Tender Document Receipt

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Tender Document Receipt

Tendering and Offer Documents – Goods and Services

Location: Goma, DRC Tender No.: MC-DRC-012/2015 Name of Tender: Social Network Analysis Consultancy for IMAGINE Program Date: 5/12/2015 Acct. Code: 6218 Sub Code: 91083L363 Cost Center: 91083


Part I, Announcement 1. Summary of Tendering Announcement

2. Terms, General Information, and Instructions to Vendors

3. Project-Specific Documents and Details 3.1a Materials and Equipment Specifications, Specific Conditions, and Delivery Schedule 3.1b Services Statement of Work 3.2 General Terms of Payment, Cost and Supply of Materials, Equipment, Accessories, and/or Services 3.3 Specific Payment Terms and Penalties 3.4 Warranties, Guarantees, Insurance, and Taxes 3.5 Termination of Contract

Part II, Offer 4. Contractor Submission Forms and Declarations 4.1 Notes to Contractors Concerning Submission Forms and Formats 4.2 Contractor Qualifications Summary 4.3 Declaration of Eligibility 4.4 Offer Form and Quotation 4.5 Additional Information from Contractor (optional)

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Part I, Announcement

1. Summary of Tendering Announcement, and General Information

1.1 Name of Tender Social Network Analysis Consultancy for IMAGINE Program

1.2 Location/Field Office Goma in North Kivu and Bukavu in South Kivu, DRC

1.3 Subject/Description Mercy Corps is soliciting bids for: Consultancy for Social Network Analysis of Civil Society Organizations in Water and Sanitation Sector for IMAGINE project in Goma and Bukavu, DRC. IMAGINE seeks to simultaneously improve availability of, access to, management of, and proper utilization of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) resources in selected urban centers in eastern Congo to ensure sustained health impacts. The project will address key needs around WASH infrastructure, water governance, market development and hygiene practice, with special consideration for the environmental, socio-economic and gender issues that affect WASH needs and delivery. The Governance program component of the IMAGINE project seeks to influence effective accountability mechanisms in the WASH sector.

1.4 Submission of Offer The email address for submission of offers is: [email protected]

1.5 Summary Text of Announcement (for posting on Mercy Corps Website) The objective of the consultancy is to design and conduct an organizational network analysis (ONA) of the existing network of formal civil society organizations (CSOs) and informal community based organizations (CBO’s) at multiple levels in Goma and Bukavu. The ONA will serve as a stakeholder mapping tool and process measurement tool for the Governance & Accountability component of IMAGINE that will:  Facilitate understanding of the current community level dynamics and existing systems for resolving issues and making decisions affecting community members at a local level.

 Evaluate and measure social capital of CSO network to understand dynamics among organizations and their impact on success of individual organizations.

 Enable identification and selection of key CSO’s with meaningful ties to local stakeholders that Mercy Corps will work with through capacity building and

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network strengthening activities. *Note: the scope and mission of these CSO’s will be linked to service provision and advocacy more broadly defined, and not limited purely to the water sector.

 Collect data to develop a baseline, mid-line and end-line to assess program impact on CSO performance and on the strength of the networks of each partner organization. A stronger network will lead to a more effective social accountability mechanism.

 Inform program strategy and operational plan for building local CBO and CSO networks and indicate capacity building actions we’ll be taking with partner organizations to increase the effectiveness of their network.

1.6 Funding Source DFID

1.7 Language The language for this Tender, bidding instructions, and associated responses, is: English

1.8 Questions Specific questions about this tender may be submitted to Mercy Corps at: [email protected]

Questions submitted to Mercy Corps, and their answers, will be posted on the Mercy Corps Website (www.mercycorps.org/tenders).

1.9 Offer-Submission Deadline See Mercy Corps Website for offer-submission deadline (www.mercycorps.org/tenders). Offers received after this time will not be considered.

