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Zone Chairperson Training

Instructor Guide: LCI Forward

LCI Forward

Lions Clubs International Page | 1 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward SESSION BACKGROUND

In this session we will take some time to review the components of LCI Forward, our 5 year strategic plan, and discuss how the second vice district governors will lay the foundation for its success. Even before its adoption in June 2016, the details of the plan were shared and refined with the input of Lions from each constitutional area. However, much more work must be done to inform all Lions about the plan and secure their full support and collaboration.

Through this session, we are inviting the second vice district governors to begin to align local goals and action plans with LCI’s primary strategic goal: to triple our service impact by improving the lives of at least 200 million people per year by 2021. The four components of the strategic plan are simple, but they encompass all the areas of club, district and international health of our association. Using LCI Forward to refine local goals and action plans will bring all parts of the association into closer alignment with our bold strategic international goals.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

 Identify LCI Forward’s four areas of focus  Describe the four major international strategic initiatives  Convey how district priorities can align with LCI Forward’s areas of focus

Lions Clubs International Page | 2 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward SESSION PREPARATION


 Instructor Guide  Participant Manual  PowerPoint slides  Link to: and select language subtitles from the Settings Menu


 Computer  Projector and screen


Refer to Activity Record on Participant Flip Chart Manual

Lions Clubs International Page | 3 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward SESSION TIMELINE

Component Overview of Instruction Materials

Activity: Cross Your Arms INTRODUCTION Presentation: Session PowerPoint (10:00) Overview LCI Forward Video

Presentation: LCI Forward PowerPoint MODULE 1: LCI Forward Participant Manual (15:00)

Presentation/Discussion: PowerPoint MODULE 2: Aligning Applying LCI Forward Your District Plans with Participant Manual LCI Forward Activity: Individual Reflection (53:00) and Sharing Ideas

CONCLUSION Presentation: Session PowerPoint Summary (2:00)

Total Time: 80:00

INTRODUCTION Lions Clubs International Page | 4 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward Total Time: 10:00 ACTIVITY: CROSS YOUR ARMS (5:00) This quick and simple activity will help participants explore how change makes them feel. During this session, participants will be introduced to the details of LCI Forward, LCI’s 5-year strategic plan. They will be asked to begin the process of aligning their local goals and plans with the components of LCI Forward. Recognizing the emotional responses to changes, even small changes, will help them lead this process more effectively.

Ask participants to cross their arms over their chests (as if they are waiting for something).

Next, ask participants to fold their arms the opposite way or to switch which arm goes on top. Many people will struggle with this second step.

Debrief the activity with the following questions: •How did it feel when you were asked to cross your arms the other way? •Did it come naturally or did you have to stop and think about it? •Were you comfortable with doing this differently from your normal process? •What are some things that make people resistant to change?

Transition LCI Forward, our 5-year strategic plan, will lead Lions into our second century of service. This overarching, international plan may challenge us to shift how we think about our local goals and activities. As we just explored, even the smallest changes can cause some discomfort. Recognizing and acknowledging this will make us better, more effective leaders. Let’s begin our exploration of LCI Forward with a video.

Play LCI Forward Plan video. Be sure to have this ready to play before the session begins.


Lions Clubs International Page | 5 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward Show Display Slide 1: LCI Forward

State While we will spend much time looking back fondly at our past, it is also a time to look ahead to our next century and determine what we want the world to know about our great association. This requires planning, collaboration, vision and courage. You will play an important role in moving our association forward in this new, exciting direction.

State In this session we will take some time to review the components of LCI Forward, our 5 year strategic plan, and how you will continue to lay the foundation for its success. Then you will have an opportunity to discuss how these components can impact the way priorities are set for your district.

Show Display Slide 2: Session Objectives

Lions Clubs International Page | 6 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward State By the end of this session you will be able to:

 Identify LCI Forward’s four areas of focus  Describe the four major international strategic initiatives  Convey how district priorities can align with LCI Forward’s areas of focus

Lions Clubs International Page | 7 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward MODULE 1: LCI Forward Total Time: 15:00


State Over the last two years, the international board of directors has gathered input from tens of thousands of Lions in every area of the world. This input has been invaluable in helping to create goals for our future. Today I would like to share with you our new strategic plan, LCI Forward.

