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Socrates Erasmus Intensive Programme “INNO-FOREST: Integrating Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Forestry Education”
GROUP 2 Wood product innovations & prefabricated wood component innovations
Business address: AMBRO Calea Unirii, NO 24 RO-720019 SUCEAVA- ROMANIA Contact informations: Phone: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava ROMANIA ANTOHI MARIUS Faculty of Forestry ,
1. Innovation action………………………………………………………………….3
1.1 What is innovation action? ……………………………………………………3
1.2 Innovation process in stages...... 3
2. Study case...... 4
2.1 Background...... 4 I. Washing of pulp - Principles and parameters……………………………….5 1. Terminology……………………………………………………………………….5 1. ADT/BDT……………………………………………………………………….5 2. Consistency / Concentration……………………………………………….6 3. Wash losses/carry over……………………………………………………...6 4. BOD/COD……………………………………………………………………….6 5. Displacement………………………………………………………………….7 6. Dilution Factor……………………………………………………………….11 7. Displacement Ratio…………………………………………………………15 II. Replacing of filters with displacement presses in SC AMBRO SA……...19
1. Washing - Existing situation……………………………...... 19
2. Improved washing...... 23 3. A’WOT analyse …………………………………..………………………………25
4. General recommendations...... 27 Bibliography……………………….……..…………………………………………..28
Developing innovations belongs to organizations key actions regardless of it in which sector those acts. Even if innovativeness is nowadays highly respected, producing innovations has proved to be difficult task. In future challenge will be to develop competence of innovation. Innovation action is series of systematic processes, from setting aims, choosing subject and developing ideas, ending to implementation of idea. Step of process can be, however, carry out overlapping and simultaneous and person who leads the project should be able to “run the show”. (Lampikoski 2004,15)
1.1 What is innovation action? Innovation is concrete implementing of new ideas in practice. Introduction of idea and adapting it in organization, even if it concern product, process or service. Innovation action is process in which organization develops, adopts and adapts new ideas and suggestions in practice. By innovations organizations seeks solution to their customers´ problems and contributes every day lives well being. Companies tries to get better competitiveness, bigger market share, growth, quality, productivity and better profitability by innovations. (Lampikoski 2004,19)
In innovation action is needed three kind of thinking models: routine thinking, logic and creative thinking. Especially first actions of innovation chain requires creative thinking and imagination but also logic thinking. In later steps logic thinking emphasized, but creative thinking is also needed. Every day action in organization could not work out without routine thinking and routine working. (Lampikoski 2004,19)
Innovation thinking requires imagination; it seeks out alternatives and sets continual questions. Innovation thinking also seeks out new approaches and produces lot of alternatives or ideas which complete each other. Trusting to emotion and intuition is part of innovation thinking. (Lampikoski 2004, 21)
1.2 Innovation process in stages
New possibility Creative Innovatio Thinking Ideas Inventi ns process ons Problem
OPPOSITIONS Innovation operation is group of processes, some kind of action chain. In the most compact innovation process is thought to consist two points: developing and implementation points, but things can be seen widely. In the beginning point customers are analyzed, risks are anticipated, aims of innovation are set, settings are described and criteria of project are determined. Setting aim is main point of innovation project and operations of chain beginnings from realizing problem or understanding new possibility. Choosing target is part of chain, in which is selected target, novelty, service or process which is going to be innovate. In preparation point innovate team is established and resources which are needed, are purchased. In creation point team get acquainted to topic and produces, select and cut down ideas. In developing stage necessary research are done and selected idea is developed to product or service. In implementation point plan of implementation is made and talent for implementation is secured. In this point product or service is launch on the market. The best invention can also be unutilized, if it can not be commercialize. At finally in feedback stage is results of innovation evaluated, if needed, changes are done and innovators are rewarded. (Lampikoski 2004, 21-23) 2. STUDY CASE
The idea of this study case is to show how was raised the productivity at SC AMBRO SA and how was improved the washing proces by replacing filters with new displacement presses and at the same time, rethinking the disposing of the machineries in the production line. First I will talk about I. Washing of pulp, principles and parameters, that will help us to understand how filters and presses work in this system and the differences between them, then I will show the II. Replacing of filters with displacement presses in SC AMBRO SA.
