Grosse Ile Municipal Airport s1

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Grosse Ile Municipal Airport s1

Commerce Park Commission Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2010



PRESENT: Peter Kantz (Liaison), Walter Stoll, James Weaks (Vice Chairman), Ron Moran (Chairman), Gregg Barton EXCUSED: Chris Mans ALSO PRESENT: Derek Thiel (Airfield/Commerce Park Manager), Jon Wycoff (Airport Intern)

1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Call to Order: Moran called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Grosse Ile Township Hall, 2nd Floor Board Room. 3. Approval of Agenda – additions/deletions: Weaks motioned to approve the agenda with the addition of Item 12 – Executive Session, with support from Mans. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4. Approval/Correction to Minutes - Regular meeting of December 21, 2009 Weaks motioned to approve the meeting minutes of December 21, 2009 as presented with support from Kantz. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 5. Financial Reports: December 2009 Thiel: Expenditures are $45,000.00 higher than revenue. Fuel farm revenues and expenditures are below where they should be for this time, a factor of decreased fuel sales and aviation traffic. Motion made by Weaks with support from Barton to receive and place on file the November 2009 financial report as submitted. All ayes. Motion carried.

6. Manager’s Report: a. Building 63 Inside Storage Thiel: These reports will be seen monthly Thiel: The tenant has paid his responsibilities for his utilities ahead of time, prior to tax season. Moran: What is the minimum length of storage? Thiel: Month to month, but the rate is higher. Moran: What percent of the building is full, based on September information? Thiel: Just over 50% b. Budget Process

1 Commerce Park Commission Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2010 Thiel: Will put together draft budget for next month’s meeting. The next fiscal year starts in April. We should have a study session or meeting. Moran: Recommends a special study session c. Brooklynair Account and Fueler Agreement Thiel: Brooklynair is one of our past due accounts. We (Thiel/Weaks) met with them 2 weeks ago, and with the Commission’s approval, would like to implement a new fueling process in February where Brooklynair would be given a fuel card and swipe it in the card reader ahead of the end user/consumer. This would allow the GIMA to track transactions better, and we wouldn’t be extending an unlimited line of credit to the FBO. Weaks: This eliminates credit risk and improves our cash flow. Thiel: This is a win/win situation

7. Action Items a. Building 75 Lease Approval Weaks: When does the tenant start to pick up utility costs? Thiel: When they start to occupy the facility for renovations. Based upon a recommendation from the Grosse Ile Airport/Commerce Park Manager, the Grosse Ile Airport Commerce Park Commission hereby approves a lease between Payette and Associates, Inc. and Grosse Ile Municipal Airport. A formal lease will be developed pending approval by the Commission. Terms of the proposed lease agreement are listed in the “History, Purpose, and Explanation” section of this resolution. Motioned by Weaks, supported by Kantz. All ayes. Motion carried.

b. Pictures in Motion Lease Moran: Why doesn’t their space need to be contiguous? Thiel: They run 2 different types of operations out of separate suites. Weaks: Are there going to be any provisions for more severe penalties if the payment schedule isn’t adhered to. Thiel: The new lease has a more substantial penalty, 3% above prime. Based upon a recommendation from the Grosse Ile Airport/Commerce Park Manager, the Grosse Ile Airport Commerce Park Commission hereby approves a lease between Grosse Ile Municipal Airport and Pictures in Motion. A formal lease will be developed pending approval by the Commission. Terms of the proposed lease agreement are listed in the “History, Purpose, and Explanation” section of this resolution. Motioned by Weaks, supported by Stoll. All ayes. Motion carried. c. Millennium Technologies Lease Thiel: We received the 3 quotes for the final bid, the winning bid is $2100.00. You will see a decrease of about $400.00 for improvements needing to be done. The 2nd page diagram outlines the space going to be utilized by the tenant. Moran: Who was the winning bidder? Thiel: J. & G. Based upon a recommendation from the Grosse Ile Airport/Commerce Park Manager, the Grosse Ile Airport Commerce Park Commission hereby approves an addendum to the lease dated 7/20/2009 between Millennium Digital Technologies LLC. and Grosse Ile Municipal Airport. The addendum will address an increase in space occupied and a lengthening of the term of the agreement. Motioned by Weaks, supported by Kantz. All ayes. Motion carried.

d. Sponsor Contract SRE Equipment Recommendation Thiel: The airport participates in a federal level airport improvement program. We pay 2.5% of program costs, and the sponsor contract obligates us to pay for our share of the project. We are seeing contract after the fact because last years taxi project went into the time period for this project. We were given the go ahead on the tractor project but the sponsor contract couldn’t be authorized until the taxi project was closed. Moran: So we have a project cost of $171,700.00 with a cost to us of only $4,293.00.

2 Commerce Park Commission Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2010 Thiel: Yes, and it will save money in the long run on personnel costs. It’s a great multi-seasonal piece of equipment Weaks: expressed that he thought the process was flawed originally, but is in favor of the project now. Based upon a recommendation from the Grosse Ile Airport/Commerce Park Manager, the Grosse Ile Airport Commerce Park Commission hereby recommends to the Grosse Ile Township Board the approval of Sponsor Contract NO. 2010-0104 between the Township of Grosse Ile and the Michigan Department of Transportation. Motioned by Weaks, supported by Kantz. All ayes. Motion carried. 8. Sub-Committee Reports: NONE 9. Discussion Items: Weaks: Advises to schedule a meeting with Duckett and the Commission on the next phases of his project. 10. Chairman’s Report: NONE 11. Public Comment: NONE 12. Executive Session: Motion to enter into Executive Session by Kantz with support from Weaks at 7:30p.m. All ayes motion carried. (Regular meeting reconvened at 8:01 p.m.) 13. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Weaks with support from Barton at 8:02p.m. All Ayes. Motion Carried.


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