State It began with an audacious goal. What do we want to accomplish and, more importantly, why do we exist? No matter where we travel to or who we meet, when we ask Lions the question, “Why do we exist?” the answer is the same. “We exist to serve!” This is a constant. Based on this we knew our audacious goal needed to relate to our level of service. We also knew that it had to be bold and challenge the Lions.

Show Display Slide 3: Strategic Goals 2016-2020

State Last year, clubs around the world reported serving more than 68 million people. What if we could double this in the next five years? Not challenging enough?

What if we tripled it? What if we could, by 2021, serve more than 200 million people every year? That would be audacious, and that is exactly what we have challenged ourselves to do.

Show Display Slide 4: Supporting Goals Lions Clubs International Page | 8 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward

State To achieve this audacious goal we needed to establish some supporting goals. These goals include:  Develop an updated global service framework to launch in June 2017  Become the best-known brand for voluntary service across the world  Achieve best-in-class services to members, clubs, districts and the association  Develop new and innovative ways to engage people in humanitarian service  Enhance the value of being a Lion by continually expanding member benefits, leadership training, and member services

State We knew these goals would require hard work, discipline and focus. We needed a road map, a plan to help us get there. LCI Forward was developed to provide that road map, that guide to get Lions around the world to work together to achieve our mutual goals.

Show Display Slide 5: Four Areas of Focus

State The next step in this plan was to develop areas of focus. So we developed what we call the strategy wheel. The wheel defines the Lions Clubs International Page | 9 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward focus areas and provides a structure for our actions over the next 5 years.

In no particular order the four areas of focus are:

 Enhance Service Impact and Focus – Developed with the belief if we create more focused and impactful service initiatives, our organization will continue to grow, thrive and most importantly serve more people.

 Reshape Public Opinion and Improve Visibility – We no longer want to be the world’s best kept secret. The world should know about our work, the impact we are having and that they can join us in serving humanity.

 Pursue Club, District and Organizational Excellence – To achieve our audacious goal of tripling our service impact, our organization must remain strong at every level. We must be dedicated and diligent about the quality of our organization. We must support our Lions in every way and at every level. We must not only be the biggest humanitarian service organization, but also the best and most well run organization.

 Improve Membership Value and Reach New Markets – To serve more, we need more Lions, which means we need to keep a laser focus on the value of being a Lion. The experience must be such that we can reach new markets whether it be more young people, women or new and emerging parts of the world. Lions should be accessible and valuable to everyone. This can only be accomplished though innovation.

Show Display Slide 6: Four Overarching Strategic Initiatives

State The wheel is a great guide but as you can see it is philosophical. In order to be successful, the international board understood that we would also need a plan that was actionable. After much discussion

Lions Clubs International Page | 10 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward and deliberation with Lions around the world, the international association developed four overarching strategic initiatives to support the four areas of focus. These are four actionable areas that we are dedicated to at the international level.

Show Display Slide 7; Overarching Strategic Initiatives


Let’s discuss these for a moment.

1. Launch an updated global humanitarian cause by the 2017 Centennial Convention – Completed! - While we will always be Knights of the Blind, we want the world to know that we are more than that. We know the world is changing and evolving as are the needs of humanity. Many of you have participated in our global service assessment to help determine our future service focus and signature cause. More than 50,000 Lions have provided input as well as world humanitarian leaders.

2. Implement a strategic marketing plan to enhance public appeal – As an organization we have never had a global strategic marketing plan. We know that in order to achieve our goals the world must know what we do and why we do it. We also understand that one size does not fit all and that our marketing needs to be regionalized and culturally relevant. We are committed to both.

3. Strengthen clubs and districts worldwide through a comprehensive quality improvement program – Our commitment to Lions and Lion leaders around the world is quality and excellence. To be the best, we must operate as the best. We need to make it easy to serve with as few barriers as possible. A quality improvement program will be designed to increase efficiency and make it easier for Lions and clubs to serve humanity. The newly revised Club Quality Initiative and

Lions Clubs International Page | 11 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward the launch of the Global Action Team are both achievements in this area.