1.10 Offer Review, Decision, and Selection Offers will be opened and inspected by Mercy Corps. The winning contractor will be selected and notified within seven (7) days of the close of the submission period. Notification will be made by email and/or by post.

Mercy Corps will also notify those contractors who submitted offers but were not selected. Notification will be made by email and/or by post within seven (7) days of the close of the submission period.

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2. Terms, General Information, and Instructions to Vendors

2.1 Scope Mercy Corps invites tenders for the equipment, materials, and/or services described and summarized in these documents, and in accordance with procedures, conditions, and contract terms presented herein. Mercy Corps reserves the right to vary the quantity of work/materials specified in these documents without any changes in unit price or other terms and conditions and to accept or reject any, all, or part of submitted offers.

2.2 Minimum Qualifying Criteria Minimum criteria for respondents to this tendering process include, but are not limited to, all the following:  Certificate of (business) registration,  Adequate equipment and workshops,  Sufficient trained managers and workers,  Good track-record and references from previous clients,  Legal bank account (for payments made in bank checks or through bank transfers)

Proof of all the above must be provided to Mercy Corps on request.

2.3 Additional Criteria  All offers shall be made in accordance with these instructions, and all documents requested should be furnished, including technical specifications, drawings, bill of quantities, and/or delivery schedule, and payment terms. If any requested document is not furnished, a reason should be given for its omission,  No respondent should add, omit, or change any item, term, or condition on original documents,  If vendors have any additional requests and conditions, these shall be stipulated in their offer,  Each respondent may make one offer only,  Each offer shall be valid for the period of sixty (60) days from its date of submission,  Offers shall be made in writing, with prices in USD only,  All offers should indicate whether they include taxes, compulsory payments, levies and duties, including VAT, if applicable,  Contractors shall attach a detailed schedule for supply and delivery of materials.

2.4 Performance Standards and Payment Controls All material, and/or equipment must be produced and supplied in accordance with all relevant and applicable rules, regulations, and statutes.

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Payments will be made only if the contracted material and/or services meet these standards, and are delivered and completed properly and on time, as approved by Mercy Corps. Specific payment terms are described, below.

2.5 Currency Payments will be made in: USD

2.6 Tendering and Offer Documents All offer-related forms and documents are included in Part II of this document.

2.7 Eligibility of Vendors Vendors may not apply, and will be rejected as ineligible, if they:  Are not registered companies,  Are bankrupt or in the process of going bankrupt,  Were convicted of illegal/corrupt activities, and/or unprofessional conduct,  Have been guilty of grave professional misconduct (proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify),  Have not fulfilled obligations related to payment of social security and taxes.  Are guilty of serious misinterpretation in supplying information,  Are in situations of conflict or potential conflict of interest with Mercy Corps,  Were declared at serious fault of implementation owing to a breach of their contractual obligations,  Are on any list of sanctioned parties issued by the United States Government.

2.8 Offer Delivery  All offers will be delivered in the specified format to Mercy Corps, as attachments to email, and to the address and by the date stated herein,  All documents will be clearly marked with the name of the tender to which it corresponds,  The documents will be marked with the name of the contractor, and the correct return address, and will be signed where indicated,  Offers delivered after the specified time will not be accepted.

2.9 Offer Opening Offers will be opened only by Mercy Corps, at the address and on the date specified. The contractor’s name, the total amount of the offer, and any discounts and such other information that Mercy Corps may consider appropriate will be announced and registered in the procedural minutes.

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2.10 Offer Evaluation Mercy Corps will examine all offers to ensure that they contain no amendment to the terms or any other irregularities and/or errors. To assist in the examination and selection process, Mercy Corps may, at its discretion, assemble and establish a Review Committee, which may include representatives of other entities.

2.10.a Technical Evaluation: The offers will first be evaluated on technical merits. The technical evaluation assesses the capacity of the offer, based on its submitted technical documents, specifications, performance history, and references submitted. For this purpose, certificates and additional references may be requested and subsequently examined.

