Breaking Free Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life
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Small Group Curriculum
Please browse through the studies. If any are of interest to you, I can check them out for you and you can pick them up here at the church to look over. After you decide on a study, you can call the local Christian bookstore and put however many copies you’d like on hold so those in your group can go by and pay for and pick up their copy.
Breaking Free – Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life An 11 week video series by Beth Moore Leads you through a study of the Scriptures to discover the transforming power of Christian freedom…based on Isaiah 61:1-4 (also available in the audio study) Workbooks $15.00 Leader Guide $6.95
A Heart Like His – Seeking the Heart of God Through A Study of David Eleven week study by Beth Moore Are you seeking to have a heart like God? Join Beth Moore as she takes a journey into the Scriptures to discover why King David was called “a man after God’s own heart.” This is also available in the audio study. Workbooks $15.00 Leaders Guide $6.95
To Live Is Christ – The Life and Ministry of Paul Eleven week study by Beth Moore Journey into the life and heart of the apostle Paul. This is an audio study Workbooks - $12.95 Leader Guide $6.95
When Godly People Do Ungodly Things – Arming Yourself in the age of Seduction Six week DVD series by Beth Moore Examine how/why devoted followers of Christ can fall into the traps of satan. This is a guide to authentic repentance and restoration Workbooks $12.95 Leader Guides $6.95
Living Beyond Yourself – Exploring The Fruit of the Spirit 11 week video series by Beth Moore You can know the freedom of a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit. This study challenges you to pursue the only route to developing these godly character traits; maintaining an intimate relationship with the Spirit of God.
The Patriarchs - Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Beth Moore
1 11 Week video Study - Come along for a study through Genesis –the book of beginnings, discover God’s pursuit of relationship with man, and marvel as his plan to bless all people unfolds.
Walking By Faith – Lessons Learned in the Dark Six week DVD study by Jennifer Rothschild Although Jennifer is physically blind, God has taught her to see that living a life based on faith rather than sight requires us to look at our situations through a lens that filters out what is seen, and instead, focuses on what is unseen…those things eternal. No workbook required
Beloved Disciple – The Life and Ministry of John Eleven week Video series by Beth Moore John witnessed more miracles than he could count, saw more displays of power than he could comprehend, and experienced more love than he could fathom. He referred to himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” Just as Christ took John on a lifelong journey into the depths of His love, He will do the same for you in this study. Workbook $12.95
Believing God – Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith Based on Isaiah 43:10, the Beth Moore 10-week DVD series explores what it means to believe God…not just in God. This study will encourage women to deepen their own trust in God and receive a fresh word from Him. Workbook $14
The Vision of His Glory – Finding Hope Through the Revelation of Jesus Christ This seven session, video-driven study of the Book of Revelation is based on the content of Anne Graham Lotz’s award-winning book by the same name. Anne presents to us an approach to learning an effective way to read, study and apply Scripture. Confused by the Book of Revelation? Let Anne help you out! Workbooks $13.00
Loved by God Does anyone else struggle with wanting to do the right thing and wanting to do your own thing? If I’m not the only one, you might want to take a look at Liz Curtis Higgs’ six-week video study where we’ll find answers to the conflicts in our hearts as she takes you on a journey through Genesis 25, 27, 28 and 29. Workbooks $12
2 A Woman After God’s Own Heart – Become the Woman God Designed You to Be How will you be remembered after you’re gone? Have you stopped to think about that? Will it be a loving wife? A nurturing mother? A faithful Christian…a loyal friend? King David is remembered as a “man after God’s own heart.” In this 9 week video study, Elizabeth George will teach you how to become a “woman after God’s own heart”…and how you can find balance and fulfillment in the critical areas that matter most. Workbook $14
A Woman’s Heart…God’s Dwelling Place This in-depth, Bible study with Beth Moore explores the fascinating account of the building of the tabernacle, the significance of it’s intricate design, it’s pivotal role in God’s eternal plan, the grand fulfillment of it’s purpose by Jesus Christ… and it’s variety of meanings for your walk with God today. “Have them make a sanctuary for me and I will dwell among them.” Exodus 25:8…don’t you want to explore that further? Workbook $14
Conversation Peace-Kit Mary Kassian The Power of Transformed Speech Information: 7 Week Study Do you want to experience the power of transformed speech? Conversation Peace is an interactive Bible study that includes seven videos for viewing and discussion in small groups. The member workbook provides six weeks of daily, individual study materials for use between sessions.
