Southern Illinois Healthcare

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Southern Illinois Healthcare

Jackson County Healthy Communities Coalition November 17, 2011 @ 8:30 a.m.

Present: Toni Kay Wright, SIUC Head Start Caleb Nehring, American Cancer Society Jeff Franklin, SIU – Center for Rural Health & Social Service Development Fran Becque, Women for Health and Wellness, Inc. Kris Sherrill, Southern Illinois Healthcare Becky Salazar, Shawnee Alliance Miriam Link-Mullison, Jackson County Health Department Angie Bailey, Jackson County Health Department BJ Sanders, Jackson County Health Department Matt Germann, Gateway Foundation Orlan Mays, Gift of Love Charity, Inc. Judy Ashby, LifeSavers Training Valerie Burgess, Murphysboro Middle School Ramona Girtman, Southern Illinois Regional Social Services Erin Dickson, Carbondale Park District David Holt, Department of Human Services, Community Health Programs Teresa Garrison, Boys and Girls Club of Carbondale Ruth Heitkamp, SIU – Center for Rural Health & Social Service Development Karen Freitag, Southern Illinois Regional Social Services Bob Williams, The Southern Illinoisan Erika Peterson, Shawnee Health Service Susie Toliver, Carbondale Police Department Merrie Nielsen, SIUC School of Social Work Jennifer Vinyard, Hospice of Southern Illinois

By Invitation:Gary Metro, The Southern Illinoisan

Minutes: Susan Morgan, Southern Illinois Healthcare

Welcome/Introductions: Kris Sherrill of Southern Illinois Healthcare welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were given of all in attendance.

Approval of Agenda: Agenda stands approved.

Approval of September 22, 2011, Meeting Minutes: Minutes stand approved as written. Kris Sherrill reminded the committee where minutes and member tools could be accessed on the SIH website.

Agency Presentation: Gary Metro, Editor of The Southern Illinoisan gave this month’s agency presentation on The Southern Illinoisan.

The Southern Illinoisan is a media company. Not only do they print a daily regional newspaper and the regions only Sunday newspaper, they gather and produce content for a variety of platforms. Some of those are:

1 . The Southern Business Journal – This is a business to business publication that comes out once per month. . “Life & Style in Southern Illinois” – Is a quarterly magazine. . Website – . Mobile application (free) . Books o McAndrew Stadium o The Life of Rosemary Crisp

The Southern has a commitment to improving health by giving their readers as much information about health and wellness as possible.. For example, in October, a lot of emphasis was given on breast cancer awareness with information about trends and treatments, survival rates, best practices of early detection, etc. They also tried to raise awareness by printing the newspaper on pink paper. The Mind and Body section of the newspaper comes out on Tuesday’s and the Behavioral Health Action Team is instrumental in writing articles for this section on a weekly basis. Karen Freitag stated that many positive comments are received from these articles.

On average The Southern Illinoisan newspaper reaches 24,000 people daily and 35,000 people on Sunday.

Information was distributed on how to write and submit a press release and how to send news to The Southern Illinoisan and One of the main things to remember when submitting a press release is to make sure you indicate the description in the subject line of the e- mail.

For local and community news: [email protected] Sports: [email protected] Photo: [email protected] Flipside (entertainment news): [email protected] Opinion: [email protected]

To reach the news management team, please contact the individuals below:

Editor in Chief: Gary Metro: (618) 351-5033 [email protected] Managing Editor: Mark Fitton: (618) 351-5807 [email protected] Local News Editor: Rob Crow: (618) 351-5080 [email protected] Online Editor: Caleb Hale: (618) 351-5090 [email protected] Lifestyles, Flipside & Special Projects Editor: Cara Recine: (618) 351-5075 [email protected] Community News Editor: Marilyn Halstead: (618) 351-5078 [email protected] Sports Editor: Les Winkeler: (618) 351-5088 [email protected] Photo Editor/Director of Visuals: Paul Newton: (618) 351-5082 [email protected] News Librarian: Brenda Kirkpatrick: (618) 351-5089 [email protected]

Because they cover such a big area Mr. Metro stressed to the committee members that planning ahead and notifying the Southern staff with as much advance notice as possible when an event is going to occur would be very much appreciated.