2.10.b Financial/Cost Evaluation: The financial/cost evaluation is based on the cost of products and services presented in the offer. The evaluation is intended to assess and confirm that vendors provide good value to Mercy Corps for the cost of all goods and/or services offered.

2.10.c Other Evaluations: After ranking offers and vendors according to technical and financial criteria, Mercy Corps may take into account other variables, including, but not limited to record of past performance, integrity, and social responsibility.

2.11 Selection of Contractor Selection of the winning contractor will be based on the ranking of offers responding to the announcement, according to technical and financial/cost criteria, as well as any other criteria established by Mercy Corps.

2.12 Acceptance of Successful Offer After submitted documentation from the selected contractor has been verified, the contractor will then be obliged to sign a contract for the stated amount. Any amendment to the original contract will be determined by Mercy Corps, and will be documented as an “Annex “or “Amendment” to the original contract.

2.13 Certification Regarding Terrorism, Acts of Corruption, and Potential Bribery It is Mercy Corps’ policy to comply with the laws and regulations of the United States Government, the European Union, and the United Nations concerning the ineligibility of vendors, contractors, and suppliers of services for reasons of fraud, corruption or terrorist activity. These laws and regulations prohibit Mercy Corps from doing business with or providing support to any persons or entities that have been found to be engaged in, or provide support for, any such activities.

It is also absolutely forbidden for any vendor and/or contractor of Mercy Corps to make payments of any kind, either monetary or material, to any employee of Mercy Corps.

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This rule prohibits like payments to any relatives, partners, or associates of Mercy Corps employees.

All respondents must agree to abide by this policy.

2.14 Environmental Standards Contractors should, at minimum, comply with all statutory and other legal requirements relating to the environmental impacts of their business. Areas which should be considered are, Waste Management (including packaging and paper use), Conservation, Energy Consumption, and overall environmental and social Sustainability.

Additionally, and if applicable, contractor will incorporate in their plan: • Timber and timber products originating from sustainable and legal resources, in accordance with US and UK Government guidelines, • Use of the most energy-efficient electrical tools and domestic appliances (energy efficiency rated “A” or above), • Recycled paper products, where paper-free approaches are unsuitable, • Use of non-ozone-depleting materials, • Air travel, procured from companies that participate in projects designed to minimize carbon emissions, • Purchase of consultancy services that favor vendors who ensure identification of environmental impacts, and who take actions to address potentially adverse impacts, while enhancing environmental benefits.

Purchase of the following will, whenever possible, be avoided: • Products or equipment containing, using, or manufactured with ozone-depleting substances, such as CFC’s and HCFC’s, • Products or equipment containing, using, or manufactured with substances with high global-warming potential, such as HFC’s/PFC’s, methane, etc., • Products containing toxic substances, • Products with excessive packaging, unless the supplier offers packaging-recovery schemes, • Products containing non-rechargeable batteries.

Where value-for-money can be demonstrated, contractor will use: • Substances and/or products with proven reduced-toxicity, compared to the alternatives, • Products containing recycled content, • Products designed for re-use and/or recycling at end-of-life, • Energy-efficient electrical appliances, • Energy and materials derived from sustainably managed renewable resources, • Low-emission vehicles,

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• Other products designed to reduce their environmental impacts, or with superior proven environmental performance.

For those programs and projects funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), and rated at over £1 million estimated value, an established and formal environmental-screening and assessment process will be employed to identify the environmental implications of goods and services purchased, which will be incorporated in the project(s). Guidelines for this process are available from DFID1.

2.15 Required Submittals

See Statement of Work (Section 3.1.b) for information about required submittals.

2.16 Access The contractor shall permit Mercy Corps, its donors, DFID (UK), and/or the UK’s National Audit Office, and/or any of their duly authorized representatives, access to project sites and relevant records, including books, documents, papers (including in electronic format) for the purpose of monitoring, evaluation and audit. Such verification or audit may take place at any time during the signature of the Contract, and up to seven years after final payment made under the Contract.