4. Develop new products and innovations that allow more people to engage in service through LCI – Finally, we must innovate. We must change. We cannot stand still. As great as our organization has been for the past 100 years; to thrive in our next century of service we must offer diverse, flexible and innovative ways to serve. Over the next five years we are committed to developing new models and programs that reach new markets and provide opportunities for service to those who had not considered joining us in the past.

Show Display Slide 8: Action Plans

State Then of course we must take action. A plan is only as good as the actions we take. So the next step in LCI Forward is for every department at international headquarters, every committee of the board, and ultimately, each multiple district, district, and even every club to develop action plans that help us achieve our audacious goal of tripling the number of lives we serve.

Show Display Slide 9: Status

Lions Clubs International Page | 12 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward

State Finally, here is the status of where we are in the process. The process began with extensive analysis and assessing our strengths and weaknesses. We then went on to formulate the areas of focus and draft some bold goals.

Next we worked with Lions around the world through focus groups at forums and surveys to validate these goals. Once the wheel was developed, we went out and got feedback from Lions and continued to refine and revise based on all the feedback we received.

The final plan was presented, and approved by the international board at the June 2016 long range planning meeting. This year we will continue work on developing strategic plans and supporting programs.

Our goal is to share this plan with Lions of the world, to engage them in the global work of our association. To be clear, we are not asking Lions to change the way we serve our communities. Where there is a need we will continue to fill it. However, as an organization if we can move together in one direction we can and will change the world. Transition The strategic plan, with its four areas of focus, was designed and approved by Lions worldwide as a comprehensive structure to guide us into our next century of service and enable us to reach our audacious goal.

For the remainder of the session, let’s begin to explore the various district activities that can fit into each area of focus and where your current district activities fit into this international plan. While full implementation at the district and club level is still to come, you can begin to set the stage for this change in your work this year. MODULE 2: Aligning Your District Plans with LCI Forward Total Time: 53:00

Lions Clubs International Page | 13 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward


Show Display Slide 10: A Closer Look

Ask Now that we have seen the international overview of LCI Forward, how do you think aligning your district priorities with these four areas of focus could benefit the Lions of your district?

Allow several participants to respond. You can go through each of the four areas or just ask for general responses.

Let’s take some time to discuss how you can utilize the LCI strategy wheel when helping your first vice district governor develop district action plans.

Show Display Slide 11: Determining District Priorities

Lions Clubs International Page | 14 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward

State First, when aligning district planning with LCI Forward and the strategy wheel there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

 Be realistic in what can be achieved. Setting only one or two priorities within each focus area will allow the district to achieve the best results and not be overwhelmed by the plan.

 Think long-term. A direction is being set for the next several years. Therefore, it is critical the district governor’s team and other leaders work together to ensure continuity of the district’s priorities during the duration of LCI Forward.

 Focus on member experience. Consider the opportunities and challenges of the majority of clubs when setting priorities. In the end this plan needs to be for them. What will clubs embrace? What will they get excited about?

State Next, the district should brainstorm ideas. New priorities may need to be developed that emphasize the areas of focus or think about how existing priorities align with the four areas.

Show Display Slide 12: Enhance Service Impact & Focus

Lions Clubs International Page | 15 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward

State Since we are all here together, let’s begin the brainstorming process. Consider the first area of focus, Enhancing Service Impact & Focus.

Ask Ask yourself: How should your district’s humanitarian service evolve?

Think about some of the possible district priorities that could be in the area of service impact and focus. Remember to keep it achievable, long-term and club focused. What comes to mind?

Allow 4-5 participants to respond.

Capture responses on a flip chart/white board.

Refer participants to page 4 in their Participant Manual where they can record responses.

Some possible priorities could be: (Share points that do not come up in discussion)  Increase the number of clubs reporting and sharing their service on MyLCI  Recognize the top ten clubs impacting the most lives  Challenge clubs to serve together on the same day, for example, a 'Super Service Sunday' or similar event  Promote special club service achievements in the district's newsletter and e-sites

Show Display Slide 13: Reshape Public Opinion & Improve Visibility

Lions Clubs International Page | 16 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward

State The next area is focused on improving the visibility of Lions in every district of the world.

