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California State University, Sacramento s2


INSTRUCTOR: David Nylund, PhD, LCSW OFFICE: Mariposa 4014 PHONE #: (916) 278-4152 EMAIL: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays 12:30 pm-2:30 pm and Fridays 8:00-9:00 am and by appointment

General Description

SWK 204C/D represents the third and fourth semester practice courses in the Social Work curriculum. It builds upon and expands 204A/B in substantial ways. Where SWK 204A/B provided an opportunity for the student to achieve competence in the provision of direct and indirect services within an agency setting, it is recognized that the advanced generalist will move toward more autonomous practice, supervisory responsibilities, administrative and leadership roles within organizations and in the community. SWK 204C/D extends knowledge of generalist practice by requiring integration of the foundation content into the skillfully independent application of social work intervention strategies with at least two levels of intervention simultaneously.

To support this expected change in sophistication and function, SWK204 C/D provides advanced knowledge or skills in at least five areas. 1) Concepts and models needed to understand practice with individuals, families, and groups, in the context of social service organizations, and the community environment. 2) Exposure to and expectation of mastery of advanced practice skills to address complex direct practice situations including individual/family/group techniques 3) Increased skills to concurrently address more complex indirect practice situations including supervision, administrative and organizational issues affecting clients, 4) Ability to conduct disciplined and systematic practice based on clearly articulated theoretical principles that inform generalist competencies; and 5) Ability to engage in theoretical and practice research and evaluation activities necessary to support evidence based practice and demonstrate accountability and effective client outcomes.

SWK 204C/D focuses on developing the student’s capacity to think critically and systematically so that they can select from a broader range of theoretical concepts and methods, appropriate intervention strategies likely to be productive in a given time and place. This course educates students to address complex challenges through synthesis of multilevel analysis and action. SWK 204C/D requires the student to integrate the awareness and knowledge gained in SWK 202 and SWK 250 when considering problem presentation, and the potential range of interventions that dignify and “fit” that particular client’s socioeconomic, political, and cultural system. SWK 204C/D requires the student to have an integrated knowledge of the theories of human behavior, particularly developmental-systems-biological, small group dynamics and the complex theories of community and organizational behavior, so that when considering complex intervention alternatives it is being done within the context of basic theory mastery in these areas. In this way SWK 204C/D extends the SWK 235A/B series into concurrent practice application. In SWK 204D students are expected to integrate policy practice knowledge from SWRK 251 which is taken concurrently, with their multilevel work with individuals, families and groups.

Organizing Framework and Theoretical Perspectives

Module One: The Mental Health-Recovery Module Using predominately a Postmodern-Constructivist philosophical and theoretical base, the mental health module focuses on the shift in mental health policy and practice in the United States, and particularly in California to a recovery-based model of practice. The practice in this module is based on the strengths based model of social support for persons in recovery from chronic and persistent mental illnesses. The socio-political construction of mental illness is explored as well as the realization that differential diagnosis is essential in today’s clinical practice context. The role of the social worker as advocate, coach, mediator, family educator, and political activist are explored in this module. The Recovery Model is the overarching model for this module. The Constructivist Cognitive Behavioral Model, the Interpersonal Model, and the Psycho- Educational model are presented as methods of best practice and evidenced based strategies.

Module Two: Children, Adolescents, and Families This module provides a multi-level and interdisciplinary perspective on intervention with children and adolescents based on best practices and theory on interventions that promote healthy development of children and adolescents as well as environments that support human development. The model used in the module on children and families is based on the practice literature that incorporates risk and protective factors, including the construct of resilience. The Multi-Contextual Model is used to assess race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, power, and culture. In this module the “language of trauma” is interpreted as an adaptational coping response to violence. The student becomes an interpreter of the language of what “maladaptive behavior” is trying to tell us, and how a more humanistic response to the child and adolescent using biological-psychological-and social interventions is synchronous with social work ethics and values. Attachment, Cognitive Behavioral, Family Systems, Narrative, Solution Focused, Eco- Behavioral, Psycho-Educational and Strength based models of intervention are covered in this module. Collaborative practice strategies with schools, foster families, courts, and social service agencies are a framework for multi-level practice in this module.