2.17 Responsibility The contractor acknowledges that the Donor will not be held responsible for or in relation to the activities of the contractor under this Contract.

2.18 Value for Money The contractor acknowledges that the Donor requires Mercy Corps to source goods and services from vendors that clearly offer value for money, and whose work practices meet corporate social responsibility standards.

1 https://www.gov.uk

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3. Project-Specific Documents and Details 3.1.a Materials and Equipment (for procurement of Services, leave this Section blank, and complete Section 3.1.b, below)

Specifications, Specific Conditions, and Delivery Schedule

3.1.a. 1 Quantities Refer to 3.1.b

3.1.a. 2 Minimum Specifications Refer to 3.1.b

3.1.a. 3 Delivery Date Refer to 3.1.b

3.1.a. 4 Delivery Conditions (including Shipping, Import and Export Documentation, Inspection Fees, Import and Export Taxes, and Storage Fees) Refer to 3.1.b

3.1.a. 5 Delivery Location Refer to 3.1.b

3.1.a. 6 Other Provisions Refer to 3.1.b

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3.1.b Services (for procurement of Goods and Materials, leave this Section blank, and complete Section 3.1.a, above)

Statement of Work

Social Network Analysis of Organizations in Water and Sanitation Sector in Urban DRC Terms of Reference Background About Mercy Corps: Mercy Corps has been operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since August 2007, with a staff of around 200 people working in North Kivu, South Kivu, Province Orientale, and Kinshasa. About the project: IMAGINE seeks to simultaneously improve availability of, access to, management of, and proper utilization of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) resources in selected urban centers in eastern Congo to ensure sustained health impacts. In support of this Mercy Corps has recently completed a number of assessments as part of the IMAGINE Inception Phase to define key needs around WASH infrastructure, water governance, market development and hygiene practice and better understand the environmental, socio-economic and gender issues that affect WASH needs and delivery. IMAGINE identifies critical and inter-related outputs to address these causal factors preventing sustained improvements:  Improvements to Infrastructure to increase availability of basic WASH services from source to tap

 Improved market-based WASH Service Delivery to engage and incentivize market actors and create more viable, efficient and sustainable WASH markets

 Enhanced Governance and Accountability structures to ensure effective feedback loops among consumers, providers, and regulators of WASH services

 Behaviour Change interventions to improve knowledge and practice essential health practices

 Gender integration across all IMAGINE teams and activities; and Targeted gender interventions aimed at ensuring equitable access to, and control over, WASH resources

About the Governance program component: The Governance program component of the IMAGINE project seeks to influence

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effective accountability mechanisms in the WASH sector. The program will work on addressing the social accountability mechanism of the service delivery mechanism through two approaches:  Establish accountability mechanisms (such as community scorecards, civic measurement surveys, complaint and feedback mechanisms, open communication and information sharing systems, etc.) between stakeholders on supply and demand side to leverage influence with WASH service providers.

 Work with Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) at the household level and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including religious organizations, civil society platforms, social movements, advocacy and media organizations, women’s groups, chamber of commerce, professional organizations, task forces, and others, as well as Neighborhood Water Committees to build organizational capacity and strengthen ties between groups, reinforcing their networks for direct engagement with the WASH sector in order to demand greater accountability.

The approach to good governance for the IMAGINE project will focus on the social accountability mechanism by analyzing and strengthening network of local and regional community structures, civil society organizations and water providers, through tailored capacity building activities with each of the individual organizations. Mercy Corps’ Organizational Capacity Index (OCI) tool will be applied to facilitate organizational self-assessments that guide capacity building and monitor progress over the course of the project. The OCI will be complemented by a social network analysis of WASH related organizations that will similarly assess and monitor organizational network capacity and changes over time. Context & The objective of the consultancy is to design and conduct an organizational network Purpose of the analysis (ONA) of the existing network of formal civil society organizations (CSOs) consultancy and informal community based organizations (CBO’s) at multiple levels in Goma and Bukavu. The ONA will serve as a stakeholder mapping tool and process measurement tool for the Governance & Accountability component of IMAGINE that will:  Facilitate understanding of the current community level dynamics and existing systems for resolving issues and making decisions affecting community members at a local level

 Evaluate and measure social capital of CSO network to understand dynamics among organizations and their impact on success of individual organizations.

