Y2 Long Term Matrix (Phase 3) 2009-2010 s2

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Y2 Long Term Matrix (Phase 3) 2009-2010 s2

Y5 Long Term Matrix AUTUMN SPRING SUMMER Literacy Reading Writing Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Word reading Transcription Develop their understanding of the concepts set out in Apply growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and Spelling Appendix 2 by: suffixes (morphology and etymology), both to read aloud Use further prefixes and suffixes and understand the Recognising vocabulary and structures that are and to understand the meaning of new words guidelines for adding them appropriate for formal speech and writing, including Comprehension Spell some words with ‘silent’ letters, e.g. knight, psalm, solemn subjunctive forms Maintain positive attitudes to reading and understanding Continue to distinguish between homophones and other words Using passive verbs to affect the presentation of of what is read which are often confused information in a sentence Continuing to read and discuss an increasingly wide range Use knowledge of morphology and etymology in spelling and Using expanded noun phrases to convey complicated of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books understand that the spelling of some words needs to be learnt information concisely or textbooks specifically, as listed in Appendix 1 Using modal verbs or adverbs to indicate degrees of Reading books that are structured in different ways and Use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words possibility reading for a range of purposes Use the first three or four letters of a word to check spelling, Using relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, Increasing their familiarity with a wide range of books, meaning or both of these in a dictionary when, whose, that or with an implied (i.e. omitted) relative including myths, legends and traditional stories, modern Use a thesaurus pronoun fiction, fiction from our literary heritage, and books from Handwriting and presentation Learning the grammar in column 1 of year 1 in Appendix 2 other cultures and traditions Write legibly, fluently and with increasing speed by: Indicate grammatical and other features by: Recommending books that they have read to their peers, Choosing which shape of a letter to use when given choices and Using commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in giving reasons for their choices deciding, as part of their personal style, whether or not to join writing Identifying and discussing themes and conventions in and specific letters choosing the writing implement that is best Using hyphens to avoid ambiguity across a wide range of writing suited for a task Using brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis Making comparisons within and across books Composition Using semi-colons, colons or dashes to mark boundaries Learning a wider range of poetry by heart Plan writing between main clauses Preparing poems and plays to read aloud and to perform, Identify audience for and purpose of writing, selecting Using a colon to introduce a list showing understanding through intonation, tone and volume appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for Punctuating bullet points consistently so that the meaning is clear to an audience their own Use and understand the grammatical terminology in Checking that the book makes sense, discussing Noting and developing initial ideas, drawing on reading and Appendix 2 accurately and appropriately in discussing their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in research where necessary writing and reading. context In writing narratives, considering how authors have developed Asking questions to improve understanding characters and settings in what they have read, listened to or Speaking and Listening Drawing inferences such as inferring characters' feelings, seen performed Listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying Draft and write by: Ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and inferences with evidence Selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding build vocabulary and knowledge Predicting what might happen from details stated and how such choices can change and enhance meaning Articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions implied In narratives, describing settings, characters and atmosphere Give well-structured descriptions and explanations Summarising the main ideas drawn from more than one and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the Maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative paragraph, identifying key details that support the main action conversations, staying on topic and initiating and ideas Précising longer passages responding to comments Identifying how language, structure and presentation Using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within and Use spoken language to develop understanding through contribute to meaning across paragraphs speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas Discuss and evaluate how authors use language, including Using further organisational and presentational devices to Speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of figurative language, considering the impact on the reader structure text and to guide the reader (e.g. headings, bullet Standard English Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion points, underlining) Participate in discussions, presentations, performances