Module Three: Trauma and Recovery Model The interplay between the social context that serves as an antecedent to violence and trauma, and the psychobiological responses of the victimized are considered in this module. The specific traumas of child physical and sexual abuse as well as the power of the neglectful invalidating environments are fully explored. Domestic Violence (including violence against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender, the Disabled, and the Aged) is considered from the structural and institutionalized antecedents to the neuro-biological base of trauma. The socio-political, structural and contextual factors are explored as antecedents to institutionalized trauma, and then the synthesis of biological, affective, cognitive, and behavioral modalities are considered from assessment to treatment. In other words, the student is expected to synthesize and integrate the contextual factors as well perform a differential diagnostic assessment and apply the evidenced based practice models of Attachment Theory, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT), Herman’s Recovery Model, and infuse holistic approaches into a complete recovery intervention. Concepts like resiliency, protective factors, vulnerability, and even predisposition to traumatic responses and experiences are fully explored in this module within a life cycle framework with consideration to social and cultural adaptations. Beyond empowerment of the victimized, this module also demands that the student fully synthesis and integrate knowledge of trauma transference, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue into their practice. Self care and spirituality are also weaved throughout this module.

Module Four: Health and Wellness The purpose of this module is to allow for an advanced bio-psycho-social approach to understanding differential impact of contextual factors like poverty on health risk. The model of ecological social work practice that considers the “person in the environment is the overarching model of this module. This module allows the faculty and students to focus on a range of vulnerable populations including a concentrated training in gerontology, persons with HIV/AIDS, adolescent health (eating disorders, pregnancy, suicide), or with areas of practice like drug use/abuse/dependence.

Course Objectives

Build on the theoretical frameworks that students bring from the foundation curriculum (generalist, ecosystem, strengths, and empowerment perspectives).

1. Apply and provide a rationale for the use of multiple theoretical models and intervention skills to individuals, families and small groups.

2. Fully develop, articulate and apply an integrated practice approach that is informed by empirical support.

3. Demonstrate a heightened sense of self as it relates to the dynamics of difference and commitment to social justice.

4. Apply skills for culturally competent practice with and on behalf of individuals, families and small groups.

5. Demonstrate an increased sense of self: awareness of strengths and limitations, development of professional boundaries, and awareness of transference and counter transference,

6. Apply ethical decision making models to legal and ethical dilemmas in practice. 7. Select evaluation strategies that are appropriate to the needs of the situation and are grounded in social work theory and research (both qualitative and quantitative methods) as evidenced by in class assignments and class discussions.

8. Apply leadership skills in practice contexts (e.g., small group facilitation, case conferencing, multidisciplinary teams, interagency collaboration, advocacy, and program development).

9. Develop differential assessment, diagnosis and intervention plans based upon relevant theoretical models and the social work perspective.

10. Develop the conscious use of relationship as a principle skill in social work practice with and behalf individuals, families and small groups.

11. Apply the core aspects of advanced practice to specific practice situations (e.g., field placement, client populations, agencies, programs, and services).

Specific Competencies

By the conclusion of this course the student is expected to be able to:

1. Apply at least three theoretical perspectives, to assessment and intervention with an individual, family, group and/or community.

2. Apply integrated health and mental health intervention strategies that promote well- being, access to services and strengthen community prevention efforts.

3. Engage in independent reflective practice and examine the helping relationship integrating ethics, values, integrity, use of self, concepts of self development, mutuality, and social justice.

4. Critically analyze a case from a multilevel perspective. Based on this analysis, the student is able to coherently articulate and explain the social work process involved in the assessment and intervention plan, intervention theories to be used, intervention skills employed; develop, administer and identify use of outcome measures in the process, and be able to demonstrate competence in engagement with transition/termination.

5. Demonstrate integration of knowledge from HBSE, Policy, Diversity, and Research into the formulation.

6. Articulate a coherent and integrated understanding of violence and its traumatic consequences both globally and locally, at the institutional, interpersonal, and structural/cultural levels. Intervene at multiple levels using relevant theoretical models.

7. Assess the relationships between community and family systems in a variety of life situations and events, and be able to formulate interventions to address prevention of community and family dysfunction, enhance functioning of communities and families, and help remediate community and family needs.