Enjoy! A DVD series by Tianna Moon Discover how to live a joyous life using the book of Philippians Workbooks $8.00
Jesus the One and Only Beth Moore 11 Week In-depth Study Produced on location in Jerusalem - How did it feel to walk the dusty roads of Palestine with the incarnate Son of God? What was He like to know personally? What would an onlooker have felt when He: Broke up a funeral by raising the dead? Taught on a Galilean hillside as multitudes listened? Confronted the conniving religious leaders of His day? Walked on the waves and rebuked a storm? Traveled the bustling streets of Jerusalem or tread obediently to the place of the skull?
3 The Man God Uses Seven week video study by Henry Blackaby Helps men understand their encounter with God and how this encounter affects all areas of their lives; personal, family, work, church and community Workbook $10.00
Man of His Word – Calling Men to Integrity and Leadership Eight week video series by Adrian Rogers Includes lessons; Called to Believe, Called to Love, Called to Nurture, Called to Serve, Called to Labor, Called to Manage, Called to Lead, Called to Stand Workbooks $12.00
Men Leading The Charge Steve Farrar God’s Game Plan for the Family - 8 week video series The Enemy watches your game films. He knows your habits, your weaknesses, and your tendencies. This study will give you a game plan to counter his attack and make you an even more effective leader for your family.
Men of Character Soft bound book series by Gene A. Getz Joshua – Living as a Consistent Role Model Moses – Freeing Yourself to Know God Elijah – Remaining Steadfast Through Uncertainty Daniel – Standing Firm for God David – Seeking God Faithfully
Marriage Curriculum
Homes of Honor – Relationship Series – Love is a Decision Eight-week study by Dr. Gary Smalley Covers topics such as: The Language of Love, The Incredible Worth of a Woman, The Value of a Man, Finding Treasures in Hardships and Trials and more! Workbooks $12.95
The DNA of Relationships – Discover what it takes to thrive in your most important relationships with this powerful series by Dr. Gary Smalley and Michael Smalley. This six week DVD series will show you how to control all of your own emotions, lower your stress, become a magnet for others to genuinely love you, and end angry arguments! This series will immediately impact your relationships. Workbooks $10
4 Song of Solomon (deb’s copy) Tommy Nelson 12 Sessions on CD’s; (4) CD’s A Study of Love Sex, Marriage and Romance Teaches you the steps to having really great and enjoyable relationships. How many break-ups and heart aches do you think you would need to suffer to find these steps on your own. It’s always hard to get good advice in this important aspect of your life.
Solving the Real Love in the Real World Puzzle (deb’s copy) Gary Smalley 1 CD; 5 Sessions (1) Discovering Your Relationship Dance (2) The Best Marriage Advice No One Wants To Hear (3) The Antidote For Anger – Forgiveness (4) Love is All You Need (5) How Hot is Your Hot Chocolate? Intimacy
Boundaries in Marriage Eight week focus on boundaries and marriage by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend. Includes topics like, “What’s a boundary anyway?” “Applying the Ten Laws of Boundaries to Marriage,” Values One & Two; Love of God and Love of Spouse…and Resolving Conflict in Your Marriage Workbook $12.00
An Ounce of Prevention – Safeguarding Your Marriage Thirteen week video series with Gary Richmond Pastor Gary Richmond shares Biblical perspective and practical advice on: Relating to your mate, Setting Goals for your marriage, Resolving Conflicts, The Cold Facts of the Divorce Decision, Attitudes that kill unity and others Materials available at no charge
Experiencing God as Couples Eight week video series by Henry and Marilynn Blackaby This study focuses on eight topics, including, God at Work in your Marriage, God’s Ways of Speaking to You as a Couple and Adjusting to God’s Will for Your Marriage. Workbooks $12.95
Making Marriage Work Six week video series with Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott A Biblical look at marriage Workbooks $3.00
Making The Most of Your Marriage 7 week DVD series by Dr. Kevin Leman Workbooks $8.00
5 The Five Love Languages Two – Four week Video Series by Dr. Gary Chapman Workbooks $3.00
Imagine what would happen if you and your spouse focused on fulfilling one another's dreams rather than piling on expectations. Possible? Absolutely! In this six-part series, Andy Stanley reveals the secret of removing the big "I" from marriage.
