Quarterly Status Report

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Quarterly Status Report



For the Period October 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015

This material comprises the report prepared for the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) by the Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association (MRTMA) for the contract period ending June 30, 2016.


. Continuation of Existing Programs and Projects ...... Page 2

1. Vanpool Activities ...... Page 2 2. Guaranteed Ride Home ...... Page 2 3. Program Benefits Summary ...... Page 2 4. Lake County …………...………………………………………………………...Page 2 5. Sanders County…………...………………………………………….…………...Page 3 6. Mineral County ...... Page 3

. Increased Public Education and Transportation Advocacy ...... Page 3

1. Policy Development and Public Meetings...... Page 3 2. Montana Transit Association Coordinator Activities ...... Page 4

Appendix Documents...... Page 6

Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association - Quarterly Report - December 2015 Page 1 of 7 (Note: The format for this periodic report is designed to correlate with the Year 2013 - 2014 Scope of Work. After listing each portion of the scope of work in italics, the activity conducted during this reporting period is delineated.)

The Board of Directors met October 26, 2015 and December 18, 2015. Copies of the minutes of the meeting are enclosed as Appendix document 1.


The 2015 - 2016 Scope of Work and Program Activities is structured in four parts:

I. Continuation of existing programs and projects. II. Increased public education and transportation advocacy. III. Services to senior citizens and adults with disabilities. IV. Special events transportation coordination.

I. Continuation of Existing Programs and Projects: VANPOOL ACTIVITIES

There are currently 151 people utilizing the vanpool from 79 worksites. In October there were 3,049 trips saved and 84,393 miles not traveled. In November, there were 2,682 trips saved and 74,733 miles not traveled. In December there were 3,029 trips saved and 70,124 miles not traveled. For the period , the vans accumulated 81,630 miles. There were 11.26 tons of vehicle emissions not emitted.

During the period staff started two new vanpool routes for former GSK staff who began employment at the MonTec building at UM.

Staff also started two new routes for Designs for Health coming from the North end of Lake County.

Guaranteed Ride Home

There were no rides provided during the period.

Program Benefits Summary

Statistics since inception of the vanpool programs show a total of 576,229 vehicle trips saved; 27,551,790 miles NOT traveled and 1,083.67 tons of reduction in vehicle emissions.


Staff continues to assist the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Lake County Council on Aging, Polson Senior Center and Community Transportation Association of American with the service evaluation study.

Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association - Quarterly Report - December 2015 Page 2 of 7 Staff has implemented the Emergency Transportation Assistance (ETA) Voucher program. Participants in Lake County include CSKT Transit, Flathead Transit, Lake County Council on Aging, Polson Senior Center, Lake County Job Service, St. Joseph Hospital. The voucher program will assist low-income individuals with transportation to job interviews, one month bus pass after securing employment and hospital discharges.

Staff is facilitating the approval of the Transportation Coordination Plan.


Staff is assisting the Mineral County Pioneer Council on registering with the new MDT grant application program. Staff assisted with a fundraising event to help the Pioneer Council secure matching fund for a minivan conversion.

Staff is overseeing the approval of the Transportation Coordination Plan.

Staff continues to assist with MDT reporting and compliance items.


Sanders County COA has returned the our spare one 12-passenger van, but continues to use the minivan to address the COA being down one vehicle due to a deer strike. The COA has expressed interest in purchasing one or both vehicles, should MRTMA wish to sell them. Staff met with the Sanders County Commissioner to discuss seeking an Intercap loan for the Council On Aging to repair their 2013 bus. This topic was discussed at the Lake County TAC meeting where the Executive Director of Area on Aging VI offered to provide funds for this purpose. Staff met with the staff of Clarkfork Valley Hospital, Community Medical Center and Sanders County COA to implement the ETA Voucher program.


Staff continues communicating with the Seeley Lake Community Foundation regarding a transportation program for Seeley Lake.


Staff attended the Rural Transit Assistance Program Rural and Tribal Transit Conference in Denver. Although there were many FTA representatives in attendance it was difficult to obtain clear answers to many of the questions attendees had. The main consensus coming from attendees was the Transit Asset Management, Safety Management and Reasonable Modification Plans are going to create an enormous paperwork burden with very little impact on outcomes they were created to address.

Staff continues to review reports generated by consultants working for the National Cooperative Highway Research Project 20-65 Panel. One interesting finding is the locally developed Transportation

Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association - Quarterly Report - December 2015 Page 3 of 7 Coordination Plans required by FTA have not netted them the results they were anticipating.

Staff met with our Verizon representative to discuss implementing WiFi, data plans for texting and vehicle locators. We will be installing hot spots in the two MonTec vans to fully analyze the cost/benefit ratio. We will be allowing data plans on two of the vans as they have riders who are texting rather than call the van cell phone resulting in surcharged on a monthly basis. We have delayed the implementation of the vehicle locators as we only have issues with two of the vans.

Staff met with the Community Medical Center caseworkers to discuss their participation in the ETA Voucher program. They have signed on and will be providing matching funds for the program.

Staff participated in a conference call with the Rural Institute. The Rural Institute is currently under contract to study the issue of transportation and hospital discharges. Hospitals across the state also participated in the call.

Staff met with Partnership Health Center, Lowell Community Clinic and Beach Transportation to discuss options for transporting low-income students from Franklin School to the Lowell Community Clinic. Beach is hoping to provide the transportation in conjunction within a shuttle program they have for Lowell School at no-cost or at the school rate of $72/round trip. MRTMA is prohibited from providing service because of our rural funding and FTA School Bus regulations. MRTMA can not provide vehicles as requested as our vehicles don't meet Headstart' vehicle specifications.

