare a form to be reviewed by the appropriate LEA representative indicating concurrence and or suggested modifications of the SIP for the specific student. Tutors will prepare monthly progress reports on student attendance and provide metrics on progress, evidencing milestones of achievement that may be either emailed or distributed to the local LEA representative, as may be appropriate. LEAs will be encouraged to respond and offer suggestions for improving student performance, or using specific materials or strategies relevant to the specific learning styles of f the student with LEP or disabilities or other idiosyncratic characteristics.

The staff of ANDELE believes that we share a responsibility with the school administrators, teachers, and the school district for building self esteem and for raising competencies for lagging learners. School administrators will be provided with copies of students’ progress reports that will be provide to parents each week as well as each month. School administrators will be invited to periodic potluck dinners with tutors, students, and families during the program. (See Attachment F for a sample of student progress report form in English and Spanish; and Attachment G for copy of 2005 Recognition Event to celebrate student achievement.)

Describe how you plan to collaborate with classroom teachers to support the instruction the student is receiving during the regular school day.

ANDELE management and ANDELE tutors will communicate with the classroom teachers, with the approval of LEA representatives prior to the commencement of tutoring sessions to determine the best ways to complement classroom instruction in each tutoring interaction. Such complementary instruction should reflect the individual student SIP plan that has been prepared for each student assigned to ANDELE. Once the initial meeting has occurred, ANDELE will encourage classroom teachers to email ANDELE with monthly feedback about students. In order to ease the burden of such communication, ANDELE will prepare and offer Microsoft word formats to facilitate teacher/tutor communication, about attendance, behavior, student participation, parent involvement, student achievement, and learning obstacles in reading, mathematics, and science, as may be appropriate.

ANDELE staff will engage in a teacher-tutor conference at the beginning of the tutoring cycle to discuss the best ways to meet each student’s needs and goals with his/her respective teacher. Reports on each student in ANDELE’s program will be submitted to their respective teacher. Communication via electronic mail between tutor and teacher will be encouraged. ANDELE will abide by the recommended guidelines for reporting of student progress. Parents will be invited to periodic potluck dinners with tutors and student families during the program. During these events students will be encouraged to demonstrate their academic progress and individual achievements. (See Attachment F for a sample of student progress report form in English and Spanish; and Attachment G for copy of 2005 Recognition Event to celebrate student achievement.)

 Instructional practices and evidence of effectiveness (300 points) Describe the nature of your instructional model specific to the proposed grade level(s) and content area(s). You must include: 1) your proposed curriculum , 2) time on task, 3) materials that will be used, 4) training that tutors will receive (relevant to academic services), and 5) how locations and tutors will be monitored and how adjustments will be made, if needed.

1. Proposed Curriculum - Examples of ANDELE's proposed curriculum for Grade 3 Language Arts and Grade 2 Mathematics are described in detail. However, ANDELE believes that because our tutors provide either 1:1 or 1:3 tutoring encounters, the emphasis of the tutor on a given component of New Mexico's academic standards and learning strands may be modified as a function of the learning obstacles and student preferences articulated in the individual SIP. ANDELE recognizes the challenges of serving students with different styles of learning. ANDELE tutors will be trained to continually strive to customize the curriculum and individual lesson plans to ensure that students' learning needs are met.

22 (See Attachment B, 1 and 2 for ANDELE's representative curriculum in mathematics and Language Arts, and sample lesson plans.)

