Burnett S AP Lit a Book Must Be the Axe for the Frozen Sea Inside Us. Franz Kafka

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Burnett S AP Lit a Book Must Be the Axe for the Frozen Sea Inside Us. Franz Kafka

Burnett’s AP Lit “A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us.” ~ Franz Kafka Frankenstein Journal Assignment

Journal Requirements – All journals are due on the date assigned. No late journals are accepted!  All journal entries are to be typed!  Follow the format below!  All students are responsible for their own journals!  To receive full credit you must a) follow the entry format b) complete journal entries with insight and depth c) turn in on the due date d) each section must be completed e) no specific support may be used more than once f) each section will begin a new page of the journal.  Any aspect of the journal that is taken from the “Al Gore’s Internet” or copied from someone else will result in a zero for the entire grade! Bottom line, do your own work!

Page One – Basic Information (30 points)  Title – underline or place in italics  Author: Pretty self explanatory …  Mood: What is the mood? Complete in several sentences. Be sure to include any changes you notice in the novel.  List of characters: List the most important characters and state their role/function. Place each character on a new line with the role/function next to their name.  Memorable Line, quote, or passage: Provide your favorite/memorable line or passage and explain why you chose it.  Issues: Literature often makes issues come alive! What are the issues presented? List three (3) issues and then select one issue (family) to discuss with support. Divide this part of your paper into 2 columns (or create a table). Label the first column your issue and the second your commentary. You need two specific support and commentary. In the issue column you will state the page number and provide specific support from the novel. In the commentary column, explain how your support develops the issue. The commentary is the most important aspect. Three issues from Poisonwood Bible – war, family, captivity Family (the one issue to develop) Commentary Page # and support Explain how your support develops the issue

Page Two – Character Analysis (45 points)  Place the character’s name at the top of the page.  All of your support should reflect the entire novel! Support will need to come from the beginning, middle, and end.  Divide your paper into 2 columns (or create a table) and head each section “Characterization Support” and “Commentary”.  Under the “Characterization Support” you will have 5 subheadings and a support for each subheading with 2 support for the complexity section. The subheadings are: conflict, resolution, tension, resolution, complexity to _____ (response to action, meaning of something, characterization or ideas). Character’s Name: ______Characterization Support Commentary Conflict (state it) Explain how the support develops the conflict Page # support

Resolution (state it) Explain how the support either resolves or does not Page # support resolve the conflict. Tension (state it) Explain how the support develops the tension. Page # support

Resolution (state it) Explain how the support either resolves or does not Page # support resolve the tension.

Complexity to _____ Explain how the support develops the complexity. Page # support Page # support Explain how the support develops the complexity. (You need 2 support and 2 explanations for complexity)  Characterization support – you need a total of 6 specific support. The support needs to represent each category. Be sure to state the conflict, the tension and complete the blank for complexity. Sate the page number and provide the specific support from the novel.  Commentary – explain CLEARLY how the support develops each conflict, tension, resolution and complexity. Your analysis should represent the various conflicting aspects of the character. This is the most important part!!

Part Three – Setting (25 points)  The setting is important to the development of character and meaning of the work. Include time, place, and season.  Divide your paper into 2 columns (or create a table). Label the first column “details of setting” and the second column “commentary – effect/develops”.  Select a total of 3 specific examples (from the first half of the book, middle, and last half of the book). In the column “details of setting” give the page number and the specific support. In the column “commentary – effect/develops” explain HOW the support develops the character/meaning of the novel. This is the most important part! Details of the setting Commentary – effect/develops Page # support Discuss how the support develops/affects the character or the meaning of the novel

Part Four – Open Ended Question (15 points)  For the novel create an open-ended question.  Place the question at the top of the page.  Divide the paper into 2 columns (or create a table). Label the first column support and provide 2 specific examples from the novel to help answer your question. Place the page number first followed by the support. Label the second column commentary and explain how the support answers your question. This is the most important part! Open Ended Question: Support Commentary Page # support Explain how your support helps to answer your question.

Part Five – Symbols/Motifs (4 points)  Select either one symbol or one motif (2 points) and provide meaning of the symbol or motif (2 points).  Divide your paper into 2 columns (or create a table). Find one example from the novel that uses the symbol or motif. Give the page number and specific support on the left side. On the right side explain HOW the symbol or motif help to develop the author’s meaning of the work or a character. This is your commentary. Symbol or Motif Explain how the support helps to develop Page # support meaning or characterization. DROP DOWN SEVERAL SPACES ON THE SAME PAGE AS SYMBOLS/MOTIFS

Meaning of the work – development (25 points)  Meaning statement – provide one statement for the meaning of the work; this is similar to a thematic statement. Remember this statement is not necessarily novel specific, but it makes a universal statement concerning a subject. What ultimately is the author saying?  Divide your paper down the middle (or create a table). Select 3 support that clearly demonstrate the meaning – select from the beginning, middle, and end of the novel. Give the page number and specific support on the left side. On the right side, explain HOW each support establishes the meaning of the novel. This is the most important part!

State the meaning (much like a thematic statement): Page # support Explain how the support establishes the meaning of the novel as a whole.

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