2.1 Background
4 Ambro Suceava is a sulfate mill in northen Romania owned by Rossmann group. AMBRO is the only producer of Kraft liner in Romania and its neighboring countries. They produce principally liner at kappa 45.
The present production is 300-320 bdt/d and the new target production is 350 bdt/d.
I. Washing of pulp - Principles and parameters
Washing of pulp Black liquor is separated from fibers
Black liquor Pulp from cooking Washed pulp
Washing of unbleached pulp is the operation consisting in separating the pulp from the cooking liquor by using the minimum quantity of wash water.
2 ©Metso Corporation 2003 March 5, 2003 PowerPoint Template Quick Guide
I.1. TERMINOLOGY 1. ADT/BDT 2. Consistency / Concentration 3. Wash losses/carry over 4. BOD/COD 5. Displacement 6. Dilution Factor
5 7. Displacement Ratio I.1.1. ADT/BDT • AD = Air Dried. This is a commercial term expressing that the pulp contains 10% of water. The reason is that when drying the pulp with air, it normally absorbs moisture up to a content of approx. 10%. • BD = Bone Dried. This means 100% dried pulp. The flow sheets are balanced with BD pulp. 1 AD ton = 0,9 BD ton Reading of the flow sheets: 14,6 - 7,0 - 208 Prod. BDT/h Cons. % Flow m3/h 2. Consistency / Concentration For the pulp in suspension, we will talk about consistency
Pulp C% = Pulp + liquor
100 - C% Liquor = Pulp x C% 100 - C% Qty of liquor containing 1 BDt of pulp = C%
For the liquor (dissolved solids) we will talk about concentration
3. Wash losses / Carry over • The wash losses are the dissolved substances which are further transported to the next process step with the pulp. These solids consist in residual chemicals from the cooking and dissolved lignin. • The wash losses have to be minimized because they will end to the sewer. • Usually the wash losses (or carry-over) for unbleached kraft pulp used to be expressed in terms of kg Na2SO4/BD ton pulp. The reason for this is that the chemical make-up in the recovery is done with sodium sulfate. • The modern methods are rather utilizing the COD values because this better reflects the environmental impact, in particular in the case of
6 bleachable grades. For a given kraft pulp, there is a ratio between COD and Na2SO4.
4. BOD Biological Oxygen Demand When rejecting organic material to the river, it will oxidize with the time and therefore will consume dissolved oxygen. The BOD is a standard measure of the quantity of oxygen which will be consumed by rejected organic compounds. It is usually expressed in kg/AD Ton of pulp.
COD Biologic reactions take time. The standard BOD measure is based on 7 days. Such an evaluation is not practicle in the industry. Because of this, the chemists have developped an alternative method where the dissolved organics are oxydized by chemical oxydants under energetic conditions (temperature, pH). This method allows to evaluate the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) which is in proportion with the BOD.The COD is the industry standard to measure the impact of rejected organic substances.