2. Time on Task - While the The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) did not specifically address the importance of time on task, the delivery of SES services to supplement classroom instruction represents both opportunity and challenge for school, supplemental service provider, parent, and learner to coordinate their efforts. ANDELE takes both pride and comfort in the knowledge that our approach and philosophy of tutoring and mentoring Title I students and other underserved populations has a strong research grounding in the documentary evidence in literature. In particular, the findings of Abt Associates and Juel support incorporating the four effective practices cited in the AmeriCorps research in the ANDELE tutoring model, that address time on task issues. All four of these documented success elements are part of our tutoring matrix. (a) Linking student and tutors in face- to-face sessions for a minimum of three encounters per week for ten weeks; (b) Training tutors prior and during the tutoring program in the import and use of repetition of exercises that are designed to build sustainable competencies; (c) Confirming that a substantial portion of the tutoring curricula is agreed upon by parents, student, and tutor prior to commencement of sessions; and (d) Conducting a formal evaluation of program outcomes. The ANDELE tutoring philosophy and program design is also in accord with the most effective AmeriCorps tutoring efforts – our tutorial efforts do not strictly adhere to modeling or replicating classroom instruction. Abt findings confirm that when tutors did NOT coordinate their tutoring practices with classroom instruction, students experienced larger gains in reading comprehension. (See the following bibliography for additional support of ANDELE's approach: -Abt Associates, Inc. AmeriCorps Tutoring Outcomes Study. Washington, DC: Corporation for National and Community Service, 2001. -Juel, C. “What makes literacy tutoring effective?” Reading Research Quarterly. 1966. -Vasady, Patricia F. et. al. “Effects of tutoring in phonology and early reading skills on students at risk for reading disabilities” Journal of Learning Disabilities. Nov/Dec. 2000.

3. Materials to be Used - The materials employed by tutors vary widely as a function of the age, learning style, and SIP focus of the student. ANDELE has developed proprietary materials that have proved effective in raising competencies of language arts, reading and mathematics skills. For example ANDELE purchased multiple copies of the award winning book, City of Ember, which was used by tutors during relevant segments of each middle school reading activity. ANDELE provides students with books and practice materials purchased at its own expense to complement and amplify grade specific texts. ANDELE develops proprietary materials for tutors to use in mathematics sessions focusing on real world problem solving applications. With regard to language arts curriculum ANDELE's tutors also use work books and instruction aids suggested by the teachers and administrators of the appropriate LEA.

4.Tutor Training - ANDELE recruits, screens and tests prospective tutors to assure they can demonstrate sufficient academic competencies to provide instruction at specific grade level and mastery of the subject matter they intend to convey to prospective students. In addition to confirming that tutors are all bi-lingual and have requisite skill levels, ANDELE's tutors are required to attend training sessions related to adapting teaching styles to one to one and/or small group (1:3) clusters. Tutors are also trained to build initial rapport with student and family prior to embarking on challenging academic skill building. Tutors learn that while command of subject matter is a pre-requisite to building competency, two of the most important components of student success are the ability to communicate ideas to others, and to find effective ways to build student self- esteem while sustaining the student's personal motivation. (See Attachment C for training ANDELE tutors receive; see Attachment E for sample training materials.)

5. Assuring high quality tutorial instruction is an ongoing process, and tutors are monitored in three ways. Firstly, tutors are required to submit daily electronic reports on their interactions with students within 24 hours of each session. ANDELE uses these web based forms to monitor the tasks and outcomes of each session (see sample tutor report in the Appendix). In the event that the tutor fails to complete these reports, a progressive disciplinary process is implemented. Secondly, ANDELE management communicates with tutors on a weekly basis in order to identify obstacles to learning, motivational concerns, attendance issues, and concerns raised by

23 parents or students. In the event that ANDELE believes that progress toward the goals of the SIP is not being met, the company may replace or offer new materials to the tutor to enhance learning. Thirdly, all parents, tutors and ANDELE management are invited to meet on a monthly basis to share mutual concerns about student progress, as well as meet individually to reinforce and motivate both the parent and their child to spend quality time together on challenging academic pursuits

Describe what the family, student and school district/teacher should expect during a typical Supplemental Educational Services session. You must include: 1) how student needs are identified, 2) how identified student needs are met, 3) how identified student needs are communicated to the family, student and school district/teacher, 4) how you know progress has been achieved/not achieved and, 5) the next steps for tutor and student.