 Enable identification and selection of key CSO’s with meaningful ties to local

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stakeholders that Mercy Corps will work with through capacity building and network strengthening activities. *Note: the scope and mission of these CSO’s will be linked to service provision and advocacy more broadly defined, and not limited purely to the water sector.

 Collect data to develop a baseline, mid-line and end-line to assess program impact on CSO performance and on the strength of the networks of each partner organization. A stronger network will lead to a more effective social accountability mechanism.

 Inform program strategy and operational plan for building local CBO and CSO networks and indicate capacity building actions we’ll be taking with partner organizations to increase the effectiveness of their network

Expected 1. RESEARCH PLAN deliverables a. Propose a learning agenda, including identification of key intersections between this analysis and IMAGINE program objectives and activities, as well as methodologies for evaluation of social capital. b. Complete a detailed research plan to assess organizational network that is directly linked to key activities and objectives in the Governance component and to the accountability mechanisms that will be driven and implemented by partner CSOs and CBOs. Network Questions and methodology to be approved by the Governance Delivery Manager (GDM). c. Includes criteria for limiting network scope and selection of key local partners for IMAGINE activities to participate in the WASH accountability system.

2. SURVEY INSTRUMENT & DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM a. Develop the survey instrument (detailed questionnaire). b. Develop the customized data analysis system to analyse three sets of data at baseline (Y1), midline (Y3) and endline (Y5) for the cities of Goma and Bukavu. The assessment will cover a minimum of 100 organizations per city.

c. Consultations with key stakeholders are required to limit the network scope and design the instrument with questions appropriate to the local context. This will involve workshops of a minimum of three hours per stakeholder and an expectation of meetings with at least nine stakeholder groups. The consultancy firm is to define in the proposal

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which groups they anticipate meeting.

3. STAFF TRAININGS a. Train DRC based Mercy Corps staff and enumerators for both Goma and Bukavu to implement the ONA data collection, complete data cleaning and datay entry. The training curriculum should also include a detailed module on data analysis for Mercy Corps with local research partner.

4. DATA ANALYSIS & REPORTING a. Produce and manage an organizational network data analysis system capable of mapping CSOs and their relationships. The system will quantify and visualize the strength of an organization’s relationship to other civil society organizations, to community structures, to the WASH service provider, and to government agencies on at least three levels. b. Conduct the analysis and generate reports at baseline, midline and endline each with recommendations to inform program activities and must include annexed network maps for each organization assessed. c. The baseline report will propose a list of minimum 5 potential partners for the IMAGINE program per city, including the identification of both central and distant actors, gatekeepers, entrepreneurs and brokers, and detail the extent to which actors are exhibiting levels of three forms of social capital. The analysis and maps produced should highlight gaps, bottlenecks, and opportunities for strengthening networks. All reports will include a section on opportunities, constraints, lessons learned and achievements relating directly to the learning agenda. d. Midline analysis and report at three-year mark should include analysis of network level changes, as well as recommendations for activity modification and report on progress and achievements as specified in the program log frame and theory of change. e. Endline analysis and report after year five should include an impact evaluation addressing the IMAGINE program log frame sub-outputs and indicators and theory of change and also describe and explain the correlation between any increases in social capital, organizational capacity and network strength.

Additional Consultancy firm will work in close collaboration with program staff and requirements technical experts at Mercy Corps in DRC and the US, as well as key stakeholders in Goma and Bukavu.