8. Demonstrate organizational leadership skills. Interpret the social work role/perspective. Assess and intervene with intra and inter-organizational systems with specific reference to program and service delivery, implementation of a continuum of care, services integration, and inter-organizational cooperation, coordination and collaboration.

9. Utilize evidence based practice to guide assessment and intervention at all levels. Use case and community data for needs assessment to inform program and resource development, maintenance and enhancement. Choose, design, and implement appropriate process and outcome evaluation methods.

Course Format

The class will be conducted as a seminar with a combination of lecture, discussion, videos, exercises, group work with each other, and the possibility of guest speakers. Student preparation and participation are integral parts of this learning experience. The analytical case method approach will be the primary technique used for translating and applying theory into practice. The detailed case studies, as well as the cases brought in by faculty and students, will provide means for students to develop critical thinking and practice skills in a classroom setting. The case material presented in class may be used for class discussions, in-class experiential exercises, and for written and oral assignments. The cases will not only provide a bridge between the classroom and the student's field experience, but will allow the student to explore a wider variety of client systems and practice settings than may be encountered through field placements alone. Please speak with your professor and your field liaison if you do not believe that your needs are being met in your field placement. We take your Field Placement very seriously. Field is the heart of social work education.

Course Expectations

Attendance. Students are expected to attend all classes and to be on time. If you miss three classes, you must make an appointment to discuss whether continuing is feasible. This means that you will likely not earn a passing grade

Plagiarism. Any form of cheating or plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the course.

Assignments. Students are expected to have completed assignments for the course by the scheduled due date. If special circumstances arise, the instructor may grant an extension of the due date. This must be arranged prior to the date the assignment is due and be approved by the instructor. If students need help or have questions, they are encouraged to contact the instructor during office hours or by e-mail.

Assigned Readings. Assigned readings should be completed as they correspond with the class schedule. Writing Style. Other than those specified in the assignment requirements, apply the basic APA (American Psychological Association) style for all written assignments both in the main text and in citing references. Copies of the APA manual are available in the library. All written assignments should be typed and double-spaced. They must be mechanically and stylistically acceptable. Serious deficiencies in areas such as spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and coherent organization will result in lower grades.

Cellular phone or pager. Unless you are expecting important phone calls (i.e., family or on-call responsibilities), please turn off your cellular phone or pager during class meetings. Laptops can only be used for note taking.

Field Integration. The course outline is to be shared with your field instructor and field liaison as soon as possible after the student’s entry into the field placement. This provides guidance for us in supporting the fullest possible integration of field and class learning. Concurrent registration in SWK 295C is required. All students must have successfully completed SWK 204 A and B and SWK 295 A and B with no incompletes outstanding.

Ethical Practice

As developing social work professionals, it is expected that students will become familiar with and adhere to the NASW Code of Ethics. This code for professional behavior and conducts should guide your actions in class and in the field agency setting. Ethical violations (e.g., disrespect for colleagues) may result in failure of this course, particularly if the instructor or the field instructor has previously advised a student of the violation(s).

ADA Provisions

Students who have a learning disability or experience other reasons that might interfere with their ability to complete the class requirements, need to make an appointment and discuss this with the instructor. Students with documented learning difficulties can obtain special accommodations for course materials, testing facilities, and equipment by contacting the Office of Disability Services (916) 278-6955. The instructor should be advised of these accommodations so as to better assist the student with his/her learning needs.

Course Texts

1. Corey, Corey, & Callanan (2007). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 7th Edition. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. 2. Cooper, M.G. & Lesser, J.G. (2008) Clinical Social Work Practice: An Integrated Approach, 3rd edition. Boston: Pearson. 3. Duncan, B.L., Miller, S.D., & Sparks, J.A. (2004). The Heroic Client. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 4. Winslade, J.M, & Monk, G.D. (2007). Narrative Counseling in Schools: Powerful & Brief. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 5. Readings on Locus

Assignments:  Participation 10 points  2 Response Papers (Due 9/19 & 11/14) 10 points  Analysis of Legal/Ethical Dilemma Paper (Due 10/17) 30 points  Case Analysis (Due 12/12) 50 points 100 points

Letter grades will be assigned according to the following scales:

A = 93-100 pts. A- = 90-92 pts. B+ = 87-89 pts. B = 84-86 pts. B- = 80-83 pts. C+ = 77-79 pts. C = 74-76 pts. C- = 70-73 pts. F = 69 or less

Assignment Descriptions:

1. PARTICIPATION (10 points). You will receive credit for every time you come to class and participate. Attendance is a basic requirement. It is not possible to pass this course if there is only sporadic attendance. SWRK 204C is a very active course and participation is an ongoing requirement. Students should expect to contribute in each class. Some ways that students can contribute include: asking questions; bringing in relevant newspaper articles to increase class awareness; leading a discussion in their small group; volunteering to be in a role-play; answering questions that students or instructor ask; knowing the readings well enough to be able to talk about them; etc. A student’s grade will/can be decreased if, over the course of the semester, the student is not participating and/or responding to classroom discussion.

2. RESPONSE PAPERS ( 5 points each—10 points total) (Due 9/19 & 11/14).

Response Paper 1, Due 9/19. Choose a reading (chapter or article) from the 9/19 selections and respond to the following questions:  What points, if any, in this material did you like, agree with, find interesting or helpful?  What question do you have from reading this material that you think would generate class discussion? Come up with one.  What points, if any, did you not like or disagree with?  What ideas, if any, did you find personally meaningful, i.e., ideas that might have an impact on how you think about your way of practicing with clients or ideas that might incorporate into your personal style of working with clients?

Response Paper 2, Due 11/14: After reading The Heroic Client, please answer the following questions:  What critique do the authors (Duncan, Miller, and Sparks) of the Heroic Client have of the medical model and evidence based treatment?  According to the authors of The Heroic Client, what are key factors that contribute to therapeutic change (what are the common factors)?  What are the key components of a client-directed, outcome-informed approach to therapy?  How does a client-directed, outcome-informed approach fit with the empowerment model of social work and the recovery model of mental health?

3. ANALYSIS OF LEGAL/ETHICAL DILEMMA (30 points) (Due October 17) Observe the policies and practices of your field placement. Based on your observations and on the readings/class discussion, identify and/or ethical/legal dilemma that is a matter of concern for you. The form of ethical/legal dilemma may be at the direct service (micro) level, the organizational (meso) level, or the community/legislative (macro) level. This assignment is not to be “an attack” on your field placement and it is recommended that you brainstorm with your Field Instructor on possible issues. All agencies and all social workers deal with ethical/legal dilemmas. Gather data that supports your direct observations. You must cite the Code of Ethics (NASW, 1999), and Corey, Corey and Callanan and any other relevant ethics literature. You might also want to cite your agency's official (written) policies and procedures. Remember to use APA with these and all citations. THE PAPER I. Issue Description: Provide a description of the ethical and/or legal issue. Is this a common, continuing problem/issue, or is it an unusual incident that is not likely to happen again? Describe your direct observations of the problem/issue. II. Impact of Issue: Analyze the impact of the ethical or legal problem/issue. Who is it affecting in the agency: the line-staff, the supervisors, the administrators, the clients, the families of the clients, the foster families, the neighborhood surrounding the agency, etc.? How long has the problem/issue existed? III. Ethics Code, Laws, Policies: Ethical decision making models always instruct us to check the NASW Code of Ethics and/or relevant laws and policies in order to assist us in our analysis of any possible dilemma/issue. List and describe each NASW Code of Ethic Standard that is relevant to your issue. List any federal, state, county laws and/or agency policies that are relevant to your issue. What is your interpretation of what the Code and/or law/policy? Provide an analysis regarding the effectiveness of these standards, laws or policies to your issue. IV. Impact on Diverse Populations: Include an analysis of the impact your issue has on diverse populations (ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, age, health, disability, etc.). Does your issue tend to discriminate or be biased against a certain diverse population? For example, perhaps you have identified (in Part III) that your dilemma/issue impacts agency clients. Does it influence all agency clients, or just clients with a disability? Find literature to help you further explore this impact. V. Intervention Plan: Develop an intervention that would prevent, repair or correct the dilemma/issue. What are the goals, objectives and tasks in your intervention plan? How long will the tasks in the plan take? Who will carry out this plan (student interns, executive director, social workers, clients, etc.)? GUIDELINES FOR WRITING PAPER 1. Discuss this assignment and your ideas with your Field Instructor, and ask for the positions or policies of the agency in regards to your concerns. 2. Follow APA format (1" margins, 12 point font, correct citation format, etc.). 3. Use the different headings above as a way to organize your paper. 4. The paper length should be at least 6 pages plus a final reference page. 5. Include at least 5 citations in your paper, with at least 4 different references. You must include the NASW Code of Ethics (apply relevant standards) and material from our class ethics text and class discussion. Please see me if you need help in finding other relevant sources.