Page 1 of 6 Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction Evaluate and edit by: and debates Participate in discussions about books that are read to Assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing Gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listener(s) them and those they can read for themselves, building on Proposing changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to Consider and evaluate different viewpoints, attending to their own and others’ ideas and challenging views enhance effects and clarify meaning and building on the contributions of others courteously Ensuring the consistent and correct use of tense throughout a Select and use appropriate registers for effective Explain and discuss understanding of what they have read, piece of writing communication including through formal presentations and debates, Ensuring correct subject and verb agreement when using maintaining a focus on the topic and using notes where singular and plural, distinguishing between the language of necessary speech and writing and choosing the appropriate register Provide reasoned justifications for their views Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors Perform their own compositions, using appropriate intonation, volume, and movement so that meaning is clear Wider reading Science – Research Spencer Silver/Ruth Benerito Science – Research Galileo Galilei/Isaac Newon Science – Research David Attenbborough/Jane Goodall and Science – Research Ptolemy/Alhazen/Copernicus RE – Christianity and Islam books Science/SRE - Lucinda and Godfrey cross Science – Research Tim Peake Art – Research Andy Warhol/Pop art curricular text RE – Christianity and Sikhism books links DB Primary homework activity and quiz Topic - Computing – Crimefile database Computing - Cyber Café scenarios/e-safety issues SEAL anti-bullying story/scenario Aspects of Christmas playscript and songs Numeracy Number – number and place value Number – number and place value Geometry – properties of shapes Number – addition and subtraction Statistics Geometry – position and direction Number – multiplication and division Number – multiplication and division Measurement  Count forwards or backwards in steps of powers Number – fractions, decimals and percentages  Distinguish between regular and irregular polygons of 10 for any given number up to 1 000 000  Read Roman numerals to 1000 (M); recognise years based on reasoning about equal sides and angles  Count forwards and backwards in decimal steps written as such  Use the properties of rectangles to deduce  Read, write, order and compare numbers to at  Describe and extend number sequences including related facts and find missing lengths and angles least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each those with multiplication/division steps and where the  Identify 3-D shapes from 2-D representations digit step size is a decimal  Know angles are measured in degrees: estimate  Read, write, order and compare numbers with up  Complete and interpret information in a variety of and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles to 3 decimal places sorting diagrams (including those used to sort  Draw given angles, and measure them in degrees  Identify the value of each digit to three decimal properties of numbers and shapes) (°) places  Complete, read and interpret information in tables and  Identify:  Identify represent and estimate numbers using the timetables - angles at a point and one whole turn (total 360°) number line  Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using  Find 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 100 and other powers of 10 information presented in all types of graph including a  - angles at a point on a straight line and half a more or less than a given number line graph turn (total 180°)  Round decimals with two decimal places to the  Calculate and interpret the mode, median and range - other multiples of 90° nearest whole number and to one decimal place  Identify multiples and factors, including finding all  Describe positions on the first quadrant of a  Multiply/divide whole numbers and decimals by factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two coordinate grid 10, 100 and 1000 numbers  Plot specified points and complete shapes  Interpret negative numbers in context, count on  Recognise and use square (2) and cube (3) numbers, and  Identify, describe and represent the position of and back with positive and negative whole notation a shape following a reflection or translation, numbers, including through zero  Use partitioning to double or halve any number, using the appropriate language, and know that