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Enumerators will be hired by Mercy Corps and provided to the consultancy firm. Android phones will be available and provided by Mercy Corps for data collection. Consultancy firm is expected to initiate minimum of once per week check-ins with the Mercy Corps Governance Delivery Manager. Consultancy firm will report to Mercy Corps Governance Delivery Manager. Evaluation tool (survey instrument), training modules, and analysis report must be developed in English and translated to French by the consultancy firm. Consultancy firm is responsible for all their own travel and logistics in country (flight and ground travel to and within DRC, visa, per diem, and hotel) and these costs should be included in the budget. Consultancy firm is to advise of any logistical expectations for Mercy Corps. Reference The Imagine Inception Report, the Governance Assessment Annex, the Program materials Partners Analysis. Time frame 1. First draft research plan [due 2 weeks after start date]

2. First draft survey instrument [due 3 weeks after start date)

3. Finalized survey instrument and data collection system [due 6 weeks after start date including 5 days for Mercy Corps review]

4. Baseline research phase, including onsite Mercy Corps training and data entry and cleaning [due 5 weeks after start date, duration 7 weeks]

5. First draft ONA report with recommendations for approaches [3 weeks after completion of research phase]

6. Mid-line follow up research and report September, Year 3.

7. End-line research and report in May of Year 5.

How to apply Interested candidates should submit of letter of interest to apply, with: o A description in their own words and understanding of these Terms of Reference

o Their qualifications and previous experiences to achieve the objectives of the project

o A budgeted proposal with a schedule, an approach and methodology that addresses how consultancy firm will achieve each of 4 key deliverables including the following:

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o RESEARCH PLAN - A contents list and outline of what the consultancy firm anticipates will be required in the research plan.

o SURVEY INSTRUMENT & DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – Provide a description of the survey instrument development process and methodology for data collection.

o STAFF & PARTNER TRAININGS – Provide a chart of staff needs and a schedule of trainings proposed with number of participants and outline of modules anticipated training curriculum.

o DATA ANALYSIS & REPORTING – Provide a description of the process and analysis and reports on various organizations networks.

The application must not exceed 5 pages, using Times New Roman 12 pt and must also include CV’s of all staff members of intended team and a history of the firm. All these applications must be submitted online with subject line heading “SNA IMAGINE consultancy”. How the To evaluate this application in a fair and competitive manner, Mercy Corps will use application will the following criteria: be evaluated  Admissibility: We will pay attention to the page limit, deadline and complete responses. Max 5pts  Completeness and comprehensiveness: We will review the written summary of the TDR for this component. Candidates are encourages to be precise and not to simply use the same text in these TDRs. Mercy Corps will be looking for conceptual originality. Max 10 pts.  Methodology: We will review the methodology and justification for it. While the methodology should be influenced by Mercy Corps, candidates are encouraged to propose what they believe would be most appropriate. Max 10 pts.  Academic and Professional Qualifications: Team must satisfy minimum written criteria listed below. Max 10 pts.  Budget and timeline: Mercy Corps will be reviewing reasonable budgets and timelines. Max 15pts. Ideal candidates  Mercy Corps is looking for a consultancy firm with the following qualities: o Academic qualifications of key personnel . Masters in Sociology or related discipline o Professional Qualifications . Minimum 5 years experience in applied social science research in international, developing country context . Significant experience working with civil society and

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community based organizations as well as governments and iNGO’s. . Significant experience working in multi-cultural, multi- sectoral contexts, with local and international actors. . An experience in community organizing, advocacy and WASH sectors is a plus . Experience working in a fragile state is required. . Understanding of political challenges in a fragile state is required. . Experience working in East or Central Africa a plus o Key competencies . Technical proficiency in organizational network analysis . Capacity for strong analysis and deep understanding of nuances and complex issues and dynamics at play in civil society and community organizations. . Deep knowledge of advocacy and organizational capacity building methodologies and principles . Strong written and oral English skills . Written and oral French language skills is a plus (Swahili is also a plus)

Contacts Throughout the consultancy, the consultancy firm will report to the Governance Delivery Manager based in Goma, DRC.

