The Pledge of Allegiance Was Conducted
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Thursday, Feb. 2, 2006 Lynnport PA 18066
The regular meeting was called to order by Thomas Creighton, Chairman at 7:30 p.m in the Municipal Building. Present were Thomas C. Creighton, Chr., David Najarian, VChr., Charles E Lenhart III, Member, Solicitor Edmund Healy, Secretary Tina M. Everett, Administrator Kenneth Bleiler, Treasurer Robert P. Sadler, Debi Palmari, Northwestern Press, Clifford L. Lathrop, Stenographer for Lathrop Reporting Agency, Mike Sassaman from Arro Consulting, Gregg I Adelman, Attorney for Baker Residential, and approximately 25 citizens. The pledge of allegiance was conducted. Public Comment- Gregg Adelman introduced himself and informed the board that he was there on behalf of Baker Residential/ Ovations. Subdivisions-Joan Caton-Minor Subdivision, 2 lots, Red Road for final approval. Plan was presented by Scot Dietrich, Beitler’s Surveying and Joan Caton was present. Recreation Fee was paid of $1,000 and Road Improvements Fee of $ 2,476.61. A motion was made by Charles Lenhart seconded by David Najarian to approve the plan. Motion carried. Mountain Rd- Minor Subdivision-2 lots, Mtn. Rd and Fenstermacher Rds. No one was present to represent plan, but Van Cleef Engineering requested a 60 day extension to the conditional final plan approval on behalf of the applicant. A motion was made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to grant a 60 day extension thru June 1st, 2006. Motion carried. Penns View II-Major Subdivision, 78 lots, Madison St.- Represented by Peg Dissinger, Steve Shadle and Blake C. Marles, Attorney for Omega Homes. Came to meeting as a courtesy to go over changes from their preliminary plan approval on Dec. 1, 2005. Blake C. Marles, representing Omega Homes, commented on that they are willing to do whatever is necessary to get the Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan through for Penn’s View II. They would like us to submit the plan with a short condensed version, then with a revised plan later. He felt it the 537 Plan could be relatively simple if it was just for their plan of 78 lots. Tom Creighton questioned what the status of their lawsuit was with the Sewer Authority. Dave Najarian questioned timeline for capacity for Penn’s View II. He’s anxious to keep project moving. Solicitor Edmund Healy asked about how many phases. Peg Dissenger assured the Board that the offer was still on the table to pay for the upgrade. David Najarian requested a summary on the Penn’s View development with phasing it. Mike Sassaman, Arro Consulting was available for questions. David Schlott Jr was not able to attend meeting. Arro is responsible for the wastewater treatment plant side of the Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan. Mike Sassaman felt that the 21 comments from DEP was not terribly significant. Deadline for approval of plan is Feb. 10, 2006. Roy Stewart, Engineer requested a 60 day extension, which was granted and would take us until April 10, 2006. Mike Sassaman discussed our options for paying for the upgrade, which are: Penn’s Vest, Bank Loan or Municipal Bond. Mr. Sassaman does not feel a PennsVest loan will happen. A municipal bond or bank loan would be more feasible. David Najarian asked whether the plant can be expanded in phases, with later phases being contingent on the receipt of funds. Mr. Sassaman stated it’s not possible to phase the Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan. The plan is to gut the tanks. When you build a new plant- build over 1,000gpd. DEP requires a second clarifier.The new clarifier will be bigger than 20 ft. Mr. Sassaman explained to the board and public how the sewer plant works. Mr. Sassaman, from Arro Engineering commented that it is more feasible to modify the existing sewer plant, instead of tearing down and building a new sewer plant. If you upgrade the sewer plant to 80,000gpd, it’ll end up costing the same for upgrade if you go to 150,000gpd. David Najarian commented that we should not base funding the plant on the development of the AARC in light of the challenge filed against the AARC ordinance. Arro agrees with DEP’s comments. Mike Sassaman feels our likely source would be a municipal bond issue or bank loan. DEP is looking for developer contributions. Donald Christ commented that one clarifier is a major part of the operation. Without another clarifier, they are unable to shut-down other when you repair the first one. When you only have 100,000gpd, you only need one clarifier. You would need two clarifiers over that amount. David Najarian has concerns with funding, due to this being a very large funding project for Lynn Township. Donald Christ commented that we should keep in mind the Northwestern School District is the biggest user of plant. Looking at school for the next 20 yrs., it’s going to keep growing. There is no stopping that. Public Comment- Gregg Adelman,Baker