1. Once a student and parent select ANDELE, a screening appointment will be scheduled to introduce prospective tutor, parent, student and ANDELE representative to assure that tutor, student, and parent can communicate effectively and that the likelihood of rapport and trust may be effected. In addition, a series of questions related to the students obstacles to learning and communicating in English may be addressed. At the conclusion of the introductory meeting, parent, tutor, and student will sign ANDELE’s form of concurrence, confirming that the tutor and student intend to proceed, and develop an individual student improvement plan to address specific achievement objectives. A copy of the ANDELE SIP concurrence plan will be sent to the LEA, and available for inspection by the appropriate PED representative. ANDELE does not employ either web or computer based models of instruction.

ANDELE identifies student needs in the following ways: a) Meetings with students' teachers and families. ANDELE staff and tutors will engage in a teacher-tutor conference at the beginning of the tutoring cycle to discuss the best ways to meet each student’s needs and goals with his/her respective teacher. ANDELE staff also meets individually with student families during orientation sessions at the start of the program to discuss obstacles to learning and prioritize needs. b) Assessment tests administered by ANDELE tutors prior to the commencement of instruction. ANDELE welcomes the opportunity to review any and all assessments that have been administered by local school districts for use in determining the competency level and grade proficiency of prospective students. Such information is extremely valuable in guiding parents and students towards a realistic selection of achievable goals and milestones. Depending on the preferences of the parents and students and in conjunction with the tutor, assessments prior to the start of tutoring may be conducted in either Spanish or English and a certain portion of remedial instruction in language arts may be delivered in Spanish.

2. ANDELE ensures that individual needs are met at various levels: a) ANDELE realizes that there may be differences in personalities and attempts to match tutor with student/s to make sure that learning and instruction styles are at a level that is likely to foster learning and trust. If at any time a parent or tutor feels that the engagement is not beneficial, ANDELE will attempt to replace the tutor with a suitable match that meets the need of the student and confirms that the tutor has the knowledge, skills, and motivation to assist the student in achieving his/her SIP. b) Tutoring services will be provided in small clusters of three students, or in individual one-to-one sessions. All ANDELE tutors are bilingual in English and Spanish. Individual student plans will be based on student assessments and in conjunction with the student's teacher and parents. ANDELE's curriculum will be customized to the student improvement plan and is geared to the achievement level and assessment results of the individual student that is conducted prior to the beginning of tutoring. c) Reports on each student in ANDELE’s program will be submitted to parents and teachers. Communication via electronic mail between tutor and teacher will be encouraged to ensure measurable progress is achieved.

3 ANDELE requires each tutor to provide an electronic summary report of each engagement within 24 hours of the delivery of instruction. The reports form the basis of weekly progress reports. In addition to general weekly reports, specific reports will be provided to parents as necessary and will be made available immediately if we deem the specific situation to be an obstacle to learning. These instances may include a need for discipline, tardiness, a lack of motivation that may impact the specific student's progress and affect other students in the group. More detailed reports that address specific progress will be provide monthly. Parents are also given the

24 opportunity to communicate by email or by phone with management in the event they wish to express concerns or suggestions that might improve the tutoring engagement. ANDELE holds periodic informal potluck dinners with tutors, students and their families during the program cycle to encourage parents as partners. School administrators and teachers are invited to attend. (See Attachment F for a sample of student progress report form in English and Spanish; and Attachment G for copy of 2005 Recognition Event to celebrate student achievement.)

4 ANDELE's weekly and monthly reports will track each student's progress and determine if SIP goals are being met. Monthly assessments are communicated to us by the tutors and records are maintained on a grid that identifies milestones related to the SIP. ANDELE also conducts pre, mid and post assessment tests.

5 Tutors will continue to focus upon the SIP for students, and refine customized curriculum for students making progress. If ANDELE determines that certain students are not making the desires progress, ANDELE will, in consultation with the student's tutor, respective teacher, and parent, to determine obstacles to learning whether they be related to attendance, motivation, and/or language. ANDELE will guide tutors of these students as necessary to overcome the identified obstacle/s.