4. SW 204C/D CASE ANALYSIS (50 points) (Due December 12). This Bio-Psycho- Social Analysis is the common analysis for all of the sections of SW204C/D. It is designed to assess your advanced competence in the following “objectives” for all MSW II students.  Apply and provide a rationale for the use of theoretical models and intervention skills to individuals, families and/or a small group;  Fully develop, articulate and apply an integrated practice approach that is informed by empirical support;  Apply skills for culturally competent practice with and on behalf of individuals, families and small groups.  Demonstrate an increased sense of self: awareness of strengths and limitations, development of professional boundaries, and awareness of transference and counter transference,  Apply ethical decision making models to legal and ethical dilemmas in practice.  Select evaluation strategies that are appropriate to the needs of the situation and are grounded in social work theory and research (both qualitative and quantitative methods);  Develop differential assessment, diagnosis and intervention plans based upon relevant theoretical models and the social work perspective.  Develop the conscious use of relationship as a principle skill in social work practice with and behalf individuals, families and small groups.  Apply the core aspects of advanced practice to specific practice situations (e.g., field placement, client populations, agencies, programs, and services).

ASSIGNMENT  You will complete a written case study from your current field placement. In order to cover the requested information, the paper should be at least 10 pages in length and must include citations from SW 204 C and/or relevant professional literature. Use APA format for your citations, have margins 1” on all sides, and use 12 point font. Include at least 5 references on the final reference page.  A good paper will demonstrate the application of clinical social work values and the integration of theory and practice using clinical case material from your current field internship. Use the following Outline Format (with the following headings) and use Single Space.  Give a Title to your Case Analysis. Examples: “Beneath Anger: A Case Study of a Defiant Youth” “The Doctor Says I’ll Live Forever: Denial and Grief Work in a Hospice Setting”  The criteria for grading this assignment: Quality/Detail of Case Information (Sections I to V): 10 points Quality of Case Analysis (Section VI) 10 points Quality of Literature & Theory Review (Section VII): 10 points Quality of Intervention Plan (Section VIII): 10 points Quality of Self-Assessment (Section IX) 10 points Total Points: 50

I. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION A. Demographic Information: Provide enough general demographic data of your client system so that the instructor can understand the client system: Pseudonym , age, gender, marital status, number and ages of children, ethnicity, occupation, school grade. B. Referral Information: The client could be self-referred or mandated to be there by a parent, spouse or an institution such as CPS, or probation. C. Your Contact with Client: Discuss the number of interviews/contacts that you have had with this client system and a brief summary of information gathered during these contacts. D. Collateral Contact: Note any collateral contacts (i.e., contacts with CPS, a psychiatrist, family member, community leaders, etc.) you have had on behalf of this client system and the information obtained from these and other sources.

II. PRESENTING PROBLEM A. Detailed description of the Problem: Describe the problem using the client's own words (if possible). What precipitated the current difficulty? Does the client even think that he or she has a problem? Include in this section why the client is coming for help now. This may be obvious in some case studies (i.e., because of a crisis) or it may be less obvious (e.g., a couple who has had marital issues for years and just now they are seeking help).