2 Action Plan Updates

. Healthy Living Action Team The overall goal of the Healthy Living Action Team is to decrease cardiovascular disease including diabetes and obesity issues and to increase awareness regarding nutrition, physical activity and tobacco usage. A Community Leaders Forum was held on October 27, 2011 and was very well attended. The event was held to educate community leaders about policy, system, and environmental changes that could lead to a healthier community. Miriam Link-Mullison thanked all who were involved with this forum. The Healthy Living Guide is located on the SIH website ( under member tools and it is also located on the Community Health Calendar. START! Walking paths – A total of 50 paths have been created so far in southern Illinois. You can Google START Walking paths in southern Illinois for a map of all locations. These paths are also located on the SIH website as well as the American Heart Association’s website. Please contact Kris Sherrill at (618) 457- 5200, ext. 67834 if you need to restock more business card size walking path information cards, need holders for the cards, or know of a location to create a START Walking path. On-line submission forms for walking paths are also available on the calendar. Diabetes Today Resource Team – The main goal of this committee is to educate healthcare providers. A Diabetes Resource Guide has been developed and will be placed on the SIH website under Community Benefits tools section. A mini grant of $1,000 was also received to help with printing cost for these guides. The Diabetes Today Resource Team is also looking into conducting a train the trainer workshop, as well as looking at submitting another grant to train parish nurses. The next meeting of the Diabetes Today Resource Team is scheduled for December 8, 2011 at 11 a.m. at the Jackson County Health Department. Contact Angie Bailey at (618) 684-3143 if interested in joining this resource team. Community Health Calendar – All were reminded to use the online Community Health Calendar. All items listed on the health calendar must have an educational component and be open to the public. (no fundraisers). The community health calendar can be located at: New business cards are now available to promote the calendar. Contact Kris Sherrill if you would like a supply of these or the magnets. The Community Health Calendar also has a variety of tools and links for the Healthy Living Guide, E- Resource Manual, submission forms for START Walking paths, etc. Project Power – This faith based initiative is in nine African American churches in Carbondale. The program teaches individuals how to make healthy choices to increase their overall health. In the process of teaching healthy cooking and how to modify recipes to be healthier. A new Project Power ambassador peer mentor (Shazeta Porter) was hired this past fall to coordinate this effort. Farmer’s Market Update – Looking into the possibility of having year-round farmer’s markets. In the process of writing for a grant to do community gardens Work continues to reduce CVD (including diabetes & obesity and tobacco use) in Jackson County. Working with the Healthy SI Delta Network on a coordinated approach with 16 counties in southern Illinois. CATCH – Coordinated Approach To Child Health  Currently, CATCH is in 55 locations and continues to grow.  Will host the Delta States meeting next year.

3  In the process of putting together a template to add bullying prevention back into the curriculum.  Farm to School initiative – working with school chefs on taking them on farm tours to link school cafeterias with local farmers.  School Lunch Rocks Conference will continue – conference will be for all school food service workers in the lower 16 counties of Illinois.  Looking into placing CATCH in early childhood with pre-K, Head Start, JALC Early Childhood Development, etc.  The next meeting of the CATCH coalition is scheduled for November 22, 2011 at 10 a.m. at SIU-Center for Rural Health and Social Service Development. Healthy Weight Collaborative – Looking at childhood obesity and in the process of putting together a tool kit to provide to physicians. An assessment of prevention through treatment is being completed and will be holding some education for providers regarding childhood obesity. Next Meeting of the Healthy Living Action Team: January 10, 2011 @ 8:30 a.m. at Southern Illinois Healthcare in conference room 102. For more information about the Healthy Living Action Team or to become a member, please call Kris Sherrill at (618) 457-5200, ext. 67834 or Angie Bailey at (618) 684-3143, ext. 134.

. Jackson County Family Violence Task Force Susie Toliver discussed the idea of combining forces with another group, but it was decided that the group will maintain autonomy as an action team. The JCFVTF is working on compiling a screening tool for service providers. If interested in joining this action team, please contact Cathy McClanahan at (618) 549-4807 or by e-mail at: [email protected] or Susie Toliver at 457-3200, ext. 447 or by e-mail at [email protected] Next Meeting: No meeting has been scheduled at this time.

. Positive Youth Development Action Team. Ramona Gertman and Tina Carpenter are the new co-chairs of the action team for 2012. Formed a strategic planning committee that will meet today (11/17/11) to create a new action plan for 2012. The first set of youth articles will be submitted to local newspapers. Work continues on the 40 Developmental Asset / BASIC project. If interested in joining the PYD Action Team, please contact Ramona Gertman of SIRSS at (618) 457-6703 or Tina Carpenter of the Boys & Girls Club of Carbondale at 457-8877. Next meeting: December 20, 2011 @ 9:00 a.m. at the Boys & Girls Club of Carbondale.

. Access to Care Action Team Access to Care is now the Joint Access Team and includes Franklin and Williamson Counties. Focus continues on increasing access to oral health services in Jackson, Franklin, and Williamson Counties. A Bright Smiles From Birth Training was held on September 28, 2011 at JALC. This training was co-sponsored with the American Academy of Pediatrics. The training was for health providers on oral assessments and fluoride varnish 4 applications and focused on targeting children on Medicaid who are under three years of age. Approximately 30% of all children in this age group in Jackson County have untreated cavities. The Access to Care Action Team continues to get very positive data on the enhanced referral system for individuals going to the ED for oral health services. For this individuals either same day or next day apts. at Shawnee or SIUC CDC are being secured. Expect to see about 150 referrals by the end of the year with about 50% of referrals receiving services. The Web-based E-Referral Manual for Jackson County and the surrounding region has been updated and is located on the SIH Website. This web-based referral manual has information regarding primary care, dental care, mental health services, financial support, housing assistance, wellness and linkage resources, etc. Most resources link directly to an agency’s website so you can be sure you are receiving the most up-to-date information. Go to: then click on “Community Benefits,” then go to Jackson County Healthy Communities Coalition and look under “Member Tools.” In the process of setting up a referral system for BRIERS (Blood Related Illness Enhanced Referral Service) for patients with illnesses such as: HIV, Hepatitis C and Sickle Cell that have specialty care but are currently without a primary care medical home. For more information about the Access to Care Action Team, please contact Miriam Link-Mullison at (618) 684-3143. Next meeting: December 14, 2011 @ 2 p.m. at JALC (Room F118). These meetings are always held on the second Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m. at JALC.