Pulp Washing From now on we will consider 1 ton of pulp coming from the blow tank with its associated liquor. Pulp to PM
Volum of liquor associated with 1T pulp 1T pulp + liquor Vo Liquor Evaporation
Objectives of the pulp washing • Recover the chemicals which have been used in the cooking phase (NaOH, Na2S) • Recover the thermic value of the wood organic substances which have been dissolved in the cooking and which can be used as bio-fuel (production of electrical energy and steam). • Reduce the carry over in order to improve the runnability of the paper machine (when producing bleached pulp, to save bleaching chemicals)
7 • Reduce the environmental impact (dissolved solids, DCO) of the discharged effluents Washing by Displacement 5. Displacement is the positive substitution of the original black liquor by a liquor which is less concentrated in dissolved substances. In the last washing stage, that is the substitution of the liquor associated with the pulp entering the washer by wash water. Washing by successive steps of dilution and dewatering Dewatering Dilution Dewatering
Liquor Liquor
Dewatering is an efficient method to wash pulp, because as the consistency increases, more and more of the original liquor which contains the dissolved substances (organic and inorganic compounds) is removed from the pulp
Washing by simple dilution and pressing
8 Press TRP
1 ton of pulp at 32,5 % consistency 2 tons of liquor
Washing effect 17 1 ton of pulp = 89,5 % at 5% consistency 19 19 tons of liquor
Washing principles
Displacement press Wash water
10 % 4-7 % 32 % Dewatering Displacement Dewatering
This picture gives a schematic representation of the washing principles utilized by filters and displacement presses. Washing over a filter first involves Dewatering up to a consistency of 10-12%, followed by a Displacement (showering of the pulp cake by the washing shower pipes, in presence of air). Washing through a Displacement Press successively involves the Dewatering from in feed consistency (“3,5-4% for TRPA, 6-7% for TRPB) up to 10%, and then the Displacement of the mother liquor by a film of wash liquor or wash water which is applied on the cake in hydraulic medium (no air), finally again Dewatering up to a high pulp consistency, generally 30-32%.
Washing by dilution and dewatering
9 Vs Vs
Vo pressate Dilution Vo - Vs Vd
1 ton of pulp from the The liquor which is sent cooking with its liquor back counter current to the evaporation has been pressate diluted : Vd (Vo - Vs) + Vd = Vo + (Vd-Vs) Vs + Vd Pulp with Vs wash losses Diluted pulp
Vd - Vs = DF = Dilution Factor
Let us consider filters and presses which both start the washing by Dewatering. The fact to separate a part of the black liquor by Dewatering at the entrance in the washer is the first washing step. Now we can continue if we add fresh water to dilute the pulp and if we dewater it again. This operation can be repeated several times. However, if we just continue like this, we will in final dilute the black liquor very much and this operation will not result economical. But the interesting in this theoretical approach, is that we are approaching practically the concept of Dilution Factor which we will further develop.
10 The displacement operates like a piston
Let us assume that : - The pulp consistency will not change - the liquids will not mix
Vs Vs = Volume of liquor in the pulp cake before and after the displacement
17 ©Metso Corporation 2003
The displacement of the liquor which is contained in the pulp mat (mother liquor) occurs when cleaner liquor (wash liquor with lower dry solids content) “moves” the mother liquor in a plug flow like manner out of the pulp, without agitation. If the pulp consistency does not change during the displacement, the volume of displacement liquid will be the same as the volume of the mother liquor (Vs) which has been displaced.
11 Ideal displacement does not exist
There will be a mix with the mother liquor
Vs Consequences It will not be possible to displace all the original liquor to improve the effect of the displacement, we will increase wash water volume
Ideal displacement, as shown on the preceding slide, cannot be achieved. In reality, the wash liquor does not flow through the pulp mat as a “true” plug flow and displace all of the mother liquor, as shown on the above figure, because: 1. The wash liquor is not evenly distributed across the whole pulp mat, and therefore the displacement of the original liquor will not be uniform through the pulp mat. 2. The pulp mat is not uniformly packed, and therefore channeling can occur.
6. Dilution Factor
Vd >Vs
Vs Vs
Vs Vd DF
DF = Vd - Vs = Dilution Factor
12 To improve the displacement, we can increase the quantity of wash liquor (or wash water). If the pulp consistency has not changed at the end of the displacement, the filtrate will be diluted with this excess of wash liquid (or water). This excess, that is to say the difference between the volume of the displacement liquor (water) and the volume of mother liquor (equal to the volume of liquor which is contained in the pulp leaving the washer, Vs) represents the Dilution Factor. This DF is the actual volume of wash water which is creating an unfortunate (because we will need to add evaporation capacity) but necessary (to improve the washing) dilution of the black liquor. The dilution Factor, DF • It is a parameter in relation with the quantity of wash water that the pulp receives. Its values are selected by the operator in function of the evaporation capacity and of various economical factors (price of chemicals, steam…) • As we go increasing the DF, we eliminate more solids from the pulp, resulting in a cleaner pulp and better machinability (eventually easier bleaching). • The value of the DF, although it is fixed by the operator, can fluctuate without the operator being aware of, for example if the pulp consistency changes. • If one control the DF at a constant value for a given production, the level in the filtrate tanks will remain constant.