Marriage for All Seasons/Kit John Trent - Building a marriage that will go the distance 8 Week Series; 20 minute lessons on 2 Videotapes 1 Leaders Guide; 4 overhead transparency masters Lessons: Establishing your marriage on God –given strengths Improving your marriage by appreciating differences Basing your marriage on mutual blessing Strengthening your marriage through communication Protecting your marriage by resolving conflict Refreshing you marriages by minding the little things Enjoying your marriage by renewing intimacy Growing a marriage that will endure for all seasons
Video/Hidden Keys To Loving Relationships Gary Smalley - 6 VHS/Videos This series will give you more insights and a greater understanding about keys to building close and intimate relationships than any book you have ever read. Men and women from every walk of life have given “rave reviews “ about Gary’s entertaining style, his life changing insights, his ability to convert truth and insight into practical, easy to apply steps of action that can be incorporated into any relationship.
I Laughed I Cried I Pulled a Muscle (deb’s copy)
6 Live performances Communicating with the Opposite Sex 15 min ( the title says it all)
6 Happy Thanksgiving 34 min (family issues, divorce) Repeat Back to Me 13 min ( Marriage Communication) The Good Part 9 min (Mary & Martha) Amore 10 min. ( Sex & Intimacy in Marriage) Legacy 10 min. (The payoff of Sticking with a Marriage)
Choosing Wisely Before You Divorce Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding Proverbs 2:2 These tapes will help you focus on how divorce would affect you in several areas: Financial, Physical Health, Legal, Spiritual, Emotional, Children
Keeping The Promise Dr. Kevin Leman - 8 Sessions In A world where promises are made to be broken, Dr. Kevin Leman offers a challenging look at the idea of marriage. A successful and satisfying marriage is every couples dream, but all too often, reality falls short of expectations.
Homes of Honor - Hidden Keys to Successful Parenting Eight week video series by Dr. Gary Smalley Includes sessions such as: Discovering what type of parent you are…Discovering your child’s personality type…Overcoming the major destroyer of families and more! Workbooks $12.95
Growing Kid’s God’s Way Growing Kid’s God’s Way – Pre-teen
Running The Rapids – Guiding Teenagers Through The Turbulent Waters of Adolescence – Dr. Kevin Leman Six video lessons filled with practical and timely insights, including; What’s So Scary About Adolescence Anyway? Home is Where You Transfer the Values That Teenagers Need to Build a Positive Life; Tough Questions That Deserve Straight Answers, and more!
7 General Bible Studies
The Passion – The Purpose & Person of Jesus Christ Three week DVD study by Pastor Tom Holladay and Pastor Lance Witt from Saddleback Church, taking an in-depth look at “Understanding the Story,” “A Closer Look at Jesus’ Death,” and “The Resurrection; The Rest of the Story.” Workbooks $8.00
Secrets of the Vine 4, 8 or 12 week study by Bruce Wilkinson Take an adventure as you learn the Secrets of the Vine. This study of the words of Jesus in John 15 will help you understand that God longs to see your basket of fruit filled to overflowing. Workbooks - $5.99 Leader Guide - $4.99
Spiritual Warfare – Biblical Truth for Victory Eight week video series with John Franklin and Chuck Lawless How much power does satan actually have? Can he invade my life at any moment and wreak havoc? Where is God during satan’s attack? Is God really in charge? The authors provide solid biblical answers to these and many other questions about spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare from a biblical perspective. Workbooks $14.95
Ephesians – Enjoying Right Relationships By Gene Getz & Claude King Let this study draw you more deeply into God’s Word and help you put spiritual truths into practice. Combination study guide and workbook $8.00
One to One Discipling 9 Week Study - Individual Note Books - To be used to by one person to disciple another Each lesson has verses to read with questions to answer on that topic. And it’s not dry, dusty doctrine, but eminently practical in its application to our daily lives.
Parables From The Fishin’ Hole Four fun studies based on the characters from The Andy Griffith Show…Enjoy some laughs with Barney and Gomer and Andy as your group builds character. Studies on Humility, Self Control, Patience and Forbearance Workbooks $9.00
8 Boundaries Dr. Henry Cloud - When to Say Yes /When to Say No - Take Control of Your Life 9 Week Study (1) 94 minute Video containing nine discussion and starting segments Do you have trouble saying no? Can you set limits and still be a loving person? Are you in control of your life? What are legitimate boundaries? Do People take advantage of you? How do you answer someone who wants your time, love, energy, and money? Offers biblically based answers to these questions.
Under Cover John Bevere - The promise of protection under his authority - Lessons 1-12 - 1 VHS/Video - DVD’s - 1 Leader’s Guide – Companion Book = $9.00
Nooma Rain # 1 Rob Bell - 1 Session Short Film/ DVD - Things don’t always work out the way we want them to, or the way we think they will. Sometimes we don’t even see it coming. We get hit with some form of pain out of nowhere leaving us feeling desperate and helpless.
