Vanishing/Bubbling Act Rubbing Alcohol /Water/Vinegar

Purpose: To investigate if these 3 liquids are identical by observing 1) a change of state 2) the differences between three clear liquids 3) reaction to baking soda

Materials: 90 % Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) Water (from tap) White Vinegar Baking soda Your hand/white piece of paper Eye dropper

Procedure: Part 1 1. Put a drop of water (H2O) on your hand or forearm. 2. Sniff to see if there is an odor 3. Gently blow on the drop/rub once with finger 4. Record your results 5. Repeat steps 1-4 for rubbing alcohol, replacing rubbing alcohol for water 6. Repeat steps 1-4 for vinegar, replacing vinegar for water

Procedure: Part 2

7. Put a drop of water on the white paper 8. Put a drop of rubbing alcohol on the white paper 9. Put a drop of vinegar on the white paper 10. Observe shape, record observations

Procedure: Part 3

7. Put a spoonful of baking soda on the paper towel 8. Spread it out to make 3 separate small circles 9. Add a drop of the water onto one baking soda circle 10. Add a drop of the rubbing alcohol onto a different baking soda circle 11. Add a drop of the vinegar onto a different baking soda circle, 12. Record your observations/results

Procedure: Part 4

13. On the white paper, place one drop of water, then add one drop of vinegar 14. On the white paper, place one drop of water, then add one drop of isopropyl alcohol 15. On the white paper, place one drop of rubbing alcohol, then add one drop of vinegar 16. Record results Data: (Does it remain a drop? Is there an odor? Did it remain the same after blowing on it? Did it react with baking soda, and how? Did you feel a temperature change?

Part 1: ------Water:

------Rubbing alcohol:


Part 2: ------Water:

------Rubbing alcohol:


Part 3: ------Water:

------Rubbing alcohol

------Vinegar: Data continued Part 4: ------Water + Vinegar

------Water + Rubbing Alcohol

------Rubbing Alcohol + Vinegar


Analysis - Were the three liquids the same? Do they contain the same elements? Why or why not? - Using a computer, one per table, Look up the elements (chemical symbols) for each of these liquids and record.

Conclusion (see the purpose and answer)