Example of calculation with a filter
Vd? Pulp outlet c = 12% 143 m3/h
Pulp inlet 350 BDT/d
• Let’s assume that we like to fix the Dilution Factor at DF = 2,5 m3/BDT. Which flow shall we deliver to the showers?
Vd = Vs + DF Vs = (100-12)/12 = 7,3 tons/BDT
Vd = DF + Vs = 2,5 + 7,3 = 9,8 m3/BDT
Production = 14,6 BDt/h Vd = 9,8 x 14,6 = 143 Pulpm3/h outlet 9,8 m3/BDt c = 32%
21 ©MetsoCorporation 2003 Pulp outlet c = 12% Comparation• With the same Dilution between Factor a Diplacementpress13 and Press a filterneeds less than half amount of wash water in comparizon with a filter, This enhance the interest to terminate theDF =washing 2,54,6 m m3/BDt3/BDt with a press. Example of calculation with a Displacement Press Pulp outlet c = 32%
Pulp inlet 350 BDT/d Vd? • Let’s assume that we like to fix the Dilution Factor at DF = 2,5 m3/BDT. Which flow shall we deliver to the showers?
Vd = Vs + DF Vs = (100-32)/32 = 2,1 tons/BDT
Vd = DF + Vs = 2,5 + 2,1 = 4,6 m3/BDT
Production = 14,6 BDt/h Vd = 4,6x14,6 =67,2m3/h
22 ©MetsoCorporation 2003
Comparation between a press and a filter
DF = 2,5 m3/BDt Pulp outlet 9,8 m3/BDt c = 32% Pulp outlet c = 12%
4,6 m3/BDt
• With the same Dilution Factor a Diplacement Press needs less than half amount of wash water in comparizon with a filter, This enhance the interest to terminate the washing with a press.
23 ©MetsoCorporation 2003
14 With a Dilution Factor of 2,5 m3 / BDt
• In the pulp which leaves the filter at 12% consistency, the quantity of liquid is (100-12)/12 = 7,33 m3/BDt Therefore, to maintain this Dilution Factor the volume of wash water will be 2,5 + 7,3 = 9,8 m3/ BDt
• In a pulp discharged from the press at 32% de consistency, the quantity of liquid is (100-32)/32 = 2,12 m3/BDt Therefore, to maintain this Dilution Factor the volume of wash water will be 2,5 + 2,1 = 4,6 m3/ BDt
Dilution Factor through the washing line C = 32% DF = (Vd+ 5,2) - 7,3 = Vd -2,1 Vd + 5,2 m3/bdt bdt (2,1 m3/bdt)
C = 12% (7,3 m3/bdt)
Vd Press
DFbdt = Vd- 2,1
Vd + 5,2 m3/bdt
At stable operation (level in tanks), the DF is constant through the entire washing line and its only depends on the wash flow over the last washer and of the pulp consistency from this washer.
24 ©MetsoCorporation 2003
15 The press compared with a filter
pulpp liquidp pulpp liquidp
Wash water, t Water in the pulp, t
The increase of the discharge consistency as we can reach it in a press, increases the controlability of the Dilution Factor, as shown on the above example.
25 ©MetsoCorporation 2003
7. Displacement Ratio : a way to measure the efficiency of the displacement washing
Displacement water = Vs + DF
Vd Vs
Vd DR = Vs Vs + DF Vs = Volume of liquor in the pulp cake before and after the displacement
26 ©Metso Corporation 2003
As we saw earlier, the displacement can never be performed ideally.