Residential, questioned if extension was requested for Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan and by whom. After conversation the board felt this was granted by Roy Stewart, Engineer as the board requested him to do. Mike Sassaman discussed the SBR (Sequencing batch reactor process) of the Sewer Plant. This is a technique which could be built in phases. Gregg Adelman questioned what the disposal process was. Mike Sassaman informed Mr. Adelman that it was stream discharge. Marvin Charles commented that if there are substantial changes in sewer plant, they we should send back to our Planning Commission for their review and advertise meeting. He felt 60 days was a short time. The cost for 150,000gpd is 75% of the cost of 250,000gpd plant would cost. Arro rec’d cost estimate in Aug. 2005 for a 150,000gpd plant at 1.2 million as to a 250,000gpd plant at 2.4 million dollars. Marvin Charles commented that the board needs to consider cost estimate history. Marvin gave a report to board for their review, which included a list of a few issues concerning the 537 update revision. This also included a list of some cost history information, such as the estimated cost of plant and the history cost of clarifier. Marvin Charles commented that he feels some more time spent on this plan would provide the board with more flexibility. Donald Christ discussed the cost estimate that they put out for bid in the year 2001. The clarifier came in higher then, because of the extra added things they prepared for, such as a second claifier. That was estimated originally, then they went with the lowest bid.
2 David Najarian admitted that he can’t follow the technical stuff with the Sewer plant, but is concerned about the financing of upgrade. Should the Sewer Authority not have financing for whatever the reason, he wants to be completely confident that they won’t come to the Township. He doesn’t want this situation to occur, so we don’t end up in a hole. Public Comment- Glen Smith, questioned the board if they were going to continue with the 537 plan as it exists or start the process all over again? David Najarian commented that he’s not prepared to give up on this plan. The board hasn’t decided what to do yet or made up their minds. Glen Smith commented that if they go to 160,000gpd, there would still be enough capacity for Ovations project and Horstein’s project. He also informed the board that between all the tapping fees from Hornstein’s project and his, they would be collecting 2.228 million dollars. All their concerns about financing would go away. It would be paid for by the developers, and the sewer plant would have 30% excess capacity. Glen Smith commented that the plan has taken 10 years and the Board should move quickly. David Najarian then questioned Glen Smith what has he (David) done to slow up the plan. He also commented that he’s been on the Board for 30 days. Tom Creighton pointed out that one problem we are having is that with the two separate engineering companies, they are pointing fingers. Keystone is relying on Arro to do the wastewater part and Keystone is working on the planning and land use part. Donald Christ commented that the Sewer Authority is appointed by the Board, and they would never build a plant that they couldn’t afford financially. David Najarian responded that he was personally responsible for his vote notwithstanding the authority’s intention and feels he needs to be confident in his vote. Thomas Creighton discussed the options they had, which are, withdrawal of the plan then resubmit the plan and the clock starts all over again with 120 days, or they could submit plan in the 60 day extension period, which is rushing it through, then they might reject the plan. Glen Smith commented that the plan is 10 years in the making; it’s not being rushed through. DEP wants a response by Feb. 10th, 2006 or with the 60 day extension period it would be April 10, 2006. Charles Lenhart questioned Mike Sassaman from Arro as to how many of the 21 comments did they have to answer of the review from DEP. Mike Sassaman informed Mr. Lenhart it was about 7-8 comments they answered. He also commented that they are nearing completion of their review. Discussion was brought up about the Sewage Management Program, which is the septic tank pumping. We would have to adopt an ordinance regulating on-lot septic systems to be cleaned/repaired in a timely fashion. This could be every three years or more. This would have to be decided on by the board. Thomas Creighton commented that he’s against the Sewage Management Program. Kenneth Bleiler commented that you must have a Sewage Management Program for them to approve our 537 Sewage Facilities Plan for the township. A motion was made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to direct both Roy Stewart, Keystone Engineering and David Schlott Jr., Arro Engineering to have there comments and revisions completed by February 16, 2006. Motion carried.