Page 2 of 6  Round any number up to 1 000 000 to the including decimals to two decimal places the shape has not changed nearest 10, 100, 1000,  Solve problems involving multiplication and division  Use, read and write standard units of length and 10 000 and 100 000 including using their knowledge of factors and mass  Solve number and practical problems that involve multiples, squares and cubes  Estimate (and calculate) volume ((e.g., using 1 cm3 all of the above  Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one- or two-digit blocks to build cuboids (including cubes)) and  Choose an appropriate strategy to solve a number using a formal written method, including long capacity (e.g. using water) calculation based upon the numbers involved (recall multiplication for two-digit numbers  Understand the difference between liquid a known fact, calculate mentally, use a jotting,  Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number volume and solid volume written method) using the formal written method of short division and  Continue to order temperatures including those  Select a mental strategy appropriate for the numbers interpret remainders appropriately for the context below 0°C involved in the calculation  Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and  Convert between different units of metric  Recall and use addition and subtraction facts for 1 convert from one form to the other measure and 10 (with decimal numbers to one decimal place)  Read and write decimal numbers as fractions (e.g. 0.71  Understand and use approximate equivalences  Add and subtract numbers mentally with = between metric units and common imperial units increasingly large numbers and decimals to two such as inches, pounds and pints decimal places  Count on and back in mixed number steps such as 1  Measure/calculate the perimeter of composite  Use rounding to check answers to calculations and  Compare and order fractions whose denominators are rectilinear shapes determine, in the context of a problem, levels of all multiples of the same number (including on a  Calculate and compare the area of rectangle, use accuracy number line) standard units square centimetres (cm2) and  Add and subtract whole numbers with more than  2 Identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a square metres (m ) and estimate the area of 4 digits and decimals with two decimal places, given fraction, represented visually, including tenths irregular shapes including using formal written methods (columnar and hundredths  Continue to read, write and convert time addition and subtraction)  Recognise and use thousandths and relate them to between analogue and digital 12 and 24-hour  Solve addition and subtraction multi-step tenths, hundredths and decimal equivalents clocks problems in contexts, deciding which operations  Add and subtract fractions with denominators that  Solve problems involving converting between and methods to use and why are the same and that are multiples of the same units of time  Solve addition and subtraction problems number (using diagrams)  Use all four operations to solve problems involving missing numbers  Write statements > 1 as a mixed number (e.g. + =  Choose an appropriate strategy to solve a involving measure using decimal notation, calculation based upon the numbers involved (recall =1 ) including scaling a known fact, calculate mentally, use a jotting,  Recognise the per cent symbol (%) and understand written method) that per cent relates to ‘number of parts per  Multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing hundred’, and write percentages as a fraction with upon known facts denominator 100, and as a decimal  Use estimation/inverse to check answers to  Solve problems involving fractions and decimals to calculations; determine, in the context of a problem, three places an appropriate degree of accuracy  Solve problems which require knowing percentage and  Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, decimal equivalents of , , , , and fractions with a multiplication and division and a combination of these, including understanding the meaning of the denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25 equals sign  Solve problems involving multiplication and division, including scaling by simple fractions and problems involving simple rates Science Properties and changes Earth and space Forces including Forces and working scientifically Living things Animals including humans of materials including working continued and their working scientifically scientifically habitats Half termly September / October November/December January/February March/April May/June July/August change

Page 3 of 6 ICT Databases E-safety Coding Graphical Modelling Spreadsheets Flowol programming

On-going: Communicate online safely and recognise uses of IT outside of school Topic Theme Holiday Show – Weather and Climate Ancient Civilisations – Mayan and Greek Rivers and Mountains

DT Design and build an anemometer to measure wind Design and make a Greek artefact out of clay (offerings Chn will design and build a bridge to span the River Tees (possible Transporter Design and make sandals suitable for beach.. to the Gods) Bridge) Design and make Christmas Card Design a chocolate wrapper for a Mayan chocolate bar.

On-going: Design, make, evaluate and apply technical knowledge

Art Holiday Show – Weather and Climate Ancient Civilisations – Mayan and Greek Rivers and Mountains Chn look at landscape art/paintings from range of To create a headdress and face decoration for a Use watercolours to paint picture of River Tees in Yarm. artists. Mayan God using a range of collage materials. To look at and discuss work of a landscape photographer.(Focus-mountains) Chn produce art work in style of chosen artist of a To create descriptive phrases about one of his photographs. To copy/sketch a landscape photograph. Greek landscape. Use pastels to produce picture of a mountain landscape. Create a calendar To use colourful images to create a collage of a mountain range

On-going : Record observations in sketch books, improve mastery of art and learn about great artists, architects and designers throughout history PE Tag rugby coach Orienteering and kwik cricket Athletics and rounders Cross country Swimming and indoor athletics Dance and gymnastics Football On-going: R running, jumping, throwing, and catching Play competitive games Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance Perform dances using a range of movement patterns Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity Compare performance and demonstrate improvement Swim confidently, competently and proficiently over at least 25m, using a range of strokes and perform safe, self-rescue Music Egglescliffe music provision Egglescliffe music provision Egglescliffe music provision Learn and perform songs Learn and perform songs Learn and perform songs Learn and perform Christmas performance songs Compose a jingle using instruments and lyrics to promote Teesside