Present evidence that your instructional practices have a positive impact on academic achievement for low income, under achieving student, if applicable, in the areas of math, reading and science. This may include results from parent surveys or parent recommendations and evaluation results obtained using objective methodologies and scientifically valid methods. You must be thorough and specific, broad statements are not permissible.

As previously indicated, Ms. Samraj, the President of ANDELE managed TESCO Tutoring, an approved SES provider in New Mexico. The narrative and chart below, evidencing the effectiveness of Ms. Samraj’s management of tutors and interactions with student enrolled in TESCO’s tutoring effects in Anthony New Mexico, confirms the effectiveness of Ms. Samraj’s management of tutors and interactions with underserved and low income families.

ANDELE’s experience in creating and implementing successful mentoring and tutoring programs has confirmed that quantifiable improvement in student achievement is directly dependent on a minimum of three one-hour interactions with learners per week. In addition, tutoring literature confirms that students develop long-term and sustainable improvement in competency building and achievement, provided that the content of sessions is not directly linked to classroom curriculum; that programs are permitted to reach full implementation; that tutoring has a formal evaluation process, and that tutors receive prior and ongoing training and support.

ANDELE has also blended proven methods of mentoring, coaching and tutoring lagging learners through face- to-face, learning circles, and internet and web based communications to raise competencies of students to pass tests. Periodic student exposure to inspirational speakers and “icons” that come from backgrounds similar to the populations being served participate in the tutoring program to confirm that success is possible; reinforcing student access to mentors and building connections with successful peers.

As evidence that our instructional practices have a positive impact on academic achievement for low income and underachieving students, we offer the experience of providing services under TESCO Tutoring*. TESCO has been acquired by ANDELE TUTORS and provides services under the same management team. TESCO was an approved provider for SES services in New Mexico for the years 2003-2006. We believe that it is representative of ANDELE's tutoring style and philosophy. The Gadsden Independent School District may also be contacted to confirm the evidence of effectiveness of our tutoring program, and the level of satisfaction with TESCO Tutoring as a provider. Please also refer to the independent review that was conducted by New Mexico's PED of TESCO's program and services.

25 Additional evidence that ANDELE will, and has had a positive impact on academic achievement and on a student’s self confidence, includes brief narratives of three elementary Title I students who were enrolled in TESCO's* tutoring program during the 2004-2005 school year.

The following anecdotal evidence is representative of the effectiveness of the ANDELE tutoring model:

1. Stephanie A. is eight years old and in Grade 2. Stephanie received individual tutoring in her home three times a week by one of TESCO’s bilingual tutors. Stephanie made remarkable progress in Mathematics once she began tutoring sessions. After just three months of tutoring she turned her math grade around at school from an “F” to a “B.” Both Stephanie and her mother were appreciative of TESCO’s tutor for her diligence, commitment and patience in tutoring Stephanie. Stephanie was sad when the tutoring came to end as she had developed a positive relationship with her tutor. Stephanie completed 100 percent of TESCO’s tutoring program.

2. Isaac B. is nine years old and in Grade 3. Isaac was enrolled in TESCO’s cluster tutoring program where students in small groups of three are tutored three times a week. Although, Isaac made significant progress in both Mathematics and in Language Arts, his commitment was demonstrated in his regular attendance. Isaac enjoyed the small cluster sessions held at the Women’s Intercultural Center (Anthony, New Mexico) after school three times a week and was awarded a bicycle at the end of the program for best student attendance.

3. Kassandra D. is eight years old and in Grade 3. At the beginning of the program Kassandra lacked motivation and faced challenges in staying focused during the tutoring session. By the end of the program, Kassandra had shown improvement in all areas of subject matter—specifically in reading. TESCO’s tutor had developed a connection with Kassandra through a consistent demonstration of caring and commitment to skill building.

(continued on following page)

26 The chart below contains assessment data and confirm academic improvement of students enrolled in TESCO’s tutoring program for the years 2004-05 and 2005-06. Data includes actual grown rates represented in percent changes for students in reading and mathematics.