3 Discussion on the Challenge to AARC Ordinance. We rec’d a zoning appeal application on Jan. 30, 2006 from Kevin Fogerty. Solicitor Edmund Healy commented that he looked over the application for complexity of it and whether the township board and solicitor should get involved in the participation in this challenge. He commented that a number of things in challenge do not have a lot of merit, such as the last page of ordinance wasn’t sent to the law library. There’s no reason for township or township solicitor to get involved or spend any money. This would be a good opportunity to let the Zoning Hearing Board duke it out. Discussion was brought up on the opinion request from the Zoning Officer, which was asked for by Atty.Gregg Adelman on behalf of Baker Residential. Edmund Healy questioned does the Board of Supervisors participate in defending or attacking or stay as a neutral party in the proceedings heading to the Zoning Hearing Board?
David Najarian commented that the responsible thing would be to avoid trying to influence the Zoning Hearing Board. Let the matter be dealt with by the Zoning Hearing Board for their freedom to render a decision on their own and we not say anything. Charles Lenhart agreed that the board shouldn’t get involved, let them work it out. Thomas Creighton also agreed and commented he doesn’t want to waste taxpayer’s money being spent. Solicitor Edmund Healy commented that under the current subdivision and land development ordinance with the AARC regulations, disinclined to approve the plan before it actually puts ourselves in a difficult position with the unsuccessful developer. He feels staying neutral is just easier. A motion was made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to make available all unprivileged information pertaining to the AARC Ordinance amendment, including information of which any privilege has already been waived by the Board, subject to the coordination and management of the Township Solicitor. Motion carried. Edmund Healy questioned why the preliminary opinion. Edmund Healy stated that some concern was expressed to him as to whether the township agreed to receive information from the Engineer for plan filed in December. Roy Stewart didn’t get his comments done. Kenneth Bleiler explained the reason why we do it this way. When the comments are given out too soon, the developer would make the changes and try resubmitting the changes at that meeting. This is not correct procedure, so that’s why they no longer send the Engineer or Township Zoning Officer’s comments until a day or two prior to the Planning Commission Meeting. Gregg Adelman felt that under the Sunshine Law that Baker Residential thinks it’s unfair to wait. They want the comments so they can have enough time to review them prior to meeting with the Planning Commission. This is why they asked to be taken off the agenda for the January 17th, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. Gregg Adelman requested that if possible that they come to some type of middle grounds here, in that the comments be given a couple of weeks before meeting, so they have time to analyze them before meeting. Solicitor Edmund Healy reminded him that monitoring the submission dates is important and he also informed Mr. Adelman that the Planning Commission is a recommending body.
4 Edmund Healy discussed the proposed AARC Repealer Ordinance. He reminded the board that a date and location needs to be setup for public hearing. They decided to set this up for the March Supervisor’s Meeting, limiting the public comment to 15 minutes. Thomas Creighton, Chairman directed Solicitor Edmund Healy to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed AARC Repealer Ordinance for March 2nd, 2006 @ 7:15pm. This will be advertised/published twice in the Times News Feb. 9th and again Feb. 16, 2006. Discussion was brought up about the invoice the township received for animal control services rendered for the year 2005 by the Lehigh County Humane Society on behalf of the Township of Lynn. The total amount of Invoice is $385.00. There is also an agreement attached to invoice to be signed. The agreement reads, WHEREAS, the Township in fulfilling its responsibilities for the health, welfare and safety of the Township, its citizens and property, has from time to time, need for care, boarding, disposal, spaying, and other services with respect to the stray animals of which the Township must, from time to time, take custody; etc. A motion was made by Charles Lenhart, seconded by David Najarian to table this issue on animal control services, until they get a list from the Lehigh County Humane Society on all animals taken there from the Township of Lynn Township. Motion carried. A motion was made by Charles Lenhart, seconded by David Najarian to close out Joseph Tetz’s open escrow account. Motion carried. A motion was made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to re-appoint the following people to the Lynn Township Recreation Advisory Committee for 2006. They are as follows: Ron Moyer, Chairman, Rod Beck, Vice Chairman, Vicki Moyer, Donald Christ, Susan Christ, Tony Oswald, Greg Miclos, Keith Nagle, Scott Romig, Amy Romig, Lenore Handwerk and Chris Brown from Brown Miller Design. Motion carried. Discussion was brought up on the