Hangman User Guide


Adam T. Davis Hangman User Guide 2009 User Guide

Hangman User guide Contents

. 1 Documentation Summary

. 2 User Guide Table of Contents

. 3 Summary of Sections

. 3.1 Introduction

. 3.2 Menu Navigation

. 3.3 Playing the Game

. 3.4 Changing the Current Players Name

. 3.5 Displaying Scores

. 3.6 Adding Words to the Dictionary

. 3.7 Deleting Words from the Dictionary

. 3.8 Displaying the Dictionary's List of Words Hangman User Guide 2009 Documentation Summary

Purpose: To entertain. This is done through guessing letters you think might be contained within the word. Letters are revealed if you guess correctly an incorrect guess causes a new body part to be drawn. Ultimately resulting in either winning by typing and guessing the word or losing an hanging from the gallows.

Audience: Both young and old audiences with a varied degree of spelling ability as more words may be added to the dictionary.

Approach: This document explains the basic functions of this hangman game. The document does not assume familiarity with any other hangman games.

Assumptions: The reader has a standard desktop class installation or live instance of Windows XP or greater with, including a user account with the default settings. This version requires that Visual Studio 2008 be installed for support components.

Lead Writer: Adam T. Davis Hangman User Guide 2009 User Guide Table of Contents

. User Guide - Introduction 5

. User Guide - Navigating the menu 6

. User Guide - Playing the Game 7

. User Guide - Changing the Current Players name 8

. User Guide - Displaying Scores 9

. User Guide - Adding Words to the Dictionary 10

. User Guide - Deleting Words from the Dictionary 11

. User Guide - Displaying the Dictionary's List of Words 12 Hangman User Guide 2009 User Guide - Introduction

About this Guide Welcome to the Hangman User Guide! This guide is written for users who have a working Windows XP or greater system with Visual Studio 2008 and are able to use a mouse and keyboard. This guide describes:

. The different menu options available to the Hangman user

. How to begin a game

. How to display current and previous player scores

. How to change the current user

. How to add a word to the game dictionary

. How to delete a word from the game dictionary

. How to list all the words within the game dictionary

Other sources of help This guide can gives you detailed information on the operation of the Hangman game. A brief overview of this documentation can be found by typing Help in the game's selection menu.

Help can be found by typing

help in the game at the "COMMAND:>" prompt. Hangman User Guide 2009 Navigating the Menu

Navigation through this program is utilized by simple command-line based input. Simply put, type the word command you want it to do. (example: typing 'add Helicopter' would add the word Helicopter to the dictionary list, while typing 'view' would display the hidden extra options within the Hangman game.)

Main Hangman Menu Hangman User Guide 2009 Playing the Game Type 'play' into the COMMAND:> prompt. The game begins by the computer thinking of a word and you as the player try to guess what it is by suggesting letters. If you suggest a letter which occurs in the word, the computer displays it in all its correct positions. If the suggested letter does not occur in the word, the computer draws one element of the hangman diagram. If at any time in the game you feel you know what the word is, simply type the word instead of a letter and the computer will tell you if you are correct or not. The game is over when:  The guessing player completes the word, or guesses the whole word correctly  The computer completes the Hangman diagram The player is allowed 6 incorrect guesses before they lose.

An example game in progress. Hangman User Guide 2009 Changing the Current Players Name Type 'change' into the COMMAND:> prompt. Changing the current players name irrevocably creates a new player and adds them to the top line of the last 10 players list. If a previous player decides to play again, they cannot begin where they left off.

Changing the current player's name. Hangman User Guide 2009 Displaying Scores Type 'scores' into the COMMAND:> prompt. The last 10 players list is updated automatically, you can see this any time you wish by typing the command stated above.

Displaying last 10 players list. Hangman User Guide 2009 Adding Words to the Dictionary To add a word to the dictionary, first you must enable the hidden Hangman menu options by typing 'view' into the COMMAND:> prompt. (note: If the hidden menu options are already enabled you may skip this part)

Revealing hidden menu options.

Type 'add' into the COMMAND:> prompt followed by the word you wish to add.

Adding a word to the dictionary. Deleting Words From the Dictionary Hangman User Guide 2009 To delete a word from the dictionary, first you must enable the hidden Hangman menu options by typing 'view' into the COMMAND:> prompt. (note: If the hidden menu options are already enabled you may skip this part)

Revealing hidden menu options.

Type 'delete' into the COMMAND:> prompt followed by the word you wish to delete.

Deleting a word from the dictionary. Displaying the Dictionary's List of Words To display the list of words contained within the dictionary, first you must enable the hidden Hangman menu options by typing 'view' into the COMMAND:> prompt. (note: If the hidden menu options are already enabled you may skip this part) Hangman User Guide 2009

Revealing hidden menu options.

Type 'list' into the COMMAND:> prompt.

Displaying the dictionary list.