On-going: Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using voices and playing instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression; improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music; listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory; appreciate and understand a wide range of high quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians; review and evaluate music History Ancient Civilisations – Mayan and Greek Rivers and Mountains To place Greek and Mayan Civilisation into a Chn will: chronology of world history. Learn about the history of the River Tees and how it has changed over times. Learn about the history of Yarm and its importance in connection with the River To develop an awareness of key events in Mayan Tees. history. Know about important historical events of towns and villages alongside the River Use artefacts/archaeological remains to find out Tees and order them chronologically. about life of Mayans and Greeks To know who Tom Brown was and why he is a local hero.(added ready for 2017) Trip Use written evidence to find out about the life of Yarm – heritage trail in town the Mayans (codices)

Page 4 of 6 To find out about daily life of men, women and children In Ancient Greece and Maya and make comparisons.(write a diary/letter) To learn about Mayan beliefs – religious/medical inc. sacrifices. To learn about importance of the gods to the Ancient Greeks. To know about the achievements of important Greeks (scholars, philosophers etc) To identify and record the characteristics and features of buildings in an ancient Greek city state (Athens) To know about Mayan architecture and compare a Mayan settlement to a Greek settlement. To know about the Battle of Marathon, collecting information to write a news report. To know about Mayan discoveries (writing/calendar/number system/chocolate)

On-going: Develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history Geography Holiday Show – Weather and Climate Ancient Civilisations – Mayan and Greek Rivers and Mountains Use atlases and maps to locate holiday destinations. Locate where the Greeks and Mayans settled and Use and understand geographical vocabulary. Identify holiday destinations in UK and locate explain why. Use Google maps and atlases to locate major rivers and mountain ranges of the world and UK. counties and cities of UK. Use OS maps to locate features of mountain areas using 4 and 6 number grid Use atlases and maps to learn about the lines of references, key and symbols. (Lake District) latitude and longitude and id position of countries. Know how mountains are formed. Use maps to locate timezones and calculate times in Describe the characteristics of a mountain region (Alps/Urals/Rockies/Himalayas/Andes/Pyrenees, Appalachian) - different countries. (landscape/activities/weather/People who live there etc) Use atlases, maps, books, holiday brochures and Make comparisons between a mountain area in the World and the other sources to research climates and landscapes, Cumbrian mountains (UK) tourist activities, landmarks etc.of holiday To locate features and key places associated with the River Tees destinations. Describe the features of a river (source,mouth etc) Identify the landscapes the River Tees flows through Use a range of sources to learn about the landscape Produce a linear map of the River Tees. of a European country (Greece) Describe the dangers of mountain regions and rivers. Research tourist activities in Greece Know about and describe/promote tourism in Teesside. Research and learn about the impact of tourism on To know how people use and affect the river (comparison between Tees and society and the effect it has on local people in an Mekong) undeveloped area. Trip Use a range of maps inc OS maps to identify Teesmouth symbols and key features on maps. Produce a simple map/plan of ideal holiday destination using a key and symbols. Plan a trip to an unusual destination (Antarctica/Arctic) for a tourist.

Page 5 of 6 Chn use 8 points of a compass to follow a trail. Use geographical vocabulary relating to weather and climate. Make predictions about weather using maps. Use climate graphs, maps and internet to research weather patterns and produce a visual weather report. Identify how climate of Greece affects the people who live there. To know about extreme weather (hurricane, tornado etc) and how it effects people and places. To understand impact of climate change and global warming.

On-going: Extend knowledge and understanding beyond local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America PSHE Anti bullying RRSA RRSA RRSA RRSA SRE RRSA RRSA RE Sikhism – Places of Chrisianity – Islam – Food, drink and Chrisianity – Christianity, Islam and one other religion – Compare and contrast worship in worship Festivals/Beliefs and leisure Festivals/Beliefs and the home Practices Practices Italian Ongoing: Understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings, in speech and writing, using knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary

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