retainer fee from Brown Miller Design. Charlie was directed to get a copy of bill for the $900 retainer fee, so we can see if invoice had been paid or not for this year. Robert Sadler, Treasurer informed the board that he didn’t feel he had the bill. Discussion on the Advertisement of Ken Bleiler’s position. Thomas Creighton felt that every resume we receive should be given a number, and tracked so we could send response letters/ thank you letters on each one received A motion was made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to advertise Ken’s position in local newspaper and for Thomas Creighton to post the ad on the Lynn Township website. Motion carried. A motion was made by Charles Lenhart, seconded by David Najarian to authorize Tina Everett & Kenneth Bleiler to interview and hire temporary service subject to the Solicitor’s approval on agreement review. Motion carried. Tax Collector, Linda L. Tyson’s Per Capita Tax Exoneration Request Forms was reviewed. They are summarized as follows:
2005- Exonerations with papers (39x$5ea.) $ 195.00 2005- Request for exonerations without papers (72x$5ea.) $ 360.00 TOTAL FOR 2005 $ 555.00
The following is a list of applicants who applied for exonerations of Per Capita payments with notarized papers: Adam Christie, Ross Christie, Alexis Dolena, Jeffrey Dolena, Briana Erney, Trisha Erney, Chrissa Fenner, Joshua Ferris, Katie Glodzik, Heather Hartman, Justice Mannino, Ned Mannino, Suzanne Harwick, Matthew Mastauaskas , Tonya Meier, Kayla McAuliffe, Kelly McAuliffe, Andrew Sigley, Brett Sigley, Sara Smith, Amy Steiner, William Steiner, Ben Vogels, Hannah Vogels, Michael Vogels, Janelle Weiland, Jenna Wessner, Megan Bennicoff, Aaron Czysz, Andrew Diehl, Christina Figueroa, Kevin McFadden, Lia Snyder, Kiona Zappe, Jill Bortz, David Phillips, Sarah Phillips, Brandon Van Parys & Edward H Berry III. David Najarian made a motion, seconded by Charles Lenhart to exonerate the tax collector from collecting these taxes. Motion Carried. Robert Sadler, Treasurer discussed AD Computer doing Township payroll. He informed Solicitor, Edmund Healy that he got a proof of insurance letter, a 70 page policy and procedures book and a privacy policy statement from AD Computer and that he felt they are well established. A motion was made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to adopt RESOLUTION 2006-5A* - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LYNN APPOINTING A D COMPUTER CORPORATION TO SUPPLY CERTAIN SERVICES TO THE TOWNSHIP. Motion carried. *Secretary Tina Everett mis-numbered the resolution. There was a prior Resolution 2006-5 that was adopted at the January 11, 2006 Special meeting. Discussion was brought up on township employees being paid bi-weekly. This would change from being paid monthly with advance pay in middle of month on the 15th. Motion was made by David Najarian to adopt proposed resolution 2006-6 requiring Board approval of the mid-month payroll. A discussion was then held concerning the manner in which bi-weekly payroll would be processed and checked for errors since it was occurring outside a regular meeting of the Board. David Najarian then withdrew his motion. The proposed resolution was altered/amended by Solicitor Healy. A new motion was then made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to adopt RESOLUTION 2006-6 - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LYNN AUTHORIZING BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL , which contained the suggested changes by Solicitor Healy. Motion carried. Tina Everett, Secy. informed the board that the letters were mailed out Feb. 1, 2006 to both New Tripoli and Lynnport Fire Company’s Fire Chiefs in regards to Workman’s Compensation coverage and as to the areas they cover on a first call basis and if they cover any other areas. They were also asked if they were involved in any activities, such as parades, which are outside their fire districts. The board wants to be sure we have the proper workman’s compensation coverage for our fire personnel. The Board convened to an executive session at 10:00 p.m. The Board reconvened at 10:25 p.m. The executive session was to discuss personnel issues. A motion was made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to accept the minutes from the special meeting of January 11th and the workshop meeting of January 30th, 2006 and to direct the Treasurer to pay the bills. Motion carried. Public Comment-
6 Annie Martin commented that she felt that Charles Lenhart should not be the Supervisor signing the payroll checks. Kenneth Bleiler reminded the Board that Brosky Insurance wanted to sell us insurance. He also informed the board that estimates were being done by Selig Electric, Wright Electric and Gregory Snyder for more lighting which is needed in the parking lot of the Township building. Kenneth Bleiler thanked Tina Everett, Secy. for all her hard work for the last couple of weeks. He asked everyone to give her a round of applause. David Najarian questioned Ed Healy, Solicitor if we can take action at a public workshop meeting? After discussion they decided not to do this. They will only take action at a regular meeting. A motion was made by David Najarian, seconded by Charles Lenhart to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 10:30 p.m.