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3.2 General Terms of Payment, Cost and Supply of Materials, Equipment, Accessories, and/or Services The contractor agrees to submit a final and total fixed price for all materials, equipment and/or services required, and to purchase/produce/provide the total quantity of materials, equipment, and/or services required, after the signing of the purchasing Contract, regardless of the evolution of market prices in the weeks and months following the signing of the purchasing Contract.

After signing of the Contract, Mercy Corps will not be responsible in any way for any increased costs to purchase/produce and/or supply materials, equipment, and/or services detailed herein.

The contractor agrees to store the total amount of materials and/or equipment, and cover all costs associated with storage, in order to deliver the quantities required by Mercy Corps as demanded, and in agreement with the delivery schedule detailed herein.

If it appears that the quality and technical specifications do not conform to the Contract, part of or all materials, equipment, and/or services may be rejected. The contractor will be fully responsible to replace, at its own expense, and in the most timely manner, the requisite substitute materials, equipment, and/or services in question, and in equivalent quantities, technical characteristics, and qualities.

Mercy Corps has no obligation, under any circumstances, to accept materials, equipment, and/or services that do not meet the minimum quality standards as required by Mercy Corps and its donor(s).

Mercy Corps reserves the right to engage an independent agency for external control, and/or to perform additional quality assessments and controls. This may occur during production, upon delivery, and/or within a specified period after delivery, as specified in the Contract.

3.3 Specific Payment Terms, Invoicing Requirements, and Potential Penalties Contractor shall be paid for work related to this scope in four phases, based on acheivement of key deliverables as specified in the SOW on the following schedule.

Phase 1: Deliverables 1 and 2 (Research plan and Survey Instrument) 10% Phase 2: Deliverables 3 and 4c (Staff trainings, baseline data collection, analysis and report) 30% Phase 3: Deliverables 3 and 4d (staff trainings, midline data collection, analysis and report) 30% Phase 4 : Deliverables 3 and 4e (staff trainings, endline data collection, analysis and report) 30%

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Per the Agreement, Contractor must submit invoices for all fees that outline in detail time spent on performing the services and completing the deliverables outlined in the SOW.

3.4 Warranties, Guarantees, Insurance, and Taxes The consultant is responsible for covering and submitting any and all DRC and home country taxes and supposed to take care of all insurance for staff and liabilities.

3.5 Termination of Contract Mercy Corps reserves the right to alter or terminate the contract for goods and/or services at any time if any one of the following conditions applies: 3.5.1 The contractor defaults in its obligation to fulfill the conditions set forth in the Contract, 3.5.2 Due to circumstances outside of the contractual parties’ control, such as force majeure, war activity in project area, or unforeseen governmental interference, 3.5.3 If, for any reason, it is determined by Mercy Corps or a duly authorized representative of Mercy Corps that the material does not match specifications, or the quality standards specified in the Contract and the Tender Announcement and Offer Documents,

In the case of termination under clauses 3.5.1 or 3.5.3, above, the contractor shall be liable for all costs associated with the default, and to repay any advance paid, and to cover any costs incurred by Mercy Corps as a result of the termination of the Contract.

In case of termination under Clause 3.5.3, above, Mercy Corps will not be responsible for any material or transportation costs involved.

In the case of termination under Clause 3.5.2, above, payment will be made only for the delivered goods, vehicles, equipment, and/or accessories.

Additional Contract termination clauses: The term of this Statement of Work will commence on the Effective Date first set forth above and shall continue until Contractor delivers and Mercy Corps accepts all deliverables listed above. Continuation from one phase to the next is contingent on Mercy Corps satisfaction and approval. Mercy Corps may terminate this SOW for any reason or no reason on fifteen (15) days’ prior written notice. The expiration or termination of this SOW will not affect Mercy Corps’ obligation to pay the Compensation earned by Contractor prior to the effective date of such expiration or termination, provided, that payments will be prorated for partial payment periods.