III. CURRENT SITUATION A. Description of family or household: Who is in the household (names, ages) and relationship (natural child, stepparent, friend, partner). What is the quality of these relationships? B. Social Network: Who are the relevant extended family members, friends, peer groups, community or club affiliations. C. Guardianship Information: Is the client in Protective Custody, or is the client's child in Protective Custody. What child welfare department is currently working with the client/family? D. Economic situation: How is the client system financially supported? Who is working; nature of employment; receiving public assistance, social security. E. Physical environment/Housing: nature of living circumstances (apartment, group home, crowded conditions, homeless; neighborhood

IV. PREVIOUS MENTAL HEALTH HISTORY 3 A. History: Discuss the nature of the difficulties and the treatment. What level of care (outpatient, inpatient) did he or she receive? What was the outcome of treatment? 4 B. Current Attitudes: Based on this history what is the client’s attitude towards mental health providers, medication, psychotherapy or whatever intervention may be suggested.

V. BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. Family Background: Provide a description of family of origin and family of procreation (if applicable). B. Marital/intimate relationship history. C. Education and/or Vocational Training. D. Military History. E. Use and Abuse of alcohol or drugs: Discuss this in terms of the client and the client’s family. F. Biological/Medical/Health Issues: 1. Significant Medical History: Describe significant diseases, hospitalizations, accidents, 1 or other significant medical history. 2. Current Medical Condition or Possible Risk Factors: Describe significant medical or health situations such as insomnia, asthma, allergies, heart troubles, headaches, stomach aches. 3. Medical Attention: Does the client have a physician or clinic? Has the client had regular medical attention? Does the client have medical insurance making medical visits possible? G. Human Diversity Issues 1. Discussion of issues: Discuss any relevant variations that impact this case: ethnicity, sexual orientation, social class, ability level, gender, developmental stage (Erickson’s stages, for example), religious affiliation, club member, group affiliation, relationship status, age, disabilities, immigration status, military status, gang status, etc. 2. Exposure to Discrimination: Discuss the extent to which this client system has been exposed to prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, ageism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, etc. 3. “Cultural” Beliefs Impacting Work Together: This section is about how the client responds or might respond to you in light of human diversity issues. Think beyond ethnic cultural issues. A 15-year old teenage boy may not trust you because you are a from different generation and you don’t know the music that he likes. An 82 year old white male may be hesitant to work with a 25 year old Asian-American worker because of his history in WWII (in combat with the Japanese) and because he thinks she can never truly understand his problems with impotency.

VI. YOUR ANALYSIS OR CASE FORMULATION A. Key Issue or Problem: What is the key issue or problem from your perspective? How does your perspective compare with the client’s? How serious is the problem? B. Contributing Factors: What internal factors (thoughts, behaviors, personality issues, circumstances) seem to be contributing to the problems? What external factors are contributing to the problem (poverty, alcoholic father, national tragedy)? C. Strengths, Resources and Protective Factors: List the internal and external strengths and resources of the client system. How have these strengths and resources impacted the client system’s current situation? D. Client Motivation: What is the client’s motivation to change? Does he or she have ambivalence about the change? Does he or she want someone else to change? Related to this, what is the client’s potential to benefit from intervention.

VII. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Problem: Discuss what your 204C or any relevant literature has to say about your client’s main issues. What does the literature say is the best way to assess and to treat the client’s main issue(s)? What are the “best practices” for this problem? This may or may not be what you are going to do with the client. Moreso, I want you to get an idea of what is recommended whether you are embarking on that or not. A good source will be Cooper & Lesser (2008), B. Integrated-theoretical Foundation: Identify the theories that have assisted you in your assessment and intervention (i.e., conflict theory, cognitive theory, behavioral theory, existential theory, constructivist theory, narrative, feminist theory, Erickson’s developmental theory, family systems theory, objects relations theory, etc.). Please cite your sources for this information.

VIII. INTERVENTION PLAN A. Long and short Term Goals: What are the long and short term goals for this client? What strategies will you use or have you used to help your client reach these goals?

IX. SELF-ASSESSMENT A. Countertransference Issues: Countertransference, in the broad sense, is any projection by a social worker that can potentially get in the way of helping a client. What issue or issues come up for you in working with this client system? Identify the feelings that you have that may hinder or help the intervention process. B. Your Need for Supervision and Training: Discuss what you need in order to better work with this client system. Be as specific as possible with what kind of supervision you need (I would like my Field Instructor to role-play this case with me, where I act as the client at times.) As well, what kind of training would be helpful? Any ethical issues/dilemmas?