Lynn Township Transaction Detail by Account January 2006 Paid Type Date No. Name Amount Balance 100 General Fund Checking Bill Pmt -Check 01/06/2006 2447 Highlands' Tire and Service Center -1,118.96 -1,118.96 Bill Pmt -Check 01/06/2006 2448 Waste Management -367.92 -1,486.88 Bill Pmt -Check 01/09/2006 2449 Suburban Propane -1,892.22 -3,379.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/09/2006 2450 Carl A. Wolfe, Jr. -1,095.00 -4,474.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/09/2006 2451 Manderbach Ford, Inc -119.34 -4,593.44 Bill Pmt -Check 01/09/2006 2452 MET-ED -383.93 -4,977.37 Bill Pmt -Check 01/09/2006 2453 Miller's Auto Body -27.00 -5,004.37 Bill Pmt -Check 01/09/2006 2454 Northern Valley Auto Parts -4.80 -5,009.17 Bill Pmt -Check 01/09/2006 2455 PA State Association of Twp. Supervisors -1,288.00 -6,297.17 Bill Pmt -Check 01/09/2006 2456 Time News -25.49 -6,322.66 Check 01/12/2006 EFT Internal Revenue Service -7,596.85 -13,919.51 Bill Pmt -Check 01/13/2006 2465 MET-ED -1,310.31 -15,229.82 Check 01/13/2006 2461 Kenneth A. Bleiler -940.00 -16,169.82 Check 01/13/2006 2458 Charles E Lenhart III -1,190.00 -17,359.82 Check 01/13/2006 2459 Dawn A. Straughn -1,190.00 -18,549.82
7 Check 01/13/2006 2460 Joseph H. Wisser -1,090.00 -19,639.82 Check 01/13/2006 2462 Sherry L. Selig -940.00 -20,579.82 Check 01/13/2006 2463 Stanley W. Billig -320.00 -20,899.82 Check 01/13/2006 2464 Tina M. Everett -1,030.00 -21,929.82 Check 01/13/2006 2457 Bruce W. Raber -1,130.00 -23,059.82 Check 01/15/2006 2498 Internal Revenue Service 0.00 -23,059.82 Check 01/15/2006 2499 PA Department of Revenue 0.00 -23,059.82 Check 01/15/2006 2500 PA UC Fund 0.00 -23,059.82 Bill Pmt -Check 01/17/2006 2466 Kermit K. Kistler, Inc. -328.01 -23,387.83 Bill Pmt -Check 01/17/2006 2467 Northern Valley Auto Parts -35.09 -23,422.92 Bill Pmt -Check 01/17/2006 2468 Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc. -15.60 -23,438.52 Bill Pmt -Check 01/17/2006 2469 Suburban Propane -265.41 -23,703.93 Bill Pmt -Check 01/17/2006 2470 Viking -99.83 -23,803.76 Check 01/18/2006 1647 37.46 -23,766.30 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2006 2471 Chemung Supply Corp. -8,033.00 -31,799.30 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2006 2472 American Rock Salt Co. LLC -7,831.32 -39,630.62 Check 01/20/2006 2474 Kenneth A. Bleiler -250.00 -39,880.62 Check 01/20/2006 2475 Linda L. Tyson -153.11 -40,033.73 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2476 Berks County Public Works Association -75.00 -40,108.73 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2477 Blue Ridge Communications -53.95 -40,162.68 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2478 CCP Industries -200.78 -40,363.46 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2479 Citgo Petroleum Corporation -241.66 -40,605.12 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2480 Cougle's Recycling Inc. -60.00 -40,665.12 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2481 Gallagher Reporting and Video, LLC. -220.00 -40,885.12 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2482 Heidelberg/Lynn EIT Bureau 0.00 -40,885.12 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2483 John M. Ashcraft, III -348.50 -41,233.62 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2484 Nextel Communications -207.86 -41,441.48 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2485 PA State Association of Twp. Supervisors -55.00 -41,496.48 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2486 Postmaster -28.00 -41,524.48 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2487 PSATS UC GROUP TRUST -116.05 -41,640.53 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2488 The Morning Call -472.53 -42,113.06 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2489 TuWay Communications -2,182.35 -44,295.41 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2490 Verizon -559.40 -44,854.81 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2491 Viking -51.53 -44,906.34 Check 01/20/2006 2473 Kenneth A. Bleiler 0.00 -44,906.34 Check 01/21/2006 2492 C M Stauffer Ins Agency -4,526.00 -49,432.34 Check 01/21/2006 2493 Eyster and Joyce -85.00 -49,517.34 Check 01/21/2006 2494 Time News -34.76 -49,552.