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Part II, Offer

1. 4. Offer Submission Forms and Declarations

2. 4.1 Notes to Vendors Concerning Submission Forms and Formats

4.1.a Please answer all questions, 4.1.b All forms should be completed, 4.1.c Supplementary pages may be photocopied and inserted if required, 4.1.d Please retain a copy of your complete submission, 4.1.e If a joint venture is proposed, all companies are to respond to all questions, 4.1.f All costs are to be presented in USD, 4.1.g Documents delivered late will not be considered.


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4. 4.2 Vendor Qualifications Summary

Type here to enter Name of Tender. 1. Name of Tender Type here to enter Vendor Name. 2. Name of Vendor Type here to enter Address. 3. Address

Type here to enter City, Town, Country. 4. City – Town, Country Type here to enter Telephone No. and Email Address 5. Telephone No. and Email Type here to enter Fax No. 6. Fax No. Type here to enter Legal Status. 7. Legal Status Ownership (state, public, Type here to enter Ownership Information. 8. private) Number, Year and Place of Type here to enter Registration Information. 9. Registration (enclose copy) 10. Executive Management / Type here to enter Management and Board Members. Board Members

11. Basic Business Activities 1. Type here to enter Activity 1.

2. Type here to enter Activity 2.

3. Type here to enter Activity 3.

12. Banking Information Bank Name: Type here to enter Bank Name. Bank Address: Type here to enter Bank Address.

Account and Routing Nos.: Type here to enter Acct. and Rounting Nos.

Agreed to be paid by wire transfer: (Yes ☐ or No ☐)

Type here to enter No. of Employees. 13. Total Number of Employees

14. Client References (Client, contact, address, email, phone number) 1. Type here to enter Reference 1.

2. Type here to enter Reference 2.

3. Type here to enter Reference 3.

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5. 4.3 Declaration of Eligibility

Name of Tender: Type here to enter Name of Tender.

Contractor: Type here to enter Contractor Name.

I, the undersigned (Name and address of representative): Type here to enter Contractor Representative Name.

Representing (Name and address of company/entity): Type here to enter Company/Entity Name.

Declare that the following conditions are applicable to us;

 We are a registered company or companies,  We are not bankrupt or in the process of going bankrupt,  We have not been convicted for an offense concerning professional conduct,  We have not been guilty of grave professional misconduct (proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify),  We have fulfilled obligations related to payment of social security and taxes,  We are not guilty of serious misinterpretation in supplying information,  We are not in situation of conflict or potential conflict of interest with Mercy Corps,  We were not declared as serious fault of implementation owing to a breach of their contractual obligations,  We do not employ personnel below the legal working age,  We provide basic social rights and fair working conditions to our employees,  We are not on any list of sanctioned parties issued by the United States Government, United Nations and European Union.

Declared by:

Name: Type here to enter Name Position: Type here to enter Position

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Date: Click here and on Arrow to select Date4.4 Offer Form and Quotation

Name of Tender: Type here to enter Name of Tender.

Contractor: Type here to enter Contractor Name.

Dear Mercy Corps,

Having examined the required announcement and project-descriptive documents for the above-mentioned tender, we offer to supply material, equipment, and/or services as described, for the amount, in USD of:

$Type here to enter Amount in USD, in Numbers

Type here to enter Amount in USD, in Words US Dollars. (in words)

To offer our above-mentioned price, we acknowledge that we have taken into consideration all the documents and instructions provided by Mercy Corps.

The following payment terms apply to this offer: Type here to enter Payment Terms.

We undertake, if our offer is accepted, to deliver the material, equipment, and/or services described in the Tender Announcement and Offer documents within Type here to enter No. of Days days from the date of signing the Contract.

We understand and accept that Mercy Corps is not bound to choose the lowest price on any offer that may be received, and that any or all responses may be rejected without assigning any reason for such rejection.

Submitted by:

Name: Type here to enter Name Position: Type here to enter Position Date: Click here and on Arrow to select Date

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4.5 Additional Information from Contractor (including information related to Sections 2.14 and 2.15, above) Type here to enter Additional Information

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