Ask What are the best and most creative ways to promote Lions’ image in the district?

There are many ways you can approach this but keep in mind we really want our clubs to engage in activities that increase our visibility.

Allow 4-5 participants to respond.

Capture responses on a flip chart/white board.

Refer participants to page 4 in their Participant Manual where they can record responses.

Some possible examples could be: (Share points that do not come up in discussion)  Appoint a district marketing communications chairperson  Task the district marketing communications chairperson with contacting clubs within the district and create a district marketing communications calendar  Does your district have a Facebook page? If not, consider creating one to facilitate communications to Lions within the district and to reach an external audience  Extend an invitation to media within your district to meet with them to discuss Lions activities, and educate the media about major Lions projects in the district


Lions Clubs International Page | 17 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward Display Slide 14: Pursue Club, District & Organizational Excellence

State Our goal is for organizational excellence at every level of the organization. The next area of focus places emphases on just that.

Ask What district services to members and clubs would foster excellence and aid retention?

Retention is a tricky subject since most of the member experience happens at the club level. However, what priorities could be adopted to make the member experience better and achieve the excellence you strive for?

Allow 4-5 participants to respond.

Capture responses on a flip chart/white board.

Refer participants to page 5 in their Participant Manual where they can record responses.

Some possible priorities could be: (Share points that do not come up in discussion)  Set goal for number of clubs using “Your Club, Your Way” to improve member satisfaction and update club operations  Create a plan to improve district conventions and events to boost attendance and be of practical value to clubs  Set priorities for Club Officer Training  Challenge clubs to implement club websites and social media channels as needed  Update and reinvigorate new member process  Identify clubs that are having retention challenges; suggest new approaches

Lions Clubs International Page | 18 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward Show Display Slide 15: Improve Membership Value & Reach New Markets

State Finally we want to grow. We want every Lion to see the value in membership and we want to reach new Lions that will help us triple our overall service impact.

State What are the primary membership needs and opportunities in your district?

How can you capitalize on these opportunities?

Allow 4-5 participants to respond.

Capture responses on a flip chart/white board.

Refer participants to page 5 in their Participant Manual where they can record responses.

Some possible priorities could be: (Share points that do not come up in discussion)  Evaluate how district compares to LCI for women’s membership.  Challenge Lions to form new clubs to be on par or outpacing dropped clubs.  Develop a plan to attract more young people and graduating Leos  Aim for a majority of clubs to be inviting new members

Transition Clearly, the answers to these questions will be different for each district because each district faces its own challenges and opportunities. However, brainstorming allowed us to see the

Lions Clubs International Page | 19 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward various actions that can be taken to help align district plans with LCI Forward.


State For the next 10 minutes please reflect on the ideas we gathered for each area of focus and think about your own district. Are there any additional ideas for your district that were not mentioned? Are there existing activities/programs in your district that can align with one of the focus areas?

On page 6 of your Participant Manual write down one or two ideas for your district within each area of focus. You can discuss these ideas with your first vice district governor as they develop the district goals and action plans for your district this year. When you are finished you will have time to share your thoughts with others.

Allow participants to work independently to decide on which ideas would be most effective for their district.

Call time after 10 minutes.

Divide participants into groups of 3-4 people. Allow them 8 minutes to share their plans with one another.

Transition As you can see from this activity, LCI Forward presents a shift in the way we think about our district priorities and plans. It will help you to better lead the Lions of your district and prepare them for the changes to come.

Lions Clubs International Page | 20 Instructor Guide: LCI Forward CONCLUSION Total Time: 2:00


State Any change to the way things are done can be met with resistance. We all must work as a team to move Lions Clubs International into the next century.

As you help to lay the groundwork for LCI Forward in your district, remember, LCI Forward is a living, breathing plan. It is meant to be adjusted and tailored to your district over the upcoming years. Begin by working with your first vice district governor to set priorities that are achievable, have a long term focus and focus on clubs. Be creative and flexible. Use LCI Forward as a guide and together we will triple the number of lives we impact across the globe.

Show Display Slide 16: Session Objectives

Ask Have we met our objectives for this session?

Conclude the session by asking participants to complete the session evaluation.

Lions Clubs International Page | 21

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