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/21/2006 2495 OfficeMax -163.01 -49,715.11 Bill Pmt -Check 01/21/2006 2496 Reliable Sign and Striping, Inc. -285.00 -50,000.11 Check 01/23/2006 2497 Lynnport Fire Company -687.76 -50,687.87 Check 01/26/2006 2507 Kenneth A. Bleiler -93.49 -50,781.36 Check 01/27/2006 2501 PSATS UC GROUP TRUST 0.00 -50,781.36 Check 01/27/2006 2502 PA Department of Revenue -1,684.01 -52,465.37 Check 01/27/2006 2503 PA UC Fund -98.28 -52,563.65 Check 01/27/2006 2504 Internal Revenue Service -23.37 -52,587.02 Check 01/27/2006 2505 PSATS UC GROUP TRUST -170.34 -52,757.36 Check 01/27/2006 EFT Internal Revenue Service -7,276.96 -60,034.32 Check 01/28/2006 2506 -1,472.66 -61,506.98 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2508 Blue Mountain Beverages -129.82 -61,636.80 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2509 Evertt Plumbing and Heating -142.70 -61,779.50
8 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2510 Haldeman -536.66 -62,316.16 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2511 Heidelberg Township -11,834.94 -74,151.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2512 Highlands' Tire and Service Center -281.00 -74,432.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2513 PSATS CDL PRogram -30.00 -74,462.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2514 Steckel & Stopp Law Offices -2,024.59 -76,486.69 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2515 Suburban Propane -809.98 -77,296.67 Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2006 2516 Time News -39.80 -77,336.47 Check 01/29/2006 2517 PA Department of Revenue -92.46 -77,428.93 Check 01/29/2006 2518 PCI Insurance, Inc. -8,321.16 -85,750.09 Total 100 Gen. Fund Checking -85,750.09 -85,750.09
102 Lynn Ontelaunee Park Check 01/14/2006 427 Mr. John Inc. -475.36 -475.36 Check 01/14/2006 428 Williams Scotsman, Inc. -162.00 -637.36 Check 01/14/2006 430 Oswald Hauling, Inc. -312.00 -949.36 Check 01/14/2006 429 Oswald Hauling, Inc. 0.00 -949.36 Check 01/14/2006 431 Violet Henninger 0.00 -949.36 Check 01/14/2006 432 County of Lehigh -1,172.16 -2,121.52 Check 01/14/2006 433 MET-ED -11.03 -2,132.55 Check 01/14/2006 434 Brownmiller Design Corp. -56.25 -2,188.80 Check 01/14/2006 435 Pennsylvania Barn Company -1,208.03 -3,396.83 Check 01/14/2006 436 PA Recreation and Park Society, Inc. -80.00 -3,476.83 Bill Pmt -Check 01/19/2006 437 Gebhardts -81.72 -3,558.55 Bill Pmt -Check 01/19/2006 438 Mr. John Inc. -879.52 -4,438.07 Bill Pmt -Check 01/19/2006 439 Powerco, Inc. -207.75 -4,645.82 Bill Pmt -Check 01/19/2006 440 Rextown Supply Co. -1,680.40 -6,326.22 Total 102 Lynn Ontelaunee Park -6,326.22 -6,326.22
103 Lynn Recreation Fund Check 01/31/2006 -10.00 -10.00 Total 103 Lynn Recreation Fund -10.00 -10.00
107 Lynn Twp. Electric Light Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 640 MET-ED -621.63 -621.63 Total 107 Lynn Twp. Electric Light -621.63 -621.63
108 Lynn Twp. Rd Bd St Fund Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2006 2046 American Rock Salt Co. LLC -6,846.14 -6,846.14 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2006 2047 Lehigh Asphalt & Paving -2,634.38 -9,480.52 Total 108 Lynn Twp. Rd Bd St Fund -9,480.52 -9,480.52
- -102,188.46 102,188.46 Minutes2-2-06