II. Increased Public Education and Transportation Advocacy:

1. Policy Development and Public Meetings

MR TMA staff would maintain and increase their involvement in transportation policy development throughout the four-county area, and serve as a resource to MDT on a statewide basis.

During the period October 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, MTA staff participated in the following meetings:

Oct. 01: MDT Transit Managers Meeting - Helena Oct. 05: Regroup Software - conference call Oct. 08: Sanders County Transportation Advisory Committee - Plains Oct. 13: Sanders County Commissioners - Thompson Falls Oct. 15: Lake County Transportation Advisory Committee - Ronan Oct.20: Transportation Demand Management Consortium - Missoula Oct. 21: Lake County Council on Aging - Ronan Oct. 22: Mineral County Pioneer Council Transportation Advisory Committee - St. Regis Oct. 22: Sanders County Transportation Advisory Committee - Plains Oct. 26: Missoula Ravalli TMA Board Meeting - Missoula Oct. 27-30: Rural Transit Assistance Program Rural & Tribal Transit Conference - Denver, CO Nov. 03: Rural Institute - conference call Nov. 03: MDT State Audit Division - conference call Nov. 04: Senator Steve Daines offices - conference call

Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association - Quarterly Report - December 2015 Page 4 of 7 Nov. 10: Ravalli County Transportation Advisory Committee - Hamilton Nov. 16: Mineral County Pioneer Council Transportation Advisory Committee - St. Regis Nov. 16: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - Ronan Nov. 16: Polson Senior Center - Polson Nov. 19: Lake County Transportation Advisory Committee - Ronan Nov. 19:: Polson Job Service - Polson Nov. 20: GlaxoSmithKline staff meeting - Hamilton Nov. 24: CSKT Transit - Ronan Dec. 01: Verizon - Missoula Dec. 02: Partnership Health Center - Missoula Dec. 03: Transportation Technical Advisory Committee - Missoula Dec. 07: Ravalli County Transportation Advisory Committee - Hamilton Dec. 11:: Specialized Transportation Advisory Committee - Missoula Dec. 14: Veteran Court - Missoula Dec. 15: Mineral County Pioneer Council Transportation Advisory Committee - St. Regis Dec. 16: National Cooperative Highway Research Project 20-65 Panel 61 - conference call Dec. 17: Community Transportation Association of America State Association Meeting - conference call Dec. 17: Missoula Ravalli TMA Board Meeting - Missoula Dec. 21: Mineral County Pioneer Council Transportation Advisory Committee- St. Regis 2. In addition to the above, the following outlines the public education and transportation activities conducted in conjunction with the Montana Transit Association.

MTA Membership: The Montana Transit Association (MTA) membership is currently as follows: 59 Regular members (voting); 24 Sustaining members; 1 Friend of Transit members, for a total of 84 members. The Executive Director sent membership solicitations to all of the entities applying to the Public Service Commission for authority under the new Montana Intrastate Certification program. The Executive Director sent 2016 Dues invoices to all current members. EVENTS:

2016 MTA Events: Spring Conference - Helena Fall Business Meeting - Butte State Bus Roadeo - Butte

Develop contacts with other associations and agencies, which would assist with broadening awareness of, and support for public transportation. Staff continues working with the Independent Living Community in addressing TransADE funding allocations..

Staff continues to build working relationships with the regional State Job Service offices, hospitals, taxi companies and dialysis clinics in order to facilitate better coordinated transportation services for individuals seeking employment or medical care.

Staff continues to work with CTAA, APTA, SURTC, NTI, VA and Easter Seals Project Action to facilitate additional training opportunities for members.

Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association - Quarterly Report - December 2015 Page 5 of 7 Provide financial management of revenues and expenditures under this grant application, including development of matching fund sources. This work entails grant preparation, billing to MDT, payment of invoices, billing/tracking membership dues, and related financial management support.

Staff continues working in conjunction with the Association’s Treasurer to prepare the financial reports. All revenues and expenses are tracked on a monthly basis.

Pursue other grant funding and match monies.

Staff continues to monitor grant opportunities for the association and individual members.

Develop and address legislative issues pertaining to transit. The Executive Director participated in a conference call with Senator Daines' state and DC office staffers. The purpose of the call was to discuss issues Montana providers are having with many of the rules and regulations outlined in MAP-21 and issues created by the State office of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Staff was asked by the Senator to review the DRIVE ACT and provide comments.

The Executive Director attended the Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) Rural and Tribal Conference in Denver. The conference was attended by many FTA representatives who spoke to the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NRPM) regarding the Transit Asset Management (TAM), Safety Management System (SMS) and Reasonable Modification plans that will be required in the upcoming fiscal year. Most attendees representing transit properties spoke to the unreasonable administrative burden the current proposal will have. Montana transit providers will be lumped into the 100 buses and less category. There was a consensus between FTA and transit property representative that thresholds should be established for and the TAM and SMS plans. Also discussed was the "Inticement Restrictions" within the Affordable Care Act that prohibits hospitals from paying for transportation to or from their facilities. The FTA did indicate a hospital could contribute to a third-party voucher program as a means of addressing this issue.

The Executive Director submitted comments on the NPRM on the Safety Management and Transit Asset Management plans.

The Executive Director has been working with the Independent Living Centers on the TransADE legislation funds allocation issues.

Such other duties as determined by mutual agreement between MTA and MDT.

Provide technical assistance to MTA members as authorized by the MTA Board.

Staff assisted various members with the following requests:  Budgets Legislation  PTMS Title VI  Driver Training Fundraising

Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association - Quarterly Report - December 2015 Page 6 of 7  ADA Regulations FTA regulations  Vehicles FMCSA regulations  HR Charter Bus Rules  Memorandum of Understanding

Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association - Quarterly Report - December 2015 Page 7 of 7

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