. Behavioral Health Action Team Work continues on submitting articles for the “Living Well” column for the Southern Illinoisan newspaper which comes out in the Mind & Body section of the Southern Illinoisan each Tuesday. The Behavioral Health Action Team is constantly looking for ideas for these articles. Contact Karen Freitag or Jean Alstat at (618) 457-6703 or Colleen Flannagan at (618) 565-0060 with suggestions. Next meeting: December 5, 2011 @ 8:30 a.m. at Southern Illinois Regional Social Services. (This group meets the first Monday of every month at SIRSS (Turning Point Building).

. Sexual Health Action Team The overall goal of the Sexual Health Action Team is to reduce STDs in Jackson County. The specific strategies chosen by the team include: Working with providers to increase the rates of screening for STDs in Jackson county, working with educators and community agencies to increase the numbers of young adults who receive education that includes abstinence, prevention of STDs and birth control methods and increase the number of young adults who use barrier protection against STDs. The Sexual Health Action Team now has three physicians on the team and they are trying to get the message out to existing venues. Will be at the upcoming Teen Women’s Health Conference. Miriam has DVD videos available on teen sexual health. The videos were made possible by MTV and the Kaiser Family Foundation. If anyone would like a copy, please contact Miriam Link-Mullison at (618) 684-3143. 5 Always looking for new team members. Would like to recruit parents who are interested and supportive of comprehensive sex education in schools. Please send an e-mail to Miriam Link-Mullison at [email protected] if you would like to join this action team. Next meeting: December 7, 2011 @ 3:00 p.m. at Jackson County Health Department.


. Web-based E-Referral Manual – For Jackson County and the surrounding region has been updated and is located on the SIH Website. This web-based referral manual has information regarding primary care, dental care, mental health services, financial support, housing assistance, wellness and linkage resources, etc. Most resources link directly to an agency’s website so you can be sure you are receiving the most up-to-date information. Go to: then click on “Community Benefits,” then go to Jackson County Healthy Communities Coalition and look under “Member Tools.”

. SIH - Fund Development Announcements/Upcoming Events for 2012:  Unveiling Gala Event – April 13, 2012  Slice of Life Golf Reception – August 16, 2012  Slice of Life Golf Tournament – August 17, 2012  Coach Kill Cancer Fund/Big K Poker Run – August 25, 2012 For more information about these upcoming events, please contact Michelle Sirles, Special Events Coordinator for SIH Fund Development at (618) 457-5200, ext. 67831.

. SIH Second Act Brochures – packets of Second Act brochures were made available to anyone needing them for their facility/public waiting areas. All were asked to fill out a form when taking a stack of brochures in order to help with restocking in the future. If anyone is interested in these brochures or need additional copies, please contact the Second Act Department of Southern Illinois Healthcare at 1-877-480-4040. Second Act is a free program for adults 50 and beyond.

. 7th Annual Southern Illinois Alternative Gift Fair – December 4, 2011 at 3 – 6 p.m. at Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship, 105 N. Parrish Lane, Carbondale. Admission is one non-perishable food item. For more information, call Jess at (618) 534-1162 or e-mail Mary at [email protected]

. LifeSavers Training – Now listed in the Best practices Registry of The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center.

. Bowl for KidSake – Save the date: February 11, 2012

. Carbondale Park District Turkey Shoot – November 19, 2011 at 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club of Carbondale.

. Junior Dawgs Basketball – Practices and games will be held in January and February 2012 at Thomas School. For 1st – 6th grade. Cost is $20. Register by Saturday, November 19.

6 . Carbondale Park District presents: Ivas John Band with special guest Kristin Gregory. Live at the Varsity Theatre for the Arts on November 19, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10. Call (618) 549-4222 for more information.

. Injury Prevention/Traffic Safety Sub-Committee Forming – If you are interested in participating on a newly formed Injury Prevention/Traffic Safety sub-committee to the Jackson County Healthy Communities Coalition, please feel free to attend the first meeting on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at the Jackson County Health Department at 4:00 p.m. or contact BJ Sanders at (618) 684-3143.

. Teen Women’s Health Conference – Save the date: February 25, 2012 at 7 a.m. – 12 p.m.

. Men’s Health Conference – Save the date: March 24, 2012

. American Cancer Society  Great American Smokeout – November 17, 2011  Go Cold Turkey Bowl – was held on November 16, 2011 at SIU. 20 community members pledged to stop smoking for the day.

Next Meeting Date/Location: The next meeting of the JCHCC is scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. at the Carbondale Township Office. The agency presentation will be given by Debbie Moore of Southern Illinois Tourism.

Adjournment: Meeting Adjourned at 9:47 a.m.


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