Subcommittee 6 Report

Update April 19, 2005 Identifying the data that are currently available  M. Cohen currently collecting hydrologic and water quality data from web sources, SRWMD, USGS etc. see working document

 Meeting April 14, 2005 with Tom Greenlaugh, Rick Copeland, Rick Green (FL Geol Survey), Jon Martin, M. Cohen, K. McKee./ o We learned a new word: swallette where stream is swallowed into the ground.

From T. Greenlaugh – tasks, description o FAVA- Statewide, Alachua County both maps and reports. – Greenhalgh They made coverages of the 3 aquifers, probably by county – Robin Hubbard of Alachua County EPD would know. o Trends (Spring water quality). – Copeland o FL/GA Geology. – Copeland/T. Scott o National Drastic web address. – Greenhalgh o STATEMAP Geology Map Gainesville West hardcopy. – Greenhalgh - these chosen based on annual MAC meetings National Cooperative Mapping Program o Link to borehole data. – Greenhalgh Rick Green will tell us how to use the website. 1,800 in the warehouse, 20% described No map of borehole locations yet – working on it. Info Circ. 103 (out of print) discusses up to late 70s. Ron Ceryak copied this to SRWMD so they have best locational data. Rick Green says download data from FGS and SRWMD. They do 6-10 boreholes per year. o Springs Quarterly Sampling data. – Means 13 springs, 8-10 wells , 10-12 years of data; Hornsby has the raw data. Copeland does analysis on subset of the springs that are monitored.

 K. McKee to mesonet conference in Jacksonville FL to learn about available weather data sources. Met with Paul Ruscher, Pat Welch there. See for current list of data. Got feedback from D. Bosch, P. Welch and G. Mahon on weather data. P. Welch will supply info on results of the mesonet workshop. Included J. Jacobs ET model work.

 CUAHSI HIS conference in Austin, TX.

 3/3/05 K. McKee and M. Cohen visited USGS – Tallahassee.

Update March 8th, 2005 This is a first draft of the Subcommittee 6 report. This particular committee is not charged with science questions per se, but does need to contribute to identifying core data requirements. We also will provide, by the end of the proposal process, a list of personnel/computing/instrumentation capacity within the HO team, and what needs the HO will fill.

Overarching Question for the Suwannee River HO How can we most efficiently link the research and educational communities with the data resources for the entire Suwannee River basin?

Specific Goals - Identify the data that are currently available. Develop a common data model for their dissemination and quality control. - Define which data are necessary for supporting research and education efforts in the Suwannee Basin. - Develop cyber-architecture that will link partner institutions and agencies through the Hydrologic Observatory. Allow parallel/GRID computing, high bandwidth data transmission, data telemetry and processing, software capability and database design to organize and disseminate relevant information to users.

Core Data Requirements The core data requirements of the HO require calibrating our research and education questions. However, we have been compiling numerous data sources that will clearly form the backbone of the data repository of the HO (so-called foundational data). These data (spatial, temporal, references) are being compiled into a master database that will soon be searchable. Data, primarily spatial, compiled for the basin are available at Additional data capacity includes access the USGS NWIS data for flow and water quality information from throughout the Suwannee Basin, SRWMD’s WARN data (groundwater wells, lake and river stage data)

Personnel, Computing and Instrumentation We’ve made little progress being specific about this section. More will follow (upon return from the HIS symposium). In particular, we have started a survey of the entire HO team to identify what instrumentation are available and what they collect.