7509757170160148 General Medicine - August 2010

Question block created by wizard vraag 1. What is not a diagnostic tool?  Radiotherapy.  Endoscopy.  MRI.  X-ray.

vraag 2. What is a major task of the radiologist?  To diagnose diseases by obtaining ECGs and EEGs.  To diagnose diseases by obtaining and interpreting medical images.  To provide radioactive iodine to patients who suffer from thyroid disorders.  To provide radiation therapy to cancer patients.

vraag 3. What is meant with the term 'systemic disease'?  Disturbances in the general circulation of the blood through the body.  A disease in which a complication triggers a chain of other complications.  A disease that affects a number of organs and tissues, or the whole body.  Disorders related to the respiratory system.

vraag 4. What will the diagnostic tests normally show when a patient has viral pneumonia?  Faint and widely scattered white streaks or patches on the X-ray, low peripheral WBC count, sparse bacteria and a dominance of monocytes in the sputum culture.  A dense white patch on the X-ray, low peripheral WBC count, sparse bacteria and a dominance of monocytes in the sputum culture.  Faint and widely scattered white streaks or patches on the X-ray, extremely high peripheral WBC count, and weak or absent respiration sounds with auscultation.  Scattered white streaks or patches on the X-ray, extremely high peripheral WBC count, sparse bacteria and a dominance of monocytes in the sputum culture.

vraag 5. What is the main characteristic of COPD?  High fever.  Enlarged lung volume.  Fluid in the lungs.  None of the answers is true.

vraag 6. In which disorder is fever one of the main symptoms?  Pneumonia.  Pneumothorax.  Asthma.  COPD.

vraag 7. Asbestos is a main risk factor for A. Pulmonary Oedema B. Pneumonia C. Pneumothorax x. Pneumoconiosis

Page 1 7509757170160148 General Medicine - August 2010 vraag 8. The vital capacity (VC) of a young man is approximately  1500 mL.  3000 mL.  4500 mL.  6000 mL.

vraag 9. Bronchial hyperactivity is mostly present in  bronchitis.  asthma.  emphysema.  pneumonia.

vraag 10. What is a symptom of pneumothorax?  Increased chest pain.  Skin eczema.  Itchiness.  Hypertension.

vraag 11. Pneumonia is an infection of the alveoli and surrounding tissues and can be caused by... (select the best answer)  a bacterium and a virus.  a bacterium, a virus and a fungus.  a bacterium, a virus, a fungus, and a tumor.  a bacterium, a virus, a fungus, a tumor, and aspiration.

Case description A young woman, aged 22 years, visits the emergency department of a hospital with hematemesis. Quick physical examinations show signs of shock (cold extremities, weak and rapid pulse). After applying an advanced trauma life support, the shock and the bleeding has stopped. Urgent endoscopy shows bleeding of oesophageal varices. After conducting several examinations, as a physician, you are sure that the diagnosis is oesophageal bleeding due to liver cirrhosis.

The following questions are based on the case described above. vraag 12. Case question 1: What is the underlying mechanism of oesophageal varices?  Hyperbilirubinemia.  Intracranial hypertension.  Portal hypertension.  Ulcers in the oesophagus.

vraag 13. Case question 2: Which symptom is not common in oesophageal varices?  Spleen enlargement (splenomegaly).  Fever.  Haemorrhoids.  Jaundice.

vraag 14. Case question 3:

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What is the complication of liver cirrhosis that you should be aware of?  Arterial hypertension.  Liver encephalopathy.  Nephrotic syndrome  Hepatitis B infection.

vraag 15. Which of the statements below is/are true? I. A sexually promiscuous life is a risk factor for liver cirrhosis. II. Hepatitis B infection is a risk factor for liver cirrhosis.  Only statement I is true.  Only statement II is true.  Both statements are true.  None of the statements is true.

vraag 16. Dark urine and discolored stools are indications for a problem with the  thyroid gland.  pancreas.  gallbladder.  kidneys.

vraag 17. Formation or presence of gallstones in the gallbladder is a typical problem of  hepatitis.  liver cirrhosis.  cholelitiasis.  cholecystitis.

vraag 18. Which of the symptoms below is related to the gastrointestinal tract?  Aphasia.  Paresthesia.  Dyspnoea.  Dysphagia.

vraag 19. How does the disease pattern of ulcerative colitis generally look like? Ulcerative collitis...  develops immediately into a condition with mild and severe symptoms.  develops gradually into a condition with severe symptoms.  is asymptomatic at the beginning; only at the end stage of the disease the patient has severe symptoms.  is generally asymptomatic, but once in a while the patient has severe symptoms.

vraag 20. What is a main symptom in peptic ulcer disease?  Diarrhoea, sometimes with blood.  Flare-ups with diarrhea, high fever, and peritonitis.  Heartburn accompanied by regurgitation.  Burning epigastric pain exacerbated by fasting and improved with meals.

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