SCHEDULE Class 1 September 5

Topics: Introductions; Course Expectations; Review of Syllabus; Assignments

Class 2 September 12

Topics: Ethics; Confidentiality; Boundaries; Issues in Supervision

Required Readings:  Corey, Corey, & Callanan, Chapters 1-9  Dietz, C. & Thompson, J. (2004). Rethinking boundaries: Ethical dilemmas in the social worker-client relationship. Journal of Progressive Human Services, (15)2, 1-24. (On Locus)  NASW Code of Ethics (On Locus)

Class 3 September 19

Topics: Clinical Assessments; Multi-cultural Practice; Strength-Based Assessments

Required Readings:  Cooper & Lesser, Chapters 1-5  Saleeby, D. (2001). The Diagnostic Strengths Manual? Social Work, 46(2) 183-189. (On Locus)  Graybeal, C. (2001). Strengths-based social work assessment: Transforming the dominant paradigm. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 82(3), 233-242. (On Locus)

*Response Paper 1 Due

Class 4 September 26

Topics: Evidence-Based Practice; Depressive Disorders

Required Readings:  Cooper & Lesser, Chapter 14

Class 5 October 3

Topics: Anxiety & Panic Disorders; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Required Readings:  Cooper & Lesser, Chapters 9 & 10

Class 6 October 10 Topics: Solution-Focused Therapy

Required Readings:  Cooper & Lesser, Chapter 12  Turnell, A. (2006). Constructive Child Protection Practice: An Oxymoron or News of Difference? Journal of Systemic Therapies, 25(2), 3–12. (On Locus)  Walsh, T. (2006). Two Sides of the Same Coin: Ambiguity and Complexity in Child Protection Work. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 25(2), 38–49. (On Locus)

*check out this website for solution-focused approaches to CPS work:

Books on Solution-Focused Approaches to CPS work:  Essex, S. (2006) Working with ‘Denied’ Child Abuse: The Resolutions Approach. Open University Press.  Turnell A. & Edwards S. (1999). Signs of safety: A solution and safety oriented approach to child protection casework. WW Norton.

Class 7 October 17

Topics: Working with Children & Families

Required Readings:  Simon, J.B., Murphy, J. J., & Smith, S. M. (2005). Understanding and Fostering Family Resilience. The Family Journal, 13(4), 427-436. (On Locus)  Denborough, D. (2007). Talking with Mothers and Children: An Intake Questionnaire. The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, No. 3, 17-20. (On Locus)

*Analysis of Legal/Ethical Dilemma Paper Due

Class 8 October 24

Topics: TBA

*I am out of town at conference; class will have a guest speaker

Class 9 October 31

Topics: Working with Children

Required Readings:  Chapters from the book by Webb, N.B. (2003). Social Work Practice with Children. New York: Guilford Press. o Chapter 1, “Children’s Problems and Needs” (On Locus) o Chapter 3, “Building Relationships with all Relevant Systems” (On Locus)

Class 10 November 7

Topics: Play Therapy with Children

Required Readings:  Chapter from the book by Webb, N.B. (2003). Social Work Practice with Children. New York: Guilford Press: o Chapter 7, “One-to-One Work with Children” (On Locus)

Class 11 November 14

Topics: Client-Directed Outcome Informed Approaches; Practice Based Evidence

Required Readings:  Duncan, Miller & Sparks, Chapters 1, 3-8

*Response Paper 2 Due

Class 12 November 21

Topics: Medications; Ethics of Medicating Children

Required Readings:  Duncan, Miller, & Sparks, Chapter 2  Duncan, B. & Sparks, J. Ethics and Science of Medicating Children. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 6(1), 25-39.

*No class November 28 due to holiday*

Class 13 December 5

Topics: Narrative Therapy

Required Readings:  Cooper & Lesser, Chapter 11  Winslade & Monk (Entire Book)

Class 14 December 12

Topics: ADHD, Conduct Disorders; Strength-Based Approaches with ADHD

Required Readings:  Mattox, R. & Harder, J. (2006) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Diverse Populations. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 24(2), 195 -207. (On Locus)  Kindsvatter, A. (2005). Huckleberry Finn Reconsidered: An Interview With David Nylund. The Family Journal 13(4), 503-506. (On Locus)

*Case Analysis Paper Due


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