16 At the end of the displacement, there is always a part of the mother liquor which remains in the pulp, while the displaced liquor will always be diluted partly by the wash water. Therefore, it would be interesting if we could measure the efficiency of the displacement for a given washer working under given circumstances. And also what could be tried or accomplished to improve the displacement efficiency in order to approach the case of ideal displacement (100%). Assuming that the pulp consistency will not change during the displacement, the Displacement Ratio is by definition the volume of actually displaced liquor (Vd) divided by the volume of the original liquor which is the same as the liquor on the pulp out of the washer (Vo) DR = Vd/Vo
Displacement Ratio
How can we practically measure the Displacement Ratio?
Wash liquor Liquor in the Vd, Cd (or water) pulp leaving Vs, Cs the washer Mother liquor Vm, Cm (with the pulp before the Vs.Cs = Vd.Cd + Vm.Cm (1) displacement) Vs = Vd + Vm => Vm = Vs- Vd (2) (1)+(2) => Vs.Cs = Vd.Cd + (Vs-Vd)Cm
i.e. Vd(Cm-Cd) = Vs(Cm-Cs)
Vd Cm - Cs 0 in case Cm - Cs => DR = DR = DR = Cm - Cd of pure Cm Vs water
27 ©Metso Corporation 2003
How can we practically measure the Displacement Ratio?
17 We shall see that it is rather easy by doing simple laboratory sampling and analysis. Let us consider the pulp out of the washer after that the displacement took place. One element of the pulp cake, say 1 kg, contains a certain quantity of liquid Vs (depending on the discharge consistency). As we know, this liquid is not pure displacement liquor. It has a concentration in dissolved solids of Cs. Now we need to do an intellectual effort : we can imagine (which is actually the truth) that virtually, this quantity of liquid Vs is the mixture of a certain volume of the mother liquor before the displacement (Vm) and a certain volume of displacement water (Vd). Then we just weight the solids balance and the volume balance and we develop. The final formula shows that we can calculate the DR just by taking 3 liquor samples and measuring the solids content : - one sample of liquor entering the washer with the pulp - one sample of liquor contained in the pulp from the washer - one sample of wash water In the case where pure wash water is used (most cases) Cd =0, only two samples are necessary.
Displacement Ratio for a Displacement Press
What is the DR for a Displacement Press, let us say for a DF = 2,5 m3/BDt? The pulp consistency in the 4,6 C = 32% displacement area is approx. => DR< 9 2,1 t water/BDt 10% => Vs = 9 m3 liquor/ BDt
Vd = 2,1+2,5 = 4,6 m3/BDt
For a Displacement Press DR ~ 50%
28 ©MetsoCorporation 2003
18 Factors which improve the displacement
• An even distribution of the pulp over the whole length of the rolls (=> ParaFormer/DeltaFormer)
• The fact that the displacement is done under hydraulic medium without introduction of air • The fact that the wash water is distributed in two znes • A high temperature
29 ©MetsoCorporation 2003
II. Replacing of filters with displacement presses in SC AMBRO SA.
1. Washing - Existing situation Today there are two paralell four stage filters after the screening. Each filter line is feeding a screwpress. The first filter from each line has a common filtrate tank. The other filters in each line have their own individual liquor tank.
19 The wash water is countercurrent fed from screw presses to the four stage washers. The hotwater/condenste is fed as dilution before the screw press and also on the wash pipes on the fourth filter. Today the hotwater/condenstate consumption is about 8m³/ton. 4m³/ton as dilution before the screw presses and 4m³/ton is fed to the filter washer together with filtrate from the screw presses. The total amout of wash water 8m³/ton corresponds to a dilutionfactor of 5 m³/ton.
As last wash stage there are two paralell «open» filters, this means that the excess filtrate from this stage is drained to the sewer.
The kraft liner PM is operated in cycles kraft pulp/recycled fibers. The recovery boiler should never stop and thus the duration of the "recycled fiber" period is limited to 5 days by the black liquor buffer volume. Beside this, it is a limitation in the evaporation that limits the production of kraft pulp to 17 days, then liquor buffer tank on the evaporation side is full. When this happen, the PM is switched to recycled papers. It takes five days to reduce the levels and the pulp production must then start again.