NAME PRE TEST POST TEST % CHANGE ENGLISH MATH ENGLISH MATH ENGLISH MATH Isaac B. 88 78 92 96 +4 +18 Nancy C. 66 64 100 78 +34 +14 Stephanya C. 83 39 100 64 +17 +25 Candace H. 61 75 100 75 +39 0 Sujey H. 77 75 67 75 -10 0 Maggie R. 88 67 95 61 +7 -6 Perla R. 83 85 100 100 +17 +15 Janeth R. 66 60 100 86 +34 +26 Kassandra D. 94 89 100 96 +6 +7 Ileana S. 94 60 100 89 +6 +29 Stephanie A 89 60 100 96 +11 +36 Stephanie An 94 78 88 82 -6 +4 Carlos C 94 75 96 86 +2 +11 Wendy H. 72 75 71 79 -1 4

*TESCO Tutoring has been acquired by ANDELE TUTORS. Please note, ANDELE TUTORS provides SES services under the same management team, continuously directed by Lorna Samraj.


D. Communication of student progress to the school and district (100 points) Describe the specific procedures used to report student progress to students, teachers and appropriate school or district staff and how often you report student progress. 6.19.6 NMAC states parents or guardians, and appropriate school personnel must be notified of student progress in a format that is easily understandable.

Representatives of LEAs or designated school administrators will be provided with copies of students’ progress reports that will be provided to parents each week, as well as each month. School administrators will be invited to periodic potluck dinners with tutors, students, and families during the program. (See Attachment F for a sample student progress report form in English and Spanish)

State the frequency of communication of student progress to the school and district:

One time a week – Written progress reports will be given to appropriate school district personnel One time every two weeks – Written progress reports will be given to appropriate school district personnel One time every three weeks – Written progress reports will be given to appropriate school district personnel One time every four weeks – Written progress reports will be given to appropriate school district personnel Other, please explain

E. Communication of student progress with parents/families (100 points) Describe the specific procedures used to report student progress to the student’s parents/families and how often student progress is reported. 6.19.6 NMAC states parents or guardians and appropriate school personnel must be notified of student progress in a format that is easily understandable. You must be thorough and specific, broad statements are not permissible.

It is ANDELE’s experience that success requires commitment, participation, and “buy in” from all stakeholders if efforts by the student are to be honored and rewarded in the long term. Accordingly, prior to enrolling a student in the tutoring program, both parent and student will be asked to participate in an orientation session describing the expectations and desired outcomes during the tutoring cycle. Tutors and program staff are encouraged to adapt their interactions with students and parents in the context that incorporate cultural and situational preferences. Written reports will be provided to parents describing their child’s progress in key subject areas, attendance and class participation. Reports will be made available in the native language of the parent. Student families will be invited to participate in parent conference and periodic potlucks, dinners and award ceremonies. (See Attachment F for a sample of student progress report form in English and Spanish; and Attachment G for copy of 2005 Recognition Event to celebrate student achievement.)

In addition to general weekly reports, as well as monthly progress reports, special alerts will be provided to parents as may be warranted, and will be made available immediately if we deem the specific circumstance or behavior of a child appears to be an obstacle to learning. These instances may include a need for self- discipline, tardiness, or a lack of motivation that may impact the specific student's progress and affect other students in the group. More detailed reports that address specific progress will be provide monthly. (See Attachment F for a sample of student progress report form in English and Spanish)

28 State the frequency of communication of student progress with the parents/families:

One time a week – Written progress reports will be given to appropriate family member One time every two weeks – Written progress reports will be given to appropriate family member One time every three weeks – Written progress reports will be given to appropriate family member One time every four weeks – Written progress reports will be given to appropriate family member Other, please explain


ANDELE provides the following items as evidence of acceptable financial and management capacity:

 Copy of City of Albuquerque business license

 ANDELE Business Plan

 Certificate evidencing professional liability insurance coverage

(See Attachment D for above documents)


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