Nooma Trees #3 Rob Bell - Short Film/DVD - We want to know why we are here. If our lives really matter, How our religion is relevant to this life.
Nooma Sunday # 4 Rob Bell - 1 Session - Short Film/ DVD - Why do we do the things we do? Why do we go to church or give money away? Because we’re supposed to or because we think God needs it? Do we honestly put on our best clothes for an hour once a week, stand and sit at all the right times, and sing all the appropriate songs for God’s sake, or because it’ll make us look better to the world around us? We’re tired of all the empty rituals and routines. And so is God. God hates it when we go through hollow religious routines. Out of feeling of duty or obligation. God doesn’t want the meaningless rituals. God wants our hearts.
Nooma Kickball #6 Rob Bell 1 Session - Short Film/DVD -We always think we know what’s missing from our lives in order to really make us happy, don’t we? If only I had that car, or that job, or if only I could lose those 15lbs, then I’d be happy. Really? How often do we want something only to find out that it wasn’t that great after all? Sometimes we ask God for things and if he doesn’t deliver right away, we start questioning whether God Really understands or cares.
9 Nooma Luggage # 7 Rob Bell - 1 Session - Short Film/DVD –Maybe a friend turned their back on you. Maybe someone you loved betrayed you. We all have wounds and we end up carrying around these things that people have done to us for weeks, months and sometimes even years. It isn’t always easy to forgive these people and after a while these can get really heavy. So the only way to feel better seems to be some how get back at the people who hurt us, to get revenge. But does revenge ever truly satisfy? Maybe forgiving isn’t something you do for someone else to let them off the hook. Maybe forgiveness is about you. God didn’t create you to carry these wounds around. God created you to be free.
Nooma Dust #8 Rob Bell - 1 Session - Short Film/DVD –Believing in God is important, but what about God believing in us? Believing that we can actually be the kind of people we were meant to be. People of Love, compassion, peace forgiveness, and hope.
Nooma Bullhorn # 9 Rob Bell - 1 Session - Short Film/DVD - The Best way for us to show our love for God is actually by loving other people no matter how hard it sometimes is. Maybe it’s the only way.
Nooma Lump # 10 Rob Bell - 1 Session - Short Film/DVD - A lot of us have done things in our lives that we’re ashamed of. Some are small things, and some of us have really big and devastating things. Some of us even have things that people close to us don’t know about. Personal junk that we keep to ourselves so we don’t have to deal with it. But no matter how big our junk is, no matter how much what we’ve done has impacted the way other people feel about us or how we feel about ourselves, it hasn’t changed how God feels about us. God loves us, he always has and always will, and there’s nothing we can do to change that.
Position Yourself For God’s Protection John Bevere CD
The Fear of the Lord John Bevere CD
Video Drawing Near (deb’s) John Bevere - A Life of Intimacy with God Video study - Join john Bevere as he takes you on a journey to explain the depths of God’s heart through this exciting and highly interactive 12 part video curriculum.
10 Becoming A Contagious Christian Communicating Your Faith in a Style That Fits You Eight week video series by Bill Hybels, Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg Equips believers for effective evangelism. Workbook $12.00
A Fresh Look At Jesus Tom Holladay - 1 VHS/Video - 50 Minutes -2 Sessions - This Bible study takes a look at the birth of Jesus through the eyes of the shepherds, and through the eyes of the wise men. You may use this study to keep the momentum of the 40 days of Purpose Campaign going, and to lead your groups into the Christmas Season.
Financial Peace University – Dave Ramsey (personal money management expert! Thirteen lessons on DVD designed to teach families to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and build wealth! These life-changing sessions include: Savings, Investments, Relationships & Money, College Planning, and lots more!