20 Ambro situation today, 2 x 150 ADT/day 2 3
6 7
Dig.8 8 9
1 Black liquor in BT COD/dry solids NA 2 Wash water to F4 Flow, COD, temperature Q=4 m³/t T=80-90°C, see W12/2002 3 Wash water to thickener F5 Flow, COD, temperature ½ idem item 2 + ½ industr water (see W12, RAC2) 4 Pulp from F4 Consistency, carry over (Na) Cons. = 12-14% 5 Dilution after F4 Flow, composition Q=4 m³/t T=80-90°C, see W12/2002 6 Pulp from Celleco presses Consistency, carry over (Na) Cons. = 25-30% 7 Pulp from F5 Consistency, carry over (Na) See annex 4 8 Liquor to evaporation Flow, strength See annex 3 & annex 6 9 Liquor to sewer Flow, COD (or Na) See table W3, W15, W16, situation 2004
S10 S11 softened warm water
from WWT from white water tank WASHER WASHER WASHER WASHER 1 2 3 4 ind. water
white water from PM1 CELLECO PRESS 1 from Hot to foam collection to medium cons. Screening 1 refining
to PM1
to Blow-tank to Evaporation to Blow-tank
S12 S13 softened warm water
from WWT from white water tank WASHER WASHER WASHER WASHER 1 2 3 4 ind. water
CELLECO PRESS 2 to foam collection to medium cons. refining from Hot from MCR Screening 2 (PM1) to Cold Screening HIGH FOAM CONSISTENCY FILTRATE2 FILTRATE3 FILTRATE4 TANK 2 TANK II
to Blow-tank
Ambro situation tomorrow, 350 ADT/day
Existing F1 & F2 L1 Existing Hot water 66 m³/h P1 P2 Celleco
8% 8% 5%
Ø 2m h=10m Exist Exist LT F3 L2 LT F4 L1
to reject handling Existing relocated and sand removal MC pumps
23 2. Improved Washing For the rebuild of washing it can be seen tree major objectives:
1. Reduce the amount of machinery in operation. 2. Improve the washing and lower the carry over into the paper machine. 3. The rebuild should be done with minimum impact on production
1. The proposal is to replace three wash stages with two new presses. As the filters are paralell, it is six filters that will be taken out of operation and two new presses will be installed. After screening it should be two parallel filters. Both filters should be from existing line 1, filter 1 and 2. To utilize these filters as paralell requires a rebuild of the intermediate repulper, install a dilution screw after filter 2 and a transportation screw from first filter to feed the standpipe for first new press.
The two first filters should have one filtrate tank each to increase the residence time in the tanks. The two filtrate tanks should be communicating with a pipe between them.
After the filter stage, the whole production will run over two new presses. The presses can be fed with two existing MC-pumps, type CMD-2010, which exist in Ambro and are not in operation. After the presses the production will be splitted in two paralell lines over the screwpresses. The screw presses should be pump fed with a normal centrifugal pump at a concistency of 4-5%.
2. As a base for having an understanding of the wash performance Metso has made a wash balance. In this balance we have given the input data that we know. We have estimated the performance of our presses. We have no information of the performance of the existing filters so we have used our experience values for wash performance of filters.
The washwater is close countercurrent washing from the last stage. The wash water amount is reduced to correspond to a dilution factor (DF) of 3.3 m³/adt. The lowered dilution factor should save the flow to evaporation and make it possible to extend the production periods.
In general terms, replacing three filters with two presses does not improve the washing efficiency dramatically. The balance shows low figures of carry over. As we do not know the figures with the existing plant it is difficult to say if this carry over can be met.
3. Filters 1 and 2 from line 1 should be reused in the new wash line. As the mechanical work on the filters and installation of new presses will take may be 3-4 weeks, line 2 should still be in operation. On bottom floor two filtrate
24 tanks have to be removed for creating space for standpipes feeding the new presses and for new feeding to the existing screw presses.
