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City of Nicoma Park Regular Meeting
MINUTES May 3, 2016 7:00 p.m.
The City Council of Nicoma Park met in the Council Chambers at 2221 Nichols Dr., Nicoma Park, OK. 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Cochell at 7:00 p.m. There was an Invocation and Flag Salute.
Judge Dan Murdock conducted the swearing-in ceremony for Councilmembers’ June Wiegert, Ward 2; Steve West, Ward 4; and Brian Foughty, Ward 6.
Roll Call:
Councilmembers present Councilmembers absent Jim Pumphrey – Ward 1 Dixie Vickers – Ward 5 June Wiegert – Ward 2 Bobby Kolar – Ward 3 Others present Steve West – Ward 4 Beverly McManus – City Clerk Brian Foughty – Ward 6 Robert Thompson – City Attorney Mark Cochell – Mayor
2. HIGHLIGHTS AND CONCERNS a. The Mayor has received a nice note from Jane Neely complimenting us on the paint jobs for the library and city hall and for all the work with the sewer and other issues.
3. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda includes routine items that can be approved by one motion of the Council. If any proposed item does not meet with the approval of the Council, said item will be removed and placed under the Business Agenda. The following items are recommended for consideration: a. Minutes of the April Special and Regular Meetings. b. Payment of April Claims. c. Payment of April Payroll and Benefits in the amount of $90,268.31 for three payrolls (includes $500 Mayor; $500 City Attorney and $700 Judge) d. Approval of May estimated payroll in the amount of $62,000.00.
MOTION BY Pumphrey; SECOND BY Foughty, to approve the Consent Agenda. AYE VOTES: Pumphrey, Wiegert, Kolar, West, Foughty, Cochell. NAY VOTES: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENT: Vickers. MOTION CARRIED
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – May 3, 2016 MINUTES – Page 1 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing to determine whether the following properties should be declared detrimental to the health, benefit and welfare of the public and community and direct staff to take appropriate action to abate same.
Public Hearing to be held for the following properties due to dilapidated building(s).
A. 1933 N. Meyers Ter, Property Owner is Kristion Timbrook.
Ms. Timbrook was in attendance and said they had some issues but are going to get this clean up. She asked for a little more time.
MOTION BY Pumphrey; SECOND BY Foughty, to allow Ms. Timbrook four weeks to get the property cleaned up or the City will take action. AYE VOTES: Pumphrey, Wiegert, Kolar, West, Foughty, Cochell. NAY VOTES: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENT: Vickers. MOTION CARRIED
5. BUSINESS AGENDA Discussion, consideration and possible action to be held on the following Business Agenda Items:
A. Authorize the Mayor to negotiate and execute the contract with the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments to assist with the planning, assistance, oversight and coordination services required in implementing and carrying out the CIP (Capital Improvement Project) project grant.
MOTION BY Pumphrey; SECOND BY Kolar, to authorize the Mayor to negotiate and execute the contract. AYE VOTES: Pumphrey, Wiegert, Kolar, West, Foughty, Cochell. NAY VOTES: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENT: Vickers. MOTION CARRIED
B. Approval of contracting with Putnam & Company to prepare Annual Financial Statements and Estimate of Needs at a cost of $1,900 and preparing the Annual Audit Report for FY 2015/16 at a cost of $4,000.
MOTION BY Kolar; SECOND BY Pumphrey, to approve contracting with Putnam & Company. AYE VOTES: Pumphrey, Wiegert, Kolar, West, Foughty, Cochell. NAY VOTES: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENT: Vickers. MOTION CARRIED
C. Accept the following Temporary Easements for the Creek Cleaning Project: 1. 2800 Nichols Drive, Owner Kathryn Melanie Martin Trustees for Kathryn Melanie Martin Revocable Trust. 2. E 249.4FT of S 669.2FTof LOT 1 of BLOCK 6, Owner Kevin James Dill. 3. PT SW4 SEC 21 12N 1W BEG 809FT N OF SW/C SW4 TH E434.6FT N506FT W434.6FT S506FT TO BEG EX A TR BEG 1315FT N & 204.28FT E OF SW/C SW4 TH S189.13FT E230.32FT N189.13FT W230.32FT TO BEG SUBJ TO ESMTS OF RECORD, Owner Chieftain Royalty Company. 4. 2700 Nichols Drive, Owner Margaret Graham. 5. 12007 NE 23rd Street, Owner Roofing by McCann’s & Construction LLC.
MOTION BY Wiegert; SECOND BY Foughty, to accept the Temporary Easements. AYE VOTES: Pumphrey, Wiegert, Kolar, West, Foughty, Cochell. NAY VOTES: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENT: Vickers. MOTION CARRIED
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – May 3, 2016 MINUTES – Page 2 D. Approve Special Event Permit Fees. Recommend the $50 fee for the Special Event Permit stay as approved at the last meeting and add an additional fee for vendors as follows:
1 vendor – no charge $26-50 vendors - $150 2-10 vendors - $50 $51 or more vendors - $200 11-25 vendors - $100
MOTION BY Foughty; SECOND BY West, to approve the Special Event Permit Fees as recommended. AYE VOTES: Pumphrey, Kolar, West, Foughty, Cochell. NAY VOTES: Wiegert. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENT: Vickers. MOTION CARRIED
6. NEW BUSINESS This item is listed on the agenda to provide the opportunity for City Council discussion and/or action on items which may arise, and which could not have been known about, within 24 hours prior to the meeting.
No New Business.
7. REMARKS Remarks from the public or members of the governing body. No action can be taken.
A Spring Shadows resident asked what was going to happen in their area and it was explained they still have sewer lines to install and will work on clean up after that time. Then, the City will get with OK County District 2 to come in and work on the roads.
Don Wallace mentioned his concern about his property not being cleaned up.
8. EXECUTIVE SESSION No items for discussion.
9. REPORTS a. Code Enforcement b. Fire Department c. Police Department d. ACOG
10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Approved by City Council on June 7, 2016.
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – May 3, 2016 MINUTES – Page 3 Nicoma Park Development Authority Regular Meeting
MINUTES May 3, 2016
11. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cochell at 7:37 p.m.
Trustees present Jim Pumphrey – Ward 1 Trustees absent June Wiegert – Ward 2 Dixie Vickers – Ward 5 Bobby Kolar – Ward 3 Steve West – Ward 4 Others present Brian Foughty – Ward 6 Beverly McManus – City Clerk Mark Cochell – Mayor Robert Thompson – City Attorney
12. HIGHLIGHTS AND CONCERNS a. The City of Choctaw is putting in number one manhole. This is the line our sewer will be connected to.
13. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda includes routine items that can be approved by one motion of the Council. If any proposed item does not meet with the approval of the Council, said item will be removed and placed under the Business Agenda. The following items are recommended for consideration: a. Minutes of the April Regular and Special Meetings. b. Payment of April Claims. c. Payment of Sewer Line Construction Claims.
MOTION BY Pumphrey; SECOND BY Kolar, to approve the Consent Agenda. AYE VOTES: Pumphrey, Wiegert, Kolar, West, Foughty, Cochell. NAY VOTES: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. ABSENT: Vickers. MOTION CARRIED
14. BUSINESS AGENDA Discussion, consideration and possible action to be held on the following Business Agenda Items:
No items for discussion.
15. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Approved by City Council on June 7, 2016.
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – May 3, 2016 MINUTES – Page 4