Doing Life Together Softbound books – small group study-six weeks Books include: Connecting With God’s Family – Fellowship Surrendering Your Life For God’s Pleasure – Worship Developing Your Shape to Serve Others – Ministry Growing to Be Like Christ – Discipleship Sharing Your Life Mission Every Day – Evangelism Beginning Life Together – God’s purposes for your life Church…Comprehensive Study of The Purpose Driven Life
Inter-Actions Softbound Book series by Bill Hybels Written for Small group studies, the titles include: Authenticity – Being Honest with God and others Community – Building Relationships within God’s Family Transparency – Discovering the Rewards of Truth-Telling Marriage – Building Real Intimacy Serving – Putting God and Others First Getting A Grip – Finding Balance in Your Daily Life Freedom – Breaking the Chains that Bind You Lessons On Love – Following Christ’s Example Prayer – Opening Your Heart to God The Real You – Discovering Your Identity in Christ
11 Pursuing Spiritual Transformation Soft bound book series by John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson & Judson Poling Books include: Training For Growth , Everyday Grace, Community, Gifts, Fully Devoted, Giving
Walking With God 13 studies for small groups presented in s soft bound book, by Don Cousins & Judson Poling Friendship With God
Covenant 11 week Video series by Kay Arthur Three Covenants of Salvation – Putting on Jesus – A Walk into Death that Brings Life and more! No workbooks needed
Trembling At His Word - John Bevere - DVD – (deb’s) Two men called to be kings, one Saul the other David… both seekers. One rejected, the other accepted. One searches in vain to hear God’s voice, the other walks in sweet communion, esteemed. What separates the two? Could the outcome have been different?
Humility - John Bevere - DVD – (deb’s) Part 1- “A Fresh Vision of Jesus” Part 2- “Staying the Course” “Learn from me, for I am meek and humble in heart” Humility strengthens and protects you from the enemy. It keeps you sensitive to the heart of God so He can revel His ways….and it empowers us to complete the race.
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit - John Bevere - DVD Disc One: The Promise of the Father Disc Two: Communicating with God John Addresses: Is the infilling of the Holy Spirit for all? Is the gift of tongues only for a selected few? Why even speak in tongues? The benefits of praying in the spirit How God reveals his secrets How to communicate with God on his level And much more
Empowered By Grace - John Bevere DVD - In this message, John carefully walks through the New Testament revelation of grace. You will see why many struggle in their Christian walk. Is is
12 a life changing and challenging message, and quite possibly one of the most important you will hear in this day and hour.
Rise Above - John Bevere DVD - Jesus’ response to unfair treatment. The guarantee of justice. How to position ourselves for God’s vindication. We’ve all had this treatment; the question remains. Where will it take us? We will either soar to new heights or be taken down by the storm.
Relating to Authority - John Bevere DVD - Disc 1: Successful Attitudes and Actions How you can be entirely right, yet miss it The difference between submission and obedience Positioning yourself for promotion rather than judgment Disc 2: Honor’s Reward What is honor? Honor –why some receive and others don’t Full vs. partial rewards Understanding the three levels of communication
Immersed - John Bevere DVD - The crucial message includes; Avoiding deception The costs and rewards of going all out Avoiding the contamination of compromise Walking in the reality of God’s presence
A Heart A Blaze– John Bevere 12 Part Video Series - The scene is God’s kingdom where the lusts of the flesh, deadly worldly traps, the brutal adversary, Satan, and your choices will decide your fate. How can you succeed? God, the consuming fire, empowers you to overcome each challenge as you are equipped with the knowledge, grace and love of Jesus. As you complete each mission, you will grow into a life that is truly ablaze with the glory, power, holiness, and fiery passion of God.
Bait of Satan Individual/ Kit 12 sessions This powerful Curriculum is written for groups who desire to break free from the snare of the devil. The program exposes one of Satan’s most deceptive traps to get you out of God’s will-offense.
Authority Issues - Ed Young Video Driven Study - This study deals with challenges like. How our defiance breeds contempt…receiving God’s authority and shedding our own authority issues.
13 He Chose The Nails - Twelve week video study by Max Lucado Workbook - $12.95 Leaders Guide $6.95
Managing Your Lifestyle Eight week video series by Family Life Resources An Interactive God Centered Money Management Program
Developing A Faith That Works Six week video series by Pastor Rick Warren Six lessons on the Book of James Workbooks $8.00
Single Parenting That Works – Raising Well-Balanced Children in an Off- Balance World Dr. Kevin Leman…an internationally know Christian psychologist and best- selling author brings help to the single parent. In these six, 25 minute lessons, you’ll explore areas such as, How to bring stability to children by getting your own life in order; How forgiveness opens the door to healthy relationships; how to develop positive self-esteem when kids need it most…and lots more! Workbooks $8
Support Groups
Divorce Care - Kit Church Initiative org. Experience Healing - Divorce Care is a small group resource designed to help your church effectively minister to people hurting because of separation and divorce.
Divorce Care for Kids – for Children of divorce The Divorce Care for Kids program helps kids heal form the divorce of their parents.