With this strategy of reconstruction, the production loss each day is kept at its minimun about 50-70 t/day.
Basic data used in the wash balance calculation. Outlet consistency from screw presses 25% Outlet consistency from screening filters 14% Outlet consistency from last filters 11% Cooking yield 47%
New/rebuild equipment:
1. First filter : Rebuild of outlet, new repulper screw. 2. Second filter : New inletbox, new repulper screw. 3. New transportation screw to collect the pulp from first and second filter 4. Two new wash presses Type TRPB-924. 5. Three new standpipes. 6. Utilize existing MC-pumps for press feeding 7. Feed pump to screw presses 8. Filtrate pumps
MC-pump to be relocated as press feeding pump. Type: CMD-2010, Belt drive Impeller size 424 (to be checked) New required flow (at 6%): 243 m³/h New required pressure head 60 mwc New consumed power 120 kW
Strengths: Weaknesses: s1 - Is the only producer of Kraftliner in w1 - Low merchandising Romania and neighboring countries w2 - Unsystematic marketing s2 - Quality of services plan s3 - Product development w3 - Problems with the s4 - Low prices contamination of the s5 – A lot of customers (contractors) environment s6 - Experience, knowledge w4 - Limited stuff s7 - Qualified staff • Opportunities: Threats: t1 - The international market competition O1 - New marketing strategies t2 - The high prices of the raw materials O2 - New marketing areas
strenght 0.600 0.400 0.200 threat 0.000 opportunity
t10 - t9 - t8 - t7 - t6 - t5 - t4 - t3 - Managing increase business t2 - The high prices of the t1 - The international marketraw materials competition o10 - o9 - o8 - o7 - o6 - o4o5 -
o3 -
o2 - New marketing areas o1 - New marketing w 10 - strategies w 9 - w 8 - w 7 - w 6 - w 5 - w 4 - Limited stuff w 3 - Problems w ith the contamination of the w 2 - Unsystematic environment marketing plan w 1 - Low merchandising s10 - s9 - s8 - s7 - Qualified staff
s6 - Experience, know ledge s5 - A lot of customers (contractors) s4 - Low prices s3 - Cost-effectiveness (apropriate prize of s1 - Is the only producer of products) s2 - Quality of services Kraftliner in Romania and in the neighbourhood of Romania 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
27 4. General recommendations Today the filtrate from the first wash stage two filters has a common filtrate tank. This position directly after the cooking is the most sensitive for foaming. As the residence time in this tank is about 7 min, which is rather low, more normal would be 10-12 min. With this short residence time in the tank it is even more important how the filtrate is treated in the tank. The main principle is for the liquor to travel as long distance as possible between the inlet and the suction nozzle of the filtrate pump. The long distance is time and makes it possible for air to be removed from the filtrate.
In most softwood mills it is needed with some type of soap separation. In the first filtrate tank it was no system for soap separation. If soap is separated from the filtrate it will float on top of the liquor and create foaming.
In the tanks there were cyclones but not in operation. Metso recommends this to be taken into operation as the filtrate will then be gently fed on top of the surface in the tank. The air has then a possibility to be removed from the liquor. If soap is present in the liquor it will separate and has to be removed with a soap system, see separate drawing. As soap tank the existing foam tank could be used with a pump that will pump the liquor/soap directly to evaporation.
1. Improved washing 2. Wash balance sheet 3. New layout level +0.0 m 4. New layout level +13.0 m 5. Filtrate tank drawing: 6. Pump curve CMD-2010 7. New screeing flowsheet (4 pages) 8. Existing cooking and washing
„ Innovation is the doing of new things or the doing of things that are already being done in a new way… Innovation is a process by which new products and techniques are introduced into the economic system.“(Schumpeter 1947)
28 1. Gerhard Weiss, Thomas Rimmler, Miika Kajanus: Case study protocol and interview guidelines for students of the IP. 2. Carmen Nastase, Enterprise level tools for innovation, business plan, IP INNO-FOREST, Zvolen, September 2006 3.